45 research outputs found

    Personalizuoto mokymo(si) koncepcijos taikymas universitetinėse studijose: kaip tai veikia?

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    Personalised learning embraces the elements of mutual ownership by learners and teachers, flexible content, tools and learning environments, targeted support, and data-driven reflection and decision making. The current study utilises a mix of instrumental case study (Stake, 1995) and deductive thematic analysis (Braun, Clarke & Terry, 2015; Terry et al., 2017) methods to explore the accounts of students of two teacher education study programmes at Vilnius University. The programmes were innovated to include practices of personalised learning in line with the framework developed by partners of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project INTERPEARL (Innovative Teacher Education through Personalised Learning). The results yielded three major themes which capture the successes and setbacks the students face, namely, personalisation in vivo: facilitation of growth as a would-be teacher; personalisation not manifest: what does not work; and personalisation in the making: the dos and don’ts.Personalizuotą mokymą(si) sudaro keturi pagrindiniai principai: 1) abipusė mokytojo ir besimokančiojo atsakomybė; 2) lankstus turinys, priemonės ir mokymosi aplinka; 3) tikslingas mokymas(is); bei 4) duomenimis grindžiami sprendimai ir refleksija. Šiame tyrime taikant instrumentinės atvejo studijos (Stake, 1995) ir dedukcinės teminės analizės (Braun, Clarke & Terry, 2015; Terry ir kt., 2017) metodus buvo tiriamos dviejų Vilniaus universiteto mokytojų rengimo studijų programų studentų savistatos apie mokymo(si) personalizavimo patirtis studijų metu. Programos buvo atnaujintos įtraukiant į jas inovatyvias personalizuoto mokymo(si) praktikas pagal „Erasmus+’ strateginių partnerysčių projekto „Inovatyvus mokytojų ugdymas taikant personalizuotą mokymą(si)’ (angl. Innovative Teacher Education through Personalised Learning (INTERPEARL) partnerių sukurtas gaires. Rezultatai atskleidė tris pagrindines temas, kurios atspindi sėkmingas ir nesėkmingas studentų patirtis: personalizavimas in vivo: būsimojo mokytojo augimo skatinimas; kai personalizavimo nėra: kas neveikia; ir personalizavimo tapsmas: ką daryti, o ko ne

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    Towards the Development of an Effective Online Language Learning Model in a University Environment

