344 research outputs found

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Report on shape analysis and matching and on semantic matching

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    In GRAVITATE, two disparate specialities will come together in one working platform for the archaeologist: the fields of shape analysis, and of metadata search. These fields are relatively disjoint at the moment, and the research and development challenge of GRAVITATE is precisely to merge them for our chosen tasks. As shown in chapter 7 the small amount of literature that already attempts join 3D geometry and semantics is not related to the cultural heritage domain. Therefore, after the project is done, there should be a clear ‘before-GRAVITATE’ and ‘after-GRAVITATE’ split in how these two aspects of a cultural heritage artefact are treated.This state of the art report (SOTA) is ‘before-GRAVITATE’. Shape analysis and metadata description are described separately, as currently in the literature and we end the report with common recommendations in chapter 8 on possible or plausible cross-connections that suggest themselves. These considerations will be refined for the Roadmap for Research deliverable.Within the project, a jargon is developing in which ‘geometry’ stands for the physical properties of an artefact (not only its shape, but also its colour and material) and ‘metadata’ is used as a general shorthand for the semantic description of the provenance, location, ownership, classification, use etc. of the artefact. As we proceed in the project, we will find a need to refine those broad divisions, and find intermediate classes (such as a semantic description of certain colour patterns), but for now the terminology is convenient – not least because it highlights the interesting area where both aspects meet.On the ‘geometry’ side, the GRAVITATE partners are UVA, Technion, CNR/IMATI; on the metadata side, IT Innovation, British Museum and Cyprus Institute; the latter two of course also playing the role of internal users, and representatives of the Cultural Heritage (CH) data and target user’s group. CNR/IMATI’s experience in shape analysis and similarity will be an important bridge between the two worlds for geometry and metadata. The authorship and styles of this SOTA reflect these specialisms: the first part (chapters 3 and 4) purely by the geometry partners (mostly IMATI and UVA), the second part (chapters 5 and 6) by the metadata partners, especially IT Innovation while the joint overview on 3D geometry and semantics is mainly by IT Innovation and IMATI. The common section on Perspectives was written with the contribution of all

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    Digital Pathology: The Time Is Now to Bridge the Gap between Medicine and Technological Singularity

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    Digitalization of the imaging in radiology is a reality in several healthcare institutions worldwide. The challenges of filing, confidentiality, and manipulation have been brilliantly solved in radiology. However, digitalization of hematoxylin- and eosin-stained routine histological slides has shown slow movement. Although the application for external quality assurance is a reality for a pathologist with most of the continuing medical education programs utilizing virtual microscopy, the abandonment of traditional glass slides for routine diagnostics is far from the perspectives of many departments of laboratory medicine and pathology. Digital pathology images are captured as images by scanning and whole slide imaging/virtual microscopy can be obtained by microscopy (robotic) on an entire histological (microscopic) glass slide. Since 1986, services using telepathology for the transfer of images of anatomic pathology between detached locations have benefited countless patients globally, including the University of Alberta. The purpose of specialist recertification or re-validation for the Royal College of Pathologists of Canada belonging to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and College of American Pathologists is a milestone in virtual reality. Challenges, such as high bandwidth requirement, electronic platforms, the stability of the operating systems, have been targeted and are improving enormously. The encryption of digital images may be a requirement for the accreditation of laboratory services—quantum computing results in quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement. Different from binary digital electronic computers based on transistors where data are encoded into binary digits (bits) with two different states (0 and 1), quantum computing uses quantum bits (qubits), which can be in superpositions of states. The use of quantum computing protocols on encrypted data is crucial for the permanent implementation of virtual pathology in hospitals and universities. Quantum computing may well represent the technological singularity to create new classifications and taxonomic rules in medicine

