41 research outputs found

    Behavioral modeling techniques for power amplifier digital pre-distortion

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    Abstract. The dramatic increase in the capacity of telecommunication networks has increased the requirements of the devices, one example of which is the continuously widening bandwidth. Using broadband signals requires often high linearity from the transmitter — and especially from the power amplifier at the end of the transmitter chain — but at the same time, it should operate as efficiently as possible. The power amplifier is the most power consuming component in the transmitter and inherently nonlinear, so its linearization is an essential part of the overall system performance. Of the current linearization techniques, digital pre-distortion has established itself as the most common tool for providing better linearity and efficiency in a power amplifier and transmitter. In this thesis, the performance of power amplifier models used in digital pre-distortion was investigated and their differences compared to the more complex reference model used in the actual base station product. The aim of this thesis was to create a behavioral model that corresponds the physical component as accurately as the reference model. This behavioral model could be used for example to design and optimize a power amplifier and linearization algorithm without the need for the secret model for the product. This, in its turn, would result in more efficient work with third parties such as component vendors and reduce the linearization time. The performance parameters of the behavioral models were introduced at the beginning of the thesis. These were also used in later parts to analyse the measurement results. Power amplifier linearization measurements were performed under laboratory conditions on a MATLAB® test bench. From the results, it was found that the use of a simple memoryless behavioral model is not enough to describe the physical nonlinear component with sufficient accuracy. The results also showed that the complexity of the model reduces its accuracy if the model coefficients are not correctly positioned. In this thesis, we succeeded in creating a memory model that describes the reference model sufficiently accurately on several meters, taking into account also the memory effects of the power amplifier. This thesis thus provides a good basis for further development of the actual modeling tool for product projects.Tehovahvistimen käyttäytymistason mallinnustekniikat esisärötyksen tueksi. Tiivistelmä. Tietoliikenneverkkojen kapasiteetin räjähdysmäinen kasvu on lisännyt laitteiden vaatimuksia, joista yhtenä esimerkkinä on jatkuvasti suureneva kaistanleveys. Laajakaistaiset signaalit vaativat usein lähettimeltä — ja etenkin lähettimen loppupäässä olevalta tehovahvistimelta — korkeaa lineaarisuutta, mutta samalla sen on toimittava mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Tehovahvistin on lähettimen eniten tehoa kuluttava komponentti ja luonnostaan epälineaarinen, joten sen linearisointi on oleellinen osa koko systeemin suorituskykyä. Nykyisistä linearisointitekniikoista digitaalinen esisärötys on vakiinnuttanut paikkansa yleisimpänä työkaluna paremman lineaarisuuden ja tehokkuuden saavuttamiseksi tehovahvistimessa. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin digitaalisessa esisärötyksessä käytettävien käyttäytymistason tehovahvistinmallien suorituskykyjä ja niiden eroja varsinaisessa tukiasematuotteessa käytettävään, monimutkaisempaan referenssimalliin verrattuna. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda käyttäytymismalli, jolla voidaan kuvata fyysistä komponenttia yhtä tarkasti kuin referenssimallilla. Mallia voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi uuden tehovahvistimen suunnittelussa ilman, että kaupalliseen tuotteeseen tulevaa, salaista referenssimallia on tarve käyttää. Näin voitaisiin tehostaa työskentelyä ulkopuolisten tahojen, kuten komponenttitoimittajien kanssa ja vähentää linearisointiin käytettävää aikaa. Työn alussa esiteltiin käyttäytymismallien suorituskykyparametrit, joita käytettiin mittaustulosten analysointiin. Tehovahvistimien linearisointimittaukset suoritettiin laboratorio-olosuhteissa MATLAB®-testipenkissä. Mittauksissa todettiin, että yksinkertainen, muistiton käyttäytymismalli ei riitä kuvaamaan fyysistä komponenttia riittävän tarkasti. Tuloksista pääteltiin myös, että liian kompleksinen malli heikentää sen tarkkuutta. Työssä onnistuttiin luomaan muistillinen käyttäytymismalli, joka kuvaa referenssimallia riittävän tarkasti usealla eri mittarilla tarkastellen — huomioiden osaltaan myös tehovahvistimen muistiefektejä. Tämä opinnäytetyö tarjoaa siis hyvän pohjan varsinaisen mallinnustyökalun jatkokehitykselle tuoteprojekteihin