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    [ES] Esta tesis documenta el progreso hacia un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas online. A pesar de las recientes innovaciones en el aprendizaje online, se necesita un conocimiento más profundo de lo que significa aprender online para poder garantizar que la experiencia del aprendizaje de lenguas sea mejor para todos. Los estudiantes a menudo se sienten abrumados con la tecnología a expensas de una pedagogía adecuada. Esta tesis explora la naturaleza de aprender una lengua online. El estudio investiga cómo los recientes avances tecnológicos han propiciado que el aprendizaje de una lengua se esté transformando, pasando de ser una actividad presencial a ser una actividad online. En el proceso de cambio a un entorno online, los profesores deben aprender nuevas formas de interactuar con los alumnos y compartir conocimientos. Esto significa que debemos volver a pensar cómo adquirirá el alumno las competencias lingüísticas. Esta tesis sostiene que analizar las opiniones de los estudiantes es un paso esencial hacia el diseño y desarrollo de un modelo de aprendizaje de idiomas online. La tesis comienza con la revisión de la literatura existente relacionada con el aprendizaje y la tecnología online (tecnologías multimedia, aprendizaje asistido por ordenador, la relación entre la lingüística de corpus y el aprendizaje de lenguas online, el uso de tecnologías móviles, el uso de juegos, la simulación y la realidad virtual, el impacto de las redes sociales). Para la metodología, hemos utilizado un diseño mixto cuasi experimental. Hemos recogido datos de varias fuentes y los hemos analizado para disponer de la información necesaria para así poder diseñar un modelo de aprendizaje de lenguas online. En primer lugar, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación inicial en el aula para descubrir y analizar algunas ideas básicas que los estudiantes tienen sobre el uso de herramientas para el aprendizaje de idiomas online. En segundo lugar, hemos examinado los contenidos y la estructura de los libros de texto electrónicos como representativos de una especie de paso intermedio hacia un curso de aprendizaje de idiomas online. En tercer lugar, hemos analizado Massive Open Online Courses. En cuarto lugar, ofrecemos un análisis sobre el diseño adecuado y apropiado de cuestionarios. A continuación, presentamos el razonamiento en el que basamos los tres cuestionarios utilizados en nuestra investigación. El primer cuestionario se centraba principalmente en el papel de Internet como herramienta de aprendizaje de idiomas. En el segundo cuestionario los alumnos tuvieron que evaluar sitios web para el aprendizaje de idiomas. En nuestro tercer cuestionario abordamos la cuestión de las actividades de aprendizaje de idiomas. El cuestionario pretendía descubrir las opiniones de los estudiantes sobre diferentes tipos de actividades de aprendizaje de idiomas, que iban desde actividades cortas, tradicionales, formales a actividades de mayor duración tipo proyecto. El Capítulo IV está dedicado principalmente a valorar los resultados del análisis de nuestra investigación inicial en el aula, el análisis de los libros de texto electrónicos y sus correspondientes plataformas online, el análisis de los MOOC para el aprendizaje de idiomas y el análisis de las respuestas de los alumnos a los tres cuestionarios. El Capítulo V presenta un modelo de aprendizaje de idiomas online. Esta investigación contribuye a mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje de idiomas online al hacer explícitos los pasos que se deben seguir para desarrollar un curso de idiomas online impulsado por la pedagogía y fundamentado en las tecnologías más recientes. El modelo puede convertirse en una herramienta de toma de decisiones (una guía y lista de verificación para el diseño de cursos de idiomas online). Además, contribuye a la discusión sobre la mejor manera de integrar herramientas, tareas y aprendizaje de lenguas, una parte fundamental del proceso de apr[CA] Esta tesi documenta el progrés cap a un model d'aprenentatge del llengües en línia. A pesar de les recents innovacions en l'aprenentatge en línia, és necessari un coneixement més profund del que significa aprendre en línia per tal de poder garantir que l'experiència de l'aprenentatge de llengües siga millor per a tots. Els estudiants sovint se senten desbordats davant la tecnologia a falta d'una pedagogia adequada. Esta tesi explora la naturalesa d'aprendre una llengua en línia. L'estudi investiga com els recents avanços tecnològics han propiciat que l'aprenentatge d'una llengua passe de ser una activitat presencial a ser una activitat en línia. En el procés de canvi a un entorn en línia, els professors han d'aprendre noves formes d'interactuar amb els alumnes i compartir coneixements. Açò significa que hem de tornar a pensar com adquirirà l'alumne les competències lingüístiques. Esta tesi sosté que una anàlisi de les opinions dels estudiants és un pas essencial cap al disseny i desenvolupament d'un model d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. La tesi comença amb la revisió de la literatura existent relacionada amb l'aprenentatge i la tecnologia en línia (tecnologies multimèdia, aprenentatge assistit per ordinador, la relació entre la lingüística de corpus i l'aprenentatge de llengües en línia, l'ús de tecnologies mòbils, l'ús de jocs, la simulació i la realitat virtual, l'impacte de les xarxes socials). Per a la metodologia, s'ha usat un disseny mixt quasi experimental. S'han recollit dades de fonts diverses i les hem analitzat per tal de disposar de la informació necessària per poder dissenyar un model d'aprenentatge de llengües en línia. En primer lloc, hem dut a terme una investigació inicial en l'aula per tal de descobrir i analitzar algunes idees bàsiques que els estudiants tenen sobre l'ús de ferramentes per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. En segon lloc, hem examinat els continguts i l'estructura dels llibres de text electrònics com representatius d'una espècie de pas intermedi cap a un curs d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia, ja que molts d'estos llibres de text vénen acompanyats d'una plataforma en línia. En tercer lloc, hem analitzat Massive Open Online Courses. En quart lloc, fem una anàlisi sobre quin és el disseny adequat per als qüestionaris. A continuació, presentem el raonament en què basem els tres qüestionaris emprats en la nostra investigació. El primer qüestionari se centrava principalment en el paper d'Internet com a ferramenta d'aprenentatge d'idiomes. En el segon qüestionari els alumnes havien d'avaluar llocs web per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes. En el nostre tercer qüestionari abordàvem la qüestió de les activitats de l'aprenentatge d'idiomes. El qüestionari pretenia descobrir les opinions dels estudiants sobre diferents tipus d'activitats d'aprenentatge d'idiomes, que anaven des d'activitats curtes, tradicionals, formals a activitats de major duració tipus projecte. El Capítol IV està dedicat principalment a valorar els resultats de l'anàlisi de la nostra investigació inicial en l'aula, l'anàlisi dels llibres de text electrònics i les seues corresponents plataformes en línia, l'anàlisi dels MOOC per a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes i l'anàlisi de les respostes dels alumnes als tres qüestionaris. El Capítol V presenta un model d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia. Esta investigació contribueix a millorar l'experiència d'aprenentatge d'idiomes en línia en fer explícits els passos que s'han de seguir per a desenvolupar un curs d'idiomes en línia impulsat per la pedagogia i fonamentat en les tecnologies més recents. El model pot convertir-se en una ferramenta de presa de decisions (una guia i llista de verificació per al disseny de cursos d'idiomes en línia). A més a més, contribueix al debat sobre la millor forma d'integrar ferramentes, tasques i aprenentatge de llengües, una part fonamental del procés d'aprenentatge en lí[EN] This thesis documents the progress towards a model of online language learning. Despite the recent innovations in online learning, greater in-depth knowledge of what it means to learn online is needed to ensure a better language learning experience for everyone. Learners are often overwhelmed with technology at the expense of proper pedagogy. This thesis explores the nature of learning a language online. My research investigates how recent technological advances have meant that learning a language is transforming from being a face-to-face classroom activity to an online activity. In the process of changing to an online environment, teachers are having to learn new ways of interacting with students and sharing knowledge. This means that we need to re-think how a learner is going to acquire a language. This thesis holds the view that an analysis of learner opinions is an essential step towards the design and development of a model of online language learning. The thesis begins by reviewing the existing literature related to online language learning and technology (multimedia technologies, computer assisted language learning, the relationship between corpus linguistics and online language learning, the use of mobile technologies, the use of gaming, simulation and virtual reality, the impact of social networking). For the methodology, we used a mixed quasi-experimental design. We collected data from various sources and analysed it to provide us with the necessary information to be able to design a model of online language learning. Firstly, we carried out some initial classroom research to discover and analyse some basic ideas that students have about the use of tools for online language learning. The objective of this initial classroom research was to try to become familiar with the type of tools they used and what language skills they thought they would develop with these tools. Secondly, we examined the contents and structure of e-textbooks as representative of a kind of halfway house to an online language learning course as many of these e-textbooks come accompanied by an online platform. Thirdly, we analysed Massive Open Online Courses: their impact on online learning and online language learning. Fourthly, we provide a discussion about appropriate and suitable questionnaire design. This includes discussion of the questionnaire design process. Then, we present the thinking behind the three questionnaires used in our research. The first questionnaire focussed mostly on the role of the internet as a language learning tool. It tried to elicit from students what they know about online learning in general and, more particularly, online language learning. Our second questionnaire was a questionnaire where students had to evaluate language learning websites. Our third questionnaire covered the issue of language learning activities, where the questionnaire aimed to discover student opinions about different kinds of language learning activities, which ranged from formal, traditional, short activities to longer project type activities. Chapter IV is mainly concerned with discussing results from the analysis of our initial classroom research, analysis of e-textbooks and their associated online platforms, analysis of MOOCs for language learning and analysis of learner responses to three questionnaires. Chapter V presents a model of online language learning. This research contributes to enhancing the online language learning experience by making explicit the steps that need to be taken to construct an online language course which is driven by pedagogy and informed by the latest technologies. The model can become a decision-making tool (a guide and checklist for designing online language courses). Furthermore, it contributes to the discussion of how best to combine tools, tasks and language acquisition, a fundamental part of the online learning process.Galstyan Sargsyan, R. (2019). Towards the Development of an Effective Online Language Learning Model in a University Environment [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117609TESI

