40 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic behavior of memory cell array spot defects in embedded DRAMs

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    Test generation and optimization for dram cell defects using electrical simulation

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    PPM Reduction on Embedded Memories in System on Chip

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    This paper summarizes advanced test patterns designed to target dynamic and time-related faults caused by new defect mechanisms in deep-submicron memory technologies. Such tests are industrially evaluated together with the traditional tests at "Design of Systems on Silicon (DS2)" in Spain in order to (a) validate the used fault models and (b) investigate the added value of the new tests and their impact on the PPM level. The preliminary silicon results are presented and analyzed. They validate some of the new dynamic fault models and show the importance of considering dynamic faults for high outgoing product quality.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Resilience of an embedded architecture using hardware redundancy

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    In the last decade the dominance of the general computing systems market has being replaced by embedded systems with billions of units manufactured every year. Embedded systems appear in contexts where continuous operation is of utmost importance and failure can be profound. Nowadays, radiation poses a serious threat to the reliable operation of safety-critical systems. Fault avoidance techniques, such as radiation hardening, have been commonly used in space applications. However, these components are expensive, lag behind commercial components with regards to performance and do not provide 100% fault elimination. Without fault tolerant mechanisms, many of these faults can become errors at the application or system level, which in turn, can result in catastrophic failures. In this work we study the concepts of fault tolerance and dependability and extend these concepts providing our own definition of resilience. We analyse the physics of radiation-induced faults, the damage mechanisms of particles and the process that leads to computing failures. We provide extensive taxonomies of 1) existing fault tolerant techniques and of 2) the effects of radiation in state-of-the-art electronics, analysing and comparing their characteristics. We propose a detailed model of faults and provide a classification of the different types of faults at various levels. We introduce an algorithm of fault tolerance and define the system states and actions necessary to implement it. We introduce novel hardware and system software techniques that provide a more efficient combination of reliability, performance and power consumption than existing techniques. We propose a new element of the system called syndrome that is the core of a resilient architecture whose software and hardware can adapt to reliable and unreliable environments. We implement a software simulator and disassembler and introduce a testing framework in combination with ERA’s assembler and commercial hardware simulators

    From detection to optimization: impact of soft errors on high-performance computing applications

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    As high-performance computing (HPC) continues to progress, constraints on HPC system design forces the handling of errors to higher levels in the software stack. Of the types of errors facing HPC, soft errors that silently corrupt system or application state are among the most severe. The behavior of HPC applications in the presence of soft errors is critical to gain insight for effective utilization of HPC systems. The need to understand this behavior can be used in developing algorithm-based error detection guided by application characteristics from fault injection and error propagation studies. Furthermore, the realization that applications are tolerant to small errors allows optimizations such as lossy compression on high-cost data transfers. Lossy compression adds small user controllable amounts of error when compressing data, to reduce data size before expensive data transfers saving time. This dissertation investigates and improves the resiliency of HPC applications to soft errors, and explores lossy compression as a new form of optimization for expensive, time-consuming data transfers

    Fault Detection Methodology for Caches in Reliable Modern VLSI Microprocessors based on Instruction Set Architectures