    High efficiency power amplifiers for modern mobile communications: The load-modulation approach

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    Modern mobile communication signals require power amplifiers able to maintain very high efficiency in a wide range of output power levels, which is a major issue for classical power amplifier architectures. Following the load-modulation approach, efficiency enhancement is achieved by dynamically changing the amplifier load impedance as a function of the input power. In this paper, a review of the widely-adopted Doherty power amplifier and of the other load-modulation efficiency enhancement techniques is presented. The main theoretical aspects behind each method are introduced, and the most relevant practical implementations available in recent literature are reported and discussed

    Linear Operation of Switch-Mode Outphasing Power Amplifiers

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    Radio transceivers are playing an increasingly important role in modern society. The ”connected” lifestyle has been enabled by modern wireless communications. The demand that has been placed on current wireless and cellular infrastructure requires increased spectral efficiency however this has come at the cost of power efficiency. This work investigates methods of improving wireless transceiver efficiency by enabling more efficient power amplifier architectures, specifically examining the role of switch-mode power amplifiers in macro cell scenarios. Our research focuses on the mechanisms within outphasing power amplifiers which prevent linear amplification. From the analysis it was clear that high power non-linear effects are correctable with currently available techniques however non-linear effects around the zero crossing point are not. As a result signal processing techniques for suppressing and avoiding non-linear operation in low power regions are explored. A novel method of digital pre-distortion is presented, and conventional techniques for linearisation are adapted for the particular needs of the outphasing power amplifier. More unconventional signal processing techniques are presented to aid linearisation of the outphasing power amplifier, both zero crossing and bandwidth expansion reduction methods are designed to avoid operation in nonlinear regions of the amplifiers. In combination with digital pre-distortion the techniques will improve linearisation efforts on outphasing systems with dynamic range and bandwidth constraints respectively. Our collaboration with NXP provided access to a digital outphasing power amplifier, enabling empirical analysis of non-linear behaviour and comparative analysis of behavioural modelling and linearisation efforts. The collaboration resulted in a bench mark for linear wideband operation of a digital outphasing power amplifier. The complimentary linearisation techniques, bandwidth expansion reduction and zero crossing reduction have been evaluated in both simulated and practical outphasing test benches. Initial results are promising and indicate that the benefits they provide are not limited to the outphasing amplifier architecture alone. Overall this thesis presents innovative analysis of the distortion mechanisms of the outphasing power amplifier, highlighting the sensitivity of the system to environmental effects. Practical and novel linearisation techniques are presented, with a focus on enabling wide band operation for modern communications standards

    A fast engineering approach to high efficiency power amplifier linearization for avionics applications

