72 research outputs found

    Automatic generation of natural language descriptions of visual data: describing images and videos using recurrent and self-attentive models

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    Humans are faced with a constant flow of visual stimuli, e.g., from the environment or when looking at social media. In contrast, visually-impaired people are often incapable to perceive and process this advantageous and beneficial information that could help maneuver them through everyday situations and activities. However, audible feedback such as natural language can give them the ability to better be aware of their surroundings, thus enabling them to autonomously master everyday's challenges. One possibility to create audible feedback is to produce natural language descriptions for visual data such as still images and then read this text to the person. Moreover, textual descriptions for images can be further utilized for text analysis (e.g., sentiment analysis) and information aggregation. In this work, we investigate different approaches and techniques for the automatic generation of natural language of visual data such as still images and video clips. In particular, we look at language models that generate textual descriptions with recurrent neural networks: First, we present a model that allows to generate image captions for scenes that depict interactions between humans and branded products. Thereby, we focus on the correct identification of the brand name in a multi-task training setting and present two new metrics that allow us to evaluate this requirement. Second, we explore the automatic answering of questions posed for an image. In fact, we propose a model that generates answers from scratch instead of predicting an answer from a limited set of possible answers. In comparison to related works, we are therefore able to generate rare answers, which are not contained in the pool of frequent answers. Third, we review the automatic generation of doctors' reports for chest X-ray images. That is, we introduce a model that can cope with a dataset bias of medical datasets (i.e., abnormal cases are very rare) and generates reports with a hierarchical recurrent model. We also investigate the correlation between the distinctiveness of the report and the score in traditional metrics and find a discrepancy between good scores and accurate reports. Then, we examine self-attentive language models that improve computational efficiency and performance over the recurrent models. Specifically, we utilize the Transformer architecture. First, we expand the automatic description generation to the domain of videos where we present a video-to-text (VTT) model that can easily synchronize audio-visual features. With an extensive experimental exploration, we verify the effectiveness of our video-to-text translation pipeline. Finally, we revisit our recurrent models with this self-attentive approach

    Text-image synergy for multimodal retrieval and annotation

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    Text and images are the two most common data modalities found on the Internet. Understanding the synergy between text and images, that is, seamlessly analyzing information from these modalities may be trivial for humans, but is challenging for software systems. In this dissertation we study problems where deciphering text-image synergy is crucial for finding solutions. We propose methods and ideas that establish semantic connections between text and images in multimodal contents, and empirically show their effectiveness in four interconnected problems: Image Retrieval, Image Tag Refinement, Image-Text Alignment, and Image Captioning. Our promising results and observations open up interesting scopes for future research involving text-image data understanding.Text and images are the two most common data modalities found on the Internet. Understanding the synergy between text and images, that is, seamlessly analyzing information from these modalities may be trivial for humans, but is challenging for software systems. In this dissertation we study problems where deciphering text-image synergy is crucial for finding solutions. We propose methods and ideas that establish semantic connections between text and images in multimodal contents, and empirically show their effectiveness in four interconnected problems: Image Retrieval, Image Tag Refinement, Image-Text Alignment, and Image Captioning. Our promising results and observations open up interesting scopes for future research involving text-image data understanding.Text und Bild sind die beiden häufigsten Arten von Inhalten im Internet. Während es für Menschen einfach ist, gerade aus dem Zusammenspiel von Text- und Bildinhalten Informationen zu erfassen, stellt diese kombinierte Darstellung von Inhalten Softwaresysteme vor große Herausforderungen. In dieser Dissertation werden Probleme studiert, für deren Lösung das Verständnis des Zusammenspiels von Text- und Bildinhalten wesentlich ist. Es werden Methoden und Vorschläge präsentiert und empirisch bewertet, die semantische Verbindungen zwischen Text und Bild in multimodalen Daten herstellen. Wir stellen in dieser Dissertation vier miteinander verbundene Text- und Bildprobleme vor: • Bildersuche. Ob Bilder anhand von textbasierten Suchanfragen gefunden werden, hängt stark davon ab, ob der Text in der Nähe des Bildes mit dem der Anfrage übereinstimmt. Bilder ohne textuellen Kontext, oder sogar mit thematisch passendem Kontext, aber ohne direkte Übereinstimmungen der vorhandenen Schlagworte zur Suchanfrage, können häufig nicht gefunden werden. Zur Abhilfe schlagen wir vor, drei Arten von Informationen in Kombination zu nutzen: visuelle Informationen (in Form von automatisch generierten Bildbeschreibungen), textuelle Informationen (Stichworte aus vorangegangenen Suchanfragen), und Alltagswissen. • Verbesserte Bildbeschreibungen. Bei der Objekterkennung durch Computer Vision kommt es des Öfteren zu Fehldetektionen und Inkohärenzen. Die korrekte Identifikation von Bildinhalten ist jedoch eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Suche nach Bildern mittels textueller Suchanfragen. Um die Fehleranfälligkeit bei der Objekterkennung zu minimieren, schlagen wir vor Alltagswissen einzubeziehen. Durch zusätzliche Bild-Annotationen, welche sich durch den gesunden Menschenverstand als thematisch passend erweisen, können viele fehlerhafte und zusammenhanglose Erkennungen vermieden werden. • Bild-Text Platzierung. Auf Internetseiten mit Text- und Bildinhalten (wie Nachrichtenseiten, Blogbeiträge, Artikel in sozialen Medien) werden Bilder in der Regel an semantisch sinnvollen Positionen im Textfluss platziert. Wir nutzen dies um ein Framework vorzuschlagen, in dem relevante Bilder ausgesucht werden und mit den passenden Abschnitten eines Textes assoziiert werden. • Bildunterschriften. Bilder, die als Teil von multimodalen Inhalten zur Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit von Texten dienen, haben typischerweise Bildunterschriften, die zum Kontext des umgebenden Texts passen. Wir schlagen vor, den Kontext beim automatischen Generieren von Bildunterschriften ebenfalls einzubeziehen. Üblicherweise werden hierfür die Bilder allein analysiert. Wir stellen die kontextbezogene Bildunterschriftengenerierung vor. Unsere vielversprechenden Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse eröffnen interessante Möglichkeiten für weitergehende Forschung zur computergestützten Erfassung des Zusammenspiels von Text- und Bildinhalten

