9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Temu Kembali Citra Menggunakan Fitur Warna Berbasis Histogram dan Fitur Tekstur Berbasis Blok

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    Citra digital biasa digunakan masyarakat dalam berbagai bidang seperti kesehatan, perdagangan, dan hiburan. Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya citra digital yang dihasilkan setiap harinya. Citra digital yang dihasilkan kemudian disimpan dalam suatu tempat penyimpanan seperti database. Banyaknya citra digital yang disimpan dalam database menyebabkan sulitnya pengelolaan file-file citra terutama dalam menemukan konten citra yang diinginkan. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) merupakan sebuah metode pencarian citra dengan melakukan perbandingan antara citra query dengan citra yang ada di database berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada citra tersebut. Pada tugas akhir ini, dibangun suatu sistem temu kembali citra menggunakan fitur warna berbasis histogram dan fitur tekstur berbasis blok. Metode histogram warna digunakan untuk ekstraksi fitur warna dan ekstraksi Block Difference of Inverse Probabilities dan Block Variation of Local Correlation Coefficients digunakan untuk mengekstraksi fitur tekstur. Metode Square Chord Distance digunakan untuk menghitung jarak citra. Hasil pencarian citra mirip dengan rata-rata precision terbaik didapatkan dari perpaduan ekstraksi fitur warna dan tekstur warna dengan rata-rata precision 93.71% dan rata-rata waktu komputasi 0.2281 detik. Sedangkan untuk perpaduan ekstraksi dengan hasil rata-rata waktu komputasi terbaik adalah menggunakan perpaduan ekstraksi fitur warna dan tekstur brightness dengan rata-rata precision 92.22% dan rata-rata waktu komputasi 0.1468 detik. ================================================================================================= Digital imagery is commonly used by people in the fields of health, commerce, and entertainment. Digital images are usually stored in a storage place such as a database. The large number of digital images stored in the database causes the difficulty of managing image files, especially in finding the desired image content. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is an image search method by performing a comparison between the image of the query and the image in the database based on the information contained in the image. In this final project, an image retrieval system were built using histogram-based color features and block-based texture features. Color histogram method is used for color feature extraction. Block Difference of Inverse Probabilities and Block Variations of Local Correlation Coefficients are used to extract texture features. Square Chord Distance method is used to calculate the distance of the image. The best precision of image retrieval were obtained from the combination of color extraction and color texture extraction with average precision 93.71% and the average computation time 0.2281 seconds. As for the best average computation time of image retrieval were obtained from combination of color feature and brightness texture with average precision 93.71% and the average computation time 0.1468 seconds

    Study of Image Retrieval Method Based on Salient Points and Comprehensive Characteristics

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    Technology has been a very good development in the past twenty or thirty years, content-based image retrieval, many low-level visual features is proposed for image retrieval, real-time problem in image retrieval has got great attention of researchers, content-based image retrieval technique has been widely used in medical, education, digital library, industrial and commercial fields and based on the military field. This paper describes the image retrieval technology research background and significance, introduces the current research situation and research hotspot in content-based image retrieval, the basic method of image retrieval based on content and key problems are explained in detail. The image can cause visual attention point, known as the significant point. The literature and presents a new method for automatic extraction of salient points, and on this basis to achieve significant point based image retrieval. Find the analysis of experimental results: the foreground and background are distinct and image background color of a single, can extract salient points effectively, the recall rate and correct rate was higher; the background image is not obvious, is not conducive to the significant point. Extraction, the retrieval precision rate and recall rate is low


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    International audienceA new approach for color textured image retrieval based on the combination of color and texture features is proposed. The features are extracted in DCT domain. For texture featuring, Texture-Pattern is proposed to be constructed by using three groups of AC coefficients of each DCT block from the luminance component. And for color featuring, LumaColor-Pattern is constructed by using the DC coefficients from the luminance and chroma components. The histograms of dominant components of these two patterns are constructed and their combination is used for image retrieval. Experimental results on VisTex database have shown that the proposed method yields higher performance than referred approaches which are reported in recently published literature

    An automatic system for classification of breast cancer lesions in ultrasound images

