401 research outputs found

    Data semantic enrichment for complex event processing over IoT Data Streams

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    This thesis generalizes techniques for processing IoT data streams, semantically enrich data with contextual information, as well as complex event processing in IoT applications. A case study for ECG anomaly detection and signal classification was conducted to validate the knowledge foundation

    C Minor: a Semantic Publish/Subscribe Broker for the Internet of Musical Things

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    Semantic Web technologies are increasingly used in the Internet of Things due to their intrinsic propensity to foster interoperability among heterogenous devices and services. However, some of the IoT application domains have strict requirements in terms of timeliness of the exchanged messages, latency and support for constrained devices. An example of these domains is represented by the emerging area of the Internet of MusicalThings.InthispaperweproposeCMinor,aCoAP-based semantic publish/subscribe broker speci\ufb01cally designed to meet the requirements of Internet of Musical Things applications, but relevant for any IoT scenario. We assess its validity through a practical use case

    Methods and Tools for Management of Distributed Event Processing Applications

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    Die Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Ereignissen aus cyber-physischen Systemen bietet Anwendern die Möglichkeit, kontinuierlich über Leistungsdaten und aufkommende Probleme unterrichtet zu werden (Situational Awareness) oder Wartungsprozesse zustandsabhängig zu optimieren (Condition-based Maintenance). Derartige Szenarien verlangen aufgrund der Vielzahl und Frequenz der Daten sowie der Anforderung einer echtzeitnahen Auswertung den Einsatz geeigneter Technologien. Unter dem Namen Event Processing haben sich dabei Technologien etabliert, die in der Lage sind, Datenströme in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten und komplexe Ereignismuster auf Basis räumlicher, zeitlicher oder kausaler Zusammenhänge zu erkennen. Gleichzeitig sind heute in diesem Bereich verfügbare Systeme jedoch noch durch eine hohe technische Komplexität der zugrunde liegenden deklarativen Sprachen gekennzeichnet, die bei der Entwicklung echtzeitfähiger Anwendungen zu langsamen Entwicklungszyklen aufgrund notwendiger technischer Expertise führt. Gerade diese Anwendungen weisen allerdings häufig eine hohe Dynamik in Bezug auf Veränderungen von Anforderungen der zu erkennenden Situationen, aber auch der zugrunde liegenden Sensordaten hinsichtlich ihrer Syntax und Semantik auf. Der primäre Beitrag dieser Arbeit ermöglicht Fachanwendern durch die Abstraktion von technischen Details, selbständig verteilte echtzeitfähige Anwendungen in Form von sogenannten Echtzeit-Verarbeitungspipelines zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und auszuführen. Die Beiträge der Arbeit lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: 1. Eine Methodik zur Entwicklung echtzeitfähiger Anwendungen unter Berücksichtigung von Erweiterbarkeit sowie der Zugänglichkeit für Fachanwender. 2. Modelle zur semantischen Beschreibung der Charakteristika von Ereignisproduzenten, Ereignisverarbeitungseinheiten und Ereigniskonsumenten. 3. Ein System zur Ausführung von Verarbeitungspipelines bestehend aus geographisch verteilten Ereignisverarbeitungseinheiten. 4. Ein Software-Artefakt zur graphischen Modellierung von Verarbeitungspipelines sowie deren automatisierter Ausführung. Die Beiträge werden in verschiedenen Szenarien aus den Bereichen Produktion und Logistik vorgestellt, angewendet und evaluiert

