5,428 research outputs found

    Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Usability in the Reduction of Prescribing Errors

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    Some hospitals have implemented computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems to reduce the medical error rates. However, research in this area has been very limited, especially regarding the impact of CPOE use on the reduction of prescribing errors. Moreover, the past studies have dealt with the overall impact of CPOE on the reduction of broadly termed "medical errors", and they have not specified which medical errors have been reduced by CPOE. Furthermore, the majority of the past research in this field has been either qualitative or has not used robust empirical techniques. This research examined the impacts of usability of CPOE systems on the reduction of doctors' prescribing errors. Methods: One hundred and sixty-six questionnaires were used for quantitative data analyses. Since the data was not normally distributed, partial least square path modelling-as the second generation of multivariate data analyses-was applied to analyze data. Results: It was found that the ease of use of the system and information quality can significantly reduce prescribing errors. Moreover, the user interface consistency and system error prevention have a significant positive impact on the perceived ease of use. More than 50% of the respondents believed that CPOE reduces the likelihood of drug allergy, drug interaction, and drug dosing errors thus improving patient safety. Conclusions: Prescribing errors in terms of drug allergy, drug interaction, and drug dosing errors are reduced if the CPOE is not error-prone and easy to use, if the user interface is consistent, and if it provides quality information to doctors

    Consolidating CCDs from multiple data sources: A modular approach

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    Background Healthcare providers sometimes receive multiple continuity of care documents (CCDs) for a single patient encompassing the patient’s various encounters and medical history recorded in different information systems. It is cumbersome for providers to explore different pages of CCDs to find specific data which can be duplicated or even conflicted. This study describes initial steps toward a modular system that integrates and de-duplicates multiple CCDs into one consolidated document for viewing or processing patient-level data. Materials and Methods The authors developed a prototype system to consolidate and de-duplicate CCDs. The system is engineered to be scalable, extensible, and open source. Using a corpus of 150 de-identified CCDs synthetically generated from a single data source with a common vocabulary to represent 50 unique patients, the authors tested the system’s performance and output. Performance was measured based on document throughput and reduction in file size and volume of data. The authors further compared the output of the system with manual consolidation and de-duplication. Testing across multiple vendor systems or implementations was not performed. Results All of the input CCDs was successfully consolidated, and no data were lost. De-duplication significantly reduced the number of entries in different sections (49% in Problems, 60.6% in Medications, and 79% in Allergies) and reduced the size of the documents (57.5%) as well as the number of lines in each document (58%). The system executed at a rate of approximately 0.009–0.03 s per rule depending on the complexity of the rule. Discussion and Conclusion Given increasing adoption and use of health information exchange (HIE) to share data and information across the care continuum, duplication of information is inevitable. A novel system designed to support automated consolidation and de-duplication of information across clinical documents as they are exchanged shows promise. Future work is needed to expand the capabilities of the system and further test it using heterogeneous vocabularies across multiple HIE scenarios

    Electronic health records: critique and solutions

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    In the realm of healthcare, physicians have traditionally documented patient records on paper. However, computers have allowed healthcare, like most other industries, to transition to storing extensive medical records electronically. The electronic health record (EHR) has been slowly adopted by health care, and it has many advantages and disadvantages compared to the traditional form of paper documentation. In general, the advantages include legibility, ease of locating the patient chart, billing, and computerized order entry. Disadvantages include over-documentation, decreased speed of physician documentation, and the cost of implementing and maintaining the EHR. Physicians find themselves spending more time documenting and less time treating and interacting with patients, which leads to physician dissatisfaction. Many interventions attempting to improve speed of documentation have been developed, including voice recognition software and the utilization of scribes. Voice recognition software is a real-time dictation system that works well in quiet environments but still requires time from the physician to dictate and proof read the dictation. Scribes have shown promise in Emergency departments and specialty clinics by being cost effective while also improving both physician and patient satisfaction. Scribes are a novel solution to facilitate medical documentation, increasing physician efficiency, improving physician satisfaction, and thus important to public health

    L'usage secondaire des données médico-administratives afin d’optimiser l’usage des médicaments chez les patients atteints de maladies respiratoires chroniques : adhésion aux médicaments, identification de cas et intensification du traitement

