32 research outputs found

    CounTR: Transformer-based Generalised Visual Counting

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of generalised visual object counting, with the goal of developing a computational model for counting the number of objects from arbitrary semantic categories, using arbitrary number of "exemplars", i.e. zero-shot or few-shot counting. To this end, we make the following four contributions: (1) We introduce a novel transformer-based architecture for generalised visual object counting, termed as Counting Transformer (CounTR), which explicitly capture the similarity between image patches or with given "exemplars" with the attention mechanism;(2) We adopt a two-stage training regime, that first pre-trains the model with self-supervised learning, and followed by supervised fine-tuning;(3) We propose a simple, scalable pipeline for synthesizing training images with a large number of instances or that from different semantic categories, explicitly forcing the model to make use of the given "exemplars";(4) We conduct thorough ablation studies on the large-scale counting benchmark, e.g. FSC-147, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on both zero and few-shot settings.Comment: Accepted by BMVC202

    Contrastive Learning for Diverse Disentangled Foreground Generation

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    We introduce a new method for diverse foreground generation with explicit control over various factors. Existing image inpainting based foreground generation methods often struggle to generate diverse results and rarely allow users to explicitly control specific factors of variation (e.g., varying the facial identity or expression for face inpainting results). We leverage contrastive learning with latent codes to generate diverse foreground results for the same masked input. Specifically, we define two sets of latent codes, where one controls a pre-defined factor (``known''), and the other controls the remaining factors (``unknown''). The sampled latent codes from the two sets jointly bi-modulate the convolution kernels to guide the generator to synthesize diverse results. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-arts in result diversity and generation controllability.Comment: ECCV 202

    Deep representations of structures in the 3D-world

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    This thesis demonstrates a collection of neural network tools that leverage the structures and symmetries of the 3D-world. We have explored various aspects of a vision system ranging from relative pose estimation to 3D-part decomposition from 2D images. For any vision system, it is crucially important to understand and to resolve visual ambiguities in 3D arising from imaging methods. This thesis has shown that leveraging prior knowledge about the structures and the symmetries of the 3D-world in neural network architectures brings about better representations for ambiguous situations. It helps solve problems which are inherently ill-posed

    Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features for Saliency Detection

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    Terrainosaurus: realistic terrain synthesis using genetic algorithms

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    Synthetically generated terrain models are useful across a broad range of applications, including computer generated art & animation, virtual reality and gaming, and architecture. Existing algorithms for terrain generation suffer from a number of problems, especially that of being limited in the types of terrain that they can produce and of being difficult for the user to control. Typical applications of synthetic terrain have several factors in common: first, they require the generation of large regions of believable (though not necessarily physically correct) terrain features; and second, while real-time performance is often needed when visualizing the terrain, this is generally not the case when generating the terrain. In this thesis, I present a new, design-by-example method for synthesizing terrain height fields. In this approach, the user designs the layout of the terrain by sketching out simple regions using a CAD-style interface, and specifies the desired terrain characteristics of each region by providing example height fields displaying these characteristics (these height fields will typically come from real-world GIS data sources). A height field matching the user's design is generated at several levels of detail, using a genetic algorithm to blend together chunks of elevation data from the example height fields in a visually plausible manner. This method has the advantage of producing an unlimited diversity of reasonably realistic results, while requiring relatively little user effort and expertise. The guided randomization inherent in the genetic algorithm allows the algorithm to come up with novel arrangements of features, while still approximating user-specified constraints

