169 research outputs found

    Semantics-based selection of everyday concepts in visual lifelogging

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    Concept-based indexing, based on identifying various semantic concepts appearing in multimedia, is an attractive option for multimedia retrieval and much research tries to bridge the semantic gap between the media’s low-level features and high-level semantics. Research into concept-based multimedia retrieval has generally focused on detecting concepts from high quality media such as broadcast TV or movies, but it is not well addressed in other domains like lifelogging where the original data is captured with poorer quality. We argue that in noisy domains such as lifelogging, the management of data needs to include semantic reasoning in order to deduce a set of concepts to represent lifelog content for applications like searching, browsing or summarisation. Using semantic concepts to manage lifelog data relies on the fusion of automatically-detected concepts to provide a better understanding of the lifelog data. In this paper, we investigate the selection of semantic concepts for lifelogging which includes reasoning on semantic networks using a density-based approach. In a series of experiments we compare different semantic reasoning approaches and the experimental evaluations we report on lifelog data show the efficacy of our approach

    Large Language Models for Information Retrieval: A Survey

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    As a primary means of information acquisition, information retrieval (IR) systems, such as search engines, have integrated themselves into our daily lives. These systems also serve as components of dialogue, question-answering, and recommender systems. The trajectory of IR has evolved dynamically from its origins in term-based methods to its integration with advanced neural models. While the neural models excel at capturing complex contextual signals and semantic nuances, thereby reshaping the IR landscape, they still face challenges such as data scarcity, interpretability, and the generation of contextually plausible yet potentially inaccurate responses. This evolution requires a combination of both traditional methods (such as term-based sparse retrieval methods with rapid response) and modern neural architectures (such as language models with powerful language understanding capacity). Meanwhile, the emergence of large language models (LLMs), typified by ChatGPT and GPT-4, has revolutionized natural language processing due to their remarkable language understanding, generation, generalization, and reasoning abilities. Consequently, recent research has sought to leverage LLMs to improve IR systems. Given the rapid evolution of this research trajectory, it is necessary to consolidate existing methodologies and provide nuanced insights through a comprehensive overview. In this survey, we delve into the confluence of LLMs and IR systems, including crucial aspects such as query rewriters, retrievers, rerankers, and readers. Additionally, we explore promising directions within this expanding field