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    Medication adherence in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is notoriously low and is associated with suboptimal therapeutic outcomes. To intervene effectively, family physicians need to assess medication adherence efficiently and accurately. Otherwise, failure to detect nonadherence may further reduce patient disease control and result in unnecessary treatment escalation that can increase the risk of adverse events and lead to more complex and costly drug regimens. The overarching goal of this thesis was to investigate how the use of secondary healthcare data can be leveraged to optimize medication adherence in clinical practice. Methodological considerations to facilitate our understanding of treatment escalation in asthma using secondary healthcare data were also examined. In the first part of my doctoral research program, I led a project which aimed at developing e-MEDRESP, a novel web-based tool built from pharmacy claims data that provides to family physicians with objective and easily interpretable information on patient adherence to asthma/COPD medications. This tool was developed in collaboration with family physicians and patients using a framework inspired by user-centered design principles. As part of a feasibility study, e-MEDRESP was subsequently implemented in electronic medical records across several family medicine clinics in Quebec (346 patients, 19 physicians). Findings showed that its integration within physician workflow was feasible. Physicians reported that the tool helped to: 1) better evaluate their patients’ medication adherence; and 2) adjust prescribed therapies, with mean ± sd ratings (5-point Likert scale) of 4.8±0.7 and 4.3±0.9, respectively. A pre-post analysis did not reveal improvement in adherence among patients whose physician consulted e-MEDRESP during a medical visit. However, significant improvements in adherence for inhaled corticosteroids (Proportion of days covered (PDC): 26.4% (95% CI: 14.3-39.3%)) and long-acting muscarinic agents (PDC: 26.4% (95% CI: 12.4-40.2%)) were observed among patients whose adherence level was less than 80% in the 6-month period prior to the medical visit. The second part of this research program consisted of two studies which laid the groundwork to estimate the association between medication adherence and treatment escalation in asthma using Canadian healthcare administrative data, a phenomenon that is currently under-explored in the literature. Prior to embarking in this study, it is important to ensure that healthcare administrative databases can be used to identify asthma patients and treatment escalations in an adequate manner. First, a systematic review was conducted to obtain an overview of the available evidence supporting the validity of algorithms to identify asthma patients in healthcare administrative databases. The algorithm developed by Gershon et al. (Canadian Respiratory Journal, 2009;16(6):183-188) comprising ≥2 ambulatory medical visits or ≥1 hospitalization for asthma over two years had the best trade-off between sensitivity (84 %) and specificity (77%). Second, an operational definition of treatment escalation was developed through a Delphi study that incorporated an expert consensus process. This definition includes 7 steps and was inspired by the 2020 Global for Initiative for Asthma treatment guidelines. I plan to integrate the definitions obtained from these two studies in a future cohort study which aims to examine the association between medication adherence and treatment escalation in asthma. My research provides compelling evidence on the importance of developing and evaluating the feasibility of implementing tools which can aid physicians in assessing medication adherence in clinical practice and extends the literature on treatment escalation in asthma.L’adhésion aux médicaments chez les patients présentant un asthme ou une maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) est reconnue pour être faible. Pour intervenir efficacement, les médecins de famille doivent évaluer de manière précise l’adhésion aux médicaments. Ne pas détecter la non-adhésion peut réduire davantage la maîtrise de la maladie, entraîner une intensification non-nécessaire du traitement, mener à des schémas pharmacologiques plus complexes et coûteux et par conséquent, augmenter le risque d’événements indésirables. La présente thèse vise à approfondir les connaissances sur l'usage secondaire des données médico-administratives afin d’optimiser l’adhésion et l’usage des médicaments chez les patients atteints de maladies respiratoires chronique, au moyen d’une approche méthodologique mixte de recherche. Plusieurs questions méthodologiques cruciales concernant l’étude de l’intensification du traitement en asthme ont également été abordées. Le premier axe porte sur le développement de l’outil e-MEDRESP, qui s’appuie sur les renouvellements d’ordonnances et qui est conçu pour donner rapidement accès aux médecins de famille à une mesure objective et facilement interprétable de l’adhésion aux médicaments utilisés dans le traitement de l’asthme et de la MPOC. L’outil a été développé en collaboration avec des médecins de famille et des patients à l’aide de groupes de discussion et d’entrevues individuelles. Dans le cadre d’une étude de faisabilité, l’outil e-MEDRESP a été par la suite implanté dans les dossiers médicaux électroniques de plusieurs cliniques de médecine familiale au Québec (346 patients, 19 médecins). Les résultats ont montré que l’intégration de d’e-MEDRESP dans le flux de travail des médecins était faisable. Les médecins ont indiqué que l’outil leur a permis de : 1) mieux évaluer l’adhésion aux médicaments de leurs patients (cote moyenne et écart-type sur une échelle de Likert à 5 points [perception d’accord] de 4,8±0,7); et 2) ajuster les traitements prescrits (4,8±0,7 et 4.3±0,9). Une analyse pré-post n’a pas révélé d’amélioration au niveau de l’adhésion aux médicaments chez les patients dont le médecin a consulté e-MEDRESP lors d’une visite médicale. Toutefois, une amélioration statistiquement significative a été observée chez les patients dont le niveau d’adhésion était inférieur à 80 % au cours de la période de six mois précédant la visite et qui étaient traités par des corticostéroïdes inhalés (Proportion of days covered (PDC) = 26,4 % (IC à 95 % : 14,3-39,3 %) ou des antagonistes muscariniques à action prolongée (PDC = 26,9 % (IC à 95 % : 12,4-40,2 %)). Le deuxième axe présente des travaux préparatoires à la conduite d’une cohorte qui sera réalisée à partir de bases de données médico-administratives et qui aura comme objectif d’estimer l’association entre l’adhésion aux médicaments et l’intensification du traitement de l’asthme, une question peu explorée à ce jour. Avant de débuter une telle étude, il est important de s’assurer que les bases de données médico-administratives peuvent être utilisées pour identifier de manière adéquate les patients asthmatiques et l’intensification du traitement. Dans un premier temps, une revue systématique a été effectuée pour identifier les données probantes disponibles concernant la validité des algorithmes permettant d’identifier les patients asthmatiques dans les bases de données médico-administratives. L’algorithme qui a été développé par Gershon et coll. (Revue canadienne de pneumologie, 2009; vol. 16, no 6, p. 183-188), qui comprenait deux visites médicales ambulatoires ou une hospitalisation pour asthme sur deux ans, présentait le meilleur compromis entre la sensibilité (84 %) et la spécificité (77 %). Dans un second temps, une définition opérationnelle de l’intensification du traitement a été élaborée dans le cadre d’une étude Delphi qui incorporait un processus consensuel d’experts. Cette définition comprend sept étapes et s’inspire des lignes directrices 2020 de l'initiative mondiale de lutte contre l'asthme. Les définitions obtenues à partir de ces deux études seront intégrées dans l’étude de cohorte. Les études constituant cette thèse démontrent l’importance de développer des outils qui permettent aux médecins d’évaluer l’adhésion aux médicaments dans leur pratique clinique, en plus d’enrichir la littérature scientifique médicale sur l’intensification du traitement chez les patients asthmatiques

