216 research outputs found

    EDMD Collaboration and Virtual Prototyping

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    Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) requires new tools for collaborating electronic and mechanic design phases in its product development. In the first part of this thesis will be introduced Electrical Data Mechanical Data (EDMD) application; the software will be tested within a project to resolve tool’s possibilities and challenges from NSN’s point of view. Results of the study will be used for deciding further usage of the tool. Secondly the thesis will study virtual prototyping as a new working method and also related simulation tools. Tested EDMD tool is one module of the simulation environment. Virtual prototyping will be tested within real product development process and experiences of team members will be utilized to improve NSN’s practices. EDMD tool’s suitability for NSN’s development was tested during short but intensive testing period. Tests were carried out by five experts according to pre-decided testing plan. Virtual prototyping was trialed in project of which team members were instructed to use the new way of working. Simulation tools were tested in same project and collected testing data was analyzed with experts. Testing of EDMD tool succeeded despite of the tide schedule. Tool support was excellent and majority of problems was solved swiftly enabling performance of all planned testing tasks. EDMD tool clearly has potentiality as in addition of visual aid it improves communication between separate design modules. Also new practice of using virtual prototyping received positive feedback from the project team. As a result of the study a conclusive report was presented to NSN for further actions.Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) tarvitsee tuotekehitykseensä uusia työkaluja elektroniikka- ja mekaniikkasuunnittelun yhdistämiseen. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa esitellään Electrical Data Mechanical Data (EDMD) sovellus, suoritetaan testaus projektilla ja selvitetään työkalun mahdollisuudet ja haasteet NSN:n käyttöympäristöä ajatellen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kerättyä tietoa hyödynnetään jatkotoimenpiteistä päätettäessä muun muassa työkalun laajemman käyttöönoton osalta. Toinen osa tutkimuksesta käsittelee virtuaalista prototyyppien kehittämistä toimintatapana ja siinä käytettäviä simulointityökaluja. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittu EDMD-työkalu on yksi osa simulointiympäristöä. Tavoitteena on testata virtuaalista prototyyppien tekemistä oikeassa tuotekehitysprojektissa ja saada siitä käyttökokemusta NSN:n toimintatapojen kehittämiseksi. EDMD-työkalun testaus ja sopivuus NSN:n ympäristöön suoritettiin lyhyen mutta intensiivisen testijakson aikana. Testaus suoritettiin NSN:n ympäristössä ennalta mietittyjen testaussuunnitelmien mukaan viiden asiantuntijan ryhmässä. Virtuaalinen prototyyppien kehittäminen suoritettiin oikealla projektilla; projektiin osallistuvat työntekijät ohjeistettiin uuteen toimintamalliin ja simulointityökaluilla kerätty testausdata analysoitiin asiantuntijoiden kanssa. EDMD-työkalun testaus onnistui hyvin tiukasta aikataulusta huolimatta. Hyvän työkalutuen avulla suurin osa ongelmista ratkaistiin nopeasti ja kaikki testaussuunnitelman kohdat ehdittiin käydä läpi. EDMD-työkalussa on selkeästi potentiaalia, sillä visuaalisen avun lisäksi se mahdollistaa paremman kommunikoinnin eri suunnittelualueiden välillä. Myös koeponnistettu toimintatapa virtuaalisesta prototyypin kehityksestä sai positiivista palautetta projektiryhmältä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena laadittiin raportti NSN:lle jatkosuunnitelmien toteuttamista varten

    An approach to resource modelling in support of the life cycle engineering of enterprise systems

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    Enterprise modelling can facilitate the design, analysis, control and construction of contemporary enterprises which can compete in world-wide Product markets. This research involves a systematic study of enterprise modelling with a particular focus on resource modelling in support of the life cycle engineering of enterprise systems. This led to the specification and design of a framework for resource modelling. This framework was conceived to: classify resource types; identify the different functions that resource modelling can support, with respect to different life phases of enterprise systems; clarify the relationship between resource models and other modelling perspectives provide mechanisms which link resource models and other types of models; identify guidelines for the capture of information - on resources, leading to the establishment of a set of resource reference models. The author also designed and implemented a resource modelling tool which conforms to the principles laid down by the framework. This tool realises important aspects of the resource modeffing concepts so defined. Furthermore, two case studies have been carried out. One models a metal cutting environment, and the other is based on an electronics industry problem area. In this way, the feasibility of concepts embodied in the framework and the design of the resource modelling tool has been tested and evaluated. Following a literature survey and preliminary investigation, the CIMOSA enterprise modelling and integration methodology was adopted and extended within this research. Here the resource modelling tool was built by extending SEWOSA (System Engineering Workbench for Open System Architecture) and utilising the CIMBIOSYS (CINI-Building Integrated Open SYStems) integrating infrastructure. The main contributions of the research are that: a framework for resource modelling has been established; means and mechanisms have been proposed, implemented and tested which link and coordinate different modelling perspectives into an unified enterprise model; the mechanisms and resource models generated by this research support each Pfe phase of systems engineering projects and demonstrate benefits by increasing the degree to which the derivation process among models is automated

