63 research outputs found

    Strategic polymorphism requires just two combinators!

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    In previous work, we introduced the notion of functional strategies: first-class generic functions that can traverse terms of any type while mixing uniform and type-specific behaviour. Functional strategies transpose the notion of term rewriting strategies (with coverage of traversal) to the functional programming paradigm. Meanwhile, a number of Haskell-based models and combinator suites were proposed to support generic programming with functional strategies. In the present paper, we provide a compact and matured reconstruction of functional strategies. We capture strategic polymorphism by just two primitive combinators. This is done without commitment to a specific functional language. We analyse the design space for implementational models of functional strategies. For completeness, we also provide an operational reference model for implementing functional strategies (in Haskell). We demonstrate the generality of our approach by reconstructing representative fragments of the Strafunski library for functional strategies.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper was presented at IFL 2002, and included in the informal preproceedings of the worksho

    Strategic polymorphism requires just two combinators!

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    In previous work, we introduced the notion of functional strategies: first-class generic functions that can traverse terms of any type while mixing uniform and type-specific behaviour. Functional strategies transpose the notion of term rewriting strategies (with coverage of traversal) to the functional programming paradigm. Meanwhile, a number of Haskell-based models and combinator suites were proposed to support generic programming with functional strategies. In the present paper, we provide a compact and matured reconstruction of functional strategies. We capture strategic polymorphism by just two primitive combinators. This is done without commitment to a specific functional language. We analyse the design space for implementational models of functional strategies. For completeness, we also provide an operational reference model for implementing functional strategies (in Haskell). We demonstrate the generality of our approach by reconstructing representative fragments of the Strafunski library for functional strategies

    Erlang programok statikus elemzése és szeletelése

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    A funkcionális programozási nyelvek terjedésének velejárója, hogy felmerül az igény olyan eszközökre, amelyek a fejlesztési folyamatot támogatják. Ezek lehetnek futási idejű eszközök, vagy olyanok, melyek csupán a forráskód elemzésével kı́nálnak hasznos információkat a fejlesztők számára. Az Erlang ipari környezetben is gyakran használt funkcionális programozási nyelv. A RefactorErl egy statikus elemző és refaktoráló eszköz Erlanghoz, mely számos transzformációt biztosı́t a forráskód jelentésmegőrző átalakı́tására, másrészről kiterjedt statikus elemzőkészlettel segı́ti a fejlesztőket a mindennapos tevékenységükben. Kutatásomban olyan elemzési módszerekkel foglalkoztam, amelyek segı́tségével az Erlang programok forráskódjában rejlő összetett összefüggések nyerhetők ki. Ezek az eredmények pedig további magasabb szintű elemzések alapját képzik. Az ismertetett eredményeim a vezérlés és az Erlang folyamatok közötti kapcsolatok elemzéséhez kapcsolódnak. A dolgozatomban Erlang programok vezérlésfolyam-gráfját adtam meg, amely tartalmazza a programok végrehajtása során előálló lehetséges végrehajtási utakat. A gráfot a nyelv szintaktikus kategóriáihoz rendelt formális szabályok segı́tségével definiáltam, amelyek a nyelv szemantikájának megfelelően adják meg a vezérlésfolyam-gráf éleit. A vezérlésfolyam-gráf felhasználásra került további elemzésekhez is, mint például a párhuzamosı́tható komponensek azonosı́tása. A vezérlésfolyam-gráf, illetve a benne foglalt információk felhasználhatóak a forráskódban történő változások hatáselemzéséhez. A vezérlésfüggőségi gráf egy kompaktabb reprezentáció, amely a vezérlési utakban lévő szekvenciák eliminálásával már csak a kifejezések közötti közvetlen függőségeket tartalmazza. Megadtam Erlang programokra a vezérlésfüggőségi gráfot, amelyet adatfüggőségi információkkal egészı́tettem ki. Az ı́gy definiált Erlang függőségi gráf felhasználható gráf alapú statikus programszeleteléshez. A definiált infrastruktúrára épı́tve megadtam egy hatáselemzés alapú teszteset szelekciós módszert. A módszer azon tesztesetek halmazát adja meg, amelyek érintettek lehetnek a változtatás/transzformáció kapcsán. Azaz a változtatás hatása elterjedhet a tesztelt funkcionalitásba. Az elemzés nem csak a transzformációk hatásának elemzésére, hanem tetszőleges változás elemzésére is használható. Dolgozatomban bemutattam Erlang programok egy statikus kommunikációs modelljét. Megadtam azokat az algoritmusokat, melyek segı́tségével felderı́thetőek az elindı́tott Erlang folyamatok és a köztük aszinkron üzenetküldésekkel lebonyolı́tott kommunikáció. A modellbe felvettem olyan rejtett kommunikációs elemeket is, mint a közös osztott memóriának tekinthető Erlang Term Storage (ets) táblák használata. Megadtam azokat a statikus elemzési algoritmusokat, melyek felhasználásával kiegészı́thető a kommunikációs gráf speciális Erlang folyamatokkal (például generikus szerverek) és az interfészeiken keresztül történő rejtett kommunikációval. A kommunikációs gráf kiválóan használható a kódban rejlő összefüggések megjelenı́tésére, kódmegértés, konkurenciából fakadó hibakeresés támogatásához. Ugyanakkor felhasználható konkurens programok változásához köthető hatáselemzés pontosı́tásához is