    Development and preliminary results of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)-integrated smartphone telemedicine program to deliver asthma care remotely

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    Background: Technology-based interventions that can function within real-world practice and improve outcomes without increasing provider burden are needed, yet few successfully cross the research-to-practice divide. This paper describes the process of developing a clinically-integrated smartphone-telemedicine program for adults with asthma and results from proof-of-concept testing. Methods: To ensure integration with practice, we used a contextually-grounded intervention development approach and May\u27s implementation theory to design the intervention, with emphasis on systems capabilities and stakeholder needs. The intervention incorporated symptom monitoring by smart phone, smartphone telemedicine visits and self-management training with a nurse, and clinical decision support software, which provided automated calculations of asthma severity, control, and step-wise therapy. Seven adults (aged 18-40) engaged in a 3-month beta-test. Asthma outcomes (control, quality of life, FEV1) and healthcare utilization patterns were measured at baseline and end-of-study. Results: Each participant received an average of 4 telemedicine visits with 94% patient satisfaction. All participants had uncontrolled asthma at baseline; by end-of-study 5/7 classified as well controlled. Mean asthma control improved 1.55 points (CI=0.59-2.51); quality of life improved 1.91 points CI=0.50-3.31), and FEV1 percent predicted increased 14.86% (CI=-3.09-32.80) with effect sizes of d=1.16, 1.09, and 0.96, respectively. Preventive healthcare utilization increased significantly (1.86 visits/year vs. 0.28/year prior, CI 0.67-2.47) as did prescriptions for controller medications (9.29 refills/year vs. 1.57 refills/year, CI 4.85-10.58) Conclusion: Smartphone telemedicine may be an effective means to improve outcomes and deliver asthma care remotely. However, careful attention to systems capabilities and stakeholder acceptability is needed to ensure successful integration with practice

    Exploration of care continuity during the hospital discharge process

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    Background Communication regarding medicines at hospital discharge via discharge summaries is notoriously poor and negatively impacts on patient care. With the process being dependant on the quality of patient records during admission, junior doctors who write them and General Practitioners (GPs) who receive them, the objectives of this thesis were, with respect to discharge summaries, to:- assess their timeliness, accuracy and quality describe GP preferences explore experiences of junior doctors regarding their preparation. Methods Discharge summaries produced from one district general hospital were audited, as was the impact of changing the format of inpatient drug charts. A combination of observation, think-aloud and ethnographic interviews were conducted to investigate experiences of junior hospital doctors preparing summaries. A survey of GPs and junior doctors was undertaken to compare attitudes towards the discharge process. A pilot Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) was developed and undertaken with GPs to determine their preferences with respect to the format, quality and timing of discharge summaries. Results A large proportion of discharge summaries were found to be inaccurate, however this was reduced when checked by a pharmacist. Key barriers to summary preparation identified were lack of time, training and knowledge of the patient. GPs perceived medicine changes on discharge summaries to be more important than did junior doctors. The DCE found that GPs were willing to trade timeliness of discharge summaries with accuracy. Discussion and conclusions The error rate within discharge summaries highlights the importance of a pharmacy accuracy check. The national requirement to deliver discharge summaries within 24 hours of discharge results in the pharmacist being bypassed and places additional pressure on junior doctors to prepare them in a timely manner, which might provide explanation for poor quality. Interestingly, GPs were willing to forego receipt of discharge summaries within 24 hours in preference for a reduced error rate. Keywords: patient discharge, discharge summary, patient transfer, interdisciplinary communication, medication errors

