81 research outputs found

    Explain what you see:argumentation-based learning and robotic vision

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    In this thesis, we have introduced new techniques for the problems of open-ended learning, online incremental learning, and explainable learning. These methods have applications in the classification of tabular data, 3D object category recognition, and 3D object parts segmentation. We have utilized argumentation theory and probability theory to develop these methods. The first proposed open-ended online incremental learning approach is Argumentation-Based online incremental Learning (ABL). ABL works with tabular data and can learn with a small number of learning instances using an abstract argumentation framework and bipolar argumentation framework. It has a higher learning speed than state-of-the-art online incremental techniques. However, it has high computational complexity. We have addressed this problem by introducing Accelerated Argumentation-Based Learning (AABL). AABL uses only an abstract argumentation framework and uses two strategies to accelerate the learning process and reduce the complexity. The second proposed open-ended online incremental learning approach is the Local Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (Local-HDP). Local-HDP aims at addressing two problems of open-ended category recognition of 3D objects and segmenting 3D object parts. We have utilized Local-HDP for the task of object part segmentation in combination with AABL to achieve an interpretable model to explain why a certain 3D object belongs to a certain category. The explanations of this model tell a user that a certain object has specific object parts that look like a set of the typical parts of certain categories. Moreover, integrating AABL and Local-HDP leads to a model that can handle a high degree of occlusion

    Patch-based graphical models for image restoration

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    Visual analysis and synthesis with physically grounded constraints

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    The past decade has witnessed remarkable progress in image-based, data-driven vision and graphics. However, existing approaches often treat the images as pure 2D signals and not as a 2D projection of the physical 3D world. As a result, a lot of training examples are required to cover sufficiently diverse appearances and inevitably suffer from limited generalization capability. In this thesis, I propose "inference-by-composition" approaches to overcome these limitations by modeling and interpreting visual signals in terms of physical surface, object, and scene. I show how we can incorporate physically grounded constraints such as scene-specific geometry in a non-parametric optimization framework for (1) revealing the missing parts of an image due to removal of a foreground or background element, (2) recovering high spatial frequency details that are not resolvable in low-resolution observations. I then extend the framework from 2D images to handle spatio-temporal visual data (videos). I demonstrate that we can convincingly fill spatio-temporal holes in a temporally coherent fashion by jointly reconstructing the appearance and motion. Compared to existing approaches, our technique can synthesize physically plausible contents even in challenging videos. For visual analysis, I apply stereo camera constraints for discovering multiple approximately linear structures in extremely noisy videos with an ecological application to bird migration monitoring at night. The resulting algorithms are simple and intuitive while achieving state-of-the-art performance without the need of training on an exhaustive set of visual examples

    PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Correspondence Field Estimation and its Applications

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    Correspondence fields estimation is an important process that lies at the core of many different applications. Is it often seen as an energy minimisation problem, which is usually decomposed into the combined minimisation of two energy terms. The first is the unary energy, or data term, which reflects how well the solution agrees with the data. The second is the pairwise energy, or smoothness term, and ensures that the solution displays a certain level of smoothness, which is crucial for many applications. This thesis explores the possibility of combining two well-established algorithms for correspondence field estimation, PatchMatch and Belief Propagation, in order to benefit from the strengths of both and overcome some of their weaknesses. Belief Propagation is a common algorithm that can be used to optimise energies comprising both unary and pairwise terms. It is however computational expensive and thus not adapted to continuous spaces which are often needed in imaging applications. On the other hand, PatchMatch is a simple, yet very efficient method for optimising the unary energy of such problems on continuous and high dimensional spaces. The algorithm has two main components: the update of the solution space by sampling and the use of the spatial neighbourhood to propagate samples. We show how these components are related to the components of a specific form of Belief Propagation, called Particle Belief Propagation (PBP). PatchMatch however suffers from the lack of an explicit smoothness term. We show that unifying the two approaches yields a new algorithm, PMBP, which has improved performance compared to PatchMatch and is orders of magnitude faster than PBP. We apply our new optimiser to two different applications: stereo matching and optical flow. We validate the benefits of PMBP through series of experiments and show that we consistently obtain lower errors than both PatchMatch and Belief Propagation