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    Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή εισάγει μία χαμηλού κόστους μεθοδολογία για την ανίχνευση ελαττωμάτων σε μικρές ενσωματωμένες κρυφές μνήμες που βασίζεται σε σύγχρονες Αρχιτεκτονικές Συνόλου Εντολών και εφαρμόζεται με λογισμικό αυτοδοκιμής. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζει αλγορίθμους March μέσω λογισμικού για την ανίχνευση τόσο ελαττωμάτων αποθήκευσης όταν εφαρμόζεται σε κρυφές μνήμες που περιέχουν μόνο στατικές μνήμες τυχαίας προσπέλασης όπως για παράδειγμα κρυφές μνήμες επιπέδου 1, όσο και ελαττωμάτων σύγκρισης όταν εφαρμόζεται σε κρυφές μνήμες που περιέχουν εκτός από SRAM μνήμες και μνήμες διευθυνσιοδοτούμενες μέσω περιεχομένου, όπως για παράδειγμα πλήρως συσχετιστικές κρυφές μνήμες αναζήτησης μετάφρασης. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζεται και στις τρεις οργανώσεις συσχετιστικότητας κρυφής μνήμης και είναι ανεξάρτητη της πολιτικής εγγραφής στο επόμενο επίπεδο της ιεραρχίας. Η μεθοδολογία αξιοποιεί υπάρχοντες ισχυρούς μηχανισμούς των μοντέρνων ISAs χρησιμοποιώντας ειδικές εντολές, που ονομάζονται στην παρούσα διατριβή Εντολές Άμεσης Προσπέλασης Κρυφής Μνήμης (Direct Cache Access Instructions - DCAs). Επιπλέον, η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εκμεταλλεύεται τους έμφυτους μηχανισμούς καταγραφής απόδοσης και τους μηχανισμούς χειρισμού παγίδων που είναι διαθέσιμοι στους σύγχρονους επεξεργαστές. Επιπρόσθετα, η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία εφαρμόζει την λειτουργία σύγκρισης των αλγορίθμων March όταν αυτή απαιτείται (για μνήμες CAM) και επαληθεύει το αποτέλεσμα του ελέγχου μέσω σύντομης απόκρισης, ώστε να είναι συμβατή με τις απαιτήσεις του ελέγχου εντός λειτουργίας. Τέλος, στη διατριβή προτείνεται μία βελτιστοποίηση της μεθοδολογίας για πολυνηματικές, πολυπύρηνες αρχιτεκτονικές.The present PhD thesis introduces a low cost fault detection methodology for small embedded cache memories that is based on modern Instruction Set Architectures and is applied with Software-Based Self-Test (SBST) routines. The proposed methodology applies March tests through software to detect both storage faults when applied to caches that comprise Static Random Access Memories (SRAM) only, e.g. L1 caches, and comparison faults when applied to caches that apart from SRAM memories comprise Content Addressable Memories (CAM) too, e.g. Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs). The proposed methodology can be applied to all three cache associativity organizations: direct mapped, set-associative and full-associative and it does not depend on the cache write policy. The methodology leverages existing powerful mechanisms of modern ISAs by utilizing instructions that we call in this PhD thesis Direct Cache Access (DCA) instructions. Moreover, our methodology exploits the native performance monitoring hardware and the trap handling mechanisms which are available in modern microprocessors. Moreover, the proposed Methodology applies March compare operations when needed (for CAM arrays) and verifies the test result with a compact response to comply with periodic on-line testing needs. Finally, a multithreaded optimization of the proposed methodology that targets multithreaded, multicore architectures is also presented in this thesi

    Addressing Prolonged Restore Challenges in Further Scaling DRAMs

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    As the de facto memory technology, DRAM has enjoyed continuous scaling over the past decades to keep performance growth and capacity enhancement. However, DRAM further scaling into deep sub-micron regime faces significant challenges. Among the induced issues, prolonged restore time is expected to be one of the major concerns, but it has been paid little attention. Aiming at restore issue, this thesis performs pioneering studies to characterize the problems, and presents techniques from different perspectives to overcome them. First, our experimental studies quantify the significant restore process variations, causing serious degradations on yield and/or performance. To solve the problem, we propose schemes to expose the variations to the architectural levels. Fast restore chunks can thus be constructed utilizing DRAM organization, and they can be exposed to the memory controller to effectively compensate the performance loss. Further, we maximize the improvement by applying restore-time-aware rank construction and hotness-aware page allocation schemes to fully utilize the fast regions. Second, in addition to simply expose the variations to higher levels, we investigate DRAM cell structures and behaviors finding that refresh and restore are two strongly correlated operations. Whereas are being fully restored after each read or write access, DRAM cells are always being fully charged by periodical refresh operations, providing an opportunity to early terminate restore. With the insight, we first propose to truncate a restore using the time distance to next refresh. Further, to provide more truncation opportunities, we integrate the multirate-refresh concepts to shorten the distance by increasing the refresh rate of recently accessed regions. Lastly, we explore higher to the application level with the inspiration that a large set of applications can well tolerate output accuracy loss and runtime errors, enabling us to exploit approximate computing to mitigate prolonged restore. By utilizing the variance in restore timing exhibited at different row segments, we reduce the restore time such that only partial segments are fully reliable. We then map the critical data onto the reliable segments to keep the application-level errors low. Atop of the approximation-aware technique, we further generalize it to support precise computing as well

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design