14 research outputs found

    Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Non-smooth Connectivity Functions

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    Abstract-Image segmentation, such as to extract an object from a background, is very useful for medical and biological image analysis. In this work, we propose new methods for interactive segmentation of multidimensional images, based on the Image Foresting Transform (IFT), by exploiting for the first time non-smooth connectivity functions (NSCF) with a strong theoretical background. The new algorithms provide global optimum solutions according to an energy function of graph cut, subject to high-level boundary constraints (polarity and shape), or consist in a sequence of paths' optimization in residual graphs. Our experimental results indicate substantial improvements in accuracy in relation to other state-of-the-art methods, by allowing the customization of the segmentation to a given target object

    Shape segmentation and retrieval based on the skeleton cut space

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    3D vormverzamelingen groeien snel in veel toepassingsgebieden. Om deze effectief te kunnen gebruiken bij modelleren, simuleren, of 3D contentontwikkeling moet men 3D vormen verwerken. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn het snijden van een vorm in zijn natuurlijke onderdelen (ook bekend als segmentatie), en het vinden van vormen die lijken op een gegeven model in een grote vormverzameling (ook bekend als opvraging). Dit proefschrift presenteert nieuwe methodes voor 3D vormsegmentatie en vormopvraging die gebaseerd zijn op het zogenaamde oppervlakskelet van een 3D vorm. Hoewel allang bekend, dergelijke skeletten kunnen alleen sinds kort snel, robuust, en bijna automatisch berekend worden. Deze ontwikkelingen stellen ons in staat om oppervlakskeletten te gebruiken om vormen te karakteriseren en analyseren zodat operaties zoals segmentatie en opvraging snel en automatisch gedaan kunnen worden. We vergelijken onze nieuwe methodes met moderne methodes voor dezelfde doeleinden en laten zien dat ons aanpak kwalitatief betere resultaten kan produceren. Ten slotte presenteren wij een nieuwe methode om oppervlakskeletten te extraheren die is veel simpeler dan, en heeft vergelijkbare snelheid met, de beste technieken in zijn klasse. Samenvattend, dit proefschrift laat zien hoe men een complete workflow kan implementeren voor het segmenteren en opvragen van 3D vormen gebruik makend van oppervlakskeletten alleen

    Skeletonization methods for image and volume inpainting

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    Skeletonization methods for image and volume inpainting

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    Skeletonization methods for image and volume inpainting

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    Image and shape restoration techniques are increasingly important in computer graphics. Many types of restoration techniques have been proposed in the 2D image-processing and according to our knowledge only one to volumetric data. Well-known examples of such techniques include digital inpainting, denoising, and morphological gap filling. However efficient and effective, such methods have several limitations with respect to the shape, size, distribution, and nature of the defects they can find and eliminate. We start by studying the use of 2D skeletons for the restoration of two-dimensional images. To this end, we show that skeletons are useful and efficient for volumetric data reconstruction. To explore our hypothesis in the 3D case, we first overview the existing state-of-the-art in 3D skeletonization methods, and conclude that no such method provides us with the features required by efficient and effective practical usage. We next propose a novel method for 3D skeletonization, and show how it complies with our desired quality requirements, which makes it thereby suitable for volumetric data reconstruction context. The joint results of our study show that skeletons are indeed effective tools to design a variety of shape restoration methods. Separately, our results show that suitable algorithms and implementations can be conceived to yield high end-to-end performance and quality of skeleton-based restoration methods. Finally, our practical applications can generate competitive results when compared to application areas such as digital hair removal and wire artifact removal


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Méthodes multi-organes rapides avec a priori de forme pour la localisation et la segmentation en imagerie médicale 3D