    Automatic Image Captioning with Style

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    This thesis connects two core topics in machine learning, vision and language. The problem of choice is image caption generation: automatically constructing natural language descriptions of image content. Previous research into image caption generation has focused on generating purely descriptive captions; I focus on generating visually relevant captions with a distinct linguistic style. Captions with style have the potential to ease communication and add a new layer of personalisation. First, I consider naming variations in image captions, and propose a method for predicting context-dependent names that takes into account visual and linguistic information. This method makes use of a large-scale image caption dataset, which I also use to explore naming conventions and report naming conventions for hundreds of animal classes. Next I propose the SentiCap model, which relies on recent advances in artificial neural networks to generate visually relevant image captions with positive or negative sentiment. To balance descriptiveness and sentiment, the SentiCap model dynamically switches between two recurrent neural networks, one tuned for descriptive words and one for sentiment words. As the first published model for generating captions with sentiment, SentiCap has influenced a number of subsequent works. I then investigate the sub-task of modelling styled sentences without images. The specific task chosen is sentence simplification: rewriting news article sentences to make them easier to understand. For this task I design a neural sequence-to-sequence model that can work with limited training data, using novel adaptations for word copying and sharing word embeddings. Finally, I present SemStyle, a system for generating visually relevant image captions in the style of an arbitrary text corpus. A shared term space allows a neural network for vision and content planning to communicate with a network for styled language generation. SemStyle achieves competitive results in human and automatic evaluations of descriptiveness and style. As a whole, this thesis presents two complete systems for styled caption generation that are first of their kind and demonstrate, for the first time, that automatic style transfer for image captions is achievable. Contributions also include novel ideas for object naming and sentence simplification. This thesis opens up inquiries into highly personalised image captions; large scale visually grounded concept naming; and more generally, styled text generation with content control

