770 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Theoretical Analysis of NC-aided Cooperative ARQ Protocols in Correlated Shadowed Environments

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    In this paper, we propose a cross-layer analytical model for the study of network coding (NC)-based Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) medium access control (MAC) protocols in correlated slow-faded (shadowed) environments, where two end nodes are assisted by a cluster of relays to exchange data packets. The goal of our work is threefold: 1) to provide general physical-layer theoretical expressions for estimating crucial network parameters (i.e., network outage probability and expected size of the active relay set), applicable in two-way communications; 2) to demonstrate how these expressions are incorporated into theoretical models of the upper layers (i.e., MAC); and 3) to study the performance of a recently proposed NC-aided cooperative ARQ (NCCARQ) MAC protocol under correlated shadowing conditions. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments have been carried out to validate the efficiency of the developed analytical model and to investigate the realistic performance of NCCARQ. Our results indicate that the number of active relays is independent of the shadowing correlation in the wireless links and reveal intriguing tradeoffs between throughput and energy efficiency, highlighting the importance of cross-layer approaches for the assessment of cooperative MAC protocols

    MIMO communications over relay channels

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    Beacon-Assisted Spectrum Access with Cooperative Cognitive Transmitter and Receiver

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    Spectrum access is an important function of cognitive radios for detecting and utilizing spectrum holes without interfering with the legacy systems. In this paper we propose novel cooperative communication models and show how deploying such cooperations between a pair of secondary transmitter and receiver assists them in identifying spectrum opportunities more reliably. These cooperations are facilitated by dynamically and opportunistically assigning one of the secondary users as a relay to assist the other one which results in more efficient spectrum hole detection. Also, we investigate the impact of erroneous detection of spectrum holes and thereof missing communication opportunities on the capacity of the secondary channel. The capacity of the secondary users with interference-avoiding spectrum access is affected by 1) how effectively the availability of vacant spectrum is sensed by the secondary transmitter-receiver pair, and 2) how correlated are the perceptions of the secondary transmitter-receiver pair about network spectral activity. We show that both factors are improved by using the proposed cooperative protocols. One of the proposed protocols requires explicit information exchange in the network. Such information exchange in practice is prone to wireless channel errors (i.e., is imperfect) and costs bandwidth loss. We analyze the effects of such imperfect information exchange on the capacity as well as the effect of bandwidth cost on the achievable throughput. The protocols are also extended to multiuser secondary networks.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures, To appear in IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computin

    Propagation measurement based study on relay networks

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    Von der nächsten Generation von Mobilfunksystemen erwartet man eine umfassende Versorgung mit breitbandigen Multimediadiensten. Um die dafür erforderliche flächendeckende Versorgung mit hohen Datenraten zu gewährleisten, können Relay-Netzwerke einen wesentlichen Beitrag liefern. Hierbei werden Netzwerkstationen mit Relay-Funktionalität in zellulare Netzwerke integriert. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Untersuchung Relay-basierter Netzwerke unter Verwendung von Ausbreitungsmessungen. Die Arbeit deckt Fragen zur Kanalmodellierung, Systemevaluierung bis hin zur Systemverifikation ab. - Zunächst wird ein auf Funkkanalmessungen beruhendes experimentelles Kanalmodell für Relay-Netzwerke vorgestellt. Im Weiteren werden technische Verfahren für Mehrfachzugriffs-Relay-Netzwerke MARN diskutiert. Die erreichbare Systemleistung wurde unter Verwendung von Rayleigh-Kanälen innerhalb einer Systemsimulation bestimmt und im Anschluss mit realen Kanälen, die sowohl direkt aus Funkkanalmessungen als auch indirekt aus dem bereits erwähnten Kanalmodell abgeleitet wurden, verifiziert. Bisherige Arbeiten zur Modellierung breitbandiger Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Kanäle berücksichtigen nicht oder nur sehr stark vereinfacht die Langzeitkorrelationseigenschaften zwischen den Links und werden damit der vermaschten und räumlich weit verteilten Topologie von Relay-Netzwerken gerecht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolgte daher eine experimentelle Untersuchung zu den Korrelationseigenschaften von Large-Scale-Parametern LSP, die unter Verwendung von Funkkanalmessdaten aus urbanen Umgebungen und aus Innenräumen abgeleitet wurden. Die Ergebnisse hierzu fanden Eingang in das vom WINNER-Projekt entwickelte Kanalmodell. Sie erlauben damit eine realistischere Simulation von Relay-unterstützten Netzen. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit stellen technische Verfahren dar, die eine Erhöhung der Systemleistung in MARN mit unbekannter Interferenz UKIF versprechen. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um die Mehrfachzugriffs-Kodierung MAC - die eine verbesserte Signaltrennung auf der Empfängerseite und eine Erhöhung des Datendurchsatzes erlaubt, den Entwurf eines Relay-Protokolls zur Erhöhung der Systemeffizienz, einen Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Algorithmus zur Unterdrückung unbekannter Interferenzen bei Erhaltung der MAC-Signalstruktur mehrerer Mobilstationen MS, und ein fehlererkennungsbasiertes Signalauswahlverfahren zur Diversitätserhöhung. Die vorgenannten Verfahren werden in einer Systemsimulation zunächst mit Rayleigh-Kanälen evaluiert und demonstrieren die erzielbare theoretische Leistungssteigerung. Die Berücksichtigung realer Funkkanäle innerhalb der Systemsimulation zeigt allerdings, dass die theoretische Systemleistung so in der Realität nicht erreichbar ist. Die Ursache hierfür ist in den idealisierten Annahmen theoretischer Kanäle zu suchen. Für die Entwicklung künftiger Relay-Netzwerke bieten die in dieser Arbeit aufbereiteten Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Langzeitkorrelationseigenschaften zwischen den Links einen wertvollen Beitrag für die Abschätzung ihrer Systemleistung auf der Basis eines verbesserten Kanalmodells.Considering technological bases of next generation wireless systems, it is expected that systems can provide a variety of coverage requirements to support ubiquitous communications. To satisfy the requirements, an innovative idea, integrating network elements with a relaying capability into cellular networks, is one of the most promising solutions. The main topic of this dissertation is a propagation measurement based study on relay networks. The study includes three parts: channel modeling, performance evaluation, and verification. First of all, an empirical channel model for relay networks is proposed based on statistical analyses of measurement data. Then, advanced techniques for the throughput improvement and interference cancellation are proposed for Multiple Access Relay Networks (MARN) which are used as an example of relay networks. The performance of the considered MARN is evaluated for Rayleigh channels, and then verified for realistic channels, obtained from measurement data and from the experimental relay channel model as well. For relay channel modeling, the long-term correlation properties between links are of crucial importance due to the meshed-network topology. Although, there is a wide variety of research results for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel modeling available, the characterization of correlation properties has been significantly simplified or even completely ignored which motivates this research to be performed. In this dissertation, the experimental results of the correlation properties of Large Scale Parameters (LSP) are presented through the analysis on the real-field measurement data for both the urban and indoor scenarios. furthermore, the correlation properties have been fully introduced into the WINNER channel Model (WIM) for realistic relay channel simulations. As a further contribution of this dissertation, various advanced techniques are proposed for MARN in the presence of Unknown Interference (UKIF). Multiple Access Coding (MAC) is introduced as a multiple access technique. The use of MAC provides the signal separability at the receiver and improves throughput. Thereafter, high system resource efficiency can be achieved through relay protocol design. At the receiver, Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based spatial filtering is used to suppress UKIF while preserving multiple Mobile Station (MS)s’ MAC-encoded signal structure. Furthermore, an error detection aided signal selection technique is proposed for diversity increasing. The theoretical system performance with aforementioned techniques is simulated for Rayleigh channels. Thereafter, realistic channels are exploited for the performance verification. The gap between the theoretical performance and the realistic performance indicates that the assumptions made to the simplified Rayleigh-channels do not fully hold in reality. For the future relay system design, this work provides valuable information about the performance evaluation of relay networks in consideration of the correlation properties between links