    Semantic Web and the Web of Things: concept, platform and applications

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    The ubiquitous presence of devices with computational resources and connectivity is fostering the diffusion of the Internet of Things (IoT), where smart objects interoperate and react to the available information providing services to the users. The pervasiveness of the IoT across many different areas proves the worldwide interest of researchers from academic and enterprises worlds. This Research has brought to new technologies and protocols addressing different needs of emerging scenarios, making difficult to develop interoperable applications. The Web of Things is born to address this problem through the standard protocols responsible for the success of the Web. But a greater contribution can be provided by standards of the Semantic Web. Semantic Web protocols grant univocal identification of resources and representation of data in a way that information is machine understandable and computable and such that information from different sources can be easily aggregated. Semantic Web technologies are then interoperability enablers for the IoT. This Thesis investigates how to employ Semantic Web protocols in the IoT, to realize the Semantic Web of Things (SWoT) vision of an interoperable network of applications. Part I introduces the IoT, Part II investigates the algorithms to efficiently support the publish/subscribe paradigm in semantic brokers for the SWoT and their implementation in Smart-M3 and SEPA. The preliminary work toward the first benchmark for SWoT applications is presented. Part IV describes the Research activity aimed at applying the developed semantic infrastructures in real life scenarios (electro-mobility, home automation, semantic audio and Internet of Musical Things). Part V presents the conclusions. A lack of effective ways to explore and debug Semantic Web datasets emerged during these activities. Part III describes a second Research aimed at devising of a novel way to visualize semantic datasets, based on graphs and the new concept of Semantic Planes.La presenza massiva di dispositivi dotati di capacità computazionale e connettività sta alimentando la diffusione di un nuovo paradigma nell'ICT, conosciuto come Internet of Things. L'IoT è caratterizzato dai cosiddetti smart object che interagiscono, cooperano e reagiscono alle informazioni a loro disponibili per fornire servizi agli utenti. La diffusione dell'IoT su così tante aree è la testimonianza di un interesse mondiale da parte di ricercatori appartenenti sia al mondo accademico che a quello industriale. La Ricerca ha portato alla nascita di tecnologie e protocolli progettati per rispondere ai diversi bisogni degli scenari emergenti, rendendo difficile sviluppare applicazioni interoperabili. Il Web of Things (WoT) è nato per rispondere a questi problemi tramite l'adozione degli standard che hanno favorito il successo del Web. Ma un contributo maggiore può venire dal Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). Infatti, i protocolli del Semantic Web permettono identificazione univoca delle risorse e una rappresentazione dei dati tale che le informazioni siano computabili e l'informazione di differenti fonti facilmente aggregabile. Le tecnologie del Semantic Web sono quindi degli interoperability enabler per l'IoT. Questa Tesi analizza come adottare le tecnologie del Semantic Web nell'IoT per realizzare la visione del SWoT di una rete di applicazioni interoperabile. Part I introduce l'IoT, Part II analizza gli algoritmi per supportare il publish-subscribe nei broker semantici e la loro implementazione in Smart-M3 e SEPA. Inoltre, viene presentato il lavoro preliminare verso il primo benchmark per applicazioni SWoT. Part IV discute l'applicazione dei risultati a diversi domini applicativi (mobilità elettrica, domotica, semantic audio ed Internet of Musical Things). Part V presenta le conclusioni sul lavoro svolto. La Ricerca su applicazioni semantiche ha evidenziato carenze negli attuali software di visualizzazione. Quindi, Part III presenta un nuovo metodo di rappresentazione delle basi di conoscenza semantiche basato sull’approccio a grafo che introduce il concetto di Semantic Plane

    C Minor: a Semantic Publish/Subscribe Broker for the Internet of Musical Things

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    Semantic Web technologies are increasingly used in the Internet of Things due to their intrinsic propensity to foster interoperability among heterogenous devices and services. However, some of the IoT application domains have strict requirements in terms of timeliness of the exchanged messages, latency and support for constrained devices. An example of these domains is represented by the emerging area of the Internet of Musical Things. In this paper we propose C Minor, a CoAP-based semantic publish/subscribe broker specifically designed to meet the requirements of Internet of Musical Things applications, but relevant for any IoT scenario. We assess its validity through a practical use case

    An IoT-based contribution to improve mobility of the visually impaired in Smart Cities

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    The Internet of Things envisions that objects of everyday life will be equipped with sensors, microcontrollers, transceivers for digital communication and suitable protocol which communicates among them and with users, becoming an integral part of Internet. Due to the growing developments in digital technologies, Smart Cities have been equipped with different electronic devices based on IoT and several applications are being created for most diverse areas of knowledge making systems more efficient. However, Assistive technology is a field that is not enough explored in this scenario yet. In this work, an integrated framework with an IoT architecture customized for an electronic cane (electronic travel aid designed for the visually impaired) has been designed. The architecture is organized by a five-layer architecture: edge technology, gateway, Internet, middleware and application. This new feature brings the ability to connect to environment devices, receiving the coordinates of their geographic locations, alerting the user when it is close to anyone of these devices and sending those coordinates to a web application for smart monitoring. Preliminary studies and experimental tests with three blind users of the Cane show that this approach would contribute to get more spatial information from the environment improving mobility of visually impaired people.This research was supported by the Brazilian National Council of Scientific & Technological Development—CNPq, Grant Number 315338/2018-0, and Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado de Santa Catarina -FAPESC, (Programa Sinapse da Inovação Operação SC III)