602 research outputs found

    ICA and ANN Modeling for Photocatalytic Removal of Pollution in Wastewater

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    This paper discusses the elimination of Colour Index Acid Yellow 23 (C.I. AY23) using the ultraviolet (UV)/Ag-TiO2 process. To anticipate the photocatalytic elimination of AY23 with the existence of Ag-TiO2 nanoparticles processed under desired circumstances, two computational techniques, namely artificial neural network (ANN) and imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) modeling are developed. A sum of 100 datasets are used to establish the models, wherein the introductory concentration of dye, UV light intensity, initial dosage of nano Ag-TiO2, and irradiation time are the four parameters expressed in the form of input variables. Additionally, the elimination of AY23 is considered in the form of the output variable. Out of the 100 datasets, 80 are utilized in order to train the models. The remaining 20 that were not included in the training are used in order to test the models. The comparison of the predicted outcomes extracted from the suggested models and the data obtained from the experimental analysis validates that the performance of the ANN scheme is comparatively sophisticated when compared with the ICA scheme


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    Today, limitation of fossil fuel resources and other issues such as the possibility of the depletion of fossil energy reserves, global warming, environmental pollution, price instability, and the growing need for industrial and urban centers for energy have prompted the international community to seek appropriate alternatives. Such examples are nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, and ocean waves. Renewable energy is generated owing to the simplicity of the applied technology compared to nuclear energy technologies. On the other hand, such energies play a key role in new energy systems in the world similar to nuclear waste. The increasing use of renewable energies has given rise to significant complications. One of the main operational issues in this regard is the uncertainty of electricity generation by solar power plants, which is caused by the passage of clouds. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cloud passage on the production of solar power plants. Initially, a control system was designed to control a high-penetration solar power plant in the network, and the maximum allowable percentage of penetration was calculated for different loads. For this purpose, three algorithms (DE, PSO, and ICA) were used to determine the MPPT of the solar arrays in shady conditions, as well as the MPPT point of the solar arrays. According to the results, the colonial competition algorithm was faster compared to the other algorithms

    Distributed and Lightweight Meta-heuristic Optimization method for Complex Problems

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    The world is becoming more prominent and more complex every day. The resources are limited and efficiently use them is one of the most requirement. Finding an Efficient and optimal solution in complex problems needs to practical methods. During the last decades, several optimization approaches have been presented that they can apply to different optimization problems, and they can achieve different performance on various problems. Different parameters can have a significant effect on the results, such as the type of search spaces. Between the main categories of optimization methods (deterministic and stochastic methods), stochastic optimization methods work more efficient on big complex problems than deterministic methods. But in highly complex problems, stochastic optimization methods also have some issues, such as execution time, convergence to local optimum, incompatible with distributed systems, and dependence on the type of search spaces. Therefore this thesis presents a distributed and lightweight metaheuristic optimization method (MICGA) for complex problems focusing on four main tracks. 1) The primary goal is to improve the execution time by MICGA. 2) The proposed method increases the stability and reliability of the results by using the multi-population strategy in the second track. 3) MICGA is compatible with distributed systems. 4) Finally, MICGA is applied to the different type of optimization problems with other kinds of search spaces (continuous, discrete and order based optimization problems). MICGA has been compared with other efficient optimization approaches. The results show the proposed work has been achieved enough improvement on the main issues of the stochastic methods that are mentioned before.Maailmasta on päivä päivältä tulossa yhä monimutkaisempi. Resurssit ovat rajalliset, ja siksi niiden tehokas käyttö on erittäin tärkeää. Tehokkaan ja optimaalisen ratkaisun löytäminen monimutkaisiin ongelmiin vaatii tehokkaita käytännön menetelmiä. Viime vuosikymmenien aikana on ehdotettu useita optimointimenetelmiä, joilla jokaisella on vahvuutensa ja heikkoutensa suorituskyvyn ja tarkkuuden suhteen erityyppisten ongelmien ratkaisemisessa. Parametreilla, kuten hakuavaruuden tyypillä, voi olla merkittävä vaikutus tuloksiin. Optimointimenetelmien pääryhmistä (deterministiset ja stokastiset menetelmät) stokastinen optimointi toimii suurissa monimutkaisissa ongelmissa tehokkaammin kuin deterministinen optimointi. Erittäin monimutkaisissa ongelmissa stokastisilla optimointimenetelmillä on kuitenkin myös joitain ongelmia, kuten korkeat suoritusajat, päätyminen paikallisiin optimipisteisiin, yhteensopimattomuus hajautetun toteutuksen kanssa ja riippuvuus hakuavaruuden tyypistä. Tämä opinnäytetyö esittelee hajautetun ja kevyen metaheuristisen optimointimenetelmän (MICGA) monimutkaisille ongelmille keskittyen neljään päätavoitteeseen: 1) Ensisijaisena tavoitteena on pienentää suoritusaikaa MICGA:n avulla. 2) Lisäksi ehdotettu menetelmä lisää tulosten vakautta ja luotettavuutta käyttämällä monipopulaatiostrategiaa. 3) MICGA tukee hajautettua toteutusta. 4) Lopuksi MICGA-menetelmää sovelletaan erilaisiin optimointiongelmiin, jotka edustavat erityyppisiä hakuavaruuksia (jatkuvat, diskreetit ja järjestykseen perustuvat optimointiongelmat). Työssä MICGA-menetelmää verrataan muihin tehokkaisiin optimointimenetelmiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotetulla menetelmällä saavutetaan selkeitä parannuksia yllä mainittuihin stokastisten menetelmien pääongelmiin liittyen

    Advanced modelling and control of 5MW wind turbine using global optimization algorithms

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    This article presents a methodological approach for controller gain tuning of wind turbines using global optimization algorithms. For this purpose, the wind turbine structural and aerodynamic modeling are first described and a complete model for a 5 MW wind turbine is developed as a case study based on a systematic modeling approach. The turbine control requirements are then described and classified using its power curve to generate an appropriate control structure for satisfying all turbine control modes simultaneously. Next, the controller gain tuning procedure is formulated as an engineering optimization problem where the command tracking error and minimum response time are defined as objective function indices and physical limitations (overspeed and oscillatory response) are considered as penalty functions. Taking the nonlinear nature of the turbine model and its controller into account, two meta-heuristic global optimization algorithms (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and Differential Evolution) are used to deal with the defined objective functions where the mechanism of interaction between the defined problem and the used algorithms are presented in a flowchart feature. The results confirm that the proposed approach is satisfactory and both algorithms are able to achieve the optimized controller for the wind turbine