3 research outputs found

    Fine-tuning U-net for medical image segmentation based on activation function, optimizer and pooling layer

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    U-net convolutional neural network (CNN) is a famous architecture developed to deal with medical images. Fine-tuning CNNs is a common technique used to enhance their performance by selecting the building blocks which can provide the ultimate results. This paper introduces a method for tuning U-net architecture to improve its performance in medical image segmentation. The experiment is conducted using an x-ray image segmentation approach. The performance of U-net CNN in lung x-ray image segmentation is studied with different activation functions, optimizers, and pooling-bottleneck-layers. The analysis focuses on creating a method that can be applied for tuning U-net, like CNNs. It also provides the best activation function, optimizer, and pooling layer to enhance U-net CNN’s performance on x-ray image segmentation. The findings of this research showed that a U-net architecture worked supremely when we used the LeakyReLU activation function and average pooling layer as well as RMSProb optimizer. The U-net model accuracy is raised from 89.59 to 93.81% when trained and tested with lung x-ray images and uses the LeakyReLU activation function, average pooling layer, and RMSProb optimizer. The fine-tuned model also enhanced accuracy results with three other datasets

    A Closer Look into Recent Video-based Learning Research: A Comprehensive Review of Video Characteristics, Tools, Technologies, and Learning Effectiveness

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    People increasingly use videos on the Web as a source for learning. To support this way of learning, researchers and developers are continuously developing tools, proposing guidelines, analyzing data, and conducting experiments. However, it is still not clear what characteristics a video should have to be an effective learning medium. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of 257 articles on video-based learning for the period from 2016 to 2021. One of the aims of the review is to identify the video characteristics that have been explored by previous work. Based on our analysis, we suggest a taxonomy which organizes the video characteristics and contextual aspects into eight categories: (1) audio features, (2) visual features, (3) textual features, (4) instructor behavior, (5) learners activities, (6) interactive features (quizzes, etc.), (7) production style, and (8) instructional design. Also, we identify four representative research directions: (1) proposals of tools to support video-based learning, (2) studies with controlled experiments, (3) data analysis studies, and (4) proposals of design guidelines for learning videos. We find that the most explored characteristics are textual features followed by visual features, learner activities, and interactive features. Text of transcripts, video frames, and images (figures and illustrations) are most frequently used by tools that support learning through videos. The learner activity is heavily explored through log files in data analysis studies, and interactive features have been frequently scrutinized in controlled experiments. We complement our review by contrasting research findings that investigate the impact of video characteristics on the learning effectiveness, report on tasks and technologies used to develop tools that support learning, and summarize trends of design guidelines to produce learning video

    Evolutionary deep learning

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    The primary objective of this thesis is to investigate whether evolutionary concepts can improve the performance, speed and convenience of algorithms in various active areas of machine learning research. Deep neural networks are exhibiting an explosion in the number of parameters that need to be trained, as well as the number of permutations of possible network architectures and hyper-parameters. There is little guidance on how to choose these and brute-force experimentation is prohibitively time consuming. We show that evolutionary algorithms can help tame this explosion of freedom, by developing an algorithm that robustly evolves near optimal deep neural network architectures and hyper-parameters across a wide range of image and sentiment classification problems. We further develop an algorithm that automatically determines whether a given data science problem is of classification or regression type, successfully choosing the correct problem type with more than 95% accuracy. Together these algorithms show that a great deal of the current "art" in the design of deep learning networks - and in the job of the data scientist - can be automated. Having discussed the general problem of optimising deep learning networks the thesis moves on to a specific application: the automated extraction of human sentiment from text and images of human faces. Our results reveal that our approach is able to outperform several public and/or commercial text sentiment analysis algorithms using an evolutionary algorithm that learned to encode and extend sentiment lexicons. A second analysis looked at using evolutionary algorithms to estimate text sentiment while simultaneously compressing text data. An extensive analysis of twelve sentiment datasets reveal that accurate compression is possible with 3.3% loss in classification accuracy even with 75% compression of text size, which is useful in environments where data volumes are a problem. Finally, the thesis presents improvements to automated sentiment analysis of human faces to identify emotion, an area where there has been a tremendous amount of progress using convolutional neural networks. We provide a comprehensive critique of past work, highlight recommendations and list some open, unanswered questions in facial expression recognition using convolutional neural networks. One serious challenge when implementing such networks for facial expression recognition is the large number of trainable parameters which results in long training times. We propose a novel method based on evolutionary algorithms, to reduce the number of trainable parameters whilst simultaneously retaining classification performance, and in some cases achieving superior performance. We are robustly able to reduce the number of parameters on average by 95% with no loss in classification accuracy. Overall our analyses show that evolutionary algorithms are a valuable addition to machine learning in the deep learning era: automating, compressing and/or improving results significantly, depending on the desired goal