    Multimodal knowledge integration for object detection and visual reasoning

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    We humans still perceive and reason in a different way than artificial intelligence models. We witness, we listen, we touch, we understand the world via multi-modal sensing, while machine models rely only on a single or a few modalities and ignore abundant information. In this thesis, we explore techniques for reducing the perception gap between machines and humans and focus on two families of tasks, reasoning and detection. First, we incorporate information from text, audio, motion, external knowledge bases, for training computer vision models. We find that data inputs from more extensive channels provide complementary information to improve models. Second, we study how multimodal inputs can be fully utilized. We argue that most existing deep learning methods are prone to pay too large attention to shallow patterns in the input features, which causes the resulting models to be biased. We propose robust training to overcome the issue. Third, we extend the benefits of multi-modal information to the supervision signals instead of the inputs, by learning a weakly supervised detection model from the natural supervision of textual captions or audio narrations. With the help of NLP constituency parsing, it is possible to extract structural knowledges from the captions and narrations, hence determines the entities and relations of visual objects

    Automatic understanding of multimodal content for Web-based learning

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    Web-based learning has become an integral part of everyday life for all ages and backgrounds. On the one hand, the advantages of this learning type, such as availability, accessibility, flexibility, and cost, are apparent. On the other hand, the oversupply of content can lead to learners struggling to find optimal resources efficiently. The interdisciplinary research field Search as Learning is concerned with the analysis and improvement of Web-based learning processes, both on the learner and the computer science side. So far, automatic approaches that assess and recommend learning resources in Search as Learning (SAL) focus on textual, resource, and behavioral features. However, these approaches commonly ignore multimodal aspects. This work addresses this research gap by proposing several approaches that address the question of how multimodal retrieval methods can help support learning on the Web. First, we evaluate whether textual metadata of the TIB AV-Portal can be exploited and enriched by semantic word embeddings to generate video recommendations and, in addition, a video summarization technique to improve exploratory search. Then we turn to the challenging task of knowledge gain prediction that estimates the potential learning success given a specific learning resource. We used data from two user studies for our approaches. The first one observes the knowledge gain when learning with videos in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) setting, while the second one provides an informal Web-based learning setting where the subjects have unrestricted access to the Internet. We then extend the purely textual features to include visual, audio, and cross-modal features for a holistic representation of learning resources. By correlating these features with the achieved knowledge gain, we can estimate the impact of a particular learning resource on learning success. We further investigate the influence of multimodal data on the learning process by examining how the combination of visual and textual content generally conveys information. For this purpose, we draw on work from linguistics and visual communications, which investigated the relationship between image and text by means of different metrics and categorizations for several decades. We concretize these metrics to enable their compatibility for machine learning purposes. This process includes the derivation of semantic image-text classes from these metrics. We evaluate all proposals with comprehensive experiments and discuss their impacts and limitations at the end of the thesis.Web-basiertes Lernen ist ein fester Bestandteil des Alltags aller Alters- und Bevölkerungsschichten geworden. Einerseits liegen die Vorteile dieser Art des Lernens wie Verfügbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit, Flexibilität oder Kosten auf der Hand. Andererseits kann das Überangebot an Inhalten auch dazu führen, dass Lernende nicht in der Lage sind optimale Ressourcen effizient zu finden. Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeld Search as Learning beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse und Verbesserung von Web-basierten Lernprozessen. Bisher sind automatische Ansätze bei der Bewertung und Empfehlung von Lernressourcen fokussiert auf monomodale Merkmale, wie Text oder Dokumentstruktur. Die multimodale Betrachtung ist hingegen noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Frage wie Methoden des Multimedia Retrievals dazu beitragen können das Lernen im Web zu unterstützen. Zunächst wird evaluiert, ob textuelle Metadaten des TIB AV-Portals genutzt werden können um in Verbindung mit semantischen Worteinbettungen einerseits Videoempfehlungen zu generieren und andererseits Visualisierungen zur Inhaltszusammenfassung von Videos abzuleiten. Anschließend wenden wir uns der anspruchsvollen Aufgabe der Vorhersage des Wissenszuwachses zu, die den potenziellen Lernerfolg einer Lernressource schätzt. Wir haben für unsere Ansätze Daten aus zwei Nutzerstudien verwendet. In der ersten wird der Wissenszuwachs beim Lernen mit Videos in einem MOOC-Setting beobachtet, während die zweite eine informelle web-basierte Lernumgebung bietet, in der die Probanden uneingeschränkten Internetzugang haben. Anschließend erweitern wir die rein textuellen Merkmale um visuelle, akustische und cross-modale Merkmale für eine ganzheitliche Darstellung der Lernressourcen. Durch die Korrelation dieser Merkmale mit dem erzielten Wissenszuwachs können wir den Einfluss einer Lernressource auf den Lernerfolg vorhersagen. Weiterhin untersuchen wir wie verschiedene Kombinationen von visuellen und textuellen Inhalten Informationen generell vermitteln. Dazu greifen wir auf Arbeiten aus der Linguistik und der visuellen Kommunikation zurück, die seit mehreren Jahrzehnten die Beziehung zwischen Bild und Text untersucht haben. Wir konkretisieren vorhandene Metriken, um ihre Verwendung für maschinelles Lernen zu ermöglichen. Dieser Prozess beinhaltet die Ableitung semantischer Bild-Text-Klassen. Wir evaluieren alle Ansätze mit umfangreichen Experimenten und diskutieren ihre Auswirkungen und Limitierungen am Ende der Arbeit