    Computer vision beyond the visible : image understanding through language

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    In the past decade, deep neural networks have revolutionized computer vision. High performing deep neural architectures trained for visual recognition tasks have pushed the field towards methods relying on learned image representations instead of hand-crafted ones, in the seek of designing end-to-end learning methods to solve challenging tasks, ranging from long-lasting ones such as image classification to newly emerging tasks like image captioning. As this thesis is framed in the context of the rapid evolution of computer vision, we present contributions that are aligned with three major changes in paradigm that the field has recently experienced, namely 1) the power of re-utilizing deep features from pre-trained neural networks for different tasks, 2) the advantage of formulating problems with end-to-end solutions given enough training data, and 3) the growing interest of describing visual data with natural language rather than pre-defined categorical label spaces, which can in turn enable visual understanding beyond scene recognition. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the problem of visual instance search, where we particularly focus on obtaining meaningful and discriminative image representations which allow efficient and effective retrieval of similar images given a visual query. Contributions in this part of the thesis involve the construction of sparse Bag-of-Words image representations from convolutional features from a pre-trained image classification neural network, and an analysis of the advantages of fine-tuning a pre-trained object detection network using query images as training data. The second part of the thesis presents contributions to the problem of image-to-set prediction, understood as the task of predicting a variable-sized collection of unordered elements for an input image. We conduct a thorough analysis of current methods for multi-label image classification, which are able to solve the task in an end-to-end manner by simultaneously estimating both the label distribution and the set cardinality. Further, we extend the analysis of set prediction methods to semantic instance segmentation, and present an end-to-end recurrent model that is able to predict sets of objects (binary masks and categorical labels) in a sequential manner. Finally, the third part of the dissertation takes insights learned in the previous two parts in order to present deep learning solutions to connect images with natural language in the context of cooking recipes and food images. First, we propose a retrieval-based solution in which the written recipe and the image are encoded into compact representations that allow the retrieval of one given the other. Second, as an alternative to the retrieval approach, we propose a generative model to predict recipes directly from food images, which first predicts ingredients as sets and subsequently generates the rest of the recipe one word at a time by conditioning both on the image and the predicted ingredients.En l'última dècada, les xarxes neuronals profundes han revolucionat el camp de la visió per computador. Els resultats favorables obtinguts amb arquitectures neuronals profundes entrenades per resoldre tasques de reconeixement visual han causat un canvi de paradigma cap al disseny de mètodes basats en representacions d'imatges apreses de manera automàtica, deixant enrere les tècniques tradicionals basades en l'enginyeria de representacions. Aquest canvi ha permès l'aparició de tècniques basades en l'aprenentatge d'extrem a extrem (end-to-end), capaces de resoldre de manera efectiva molts dels problemes tradicionals de la visió per computador (e.g. classificació d'imatges o detecció d'objectes), així com nous problemes emergents com la descripció textual d'imatges (image captioning). Donat el context de la ràpida evolució de la visió per computador en el qual aquesta tesi s'emmarca, presentem contribucions alineades amb tres dels canvis més importants que la visió per computador ha experimentat recentment: 1) la reutilització de representacions extretes de models neuronals pre-entrenades per a tasques auxiliars, 2) els avantatges de formular els problemes amb solucions end-to-end entrenades amb grans bases de dades, i 3) el creixent interès en utilitzar llenguatge natural en lloc de conjunts d'etiquetes categòriques pre-definits per descriure el contingut visual de les imatges, facilitant així l'extracció d'informació visual més enllà del reconeixement de l'escena i els elements que la composen La primera part de la tesi està dedicada al problema de la cerca d'imatges (image retrieval), centrada especialment en l'obtenció de representacions visuals significatives i discriminatòries que permetin la recuperació eficient i efectiva d'imatges donada una consulta formulada amb una imatge d'exemple. Les contribucions en aquesta part de la tesi inclouen la construcció de representacions Bag-of-Words a partir de descriptors locals obtinguts d'una xarxa neuronal entrenada per classificació, així com un estudi dels avantatges d'utilitzar xarxes neuronals per a detecció d'objectes entrenades utilitzant les imatges d'exemple, amb l'objectiu de millorar les capacitats discriminatòries de les representacions obtingudes. La segona part de la tesi presenta contribucions al problema de predicció de conjunts a partir d'imatges (image to set prediction), entès com la tasca de predir una col·lecció no ordenada d'elements de longitud variable donada una imatge d'entrada. En aquest context, presentem una anàlisi exhaustiva dels mètodes actuals per a la classificació multi-etiqueta d'imatges, que són capaços de resoldre la tasca de manera integral calculant simultàniament la distribució probabilística sobre etiquetes i la cardinalitat del conjunt. Seguidament, estenem l'anàlisi dels mètodes de predicció de conjunts a la segmentació d'instàncies semàntiques, presentant un model recurrent capaç de predir conjunts d'objectes (representats per màscares binàries i etiquetes categòriques) de manera seqüencial. Finalment, la tercera part de la tesi estén els coneixements apresos en les dues parts anteriors per presentar solucions d'aprenentatge profund per connectar imatges amb llenguatge natural en el context de receptes de cuina i imatges de plats cuinats. En primer lloc, proposem una solució basada en algoritmes de cerca, on la recepta escrita i la imatge es codifiquen amb representacions compactes que permeten la recuperació d'una donada l'altra. En segon lloc, com a alternativa a la solució basada en algoritmes de cerca, proposem un model generatiu capaç de predir receptes (compostes pels seus ingredients, predits com a conjunts, i instruccions) directament a partir d'imatges de menjar.Postprint (published version