    Exploring master’s students’ experiences of using digital technologies in research.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Digital technologies are used by people in order to attend to 21st century living, which often involves digitalised practices. These digitalised practices are driven by the need to meet the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technology innovation, demanding the growing use of digital technologies for various activities. As a result of the 4IR movement, institutions of higher learning use digital technologies for teaching, learning, and research purposes, to fulfil educational objectives. Particularly for postgraduate studies, students use digital technologies to access published research, generate empirical data, write their dissertations and communicate with their supervisors and other stakeholders involved in their research studies. Literature reviewed in this study indicated that students experience the use of digital technologies in specific ways informed by various socialisation and professionalisation processes. This study explored master’s students’ experiences of using digital technologies as informed by their personal research needs; thus, producing a unique personalisation experience which has been found to be missing in literature discussion. Guided by the philosophical pragmatic paradigm, this doctoral study used a qualitative case study to explore master’s students’ experiences of using digital technologies for research purposes. Data were generated using four research methods, including reflective journals, semi-structured interviews, focus-group discussions, and digital observations. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to select fourteen participants who were part of the study, and who aided in generating thick and authentic data used to answer the research questions. Three key research questions were formulated for this study mainly: What are master’s students’ experiences of using digital technologies? (descriptive); How do master’s students apply their experiences of using digital technologies in research? (operational); and Why do master’s students experience digital technologies in particular ways? (philosophical/theoretical). The data produced were analysed and interpreted using inductive (thematic) analysis, in combination with deductive analysis (using the Persona-Tech analytical framework proposed in this study). The Persona-Tech analytical framework was conceptualised using selected concepts from CHAT and UTAUT theories, in order to better understand students’ experiences of using digital technologies in research. The findings of this study indicated that participants experienced the use of digital technologies both in positive and negative ways, influenced by various factors such as socialisation, professionalisation and personalisation. These influences further shaped how the students conducted their master's research using different digital resources on a mandatory and voluntary basis. Furthermore, the findings suggested that master's students used their socialisation and professionalisation experiences to solve problems and better understand the use of digital technologies in their studies, resulting in a unique personalisation experience informed by their study needs. The study recommends five propositions that could aid in students achieving quality personalisation experience with regards to using digital technologies effectively for their studies. These five propositions include students reflecting on their experience with digital technologies and finding ways to improve their experience; forming collaborations with other stakeholders and seeking ways to tackle challenges experienced with digital technologies; having patience and enduring through a challenging experience; seeking guidance, support and information where deemed necessary and being self-aware of one’s digital strengths and weaknesses