    Occlusion-Ordered Semantic Instance Segmentation

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    Conventional semantic ‘instance’ segmentation methods offer a segmentation mask for each object instance in an image along with its semantic class label. These methods excel in distinguishing instances, whether they belong to the same class or different classes, providing valuable information about the scene. However, these methods lack the ability to provide depth-related information, thus unable to capture the 3D geometry of the scene. One option to derive 3D information about a scene is monocular depth estimation. It predicts the absolute distance from the camera to each pixel in an image. However, monocular depth estimation has limitations. It lacks semantic information about object classes. Furthermore, it is not precise enough to reliably detect instances or establish depth order for known instances. Even a coarse 3D geometry, such as the relative depth or occlusion order of objects is useful to obtain rich 3D-informed scene analysis. Based on this, we address occlusion-ordered semantic instance segmentation (OOSIS), which augments standard semantic instance segmentation by incorporating a coarse 3D geometry of the scene. By leveraging occlusion as a strong depth cue, OOSIS estimates a partial relative depth ordering of instances based on their occlusion relations. OOSIS produces two outputs: instance masks and their classes, as well as the occlusion ordering of those predicted instances. Existing works pre-date deep learning and rely on simple visual cues such as the y-coordinate of objects for occlusion ordering. This thesis introduces two deep learning-based approaches for OOSIS. The first approach, following a top-down strategy, determines pairwise occlusion order between instances obtained by a standard instance segmentation method. However, this approach lacks global occlusion ordering consistency, having undesired cyclic orderings. Our second approach is bottom-up. It simultaneously derives instances and their occlusion order by grouping pixels into instances and assigning occlusion order labels. This approach ensures a globally consistent occlusion ordering. As part of this approach, we develop a novel deep model that predicts the boundaries where occlusion occurs plus the orientation of occlusion at the boundary, indicating which side of it occludes the other. The output of this model is utilized to obtain instances and their corresponding ordering by our proposed discrete optimization formulation. To assess the performance of OOSIS methods, we introduce a novel evaluation metric capable of simultaneously evaluating instance segmentation and occlusion ordering. In addition, we utilize standard metrics for evaluating the quality of instance masks. We also evaluate occlusion ordering consistency, and oriented occlusion boundaries. We conduct evaluations on KINS and COCOA datasets

    Learning Sampling-Based 6D Object Pose Estimation

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    The task of 6D object pose estimation, i.e. of estimating an object position (three degrees of freedom) and orientation (three degrees of freedom) from images is an essential building block of many modern applications, such as robotic grasping, autonomous driving, or augmented reality. Automatic pose estimation systems have to overcome a variety of visual ambiguities, including texture-less objects, clutter, and occlusion. Since many applications demand real time performance the efficient use of computational resources is an additional challenge. In this thesis, we will take a probabilistic stance on trying to overcome said issues. We build on a highly successful automatic pose estimation framework based on predicting pixel-wise correspondences between the camera coordinate system and the local coordinate system of the object. These dense correspondences are used to generate a pool of hypotheses, which in turn serve as a starting point in a final search procedure. We will present three systems that each use probabilistic modeling and sampling to improve upon different aspects of the framework. The goal of the first system, System I, is to enable pose tracking, i.e. estimating the pose of an object in a sequence of frames instead of a single image. By including information from previous frames tracking systems can resolve many visual ambiguities and reduce computation time. System I is a particle filter (PF) approach. The PF represents its belief about the pose in each frame by propagating a set of samples through time. Our system uses the process of hypothesis generation from the original framework as part of a proposal distribution that efficiently concentrates samples in the appropriate areas. In System II, we focus on the problem of evaluating the quality of pose hypotheses. This task plays an essential role in the final search procedure of the original framework. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to assess the quality of an hypothesis by comparing rendered and observed images. To train the CNN we view it as part of an energy-based probability distribution in pose space. This probabilistic perspective allows us to train the system under the maximum likelihood paradigm. We use a sampling approach to approximate the required gradients. The resulting system for pose estimation yields superior results in particular for highly occluded objects. In System III, we take the idea of machine learning a step further. Instead of learning to predict an hypothesis quality measure, to be used in a search procedure, we present a way of learning the search procedure itself. We train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent, termed PoseAgent, to steer the search process and make optimal use of a given computational budget. PoseAgent dynamically decides which hypothesis should be refined next, and which one should ultimately be output as final estimate. Since the search procedure includes discrete non-differentiable choices, training of the system via gradient descent is not easily possible. To solve the problem, we model behavior of PoseAgent as non-deterministic stochastic policy, which is ultimately governed by a CNN. This allows us to use a sampling-based stochastic policy gradient training procedure. We believe that some of the ideas developed in this thesis, such as the sampling-driven probabilistically motivated training of a CNN for the comparison of images or the search procedure implemented by PoseAgent have the potential to be applied in fields beyond pose estimation as well