887 research outputs found

    Three Levels of Alliance Management

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    alliance, management

    Developing Alliance Capabilities in a New Era

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    alliance, capability

    Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: The role of internal organization, information, and market structure

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    Merged firms are typically rather complex organizations. Accordingly, me rger has a more profound effect on the structure of a market than simply reducing the number of competitors. We show that this may render horizontal mergers profitable and welfare – improving even if costs are linear. The driving force behind these results, which help to reconcile theory with various empirical findings, is the assumption that information about output decisions flows more freely within a merged firm. -- Unternehmensfusionen führen häufig zu komplexen Organisationen. Fusionen haben deshalb andere und tiefgründige Wirkungen auf die Marktstruktur. Sie reduzieren nicht einfach die Zahl der Wettbewerber in einem Markt, sondern durch Fusionen entstehen Wettbewerber, die sich wegen ihrer komplexen Organisationsstruktur anders verhalten als jedes der einzelnen Unternehmen vor der Fusion. Wir zeigen in dieser Arbeit, dass horizontale Fusion von Unternehmen aus diesen Gründen profitabel für die fusionierenden Unternehmen und wohlfahrtserhöhend wirken kann, selbst dann, wenn es durch die Fusion keinerlei Kostensynergien gibt. Der Schlüssel für dieses Ergebnis, das eine Theorie für eine Reihe von empirischen Befunden liefert, ist der verbesserte Informationsfluss zwischen Unternehmensteilen des durch die Fusion entstehenden Konzerns im Vergleich zum Informationsfluss zwischen unabhängigen Unternehmen.Merger,internal organizational structure,information,timing,market structure,Fusion,Organisationsstruktur,Informationsfluss,Marktstruktur

    Guess what: It's the Settlements!

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    Exchanges and other trading platforms are often vertically integrated to carry out trading and settlement as one operation. We show that these vertical silos can prevent the full realization of efficincy gains from horizontal consolidation of trading and settlement platforms. Independent of the gains from such consolidation, when costs of settlement are private information, a merger of vertical silos cannot be designed to always ensure efficient trading and settlement after the merger. Furthermore, we show that efficiency can nevertheless be guaranteed either by delegating the operation of settlement platforms to agents or by forcing competition across vertical silos through cross-listings.Clearing and Settlement, Cross-listing, Vertical and Horizontal Integration, Mechanism Design

    Channel and Coordination

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    Three levels of alliance management

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    Alliance management has been on the agenda of management scholars and corporations for many years now. In spite of the attention in the academic and management literature on many aspects of alliance management, track records of alliances are still poor. Most of the literature has been unable to unveil the secret ingredients of alliance success. Only very recently, authors have started to make significant progress in the area of alliance management. In this paper we argue that there are three main levels of analysis in alliance management literature. Moreover, we content that a dyadic or firm-level perspective is not sufficient to deal with the full dynamics of alliances. Successful alliance management, therefore, requires a profound understanding of all three levels of alliance management and their interaction: dyadic, firm-level and network-level management of alliances

    Creating Collaborative Advantages Through Coordination of Regional Development Activities

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    Through the increasing importance of networking and use of participatory strategic planning approaches in the regional development practice, it seems that local and regional development theory moves from the concept of competitive advantages towards collaborative advantages. This conceptual move implies a redefinition of inter- and intra-institutional relations of the public and private sector, and therefore, calls for defining new forms of governance. The exploration of the concept of collaborative advantages might contribute to a better understanding of the relations between the European concepts of competition and cohesion. As networking in various forms and creation of collaborative advantages requires significant “coordination†of multiple development actors and activities across different territorial levels, a broad spectrum of research questions can be opened. This research paper is focussed on the problem of coordination, which is often mentioned as one of the main problems of local and regional development. Before any development activity can be coordinated, some preconditions have to be fulfilled, namely development actors have to be willing to communicate and to cooperate. Only then collaboration in the implementation of concrete development activities might occur. This process involves formal and informal institutional relationships, as well as multi-level governance. The main goal of this research paper is to explain and define the concept of collaborative advantages and coordination in the context of regional development policy. In Addition, a conceptual policy coordination model that combines horizontal and vertical relationships between the main development actors, while planning and implementing local and regional development activities, is presented. The regional development policy coordination model is developed on the basis of recent insights into regional, institutional, organizational and planning theories and practice. It is tested on the basis of the institutional framework and strategic planning experiences in Croatia, particularly in the context of the future integration into the European Union. The results indicate that the model is applicable in other countries and it contributes to a better understanding of institutional relationships in coordinating regional development activities and creating collaborative advantages.