414 research outputs found

    Käyttäjätason ohjelmistokontittaminen pilviradioliityntäverkossa

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    The amount of devices connected through mobile networks has been growing rapidly. This growth will create a demand for network capacity that cannot be met with traditional methods. This problem could be solved by implementing a cloud radio access network (RAN), a new concept, to adapt cloud computing technologies, such as software containers, from the software industry to RANs. This adaptation will also create a need to modify working practices in order to better comply with these new cloud computing technologies. While cloud RAN has recently received much research attention, the actual software implementations have not been widely discussed in the literature. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the feasibility of using software containers in the user-plane applications of cloud RAN in terms of networking and inter-container communications (ICC). This is accomplished by identifying potential approaches for ICC and for container networking as well as measuring the performance of these approaches. Two approaches are proposed for ICC and container networking. The approaches were evaluated in terms of throughput and latency. These approaches were found to be suitable for use in cloud RAN user-plane applications. However, since the measurements were performed in a simplified environment, implementing the approaches into a cloud RAN component will require further work.Mobiiliverkkoihin liitettävien laitteiden määrä kasvaa nopeasti. Tämä kasvu tulee luomaan verkon kapasiteetille kysynnän, johon ei kyetä vastaamaan perinteisin menetelmin. Tämä ongelma voitaineen ratkaista implementoimalla pilviradioliityntäverkko (Cloud RAN), uusi konsepti, joka sovittaa ohjelmistoalalla vakiintuneita pilvilaskentateknologioita käytettäväksi radioliityntäverkoissa (radio access network, RAN). Tämä sovitusprosessi luo tarpeen mukauttaa myös työskentelytavat yhteensopiviksi uusien pilvilaskentateknologioiden kanssa. Vaikka pilviradioliityntäverkkoa on tutkittu aktiivisesti viime aikoina, käytännön ohjelmistototeutukset eivät juuri ole olleet esillä kirjallisuudessa. Tämä diplomityö arvioi ohjelmistokonttien (software containers) soveltuvuutta käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason (user-plane) applikaatioissa verkottamisen (networking) ja ohjelmistokonttien välisen kommunikoinnin (inter-container communications, ICC) suhteen. Tämä arviointi suoritetaan identifioimalla mahdollisia toteutuksia ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle sekä mittaamalla näiden toteutuksien suorituskyky. Tässä diplomityössä ehdotetaan tutkittavaksi kaksi toteutusta ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle. Nämä toteutukset arvioitiin välityskyvyn (throughput) ja latenssin suhteen. Näiden toteutuksien todettiin olevan soveliaita käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason applikaatioissa. Kuitenkin, koska mittaukset toteutettiin yksinkertaistetussa ympäristössä, vaatii toteutuksien implementointi pilviradioliityntäverkon komponenttiin lisätyötä

    Vertical-oriented 5G platform-as-a-service: user-generated content case study

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    5G realizes an impactful convergence, where Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and cloud-native models become fundamental for profiting from the unprecedented capacity offered at the 5G Radio Access Network (RAN). For providing scalability and automation management over resources in 5G infrastructure, cloud-native and Platform as a service (PaaS) are proposed as solutions for paving the way for vertical applications in 5G. This paper leverages cloud-native models, PaaS, and virtual testbed instances to provide key platform provisioning and service life-cycle management features to a selected User Generated Content (UGC) scenario in multimedia applications. Specifically, this article and results show how service-level telemetry from a UGC cloud-native application is used to automatically scale system resources across the NFV infrastructure.Comment: Previous version of the paper is accepted in IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Montreal, 202

    SODALITE@RT: Orchestrating Applications on Cloud-Edge Infrastructures

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    AbstractIoT-based applications need to be dynamically orchestrated on cloud-edge infrastructures for reasons such as performance, regulations, or cost. In this context, a crucial problem is facilitating the work of DevOps teams in deploying, monitoring, and managing such applications by providing necessary tools and platforms. The SODALITE@RT open-source framework aims at addressing this scenario. In this paper, we present the main features of the SODALITE@RT: modeling of cloud-edge resources and applications using open standards and infrastructural code, and automated deployment, monitoring, and management of the applications in the target infrastructures based on such models. The capabilities of the SODALITE@RT are demonstrated through a relevant case study

    Component-aware Orchestration of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes

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    Enterprise IT is currently facing the challenge of coordinating the management of complex, multi-component applications across heterogeneous cloud platforms. Containers and container orchestrators provide a valuable solution to deploy multi-component applications over cloud platforms, by coupling the lifecycle of each application component to that of its hosting container. We hereby propose a solution for going beyond such a coupling, based on the OASIS standard TOSCA and on Docker. We indeed propose a novel approach for deploying multi-component applications on top of existing container orchestrators, which allows to manage each component independently from the container used to run it. We also present prototype tools implementing our approach, and we show how we effectively exploited them to carry out a concrete case study