    Empirical studies in translation and discourse

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    The present volume seeks to contribute some studies to the subfield of Empirical Translation Studies and thus aid in extending its reach within the field of translation studies and thus in making our discipline more rigorous and fostering a reproducible research culture. The Translation in Transition conference series, across its editions in Copenhagen (2013), Germersheim (2015) and Ghent (2017), has been a major meeting point for scholars working with these aims in mind, and the conference in Barcelona (2019) has continued this tradition of expanding the sub-field of empirical translation studies to other paradigms within translation studies. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at that fourth Translation in Transition conference, held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on 19–20 September 2019

    Empirical studies in translation and discourse (Volume 14)

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    The present volume seeks to contribute some studies to the subfield of Empirical Translation Studies and thus aid in extending its reach within the field of translation studies and thus in making our discipline more rigorous and fostering a reproducible research culture. The Translation in Transition conference series, across its editions in Copenhagen (2013), Germersheim (2015) and Ghent (2017), has been a major meeting point for scholars working with these aims in mind, and the conference in Barcelona (2019) has continued this tradition of expanding the sub-field of empirical translation studies to other paradigms within translation studies. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at that fourth Translation in Transition conference, held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on 19–20 September 2019

    Deep learning with knowledge graphs for fine-grained emotion classification in text

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    This PhD thesis investigates two key challenges in the area of fine-grained emotion detection in textual data. More specifically, this work focuses on (i) the accurate classification of emotion in tweets and (ii) improving the learning of representations from knowledge graphs using graph convolutional neural networks.The first part of this work outlines the task of emotion keyword detection in tweets and introduces a new resource called the EEK dataset. Tweets have previously been categorised as short sequences or sentence-level sentiment analysis, and it could be argued that this should no longer be the case, especially since Twitter increased its allowed character limit. Recurrent Neural Networks have become a well-established method to classify tweets over recent years, but have struggled with accurately classifying longer sequences due to the vanishing and exploding gradient descent problem. A common technique to overcome this problem has been to prune tweets to a shorter sequence length. However, this also meant that often potentially important emotion carrying information, which is often found towards the end of a tweet, was lost (e.g., emojis and hashtags). As such, tweets mostly face also problems with classifying long sequences, similar to other natural language processing tasks. To overcome these challenges, a multi-scale hierarchical recurrent neural network is proposed and benchmarked against other existing methods. The proposed learning model outperforms existing methods on the same task by up to 10.52%. Another key component for the accurate classification of tweets has been the use of language models, where more recent techniques such as BERT and ELMO have achieved great success in a range of different tasks. However, in Sentiment Analysis, a key challenge has always been to use language models that do not only take advantage of the context a word is used in but also the sentiment it carries. Therefore the second part of this work looks at improving representation learning for emotion classification by introducing both linguistic and emotion knowledge to language models. A new linguistically inspired knowledge graph called RELATE is introduced. Then a new language model is trained on a Graph Convolutional Neural Network and compared against several other existing language models, where it is found that the proposed embedding representations achieve competitive results to other LMs, whilst requiring less pre-training time and data. Finally, it is investigated how the proposed methods can be applied to document-level classification tasks. More specifically, this work focuses on the accurate classification of suicide notes and analyses whether sentiment and linguistic features are important for accurate classification
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