    A framework to enhance the mobile user experience in an Mlearning interaction

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    The new millennium is witness to a telecommunications world that is vastly different from even the recent past with developments in the mobile sector having dramatically changed the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape. Mobile cellular technology has proliferated faster than any previous technology and is now the most ubiquitous technology in the world. The focus of this thesis is the development of a framework to enhance the Mobile User Experience in an Mlearning interaction. This research is contextualised by the goal-oriented use of mobile cellular technologies in a formal educational environment. As such the study, although residing in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), acknowledges issues arising in the Education Domain as a specific field of application. The aim of the research was to investigate the components of a framework to enhance the Mobile User Experience in an Mlearning interaction. The development of the framework was facilitated by the exploration of: the Mobile User Experience factors and their impact, on the Mobile User Experience of learners participating in a goal-oriented Mlearning interaction. These critical factors were documented in terms of the Mobile User Experience components, and the relationships of these components to each other as well as the Mobile User Experience of an Mlearning interaction. The research, grounded in a phenomenological research philosophy, applied an inductive reasoning approach, and was operationalised through a single case study methodology. A qualitative research strategy was considered appropriate, as the phenomenon of User Experience is linked to the hedonistic attributes of the interaction. This study was conducted in four phases with focus on three embedded units of analysis. The three units of analysis were identified as: The learner as end user in an Mlearning interaction; The educator as designer of the Mlearning interaction; and The Mlearning interaction. The research revealed that the Mobile User Experience of an Mlearning interaction is affected by the mobile user, mobile use, mobile device, mobile business practices, mobile networks, mobile interaction and mobile context. Within the Mlearning interaction the significant components are the learners as mobile users, the enhance interactions, removal of barriers to the interaction, goal-oriented nature of the interaction and the ducational context. Identifying these components and their associated Mobile User Experience factors and impacts, present the main contribution of this thesis. In conclusion, the limitations of the study are documented and topics for future research are outlined