    Soft Shadow Removal and Image Evaluation Methods

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    High-level image manipulation techniques are in increasing demand as they allow users to intuitively edit photographs to achieve desired effects quickly. As opposed to low-level manipulations, which provide complete freedom, but also require specialized skills and significant effort, high-level editing operations, such as removing objects (inpainting), relighting and material editing, need to respect semantic constraints. As such they shift the burden from the user to the algorithm to only allow a subset of modifications that make sense in a given scenario. Shadow removal is one such high-level objective: it is easy for users to understand and specify, but difficult to accomplish realistically due to the complexity of effects that contribute to the final image. Further, shadows are critical to scene understanding and play a crucial role in making images look realistic. We propose a machine learning-based algorithm that works well with soft shadows, that is shadows with wide penumbrae, outperforming previous techniques both in performance and ease of use. We observe that evaluation of such a technique is a difficult problem in itself and one that is often not considered throughly in the computer graphics and vision communities, even when perceptual validity is the goal. To tackle this, we propose a set of standardized procedures for image evaluation as well as an authoring system for creation of image evaluation user studies. In addition to making it possible for researchers, as well as the industry, to rigorously evaluate their image manipulation techniques on large numbers of participants, we incorporate best practices from the human-computer intraction (HCI) and psychophysics communities and provide analysis tools to explore the results in depth

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∌ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p

    Inpainting basé motif d'images et de vidéos appliqué aux données stéréoscopiques avec carte de profondeur

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    We focus on the study and the enhancement of greedy pattern-based image processing algorithmsfor the specific purpose of inpainting, i.e., the automatic completion of missing data in digitalimages and videos. We first review the state of the art methods in this field and analyze the important steps of prominent greedy algorithms in the literature. Then, we propose a set of changesthat significantly enhance the global geometric coherence of images reconstructed with this kindof algorithms. We also focus on the reduction of the visual bloc artifacts classically appearing inthe reconstruction results. For this purpose, we define a tensor-inspired formalism for fast anisotropic patch blending, guided by the geometry of the local image structures and by the automaticdetection of the artifact locations. We illustrate the improvement of the visual quality brought byour contributions with many examples, and show that we are generic enough to perform similaradaptations to other existing pattern-based inpainting algorithms. Finally, we extend and applyour reconstruction algorithms to stereoscopic image and video data, synthesized with respect tonew virtual camera viewpoints. We incorporate the estimated depth information (available fromthe original stereo pairs) in our inpainting and patch blending formalisms to propose a visuallysatisfactory solution to the non-trivial problem of automatic disocclusion of real resynthesizedstereoscopic scenes.Nous nous intéressons à l'étude et au perfectionnement d'algorithmes de traitement d'image gloutons basés motif, pour traiter le problÚme général de l'"inpainting", c-à-d la complétion automatique de données manquantes dans les images et les vidéos numériques. AprÚs avoir dressé un état de l'art du domaine et analysé les étapes sensibles des algorithmes gloutons existants dans la littérature, nous proposons, dans un premier temps, un ensemble de modifications améliorant de façon significative la cohérence géométrique globale des images reconstruites par ce type d'algorithmes. Dans un deuxiÚme temps, nous nous focalisons sur la réduction des artefacts visuels de type "bloc" classiquement présents dans les résultats de reconstruction, en proposant un formalisme tensoriel de mélange anisotrope rapide de patchs, guidé par la géométrie des structures locales et par la détection automatique des points de localisation des artefacts. Nous illustrons avec de nombreux exemples que l'ensemble de ces contributions améliore significativement la qualité visuelle des résultats obtenus, tout en restant suffisamment générique pour s'adapter à tous type d'algorithmes d'inpainting basé motif.Pour finir, nous nous concentrons sur l'application et l'adaptation de nos algorithmes de reconstruction sur des données stéréoscopiques (images et vidéos) resynthétisées suivant de nouveaux points de vue virtuels de caméra.Nous intégrons l'information de profondeur estimée (à partir des vues stéréos originales) dans nos méthodes d'inpainting et de mélange de patch pour proposer une solution visuellement satisfaisante au problÚme difficile de la désoccultation automatique de scÚnes réelles resynthétisées

    An evaluation of partial differential equations based digital inpainting algorithms

