794 research outputs found

    Study of Scattering and Polarization of Light in Biological Tissue

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    Tkáňová optika nabývá rychle na významu a přesná znalost optických vlastností biologických tkání je podstatná pro výzkum v biomedicíně i pro kontrolu kvality potravin. Jestliže je vzorek tkáně osvětlen, dochází k mnohonásobnému odrazu světla. V případě postmortem neživých tkání (maso) je rozměr buněk větší než vlnová délka použitého světla. Dochází k Mieovu rozptylu prošlého nebo zpět odraženého světla, v důsledku čehož se objevují různé polarizační stavy světla. Polarizační stavy světla rozptýleného na difúzním prostředí jsou experimentálně zkoumány a modelovány. V práci jsme provedli dva modifikované experimenty: rozptyl polarizovaného světla, které dvakrát prochází vzorkem (vpřed a vzad) a jen světla, které jen prochází vzorkem. Měření rozptýleného světla ukazuje, že dochází k depolarizaci a ke stáčení polarizační roviny, což obojí závisí na orientaci svalových vláken a stárnutí tkání postmortem. Mimo experimentů byl také proveden teoretický popis difúzní biologické tkáně a byla vypočtena radiační přenosová rovnice pomocí modifikované Monte Carlo metody, která zahrnuje polarizační stav světla (PLMC). Je ukázáno, že stupeň polarizace podstatně závisí na optických vlastnostech rozptylového prostředí. Výsledky ukazují, že stav polarizace světla na výstupu závisí na stavu polarizace světla před vzorkem a na optických vlastnostech a tloušťce vrstvy prostředí v průběhu jejího stárnutí. Je také provedena korelace změn polarizace na čerstvosti masa, i popis dynamického chování polarizace při stárnutí masa.Tissue optics becomes a rapidly expanding field of great interest and a precise knowledge of optical properties of biological tissues is essential for biomedical investigation and food quality control. If the sample of tissue is illuminated, the multiple scattering occurs. In the case of the postmortem tissue (meat) the cell dimensions are larger than the wavelength. Mie scattering of transmitted or reflected light arises and produces various polarization states. Polarization properties of light scattered from a scattering medium have been studied with experiments and modeling. Two modified experiments were performed: scattering of polarized light passing twice the sample (forward and backward) and only transmitted light. The measurements of scattered light display depolarization and rotation of polarized light, which depend both on orientation of the muscle fibers and ageing process of meat. Theoretical description of turbid biological tissue and computing of radiative transfer equation by modified Polarized Light Monte Carlo (PLMC) method has also been executed. It is shown that the degree of polarization is sensitive to the optical properties of the turbid medium. The results demonstrate that polarized light scattered from a scattering medium is sensitive to the state of input polarization and the optical properties and thickness of the tissue during the ageing. The correlations of polarization changes and freshness of meat, as well as dynamic behavior of the polarization in ageing meat are shown.

    Submillimeter Polarimetry with PolKa, a reflection-type modulator for the APEX telescope

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    Imaging polarimetry is an important tool for the study of cosmic magnetic fields. In our Galaxy, polarization levels of a few up to \sim10\% are measured in the submillimeter dust emission from molecular clouds and in the synchrotron emission from supernova remnants. Only few techniques exist to image the distribution of polarization angles, as a means of tracing the plane-of-sky projection of the magnetic field orientation. At submillimeter wavelengths, polarization is either measured as the differential total power of polarization-sensitive bolometer elements, or by modulating the polarization of the signal. Bolometer arrays such as LABOCA at the APEX telescope are used to observe the continuum emission from fields as large as \sim0\fdg2 in diameter. %Here we present the results from the commissioning of PolKa, a polarimeter for Here we present PolKa, a polarimeter for LABOCA with a reflection-type waveplate of at least 90\% efficiency. The modulation efficiency depends mainly on the sampling and on the angular velocity of the waveplate. For the data analysis the concept of generalized synchronous demodulation is introduced. The instrumental polarization towards a point source is at the level of 0.1\sim0.1\%, increasing to a few percent at the 10-10db contour of the main beam. A method to correct for its effect in observations of extended sources is presented. Our map of the polarized synchrotron emission from the Crab nebula is in agreement with structures observed at radio and optical wavelengths. The linear polarization measured in OMC1 agrees with results from previous studies, while the high sensitivity of LABOCA enables us to also map the polarized emission of the Orion Bar, a prototypical photon-dominated region

    Mueller matrix measurements and modeling pertaining to Spectralon white reflectance standards

