1 research outputs found

    Annual Report 2018-19

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    Not AvailableA large number of germplasm accessions of horticultural crops are being conserved and maintained in the field gene banks. Among fruit crops, a total of 1110,190,759 and 54 viable germplasm are being conserved at main station ICAR-IIHR, CHES, Bhubaneswar, Chettalli and Hirehalli, respectively. Whereas in vegetable crops, a total of 5694 and 842 viable germplasm are being conserved at main station and at CHES Bhubaneswar, respectively, including leafy and other underutilized vegetables. A total of 459 germplasm in flower crops and 225 in medicinal crops and 33 accessions of mushroom are also conserved at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. ICARIIHR has been identified as the National Repository for Rose by PPV&FRA, under which the digital rose repository of 75 rose varieties have been built for easy identification, grouping and selection of varieties. The germplasm collected and conserved has also been characterized using Bioversity International or NBPGR descriptors. In fruit crops, characters of 17 Appemidi and 26 mango accessions were morphologically characterized and fruit parameters of 25 accessions from FGB were characterized based on Bioversity International descriptors. Nine USDA germplasm of pomegranate were characterized for vegetative and fruit traits. Two varieties of guava, two exotic varieties of papaya, and three custard apple varieties were characterized for fruit traits as per the DUS descriptor. Three g e r m p l a s m o f p i n e a p p l e h a v e b e e n morphologically characterized and evaluated for yield and quality. In vegetable crops, 5 in chilli, 54 in brinjal, 45 in radish, 5 in onion were characterized using NBPGR descriptors. A total of 1000 accessions were evaluated for 24 characters based on NBPGR descriptors for growth, yield and quality. A total of 42 cylindrical and 18 round types of bottle gourd were evaluated for resistance to powdery mildew. Forty-six accessions comprising 15 summer squash and 26 butternut types were characterized for 14 quantitative and 11 qualitative traits based on NBPGR descriptors. Eighty six drumstick germplasm along with released varieties were evaluated for leaf nutritional parametersNot Availabl