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    This PhD thesis provides a fast engineering approach to the design of digital predistortion (DPD) linearizers from several perspectives: i) enhancing the off-line training performance of open-loop DPD, ii) providing robustness and reducing the computational complexity of the parameters identification subsystem and, iii) importing machine learning techniques to favor the automatic tuning of power amplifiers (PAs) and DPD linearizers with several free-parameters to maximize power efficiency while meeting the linearity specifications. One of the essential parts of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is the avionics, being the radio control one of the earliest avionics present in the UAV. Unlike the control signal, for transferring user data (such as images, video, etc.) real-time from the drone to the ground station, large transmission rates are required. The PA is a key element in the transmitter chain to guarantee the data transmission (video, photo, etc.) over a long range from the ground station. The more linear output power, the better the coverage or alternatively, with the same coverage, better SNR allows the use of high-order modulation schemes and thus higher transmission rates are achieved. In the context of UAV wireless communications, the power consumption, size and weight of the payload is of significant importance. Therefore, the PA design has to take into account the compromise among bandwidth, output power, linearity and power efficiency (very critical in battery-supplied devices). The PA can be designed to maximize its power efficiency or its linearity, but not both. Therefore, a way to deal with this inherent trade-off is to design high efficient amplification topologies and let the PA linearizers take care of the linearity requirements. Among the linearizers, DPD linearization is the preferred solution to both academia and industry, for its high flexibility and linearization performance. In order to save as many computational and power resources as possible, the implementation of an open-loop DPD results a very attractive solution for UAV applications. This thesis contributes to the PA linearization, especially on off-line training for open-loop DPD, by presenting two different methods for reducing the design and operating costs of an open-loop DPD, based on the analysis of the DPD function. The first method focuses on the input domain analysis, proposing mesh-selecting (MeS) methods to accurately select the proper samples for a computationally efficient DPD parameter estimation. Focusing in the MeS method with better performance, the memory I-Q MeS method is combined with feature extraction dimensionality reduction technique to allow a computational complexity reduction in the identification subsystem by a factor of 65, in comparison to using the classical QR-LS solver and consecutive samples selection. In addition, the memory I-Q MeS method has been proved to be of crucial interest when training artificial neural networks (ANN) for DPD purposes, by significantly reducing the ANN training time. The second method involves the use of machine learning techniques in the DPD design procedure to enlarge the capacity of the DPD algorithm when considering a high number of free parameters to tune. On the one hand, the adaLIPO global optimization algorithm is used to find the best parameter configuration of a generalized memory polynomial behavioral model for DPD. On the other hand, a methodology to conduct a global optimization search is proposed to find the optimum values of a set of key circuit and system level parameters, that properly combined with DPD linearization and crest factor reduction techniques, can exploit at best dual-input PAs in terms of maximizing power efficiency along wide bandwidths while being compliant with the linearity specifications. The advantages of these proposed techniques have been validated through experimental tests and the obtained results are analyzed and discussed