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    The full Mueller matrix for a Spectralon white reflectance standard was measured in the incidence plane, to obtain the polarization state of the scattered light for different angles of illumination. The experimental setup was a Mueller matrix ellipsometer, by which measurements were performed for scattering angles measured relative to the normal of the Spectralon surface from −90° to 90° sampled at every 2.5° for an illumination wavelength of 532 nm. Previously, the polarization of light scattered from Spectralon white reflectance standards was measured only for four of the elements of the Muller matrix. As in previous investigations, the reflection properties of the Spectralon white reflectance standard was found to be close to those of a Lambertian surface for small scattering and illumination angles. At large scattering and illumination angles, all elements of the Mueller matrix were found to deviate from those of a Lambertian surface. A simple empirical model with only two parameters, was developed, and used to simulate the measured results with fairly good accuracy.publishedVersio

    A Large-Diameter Hollow-Shaft Cryogenic Motor Based on a Superconducting Magnetic Bearing for Millimeter-Wave Polarimetry

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    In this paper we present the design and measured performance of a novel cryogenic motor based on a superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB). The motor is tailored for use in millimeter-wave half-wave plate (HWP) polarimeters, where a HWP is rapidly rotated in front of a polarization analyzer or polarization-sensitive detector. This polarimetry technique is commonly used in cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization studies. The SMB we use is composed of fourteen yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) disks and a contiguous neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) ring magnet. The motor is a hollow-shaft motor because the HWP is ultimately installed in the rotor. The motor presented here has a 100 mm diameter rotor aperture. However, the design can be scaled up to rotor aperture diameters of approximately 500 mm. Our motor system is composed of four primary subsystems: (i) the rotor assembly, which includes the NdFeB ring magnet, (ii) the stator assembly, which includes the YBCO disks, (iii) an incremental encoder, and (iv) the drive electronics. While the YBCO is cooling through its superconducting transition, the rotor is held above the stator by a novel hold and release mechanism (HRM). The encoder subsystem consists of a custom-built encoder disk read out by two fiber optic readout sensors. For the demonstration described in this paper, we ran the motor at 50 K and tested rotation frequencies up to approximately 10 Hz. The feedback system was able to stabilize the the rotation speed to approximately 0.4%, and the measured rotor orientation angle uncertainty is less than 0.15 deg. Lower temperature operation will require additional development activities, which we will discuss

    Measuring Collagen Arrangement and Its Relationship with Preterm Birth using Mueller Matrix Polarimetry

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    Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as delivery prior to 37 weeks of gestation. It is the leading cause of infant death worldwide, responsible for infant neurological disorders, long-term cognitive impairment, as well as chronic health issues involving the auditory, visual, digestive, and respiratory systems. In expectant mothers, causes for PTB can include infection, inflammation, vascular disease, short intervals between pregnancies, multiple gestations and genetic factors. In the U.S., PTB occurs in over 11% of births and at an elevated 18.1% in Miami-Dade County, FL; while in the developing world the incidence of PB is over 15%. Early identification of at-risk pregnancies is important for the success of medical intervention. Current diagnosis methodologies of PTB include ultrasound imaging of cervical length and fetal fibronectin assay but have low positive predictive power. Compared to the markers targeted by current diagnosis methodologies, collagen content in the cervix changes more drastically throughout the course of gestation due to its link to changes in load bearing capacity that occur during the phases of pregnancy. Mueller matrix polarimetry is capable of characterizing changes in collagen without making contact with patients and may prove to be an improvement to current diagnosis methodologies. A clear difference is seen in collagen orientation between nonpregnant and pregnant patients. The development of a new imaging modality aimed at assessing early changes in collagen arrangement in the cervix may improve risk determination of PTB and reduce the morbidity of the condition. Earlier prediction of PTB could improve outcomes by allowing longer intervention times to prolong gestation time for the infant in the womb. A more reliable quantitative predictor may also lead to development of more treatment options

    Nano-optical sensing and metrology through near-to far-field transduction

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    Spectroscopic ellipsometry and polarimetry for materials and systems analysis at the nanometer scale: state-of-the-art, potential, and perspectives

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    This paper discusses the fundamentals, applications, potential, limitations, and future perspectives of polarized light reflection techniques for the characterization of materials and related systems and devices at the nanoscale. These techniques include spectroscopic ellipsometry, polarimetry, and reflectance anisotropy. We give an overview of the various ellipsometry strategies for the measurement and analysis of nanometric films, metal nanoparticles and nanowires, semiconductor nanocrystals, and submicron periodic structures. We show that ellipsometry is capable of more than the determination of thickness and optical properties, and it can be exploited to gain information about process control, geometry factors, anisotropy, defects, and quantum confinement effects of nanostructures