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    Breast cancer is the most common of all cancers and second most deadly cancer in women in the developed countries. Mammography and ultrasound imaging are the standard techniques used in cancer screening. Mammography is widely used as the primary tool for cancer screening, however it is invasive technique due to radiation used. Ultrasound seems to be good at picking up many cancers missed by mammography. In addition, ultrasound is non-invasive as no radiation is used, portable and versatile. However, ultrasound images have usually poor quality because of multiplicative speckle noise that results in artifacts. Because of noise segmentation of suspected areas in ultrasound images is a challenging task that remains an open problem despite many years of research. In this research, a new method for automatic detection of suspected breast cancer lesions using ultrasound is proposed. In this fully automated method, new de-noising and segmentation techniques are introduced and high accuracy classifier using combination of morphological and textural features is used. We use a combination of fuzzy logic and compounding to denoise ultrasound images and reduce shadows. We introduced a new method to identify the seed points and then use region growing method to perform segmentation. For preliminary classification we use three classifiers (ANN, AdaBoost, FSVM) and then we use a majority voting to get the final result. We demonstrate that our automated system performs better than the other state-of-the-art systems. On our database containing ultrasound images for 80 patients we reached accuracy of 98.75% versus ABUS method with 88.75% accuracy and Hybrid Filtering method with 92.50% accuracy. Future work would involve a larger dataset of ultrasound images and we will extend our system to handle colour ultrasound images. We will also study the impact of larger number of texture and morphological features as well as weighting scheme on performance of our classifier. We will also develop an automated method to identify the "wall thickness" of a mass in breast ultrasound images. Presently the wall thickness is extracted manually with the help of a physician

    Feature extraction from image data

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    Zpracování obrazu je jednou z oblastí analýzy signálů. Tato práce se zabývá zjišťováním příznaků z obrazových dat a jejich implementací pomocí programovacího jazyku Java. Hlavní přínos práce spočívá ve vytvoření extraktorů příznaků a jejich implementací do programu RapidMiner. Díky čemuž vznikl robustní nástroj pro analýzu obrazu. Funkčnost jednotlivých operátorů je ověřena na snímcích mamografu. Byl vytvořen funkční model pro odstraňování artefaktů ze snímků mamografu. Úspěšnost odstraňování je srovnatelná s ostatními podobnými pracemi. Dále byly srovnány učící se algoritmy na příkladu detekce srdeční komory na ultrazvukovém snímku.Image processing is one area of signal analysis. This thesis is involved in feature extraction from image data and its implementation using Java programming language. The main contribution of this thesis lies in develop features extractors and their implementation in the program RapidMiner. The result is a robust tool for image analysis. The functionality of each operator is tested on mammogram images. A function model was developed for the removal of artifacts from the mammography images. The success rate of removal is comparable with other similar works. Furthermore, learning algorithms were compared on example detection of ventricle in ultrasound image.

    An Extreme Learning Machine-Relevance Feedback Framework for Enhancing the Accuracy of a Hybrid Image Retrieval System

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    The process of searching, indexing and retrieving images from a massive database is a challenging task and the solution to these problems is an efficient image retrieval system. In this paper, a unique hybrid Content-based image retrieval system is proposed where different attributes of an image like texture, color and shape are extracted by using Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), color moment and various region props procedure respectively. A hybrid feature matrix or vector (HFV) is formed by an integration of feature vectors belonging to three individual visual attributes. This HFV is given as an input to an Extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier which is based on a solitary hidden layer of neurons and also is a type of feed-forward neural system. ELM performs efficient class prediction of the query image based on the pre-trained data. Lastly, to capture the high level human semantic information, Relevance feedback (RF) is utilized to retrain or reformulate the training of ELM. The advantage of the proposed system is that a combination of an ELM-RF framework leads to an evolution of a modified learning and intelligent classification system. To measure the efficiency of the proposed system, various parameters like Precision, Recall and Accuracy are evaluated. Average precision of 93.05%, 81.03%, 75.8% and 90.14% is obtained respectively on Corel-1K, Corel-5K, Corel-10K and GHIM-10 benchmark datasets. The experimental analysis portrays that the implemented technique outmatches many state-of-the-art related approaches depicting varied hybrid CBIR system

    Comparative assessment of texture features for the identification of cancer in ultrasound images: a review

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    In this paper, we review the use of texture features for cancer detection in Ultrasound (US) images of breast, prostate, thyroid, ovaries and liver for Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. This paper shows that texture features are a valuable tool to extract diagnostically relevant information from US images. This information helps practitioners to discriminate normal from abnormal tissues. A drawback of some classes of texture features comes from their sensitivity to both changes in image resolution and grayscale levels. These limitations pose a considerable challenge to CAD systems, because the information content of a specific texture feature depends on the US imaging system and its setup. Our review shows that single classes of texture features are insufficient, if considered alone, to create robust CAD systems, which can help to solve practical problems, such as cancer screening. Therefore, we recommend that the CAD system design involves testing a wide range of texture features along with features obtained with other image processing methods. Having such a competitive testing phase helps the designer to select the best feature combination for a particular problem. This approach will lead to practical US based cancer detection systems which de- liver real benefits to patients by improving the diagnosis accuracy while reducing health care cost