    Less is More: Restricted Representations for Better Interpretability and Generalizability

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    Deep neural networks are prevalent in supervised learning for large amounts of tasks such as image classification, machine translation and even scientific discovery. Their success is often at the sacrifice of interpretability and generalizability. The increasing complexity of models and involvement of the pre-training process make the inexplicability more imminent. The outstanding performance when labeled data are abundant while prone to overfit when labeled data are limited demonstrates the difficulty of deep neural networks' generalizability to different datasets. This thesis aims to improve interpretability and generalizability by restricting representations. We choose to approach interpretability by focusing on attribution analysis to understand which features contribute to prediction on BERT, and to approach generalizability by focusing on effective methods in a low-data regime. We consider two strategies of restricting representations: (1) adding bottleneck, and (2) introducing compression. Given input x, suppose we want to learn y with the latent representation z (i.e. x→z→y), adding bottleneck means adding function R such that L(R(z)) < L(z) and introducing compression means adding function R so that L(R(y)) < L(y) where L refers to the number of bits. In other words, the restriction is added either in the middle of the pipeline or at the end of it. We first introduce how adding information bottleneck can help attribution analysis and apply it to investigate BERT's behavior on text classification in Chapter 3. We then extend this attribution method to analyze passage reranking in Chapter 4, where we conduct a detailed analysis to understand cross-layer and cross-passage behavior. Adding bottleneck can not only provide insight to understand deep neural networks but can also be used to increase generalizability. In Chapter 5, we demonstrate the equivalence between adding bottleneck and doing neural compression. We then leverage this finding with a framework called Non-Parametric learning by Compression with Latent Variables (NPC-LV), and show how optimizing neural compressors can be used in the non-parametric image classification with few labeled data. To further investigate how compression alone helps non-parametric learning without latent variables (NPC), we carry out experiments with a universal compressor gzip on text classification in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, we elucidate methods of adopting the perspective of doing compression but without the actual process of compression using T5. Using experimental results in passage reranking, we show that our method is highly effective in a low-data regime when only one thousand query-passage pairs are available. In addition to the weakly supervised scenario, we also extend our method to large language models like GPT under almost no supervision --- in one-shot and zero-shot settings. The experiments show that without extra parameters or in-context learning, GPT can be used for semantic similarity, text classification, and text ranking and outperform strong baselines, which is presented in Chapter 8. The thesis proposes to tackle two big challenges in machine learning --- "interpretability" and "generalizability" through restricting representation. We provide both theoretical derivation and empirical results to show the effectiveness of using information-theoretic approaches. We not only design new algorithms but also provide numerous insights on why and how "compression" is so important in understanding deep neural networks and improving generalizability

    A Survey on Visual Analytics of Social Media Data

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    The unprecedented availability of social media data offers substantial opportunities for data owners, system operators, solution providers, and end users to explore and understand social dynamics. However, the exponential growth in the volume, velocity, and variability of social media data prevents people from fully utilizing such data. Visual analytics, which is an emerging research direction, ha..

    Towards structured neural spoken dialogue modelling.

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    195 p.In this thesis, we try to alleviate some of the weaknesses of the current approaches to dialogue modelling,one of the most challenging areas of Artificial Intelligence. We target three different types of dialogues(open-domain, task-oriented and coaching sessions), and use mainly machine learning algorithms to traindialogue models. One challenge of open-domain chatbots is their lack of response variety, which can betackled using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We present two methodological contributions inthis regard. On the one hand, we develop a method to circumvent the non-differentiability of textprocessingGANs. On the other hand, we extend the conventional task of discriminators, which oftenoperate at a single response level, to the batch level. Meanwhile, two crucial aspects of task-orientedsystems are their understanding capabilities because they need to correctly interpret what the user islooking for and their constraints), and the dialogue strategy. We propose a simple yet powerful way toimprove spoken understanding and adapt the dialogue strategy by explicitly processing the user's speechsignal through audio-processing transformer neural networks. Finally, coaching dialogues shareproperties of open-domain and task-oriented dialogues. They are somehow task-oriented but, there is norush to complete the task, and it is more important to calmly converse to make the users aware of theirown problems. In this context, we describe our collaboration in the EMPATHIC project, where a VirtualCoach capable of carrying out coaching dialogues about nutrition was built, using a modular SpokenDialogue System. Second, we model such dialogues with an end-to-end system based on TransferLearning