    Design and development of auxiliary components for a new two-stroke, stratified-charge, lean-burn gasoline engine

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    A unique stepped-piston engine was developed by a group of research engineers at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), from 2003 to 2005. The development work undertaken by them engulfs design, prototyping and evaluation over a predetermined period of time which was iterative and challenging in nature. The main objective of the program is to demonstrate local R&D capabilities on small engine work that is able to produce mobile powerhouse of comparable output, having low-fuel consumption and acceptable emission than its crankcase counterpart of similar displacement. A two-stroke engine work was selected as it posses a number of technological challenges, increase in its thermal efficiency, which upon successful undertakings will be useful in assisting the group in future powertrain undertakings in UTM. In its carbureted version, the single-cylinder aircooled engine incorporates a three-port transfer system and a dedicated crankcase breather. These features will enable the prototype to have high induction efficiency and to behave very much a two-stroke engine but equipped with a four-stroke crankcase lubrication system. After a series of analytical work the engine was subjected to a series of laboratory trials. It was also tested on a small watercraft platform with promising indication of its flexibility of use as a prime mover in mobile platform. In an effort to further enhance its technology features, the researchers have also embarked on the development of an add-on auxiliary system. The system comprises of an engine control unit (ECU), a directinjector unit, a dedicated lubricant dispenser unit and an embedded common rail fuel unit. This support system was incorporated onto the engine to demonstrate the finer points of environmental-friendly and fuel economy features. The outcome of this complete package is described in the report, covering the methodology and the final characteristics of the mobile power plant

    Acquisition and reconstruction of 3D objects for robotic machining

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    With the evolution of the techniques of acquisition of Three-Dimensional (3D) image it became possible to apply these in more and more areas, as well as to be used for research and hobbyists due to the appearance of low cost 3D scanners. Among the application of 3D acquisitions is the reconstruction of objects, which allows for example to redo or remodel an existing object that is no longer on the market. Another rise tech is industrial robot, that is highly present in the industry and can perform several tasks, even machining activities, and can be applied in more than one type of operation. The purpose of this work is to acquire a 3D scene with low-cost scanners and use this acquisition to create the tool path for roughing a workpiece, using an industrial robot for this machining task. For the acquisition, the Skanect software was used, which had satisfactory results for the work, and the exported file of the acquisition was worked on the MeshLab and Meshmixer software, which were used to obtain only the interest part for the milling process. With the defined work object, it was applied in Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, Fusion 360, to generate the tool path for thinning in G-code, which was converted by the RoboDK software to robot code, and this also allowed to make simulation of the machining with the desired robot. With the simulation taking place as expected, it was implemented in practice, performing the 3D acquisition machining, thus being able to verify the machining technique used. Furthermore, with the results of acquire, generation of toolpath and machining, was possible to validate the proposed solution and reach a conclusion of possible improvements for this project.Com a evolução das técnicas de aquisição de imagem 3D tornou-se possível aplicá-las em cada vez mais áreas, bem como serem utilizadas por pesquisadores e amadores devido ao surgimento de scanners 3D de baixo custo. Entre as aplicações de aquisições 3D está a reconstrução de objetos, o que permite, por exemplo, refazer ou remodelar um objeto existente que não está mais no mercado. Outra tecnologia em ascensão é o robô industrial, que está muito presente na indústria e pode realizar diversas tarefas, até mesmo atividades de fabrico, e ser aplicado em mais de um tipo de operação. O objetivo deste trabalho é adquirir uma cena 3D com scanners de baixo custo e utilizar esta aquisição para criar o caminho da ferramenta para o desbaste de uma peça, utilizando um robô industrial nesta tarefa de usinagem. Para a aquisição foi utilizado o software Skanect, que obteve resultados satisfatórios para o trabalho, e o arquivo exportado da aquisição foi trabalhado nos softwares MeshLab e Meshmixer, os quais foram utilizados para obter apenas a parte de interesse para o processo de fresagem. Com o objeto de trabalho defino, este foi aplicado em software CAM, Fusion 360, para gerar o caminho de ferramentas para o desbaste em G-code, o qual foi convertido pelo Software RoboDK para código de rôbo, e este também permitiu fazer simulação da maquinação com o rôbo pretendido. Com a simulação ocorrendo de acordo com o esperado, esta foi implementada em prática, realizando a maquinação da aquisição 3D, assim podendo verificar a técnica de maquinação utilizada. Além disso com os resultados de aquisição, geração de toolpath e maquinação, foi possível validar a solução proposta e chegar a uma conclusão de possíveis melhorias para este projeto