along this thesis.Aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona unes pautes per al disseny de linealitzadors basats en predistorsió digital (DPD) des de diverses perspectives: i) millorar el rendiment del DPD en llaç obert, ii) proporcionar robustesa i reduir la complexitat computacional del subsistema d'identificació de paràmetres i, iii) incorporació de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic per afavorir l'auto-ajustament d'amplificadors de potència (PAs) i linealitzadors DPD amb diversos graus de llibertat per poder maximitzar l’eficiència energètica i al mateix temps acomplir amb les especificacions de linealitat. Una de les parts essencials dels vehicles aeris no tripulats (UAV) _es l’aviònica, sent el radiocontrol un dels primers sistemes presents als UAV. Per transferir dades d'usuari (com ara imatges, vídeo, etc.) en temps real des del dron a l’estació terrestre, es requereixen taxes de transmissió grans. El PA _es un element clau de la cadena del transmissor per poder garantir la transmissió de dades a grans distàncies de l’estació terrestre. A major potència de sortida, més cobertura o, alternativament, amb la mateixa cobertura, millor relació senyal-soroll (SNR) la qual cosa permet l’ús d'esquemes de modulació d'ordres superiors i, per tant, aconseguir velocitats de transmissió més altes. En el context de les comunicacions sense fils en UAVs, el consum de potència, la mida i el pes de la càrrega útil són de vital importància. Per tant, el disseny del PA ha de tenir en compte el compromís entre ample de banda, potència de sortida, linealitat i eficiència energètica (molt crític en dispositius alimentats amb bateries). El PA es pot dissenyar per maximitzar la seva eficiència energètica o la seva linealitat, però no totes dues. Per tant, per afrontar aquest compromís s'utilitzen topologies amplificadores d'alta eficiència i es deixa que el linealitzador s'encarregui de garantir els nivells necessaris de linealitat. Entre els linealitzadors, la linealització DPD és la solució preferida tant per al món acadèmic com per a la indústria, per la seva alta flexibilitat i rendiment. Per tal d'estalviar tant recursos computacionals com consum de potència, la implementació d'un DPD en lla_c obert resulta una solució molt atractiva per a les aplicacions UAV. Aquesta tesi contribueix a la linealització del PA, especialment a l'entrenament fora de línia de linealitzadors DPD en llaç obert, presentant dos mètodes diferents per reduir el cost computacional i augmentar la fiabilitat dels DPDs en llaç obert. El primer mètode se centra en l’anàlisi de l’estadística del senyal d'entrada, proposant mètodes de selecció de malla (MeS) per seleccionar les mostres més significatives per a una estimació computacionalment eficient dels paràmetres del DPD. El mètode proposat IQ MeS amb memòria es pot combinar amb tècniques de reducció del model del DPD i d'aquesta manera poder aconseguir una reducció de la complexitat computacional en el subsistema d’identificació per un factor de 65, en comparació amb l’ús de l'algoritme clàssic QR-LS i selecció de mostres d'entrenament consecutives. El segon mètode consisteix en l’ús de tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic pel disseny del DPD quan es considera un gran nombre de graus de llibertat (paràmetres) per sintonitzar. D'una banda, l'algorisme d’optimització global adaLIPO s'utilitza per trobar la millor configuració de paràmetres d'un model polinomial amb memòria generalitzat per a DPD. D'altra banda, es proposa una estratègia per l’optimització global d'un conjunt de paràmetres clau per al disseny a nivell de circuit i sistema, que combinats amb linealització DPD i les tècniques de reducció del factor de cresta, poden maximitzar l’eficiència de PAs d'entrada dual de gran ample de banda, alhora que compleixen les especificacions de linealitat. Els avantatges d'aquestes tècniques proposades s'han validat mitjançant proves experimentals i els resultats obtinguts s'analitzen i es discuteixen al llarg d'aquesta tesi