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    With the ubiquity of imaging in medical applications (diagnostic, treatment follow-up, surgery planning. . . ), image processing algorithms have become of primary importance. Algorithms help clinicians extract critical information more quickly and more reliably from increasingly large and complex acquisitions. In this context, anatomy localization and segmentation is a crucial component in modern clinical workflows. Due to particularly high requirements in terms of robustness, accuracy and speed, designing such tools remains a challengingtask.In this work, we propose a complete pipeline for the segmentation of multiple organs in medical images. The method is generic, it can be applied to varying numbers of organs, on different imaging modalities. Our approach consists of three components: (i) an automatic localization algorithm, (ii) an automatic segmentation algorithm, (iii) a framework for interactive corrections. We present these components as a coherent processing chain, although each block could easily be used independently of the others. To fulfill clinical requirements, we focus on robust and efficient solutions. Our anatomy localization method is based on a cascade of Random Regression Forests (Cuingnet et al., 2012). One key originality of our work is the use of shape priors for each organ (thanks to probabilistic atlases). Combined with the evaluation of the trained regression forests, they result in shape-consistent confidence maps for each organ instead of simple bounding boxes. Our segmentation method extends the implicit template deformation framework of Mory et al. (2012) to multiple organs. The proposed formulation builds on the versatility of the original approach and introduces new non-overlapping constraintsand contrast-invariant forces. This makes our approach a fully automatic, robust and efficient method for the coherent segmentation of multiple structures. In the case of imperfect segmentation results, it is crucial to enable clinicians to correct them easily. We show that our automatic segmentation framework can be extended with simple user-driven constraints to allow for intuitive interactive corrections. We believe that this final component is key towards the applicability of our pipeline in actual clinical routine.Each of our algorithmic components has been evaluated on large clinical databases. We illustrate their use on CT, MRI and US data and present a user study gathering the feedback of medical imaging experts. The results demonstrate the interest in our method and its potential for clinical use.Avec l’utilisation de plus en plus répandue de l’imagerie dans la pratique médicale (diagnostic, suivi, planification d’intervention, etc.), le développement d’algorithmes d’analyse d’images est devenu primordial. Ces algorithmes permettent aux cliniciens d’analyser et d’interpréter plus facilement et plus rapidement des données de plus en plus complexes. Dans ce contexte, la localisation et la segmentation de structures anatomiques sont devenues des composants critiques dans les processus cliniques modernes. La conception de tels outils pour répondre aux exigences de robustesse, précision et rapidité demeure cependant un réel défi technique.Ce travail propose une méthode complète pour la segmentation de plusieurs organes dans des images médicales. Cette méthode, générique et pouvant être appliquée à un nombre varié de structures et dans différentes modalités d’imagerie, est constituée de trois composants : (i) un algorithme de localisation automatique, (ii) un algorithme de segmentation, (iii) un outil de correction interactive. Ces différentes parties peuvent s’enchaîner aisément pour former un outil complet et cohérent, mais peuvent aussi bien être utilisées indépendemment. L’accent a été mis sur des méthodes robustes et efficaces afin de répondre aux exigences cliniques. Notre méthode de localisation s’appuie sur une cascade de régression par forêts aléatoires (Cuingnet et al., 2012). Elle introduit l’utilisation d’informations a priori de forme, spécifiques à chaque organe (grâce à des atlas probabilistes) pour des résultats plus cohérents avec la réalité anatomique. Notre méthode de segmentation étend la méthode de segmentation par modèle implicite (Mory et al., 2012) à plusieurs modèles. La formulation proposée permet d’obtenir des déformations cohérentes, notamment en introduisant des contraintes de non recouvrement entre les modèles déformés. En s’appuyant sur des forces images polyvalentes, l’approche proposée se montre robuste et performante pour la segmentation de multiples structures. Toute méthode automatique n’est cependant jamais parfaite. Afin que le clinicien garde la main sur le résultat final, nous proposons d’enrichir la formulation précédente avec des contraintes fournies par l’utilisateur. Une optimisation localisée permet d’obtenir un outil facile à utiliser et au comportement intuitif. Ce dernier composant est crucial pour que notre outil soit réellement utilisable en pratique. Chacun de ces trois composants a été évalué sur plusieurs grandes bases de données cliniques (en tomodensitométrie, imagerie par résonance magnétique et ultrasons). Une étude avec des utilisateurs nous a aussi permis de recueillir des retours positifs de plusieurs experts en imagerie médicale. Les différents résultats présentés dans ce manuscrit montrent l’intérêt de notre méthode et son potentiel pour une utilisation clinique

    Visual analytics of multidimensional time-dependent trails:with applications in shape tracking

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    Lots of data collected for both scientific and non-scientific purposes have similar characteristics: changing over time with many different properties. For example, consider the trajectory of an airplane travelling from one location to the other. Not only does the airplane itself move over time, but its heading, height and speed are changing at the same time. During this research, we investigated different ways to collect and visualze data with these characteristics. One practical application being for an automated milking device which needs to be able to determine the position of a cow's teats. By visualizing all data which is generated during the tracking process we can acquire insights in the working of the tracking system and identify possibilites for improvement which should lead to better recognition of the teats by the machine. Another important result of the research is a method which can be used to efficiently process a large amount of trajectory data and visualize this in a simplified manner. This has lead to a system which can be used to show the movement of all airplanes around the world for a period of multiple weeks