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    This work addresses the problem of finding an improved solution to Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ClM) Architecture and Systems Design. The current approaches are shown to be difficult to understand and use, over complex. In spite of their complexity of approach they lack comprehensiveness and omit many factors and dimensions considered essential for success in today's competitive and often global market place. A new approach to ClM Architecture and Systems Design is presented which offers a simpler, more flexible and more robust format for defining a particular ClM System within a general architectural framework. At the same time this new approach is designed to offer a comprehensive and holistic solution. The research work involved the investigation of current approaches and research and development initiatives focusing particularly on the CIM-OSA and GRAI Integrated methodologies in the field of ClM Architecture. The strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches are examined. Developments in other related fields including manufacturing systems, manufacturing management, information technology and systems generally have been investigated regarding their relevance and possible contribution to an improved solution. The author has built on his practical experience in creating, designing and managing the implementation of a global CIM system. The authors work on several publicly funded collaborative research and development projects relevant to the problem area is described. These include CIM-OSA, IMOCIM and TIQS projects. In the latter two projects the author was instrumental in developing the methodological approach based on a systems approach to business processes in connection with the design of quality and manufacturing systems. Both of these projects have contributed to this work. The author has also participated in the global IMS programme as a rapporteur for the European Commission and this helped to provide a global perspective on the problems of manufacturing companies as they attempt to compete in a world wide market place. The results of this work provide the basis for a radically improved approach to ClM Architecture and Systems Design based on the holistic view of an enterprise. The approach developed supports the business process view of an enterprise; addresses the people and organisational aspects; leads to ClM solutions focused on meeting enterprise goals; and is able to deal with a significantly increased scope and complexity compared with existing methods yet is easily understood and more simple to simple to apply than current approaches

    Graphical modelling of modular machines

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    This research is aimed at advancing machine design through specifying and implementing (in "proof of concept" form) a set of tools which graphically model modular machines. The tools allow mechanical building elements (or machine modules) to be selected and configured together in a highly flexible manner so that operation of the chosen configuration can be simulated and performance properties evaluated. Implementation of the tools has involved an extension in capability of a proprietary robot simulation system. This research has resulted in a general approach to graphically modelling manufacturing machines built from modular elements. A focus of study has been on a decomposition of machine functionality leading to the establishment of a library of modular machine primitives. This provides a useful source of commonly required machine building elements for use by machine designers. Study has also focussed on the generation of machine configuration tools which facilitate the construction of a simulation model and ultimately the physical machine itself. Simulation aspects of machine control are also considered which depict methods of manipulating a machine model in the simulation phase. In addition methods of achieving machine programming have been considered which specify the machine and its operational tasks. Means of adopting common information data structures are also considered which can facilitate interfacing with other systems, including the physical machine system constructed as an issue of the simulation phase. Each of these study areas is addressed in its own context, but collectively they provide a means of creating a complete modular machine design environment which can provide significant assistance to machine designers. Part of the methodology employed in the study is based on the use of the discrete event simulation technique. To easily and effectively describe a modular machine and its activity in a simulation model, a hierarchical ring and tree data structure has been designed and implemented. The modularity and reconfigurability are accommodated by the data structure, and homogeneous transformations are adopted to determine the spatial location and orientation of each of the machine elements. A three-level machine task programming approach is used to describe the machine's activities. A common data format method is used to interface the machine design environment with the physical machine and other building blocks of manufacturing systems (such as CAD systems) where systems integration approaches can lead to enhanced product realisation. The study concludes that a modular machine design environment can be created by employing the graphical simulation approach together with a set of comprehensive configuration. tools. A generic framework has been derived which outlines the way in which machine design environments can be constructed and suggestions are made as to how the proof of concept design environment implemented in this study can be advanced