    Performance analysis for industrial wireless networks

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    Industrial wireless networks operate in harsher and noisier environments compared to traditional wireless networks, while demanding high reliability and low latency. These requirements, combined with the constant need for better coverage, higher data rates and overall seamless user experience call for a paradigm shift in communication in regards to the previous generations of technologies used. Cooperative diversity is one such approach. The main focus of this thesis is on the performance analysis of cooperative wireless networks set in industrial environments – where the network, apart from additive white Gaussian noise, is subject to multipath fading and shadowing, and/or temporary random blockage effects. In these scenarios, in order to achieve specific performance metrics such as error rates or outage probabilities, existing cooperative strategies are aided by protocols in the channel between the cooperating nodes. Moreover, pair-wise analysis investigates the correlation of multiple data flows. Building upon existing repetition protocols, outage performance of a network subject to fading and shadowing is observed, and the effects of fading and shadowing severity, network dimension, average signal-to-noise ratio values and packet length are discussed. Special cases are also observed, in which the composite fading channel is reduced to several familiar propagation environments, unifying the analysis. Afterwards, the analysis of more complex protocols is presented, taking into account random blockage in the channels between cooperating nodes. A novel, threshold-based internode protocol is introduced, which improves performance by listening to the transmissions and choosing whether to send a packet immediately or after a waiting period. As these two periods are close, the effect of temporal correlation is also investigated. Apart from the exact outage probability expressions, simpler asymptotic expressions, with and without blockage, are derived as well, giving a better insight on the network behaviour at high average signal-to-noise ratio regimes. Both outage probability and packet error rate can be also improved by adding automatic repeat request schemes in the channel between cooperating nodes, which again utilize the internode channels by re-sending data until it can be successfully decoded. Error-free communication can be achieved, but at a delay cost. Nevertheless, a trade-off between performance gains and delays remains, and can therefore be used for designing wireless networks with different requirements – error-free or low-latency. Finally, joint outage performance is investigated. Using a generic approach, which can be applied to any sort of data where multiple sources are communicating over wireless networks, pair-wise behaviour is investigated. As a result, any multi-route diversity type of scheme will have this sort of behaviour, since particular point-to-point relay links are being shared by source nodes. This in turn means that the performance of those flows will be correlated. For higher layers, there is a difference in the behaviour, meaning that when errors are correlated, data flows start behaving correlated as well. As a result, negative acknowledgements may start to correlate as well. All of this contributes to the network behaving in a correlated way, i.e., when something happens, it tends to happen to more than one data flow