    Envelope Factorization with Partial Elimination and Recombination, EF-PER, a New Linear RF Architecture

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    In this paper, a new architecture for efficient linear radio frequency transmitters is proposed; it includes envelope-tracking (ET) and envelope-elimination-and-restoration (EER) architectures as special instances. The proposed technique is referred to as Envelope Factorization with Partial Elimination and Recombination (EF-PER). It relies on a decomposition of the RF signal before power amplification as a product of two signals, one of them being the envelope signal elevated to an exponent “α”. Compared to ET or EER architectures, the parameter “α” constitutes a new degree of freedom. This allows one to realize good tradeoffs between different performance criteria such as spectrum use, power efficiency, and transmitter linearity. An intuitive aggregate cost function is introduced to capture the desired tradeoff and turns out to be maximized in α=0.5. The full relevance of EF-PER is sustained both by analytical results and realistic simulations performed for OFDM signals. The EF-PER architecture (with α=0.5) has been simulated under Agilent-ADS with a non-linear transistor model from Avago (E-PHEMT) and compared with ET and EER

    Contribution to dimensionality reduction of digital predistorter behavioral models for RF power amplifier linearization

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    The power efficiency and linearity of radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) are critical in wireless communication systems. The main scope of PA designers is to build the RF PAs capable to maintain high efficiency and linearity figures simultaneously. However, these figures are inherently conflicted to each other and system-level solutions based on linearization techniques are required. Digital predistortion (DPD) linearization has become the most widely used solution to mitigate the efficiency versus linearity trade-off. The dimensionality of the DPD model depends on the complexity of the system. It increases significantly in high efficient amplification architectures when considering current wideband and spectrally efficient technologies. Overparametrization may lead to an ill-conditioned least squares (LS) estimation of the DPD coefficients, which is usually solved by employing regularization techniques. However, in order to both reduce the computational complexity and avoid ill-conditioning problems derived from overparametrization, several efforts have been dedicated to investigate dimensionality reduction techniques to reduce the order of the DPD model. This dissertation contributes to the dimensionality reduction of DPD linearizers for RF PAs with emphasis on the identification and adaptation subsystem. In particular, several dynamic model order reduction approaches based on feature extraction techniques are proposed. Thus, the minimum number of relevant DPD coefficients are dynamically selected and estimated in the DPD adaptation subsystem. The number of DPD coefficients is reduced, ensuring a well-conditioned LS estimation while demanding minimum hardware resources. The presented dynamic linearization approaches are evaluated and compared through experimental validation with an envelope tracking PA and a class-J PA The experimental results show similar linearization performance than the conventional LS solution but at lower computational cost.La eficiencia energetica y la linealidad de los amplificadores de potencia (PA) de radiofrecuencia (RF) son fundamentales en los sistemas de comunicacion inalambrica. El principal objetivo a alcanzar en el diserio de amplificadores de radiofrecuencia es lograr simultaneamente elevadas cifras de eficiencia y de linealidad. Sin embargo, estas cifras estan inherentemente en conflicto entre si, y se requieren soluciones a nivel de sistema basadas en tecnicas de linealizacion. La linealizacion mediante predistorsion digital (DPD) se ha convertido en la solucion mas utilizada para mitigar el compromise entre eficiencia y linealidad. La dimension del modelo del predistorsionador DPD depende de la complejidad del sistema, y aumenta significativamente en las arquitecturas de amplificacion de alta eficiencia cuando se consideran los actuales anchos de banda y las tecnologfas espectralmente eficientes. El exceso de parametrizacion puede conducir a una estimacion de los coeficientes DPD, mediante minimos cuadrados (LS), mal condicionada, lo cual generalmente se resuelve empleando tecnicas de regularizacion. Sin embargo, con el fin de reducir la complejidad computacional y evitar dichos problemas de mal acondicionamiento derivados de la sobreparametrizacion, se han dedicado varies esfuerzos para investigar tecnicas de reduccion de dimensionalidad que permitan reducir el orden del modelo del DPD. Esta tesis doctoral contribuye a aportar soluciones para la reduccion de la dimension de los linealizadores DPD para RF PA, centrandose en el subsistema de identificacion y adaptacion. En concrete, se proponen varies enfoques de reduccion de orden del modelo dinamico, basados en tecnicas de extraccion de caracteristicas. El numero minimo de coeficientes DPD relevantes se seleccionan y estiman dinamicamente en el subsistema de adaptacion del DPD, y de este modo la cantidad de coeficientes DPD se reduce, lo cual ademas garantiza una estimacion de LS bien condicionada al tiempo que exige menos recursos de hardware. Las propuestas de linealizacion dinamica presentados en esta tesis se evaluan y comparan mediante validacion experimental con un PA de seguimiento de envolvente y un PA tipo clase J. Los resultados experimentales muestran unos resultados de linealizacion de los PA similares a los obtenidos cuando se em plea la solucion LS convencional, pero con un coste computacional mas reducido.Postprint (published version

    Amping up, saving power

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Fourth-generation (4G) communication systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and the proposed backwards compatible fifth-generation (5G) variants, like filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC), are based on modulation techniques that allow significantly increased spectral efficiency and capacity in mobile radio access networks (RANs). However, the use of these modulation techniques impacts the requirements of the radio base stations, which have been traditionally the most energy-consuming element of mobile networks, accounting for up to 80% of the energy consumption of RANs [1]. Non-constant envelope-modulation techniques with high peak-to-average power ratios (PAPRs) require highly linear power amplifier (PA) amplitude and phase responses to fulfill stringent spectral mask and modulation accuracy requirements. This is often achieved with significant PA back-off, which considerably reduces PA efficiency because the PA's maximum efficiency is achieved near the saturation point.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Digital predistortion of RF amplifiers using baseband injection for mobile broadband communications

