330 research outputs found

    09071 Abstracts Collection -- Delay and Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) II

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    From 08.02. to 11.02.2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09071 ``Delay and Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) II \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Analysis of Different Buffer Management Strategies in Delay Tolerance Network Routing

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    Delay Tolerant Networks or DTNs are the results of the evolutions in the mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In such environments the link between the pair of nodes is frequently disrupted due to the dissemination nature, mobility of nodes, and power outages. Because of the environment nature in Delay Tolerant Networks like under water, ocean sensor networks etc., the delays may be very extensive. To obtain data delivery in such challenging and harsh networking environments, researchers have proposed a technique in which the messages is stored into the buffers of intermediary nodes until it is forwarded to the destination. The DTNs are based on the concept of store-carry-and-forward protocols. So, node have to store message for long or short period of time and when connection established replica will be sent to encountered node. A critical challenge is to determine routes through the network without even having an end-to-end connection. This combination of long term storage and message replication imposes a high storage and bandwidth overhead. Thus, efficient scheduling and dropping policies are necessary to decide which messages should be discarded when nodes’ buffers operate close to their capacity. If a relay buffer is full and needs to store a new packet, it has to decide either to keep the current message or to drop it. This paper will give survey on different transmission and dropping policies with their mechanism, their performance in different routing and their limitations

    Enabling DTN-based web access : the server side

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    Verkkoympäristö, jossa modernit protokollat joutuvat toimimaan ei ole enää vain staattinen ja yhtenäinen Internet. Verkkopalvelujen kysynnän kasvaessa Internet levittäytyy entistä monimuotoisempiin ympäristöihin, kuten mobiileihin ad-hoc-verkkoihin. Näissä ympäristöissä toimivat verkot eivät välttämättä täytä tiettyjä ehtoja, jotka ovat edellytyksenä nykyisten Internet-protokollien käytölle. Tällöin näiden protokollien käyttö voi olla vaikeaa tai jopa mahdotonta. Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) on eräs lähestymistapa, jolla voidaan ratkaista haastavien verkkoympäristöjen aiheuttamia ongelmia. Tämän diplomityön ensimmäinen tavoite on mahdollistaa WWW:n käyttö DTN-verkoissa. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa HTTP-protokollan sovittamista DTN:n kuljetuskerrosprotokollan ("bundle protocol") päälle. DTN-ympäristössä yhteydet voivat olla katkonaisia ja tiedonsiirtoviiveet pitkiä, minkä vuoksi on tärkeää välttää turhaa edestakaista viestiliikennettä kommunikoivien noodien välillä. Normaalisti HTTP toimii siten, että se hakee WWW-sivuun liittyvät resurssit yksitellen. Tämä aiheuttaa turhaa liikennettä, joten HTTP ei suoraan sovellu DTN-ympäristöön. Työssä määritellään käsite "resource bundling", jonka avulla HTTP voidaan sovittaa paremmin DTN-yhteensopivaksi. Perusidea on koota WWW-sivun resurssit yhteen pakettiin, jolloin sivun noutamiseen tarvittavien edestakaisten protokollaviestien määrä saadaan minimoitua. Työn toinen tavoite on toteuttaa WWW-palvelinohjelma, joka tukee työssä määriteltyä "resource bundling"-konseptia. Palvelin pohjautuu kahteen vapaan lähdekoodin ohjelmakomponenttiin, jotka ovat vastuussa alemman tason protokollaoperaatioista sekä HTTP-palvelimen perustoiminnoista. Integroimalla nämä komponentit ja kehittämällä resurssien käsittelyyn liittyvä korkeamman tason logiikka, työssä toteutetaan natiivi DTN-pohjainen WWW-palvelin. Työssä myös suoritetaan mittauksia, joilla varmistetaan palvelimen soveltuvuus sen todelliseen käyttöympäristöön ja lisäksi todetaan, että suunniteltu järjestelmä todella parantaa WWW:n käyttömahdollisuuksia haastavissa verkko-olosuhteissa.The networking landscape in which modern protocols must operate is no longer just the static, homogeneous Internet. As the demand for ubiquitous connectivity grows, the Internet stretches out to increasingly diverse environments, such as mobile ad-hoc networks. In these environments, certain assumptions that current Internet protocols rely on may not hold, thus making these protocols inefficient or even useless. Delay-tolerant Networking (DTN) is one approach to solving the problems that arise in such settings. In this thesis, our first objective is to conceptualize the mechanisms needed to enable web access in a DTN environment. More specifically, the goal is to run the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the DTN transport protocol (i.e., the bundle protocol). In a DTN environment, where connectivity may be intermittent and transmission delays long, it is important to avoid unnecessary round-trips between the communicating nodes. Consequently, HTTP is not directly applicable to DTN due to its conversational style of operation in which the resources of a web page are fetched one at a time. We adapt HTTP to the DTN environment by introducing the concept of resource bundling, which means that web resources are grouped together into larger aggregates in order to minimize the number of round-trips required to retrieve a web page. The second objective of the thesis is to implement the resource bundling concept in a web server application. The server builds on two major open source software components that handle the low-level bundle protocol operations and form the basis of the HTTP server logic. We integrate these pieces and extend them with the high-level resource bundling logic to produce a native DTN web server. We also perform measurements on the server, verifying its adeptness for real-world deployment and proving that the resource bundling concept truly has a positive impact on the web browsing experience in challenged network environments

    Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) have the great potential to connecting devices and regions of the world that are presently under-served by current networks. A vital challenge for Delay Tolerant Networks is to determine the routes through the network without ever having an end to end path, or knowing which routers will be connected at any given instant of time. The problem has an added constraint of limited size of buffers at each node. This situation limits the applicability of traditional routing techniques which categorize lack of path as failure of nodes and try to seek for existing end-to-end path. Approaches have been proposed which focus either on epidemic message replication or on previously known information about the connectivity schedule. The epidemic approach, which is basically a flooding technique, of replicating messages to all nodes has a very high overhead and does not perform well with increasing load. It can, however, operate without any prior information on the network configuration. On the other hand, the alternatives, i.e., having a prior knowledge about the connectivity, seems to be infeasible for a self-configuring network. In this project we try to maximize the message delivery rate without compromising on the amount of message discarded. The amount of message discarded has a direct relation to the bandwidth used and the battery consumed. The more the message discarded more is the bandwidth used and battery consumed by every node in transmitting the message. At the same time, with the increase in the number of messages discarded, the cost for processing every message increases and this adversely affects the nodes. Therefore, we have proposed an algorithm where the messages are disseminated faster into the network with lesser number of replication of individual messages. The history of encounter of a node with other nodes gives noisy but valuable information about the network topology. Using this history, we try to route the packets from one node to another using an algorithm that depends on each node’s present available neighbours/contact and the nodes which it has encountered in the recent past. We have also focused on passing the messages to those nodes which are on the move away from the source/forwarder node, as the nodes moving away have a greater probability of disseminating the messages throughout the network and hence increases chances of delivering the message to the destination

    Content storage and retrieval mechanisms for vehicular delay-tolerant networks

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    Vehicular delay-tolerant networks (VDTNs) were proposed as a novel disruptive network concept based on the delay tolerant networking (DTN) paradigm. VDTN architecture uses vehicles to relay messages, enabling network connectivity in challenging scenarios. Due to intermittent connectivity, network nodes carry messages in their buffers, relaying them only when a proper contact opportunity occurs. Thus, the storage capacity and message retrieving of intermediate nodes directly affects the network performance. Therefore, efficient and robust caching and forwarding mechanisms are needed. This dissertation proposes a content storage and retrieval (CSR) solution for VDTN networks. This solution consists on storage and retrieval control labels, attached to every data bundle of aggregated network traffic. These labels define cacheable contents, and apply cachecontrol and forwarding restrictions on data bundles. The presented mechanisms gathered several contributions from cache based technologies such as Web cache schemes, ad-hoc and DTN networks. This solution is fully automated, providing a fast, safe, and reliable data transfer and storage management, while improves the applicability and performance of VDTN networks significantly. This work presents the performance evaluation and validation of CSR mechanisms through a VDTN testbed. Furthermore it presents several network performance evaluations and results using the well-known DTN routing protocols, Epidemic and Spray and Wait (including its binary variant). The comparison of the network behavior and performance on both protocols, with and without CSR mechanisms, proves that CSR mechanisms improve significantly the overall network performance

    Comparing Different DTN Routing Protocols in a Dense Deployment Scenario with Realistic Mobility Trace: Comparing Different DTN Routing Protocols in a Dense Deployment Scenario with Realistic Mobility Trace

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    In this paper we propose the usage of Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) in dense deployment scenarios where infrastructure access is not available or to reduce the traffic load from congested infrastructure networks for non-time critical applications. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and compare the performance of different DTN routing protocols in such scenarios where realistic mobility trace is used. The performance is analysed using the metrics of delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency, average number of hops and average buffer time. The simulation results show that DTN is a good solution to improve the network performance by reducing the traffic load in infrastructure networks and epidemic protocol is the most suitable routing protocol for realistic dense deployment scenarios