    Crowdsourced intuitive visual design feedback

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    For many people images are a medium preferable to text and yet, with the exception of star ratings, most formats for conventional computer mediated feedback focus on text. This thesis develops a new method of crowd feedback for designers based on images. Visual summaries are generated from a crowd’s feedback images chosen in response to a design. The summaries provide the designer with impressionistic and inspiring visual feedback. The thesis sets out the motivation for this new method, describes the development of perceptually organised image sets and a summarisation algorithm to implement it. Evaluation studies are reported which, through a mixed methods approach, provide evidence of the validity and potential of the new image-based feedback method. It is concluded that the visual feedback method would be more appealing than text for that section of the population who may be of a visual cognitive style. Indeed the evaluation studies are evidence that such users believe images are as good as text when communicating their emotional reaction about a design. Designer participants reported being inspired by the visual feedback where, comparably, they were not inspired by text. They also reported that the feedback can represent the perceived mood in their designs, and that they would be enthusiastic users of a service offering this new form of visual design feedback

    Effective Math-Aware Ad-Hoc Retrieval based on Structure Search and Semantic Similarities

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    Despite the prevalence of digital scientific and educational contents on the Internet, only a few search engines are capable to retrieve them efficiently and effectively. The main challenge in freely searching scientific literature arises from the presence of structured math formulas and their heterogeneous and contextually important surrounding words. This thesis introduces an effective math-aware, ad-hoc retrieval model that incorporates structure search and semantic similarities. Transformer-based neural retrievers have been adopted to capture additional semantics using domain-adapted supervised retrieval. To enable structure search, I suggest an unsupervised retrieval model that can filter potential mathematical formulas based on structure similarity. This similarity is determined by measuring the largest common substructure(s) in a formula tree representation, known as the Operator Tree (OPT). The structure matching is approximated by employing maximum matching of path-based structure features. The proposed structure similarity measurement can be tailored based on the desired effectiveness and efficiency trade-offs. It may consider various node types, such as operators and operands, and accommodate different numbers of common subtrees with varying weights. In addition to structure similarity, this unsupervised model also captures symbol substitutions through a greedy matching algorithm applied to the matched substructure(s). To achieve efficient structure search, I introduce a dynamic pruning algorithm to the problem of structure retrieval. The proposed retrieval algorithm efficiently identifies the maximum common subtree among formula candidates and safely eliminates potential structure matches that exceed a dynamic threshold. To accomplish this, three rank-safe pruning strategies are suggested and compared against exhaustive search baselines. Additionally, more aggressive thresholding policies are proposed to balance effectiveness with further speed improvements. A novel hierarchical inverted index has been implemented. This index is designed to be compatible with traditional information retrieval (IR) infrastructure and optimization techniques. To capture other semantic similarities, I have incorporated neural retrievers into a hybrid setting with structure search. This approach has achieved the state-of-the-art effectiveness in recent math information retrieval tasks. In comparison to strict and unsupervised matching, I have found that supervised neural retrievers are able to capture additional semantic similarities in a highly complementary manner. In order to learn effective representations in heterogeneous math contents, I have proposed a novel pretraining architecture that can improve the contextual awareness between math and its surrounding texts. This pretraining scheme generates effective downstream single-vector representations, eliminating the efficiency bottleneck from using multi-vector dense representations. In the end, the thesis examines future directions, specifically the integration of recent advancements in language modeling. This includes incorporating ongoing exciting developments of large language models for improved math information retrieval. A preliminary evaluation has been conducted to assess the impact of these advancements