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    Radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) represent the most challenging design parts of wireless transmitters. In order to be more energy efficient, PAs should operate in nonlinear region where they produce distortion that significantly degrades the quality of signal at transmitter’s output. With the aim of reducing this distortion and improve signal quality, digital predistortion (DPD) techniques are widely used. This work focuses on improving the performances of DPDs in modern, next-generation wireless transmitters. A new adaptive DPD based on an iterative injection approach is developed and experimentally verified using a 4G signal. The signal performances at transmitter output are notably improved, while the proposed DPD does not require large digital signal processing memory resources and computational complexity. Moreover, the injection-based DPD theory is extended to be applicable in concurrent dual-band wireless transmitters. A cross-modulation problem specific to concurrent dual-band transmitters is investigated in detail and novel DPD based on simultaneous injection of intermodulation and cross-modulation distortion products is proposed. In order to mitigate distortion compensation limit phenomena and memory effects in highly nonlinear RF PAs, this DPD is further extended and complete generalised DPD system for concurrent dual-band transmitters is developed. It is clearly proved in experiments that the proposed predistorter remarkably improves the in-band and out-of-band performances of both signals. Furthermore, it does not depend on frequency separation between frequency bands and has significantly lower complexity in comparison with previously reported concurrent dual-band DPDs

    Digital Pre-distortion for Interference Reduction in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks

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    Given the ever increasing reliance of today’s society on ubiquitous wireless access, the paradigm of dynamic spectrum access (DSA) as been proposed and implemented for utilizing the limited wireless spectrum more efficiently. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is growing in popularity for adoption into wireless services employing DSA frame- work, due to its high bandwidth efficiency and resiliency to multipath fading. While these advantages have been proven for many wireless applications, including LTE-Advanced and numerous IEEE wireless standards, one potential drawback of OFDM or its non-contiguous variant, NC-OFDM, is that it exhibits high peak-to-average power ratios (PAPR), which can induce in-band and out-of-band (OOB) distortions when the peaks of the waveform enter the compression region of the transmitter power amplifier (PA). Such OOB emissions can interfere with existing neighboring transmissions, and thereby severely deteriorate the reliability of the DSA network. A performance-enhancing digital pre-distortion (DPD) technique compensating for PA and in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) modulator distortions is proposed in this dissertation. Al- though substantial research efforts into designing DPD schemes have already been presented in the open literature, there still exists numerous opportunities to further improve upon the performance of OOB suppression for NC-OFDM transmission in the presence of RF front-end impairments. A set of orthogonal polynomial basis functions is proposed in this dissertation together with a simplified joint DPD structure. A performance analysis is presented to show that the OOB emissions is reduced to approximately 50 dBc with proposed algorithms employed during NC-OFDM transmission. Furthermore, a novel and intuitive DPD solution that can minimize the power regrowth at any pre-specified frequency in the spurious domain is proposed in this dissertation. Conventional DPD methods have been proven to be able to effectively reduce the OOB emissions that fall on top of adjacent channels. However more spectral emissions in more distant frequency ranges are generated by employing such DPD solutions, which are potentially in violation of the spurious emission limit. At the same time, the emissions in adjacent channel must be kept under the OOB limit. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there has not been extensive research conducted on this topic. Mathematical derivation procedures of the proposed algorithm are provided for both memoryless nonlinear model and memory-based nonlinear model. Simulation results show that the proposed method is able to provide a good balance of OOB emissions and emissions in the far out spurious domain, by reducing the spurious emissions by 4-5 dB while maintaining the adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) improvement by at least 10 dB, comparing to the PA output spectrum without any DPD

    Low complexity transmit processing for multibeam satellite systems with non-linear channels

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