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    Partial Differential equations (PDEs) have been used to model various phenomena/tasks in different scientific and engineering endeavours. This thesis is devoted to modelling image inpainting by numerical implementations of certain PDEs. The main objectives of image inpainting include reconstructing damaged parts and filling-in regions in which data/colour information are missing. Different automatic and semi-automatic approaches to image inpainting have been developed including PDE-based, texture synthesis-based, exemplar-based, and hybrid approaches. Various challenges remain unresolved in reconstructing large size missing regions and/or missing areas with highly textured surroundings. Our main aim is to address such challenges by developing new advanced schemes with particular focus on using PDEs of different orders to preserve continuity of textural and geometric information in the surrounding of missing regions. We first investigated the problem of partial colour restoration in an image region whose greyscale channel is intact. A PDE-based solution is known that is modelled as minimising total variation of gradients in the different colour channels. We extend the applicability of this model to partial inpainting in other 3-channels colour spaces (such as RGB where information is missing in any of the two colours), simply by exploiting the known linear/affine relationships between different colouring models in the derivation of a modified PDE solution obtained by using the Euler-Lagrange minimisation of the corresponding gradient Total Variation (TV). We also developed two TV models on the relations between greyscale and colour channels using the Laplacian operator and the directional derivatives of gradients. The corresponding Euler-Lagrange minimisation yields two new PDEs of different orders for partial colourisation. We implemented these solutions in both spatial and frequency domains. We measure the success of these models by evaluating known image quality measures in inpainted regions for sufficiently large datasets and scenarios. The results reveal that our schemes compare well with existing algorithms, but inpainting large regions remains a challenge. Secondly, we investigate the Total Inpainting (TI) problem where all colour channels are missing in an image region. Reviewing and implementing existing PDE-based total inpainting methods reveal that high order PDEs, applied to each colour channel separately, perform well but are influenced by the size of the region and the quantity of texture surrounding it. Here we developed a TI scheme that benefits from our partial inpainting approach and apply two PDE methods to recover the missing regions in the image. First, we extract the (Y, Cb, Cr) of the image outside the missing region, apply the above PDE methods for reconstructing the missing regions in the luminance channel (Y), and then use the colourisation method to recover the missing (Cb, Cr) colours in the region. We shall demonstrate that compared to existing TI algorithms, our proposed method (using 2 PDE methods) performs well when tested on large datasets of natural and face images. Furthermore, this helps understanding of the impact of the texture in the surrounding areas on inpainting and opens new research directions. Thirdly, we investigate existing Exemplar-Based Inpainting (EBI) methods that do not use PDEs but simultaneously propagate the texture and structure into the missing region by finding similar patches within the rest of image and copying them into the boundary of the missing region. The order of patch propagation is determined by a priority function, and the similarity is determined by matching criteria. We shall exploit recently emerging Topological Data Analysis (TDA) tools to create innovative EBI schemes, referred to as TEBI. TDA studies shapes of data/objects to quantify image texture in terms of connectivity and closeness properties of certain data landmarks. Such quantifications help determine the appropriate size of patch propagation and will be used to modify the patch propagation priority function using the geometrical properties of curvature of isophotes, and to improve the matching criteria of patches by calculating the correlation coefficients from the spatial, gradient and Laplacian domains. The performance of this TEBI method will be tested by applying it to natural dataset images, resulting in improved inpainting when compared with other EBI methods. Fourthly, the recent hybrid-based inpainting techniques are reviewed and a number of highly performing innovative hybrid techniques that combine the use of high order PDE methods with the TEBI method for the simultaneous rebuilding of the missing texture and structure regions in an image are proposed. Such a hybrid scheme first decomposes the image into texture and structure components, and then the missing regions in these components are recovered by TEBI and PDE based methods respectively. The performance of our hybrid schemes will be compared with two existing hybrid algorithms. Fifthly, we turn our attention to inpainting large missing regions, and develop an innovative inpainting scheme that uses the concept of seam carving to reduce this problem to that of inpainting a smaller size missing region that can be dealt with efficiently using the inpainting schemes developed above. Seam carving resizes images based on content-awareness of the image for both reduction and expansion without affecting those image regions that have rich information. The missing region of the seam-carved version will be recovered by the TEBI method, original image size is restored by adding the removed seams and the missing parts of the added seams are then repaired using a high order PDE inpainting scheme. The benefits of this approach in dealing with large missing regions are demonstrated. The extensive performance testing of the developed inpainting methods shows that these methods significantly outperform existing inpainting methods for such a challenging task. However, the performance is still not acceptable in recovering large missing regions in high texture and structure images, and hence we shall identify remaining challenges to be investigated in the future. We shall also extend our work by investigating recently developed deep learning based image/video colourisation, with the aim of overcoming its limitations and shortcoming. Finally, we should also describe our on-going research into using TDA to detect recently growing serious “malicious” use of inpainting to create Fake images/videos

    Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition

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    In recent years, researchers have proposed many deep learning (DL) methods for various tasks, and particularly face recognition (FR) made an enormous leap using these techniques. Deep FR systems benefit from the hierarchical architecture of the DL methods to learn discriminative face representation. Therefore, DL techniques significantly improve state-of-the-art performance on FR systems and encourage diverse and efficient real-world applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of various FR systems that leverage the different types of DL techniques, and for the study, we summarize 168 recent contributions from this area. We discuss the papers related to different algorithms, architectures, loss functions, activation functions, datasets, challenges, improvement ideas, current and future trends of DL-based FR systems. We provide a detailed discussion of various DL methods to understand the current state-of-the-art, and then we discuss various activation and loss functions for the methods. Additionally, we summarize different datasets used widely for FR tasks and discuss challenges related to illumination, expression, pose variations, and occlusion. Finally, we discuss improvement ideas, current and future trends of FR tasks.Comment: 32 pages and citation: M. T. H. Fuad et al., "Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 99112-99142, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.309613