    Towards early hemolysis detection: a smartphone based approach

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    Os especialistas em diagnóstico in vitro (IVDs) têm confiado maioritariamente na inspeção visual (ótica) manual e, em segundo lugar, em sensores óticos ou câmaras embutidas ou dispositivos médicos incorporados que suportam o exame da qualidade da amostra na fase pré-analítica. Com o aumento dos volumes de amostras para serem processadas e dos respetivos dados complexos gerados por esse processamento, aquelas técnicas tornaram-se cada vez mais difíceis de utilizar, ou os respetivos resultados não ficam imediatamente disponíveis. Para superar as complexidades impostas por tais técnicas tradicionais, o aumento do uso de dispositivos móveis e algoritmos de processamento de imagem no setor de saúde abriu caminho para a constituição de novos casos de uso baseados em análises móveis de amostras, pois fornecem uma interação simples e intuitiva com objetos gráficos familiares que são mostrados no ecrã dos smartphones. As interfaces gráficas e as técnicas de interação suportadas por dispositivos móveis podem pois proporcionar ao especialista em IVD uma série de vantagens e valor agregado devido à maior familiaridade com estes dispositivos e à grande acessibilidade que evidenciam atualmente, tendo o potencial de facilitar as análises de amostras. No entanto, o uso sistemático de dispositivos móveis no setor da saúde encontra-se ainda numa fase muito incipiente, em particular na área de IVD. Nesta tese, propõe-se conceber e discutir a arquitetura, a conceção e a implementação de um protótipo de uma aplicação móvel para smartphone (designada por "HemoDetect") que implementa um conjunto sugerido de algoritmos, interfaces e técnicas de interação que foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de contribuir para a compreensão de técnicas mais eficientes para ajudar a detetar a hemólise, um processo que designa a rotura de glóbulos vermelhos (eritrócitos) e libertação do respetivo conteúdo (citoplasma) para o fluído circundante (por exemplo, plasma sanguíneo), complementando-as com estatísticas e medições de laboratório, mostrando a utilização de um protótipo durante experiências, permitindo assim chegar-se a um conceito viável que permita apoiar eficazmente a deteção precoce de hemólise.In Vitro Diagnostics (IVDs) specialists have been firstly relying on manual visual (optical) inspection and, secondly, on optical sensors or cameras embedded or built-in medical devices which support the examination of sample quality in pre-analytical phase. With increasing sample processing volumes and their generated complex data, these techniques have become increasingly difficult or results are not readily available. In order to overcome the complexities posed by these traditional techniques, the increased usage of mobile devices and algorithms in the healthcare industry paves the way into shaping new use cases and discovery of mobile analysis of samples, as they provide a user-friendly and familiar interaction with objects displayed on their screens. The interfaces and interaction techniques rendered by mobile devices, bring, to the IVD specialist, a number of advantages and added value due to increased familiarity with the devices or their accessibility, which is made easier. However, they are at the beginning of their journey in the healthcare industry, in particular in the IVD and point-of-care areas. In this thesis, the proposal is to discover and discuss the architecture, design and implementation of a smartphone prototype app (called “HemoDetect”) with its algorithms, interfaces and interaction techniques which was developed to help detect hemolysis which represents the rupture of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and release of their contents (cytoplasm) into surrounding fluid (e.g. blood plasma), and complementing it with from-the-lab statistics and measurements showing its utilization during experiments, which ultimately may be a feasible concept that could support early hemolysis detection.Les spécialistes du diagnostic in vitro (DIV) se sont d'abord appuyés sur l'inspection visuelle (optique) manuelle et, ensuite, sur des capteurs optiques ou des caméras intégrées ou intégrées à des dispositifs médicaux qui facilitent l'examen de la qualité des échantillons en phase pré-analytique. Avec l'augmentation des volumes de traitement des échantillons et des données complexes générées, ces techniques sont devenues de plus en plus difficiles ou les résultats ne sont pas facilement disponibles. Afin de surmonter les complexités posées par ces techniques traditionnelles, l'utilisation croissante des appareils mobiles et des algorithmes dans le secteur de la santé ouvre la voie à la définition de nouveaux cas d'utilisation et à la découverte d'analyses d'échantillons mobiles, car ils fournissent une interaction conviviale et familière. avec des objets affichés sur leurs écrans. Les interfaces et les techniques d'interaction rendues par les appareils mobiles apportent au spécialiste des dispositifs de DIV un certain nombre d'avantages et de valeur ajoutée en raison d'une familiarisation accrue avec les appareils ou de leur accessibilité, ce qui est facilité. Cependant, ils sont au début de leur parcours dans le secteur de la santé, en particulier dans le domains des DIV et point-of-care. Dans cette thèse, la proposition est de découvrir et de discuter de l’architecture, de la conception et de la mise en oeuvre d’une application pour smartphone (appelée «HemoDetect») avec ses algorithmes, interfaces et techniques d’interaction, qui a été développée pour aider à détecter l’hémolyse qui représente une rupture des globules rouges (érythrocytes) et la libération de leur contenu (cytoplasme) dans le liquide environnant (par exemple, le plasma sanguin), en le complétant par des statistiques de laboratoire et des mesures montrant son utilisation au cours des expériences, ce qui pourrait finalement être un concept réalisable qui pourrait permettre une détection précoce de l'hémolyse

    Design and implementation of Web-based GIS for forest fragmentation analysis

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    The advantages and limitations of current web GIS software for forest fragmentation information and analysis functionality were investigated using Landsat Thematic Mapper data of 1987 to 1999 for a test site in northern West Virginia. ESRI\u27s ArcIMS technology was used to build a Web-based forest fragmentation analysis system to query, represent, and analyze the status of forest fragmentation using landscape metrics. Both ArcIMS HTML and Java fragmentation analysis tools were constructed. The web GIS was evaluated with respect to accessibility, navigation, interactive cartographic functionality, and spatial analysis functionality. The current ArcIMS approach was found to offer only limited support for the spatial analysis functions required for fragmentation analysis. A variety of enhancements to the current web GIS software are recommended, including support for polygon-based spatial query, interactive representation and operation for raster data, and the integration of user-side and server-side data for spatial analysis