    Uses of English as a Lingua Franca in Domain-specific Contexts of Intercultural Communication

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    This special issue of Lingue e Linguaggi collects the contributions presented at the International Conference Uses of English as a Lingua Franca in Domain-Specific Contexts of Intercultural Communication, which took place at the University of Salento, Italy, in December 2019. The Conference represented the conclusion of a PRIN Project co-funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, which started from the assumption that ELF is an area needing a more principled systematic investigation since, so far, it has not been recognized as a use of English that is independent from English as a Native Language. The chapters of this special issue concern ELF variations employed in: (a) institutional, professional, as well as ‘undeclared’ migration settings (UniSalento Unit); (b) digital media employed for global communication (UniVerona Unit); (c) multicultural and multilingual classrooms characterizing contemporary western societies (UniRoma Tre Unit). The contributions enquire into the ELF uses in domain-specific discourses that demonstrate the extent to which the English language comes to be appropriated by non-native speakers who, indeed, do not experience it as an alien ‘foreign’ language, but rather as a ‘lingua franca’ through which they feel free to convey their own native linguacultural and experiential uses and narratives, rhetorical and specialized repertoires and, ultimately, their own socio-cultural identities. The contributors’ research has provided evidence in support of an acknowledgement that people from different linguacultural backgrounds appropriate English by making reference to their own different native semantic, syntactic and pragmatic codes through which they convey their own communicative needs

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (38.)

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    Efficient Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Quantitative Systems

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    Annual Report of the University, 1999-2000, Volumes 1-4

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    The Robert O. Anderson School and Graduate School of Management at The University of New Mexico Period of Report: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 Submitted by Howard L. Smith, Dean The Anderson Schools of Management is divided into four distinct divisions- the Department of Accounting; the Department of Finance, International and Technology Management; the Department of Marketing, Information and Decision Sciences; and the Department of Organizational Studies. This structure provides an opportunity for The Anderson Schools to develop four distinct areas of excellence, proven by results reported here. I. Significant Developments During the Academic Year The Anderson Schools of Management • As a result of the multi-year gift from the Ford Motor Company, completed renovation of The Schools\u27 Advisement and Placement Center, as well as all student organization offices. • The Ford gift also provided for $100,000 to support faculty research, case studies and course development. • The Schools revised the MBA curriculum to meet the changing needs of professional, advanced business education. • The Schools updated computer laboratory facilities, with the addition of a 45-unit cluster for teaching and student work. • The faculty and staff of The Schools furthered outreach in economic development activities by participating directly as committee members and leaders in the cluster workgroups of the Next Generation Economy Initiative. • The faculty, staff and students of The Schools contributed to the development of the Ethics in Business Awards; particularly exciting was the fact that all nominee packages were developed by student teams from The Anderson Schools. • The Schools continue to generate more credit hours per faculty member than any other division of the UNM community. The Accounting Department • Preparation and presentation of a progress report to accrediting body, the AACSB. The Department of Finance, International and Technology Management • The Department continued to focus on expansion of the Management of Technology program as a strategic strength of The Schools. The Department of Marketing. Information and Decision Sciences • Generated 9022 credit hours, with a student enrollment of 3070. The Department of Organizational Studies • Coordinated the 9th UNM Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) Mexico Student Exchange

    Cultural Heritage on line

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    The 2nd International Conference "Cultural Heritage online – Empowering users: an active role for user communities" was held in Florence on 15-16 December 2009. It was organised by the Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Library of Congress, through the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program - NDIIP partners. The conference topics were related to digital libraries, digital preservation and the changing paradigms, focussing on user needs and expectations, analysing how to involve users and the cultural heritage community in creating and sharing digital resources. The sessions investigated also new organisational issues and roles, and cultural and economic limits from an international perspective