    An investigation of healthcare professionals’ experiences of training and using electronic prescribing systems: four literature reviews and two qualitative studies undertaken in the UK hospital context

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    Electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) is the process of ordering medicines electronically for a patient and has been associated with reduced medication errors and improved patient safety. However, these systems have also been associated with unintended adverse consequences. There is a lack of published research about users’ experiences of these systems in UK hospitals. The aim of this research was therefore to firstly describe the literature pertaining to the recent developments and persisting issues with ePrescribing and clinical decision support systems (CDS) (chapter 2). Two further systematic literature reviews (chapters 3 and 4) were then conducted to understand the unintended consequences of ePrescribing and clinical decision support (CDS) systems across both adult and paediatric patients. These revealed a taxonomy of factors, which have contributed to errors during use of these systems e.g., the screen layout, default settings and inappropriate drug-dosage support. The researcher then conducted a qualitative study (chapters 7-10) to explore users’ experiences of using and being trained to use ePrescribing systems. This study involved conducting semi-structured interviews and observations, which revealed key challenges facing users, including issues with using the ‘Medication List’ and how information was presented. Users experienced benefits and challenges when customising the system, including the screen display; however, the process was sometimes overly complex. Users also described the benefits and challenges associated with different forms of interruptive and passive CDS. Order sets, for instance, encouraged more efficient prescribing, yet users often found them difficult to find within the system. A lack of training resulted in users failing to use all features of the ePrescribing system and left some healthcare staff feeling underprepared for using the system in their role. A further literature review (chapter 5) was then performed to complement emerging themes relating to how users were trained to use ePrescribing systems, which were generated as part of a qualitative study. This review revealed the range of approaches used to train users and the need for further research in this area. The literature review and qualitative study-based findings led to a follow-on study (chapter 10), whereby the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews to examine how users were trained to use ePrescribing systems across four NHS Hospital Trusts. A range of approaches were used to train users; tailored training, using clinically specific scenarios or matching the user’s profession to that of the trainer were preferred over lectures and e-learning may offer an efficient way of training large numbers of staff. However, further research is needed to investigate this and whether alternative approaches such as the use of students as trainers could be useful. This programme of work revealed the importance of human factors and user involvement in the design and ongoing development of ePrescribing systems. Training also played a role in users’ experiences of using the system and hospitals should carefully consider the training approaches used. This thesis provides recommendations gathered from the literature and primary data collection that can help inform organisations, system developers and further research in this area

    Symptom-driven inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting beta-agonist therapy for adult patients with asthma who are non-adherent to daily maintenance inhalers: A study protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: While inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are considered the essential foundation of most asthma therapy, ICS inhaler nonadherence is a notoriously common problem and a significant cause of asthma-related morbidity. Partially acknowledging the problem of nonadherence, international organizations recently made paradigm-shifting recommendations that all patients with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma be considered for symptom-driven ICS-containing inhalers rather than relying on adherence to traditional maintenance ICS inhalers and symptom-driven short-acting beta-agonists (SABA). With this new approach, asthma patients are at least exposed to the important anti-inflammatory effects of ICS-containing inhalers when their symptom reliever inhaler is deployed due to acute symptoms. METHODS: This study will (Part 1) complete a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to evaluate if an inhaler strategy that utilizes symptom-driven ICS inhalers is particularly beneficial in maintenance ICS inhaler non-adherent asthma patients, and (Part 2) use a dissemination and implementation (D&I) science conceptual framework to better understand patients\u27 and providers\u27 views of inhaler nonadherence. This study, which will have an option of taking place entirely remotely, will use a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved electronic sensor (Hailie® sensor) to monitor inhaler adherence and includes semi-structured interviews guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). DISCUSSION: This study is assessing the problem of nonadherence using a D&I implementation science research lens while testing a new inhaler approach to potentially ameliorate the detrimental consequences of maintenance inhaler nonadherence. We hypothesize that the use of a symptom-driven ICS/LABA management strategy, as compared to traditional maintenance ICS treatment and symptom-driven SABA, will lead to improved adherence to an asthma treatment strategy, decreased asthma-related morbidity, less cumulative ICS exposure, and greater patient satisfaction with an inhaler approach. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05111262. Registered on November 8, 2021
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