    Designing and evaluating a contextual mobile learning application to support situated learning

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    This research emerged from seeking to identify ways of getting Human-Computer Interaction Design students into real world environments, similar to those in which they will eventually be designing, thus maximising their ability to identify opportunities for innovation. In helping students learn how to become proficient and innovative designers and developers, it is crucial that their ‘out of the classroom’ experience of the environments in which their designs will be used, augments and extends in-class learning. The aim of this research is to investigate firstly, a blended learning model for students in higher education using mobile technology for situated learning and, secondly, the process of designing a mobile learning app within this blended learning model. This app was designed, by the author, to support students in a design task and to develop their independent learning and critical thinking skills, as part of their Human-Computer Interaction coursework. The first stage in designing the system was to conduct a comprehensive contextual inquiry to understand specific student and staff needs in the envisaged scenario. In addition, this research explores the challenges in implementing and deploying such an app in the learning context. A number of evaluations were conducted to assess the design, usability and effectiveness of the app, which we have called sLearn. The results show an improvement in scores and quality of assessed work completed with the support of the sLearn app and a positive response from students regarding its usability and pedagogic utility. The promising results show that the app has helped students in developing critical thinking and independent learning skills. The research also considers the challenges of conducting an ecologically valid study of such interventions in a higher education setting. There were issues discovered in regards to the context of use such as usability of interface elements and feeling self-conscious in using the app in a public place. The model was tested with two other student cohorts: User Experience and Engineering students, to further investigate best practice in deploying mobile learning in higher education and examine the suitability of this learning model for different disciplines. These trials suggest that the model is indeed suitable and, the engineering study in particular has demonstrated that it has the potential to support the learning in-situ of students from non-computing disciplines

    A framework to enhance the mobile user experience in an Mlearning interaction

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    The new millennium is witness to a telecommunications world that is vastly different from even the recent past with developments in the mobile sector having dramatically changed the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape. Mobile cellular technology has proliferated faster than any previous technology and is now the most ubiquitous technology in the world. The focus of this thesis is the development of a framework to enhance the Mobile User Experience in an Mlearning interaction. This research is contextualised by the goal-oriented use of mobile cellular technologies in a formal educational environment. As such the study, although residing in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), acknowledges issues arising in the Education Domain as a specific field of application. The aim of the research was to investigate the components of a framework to enhance the Mobile User Experience in an Mlearning interaction. The development of the framework was facilitated by the exploration of: the Mobile User Experience factors and their impact, on the Mobile User Experience of learners participating in a goal-oriented Mlearning interaction. These critical factors were documented in terms of the Mobile User Experience components, and the relationships of these components to each other as well as the Mobile User Experience of an Mlearning interaction. The research, grounded in a phenomenological research philosophy, applied an inductive reasoning approach, and was operationalised through a single case study methodology. A qualitative research strategy was considered appropriate, as the phenomenon of User Experience is linked to the hedonistic attributes of the interaction. This study was conducted in four phases with focus on three embedded units of analysis. The three units of analysis were identified as: The learner as end user in an Mlearning interaction; The educator as designer of the Mlearning interaction; and The Mlearning interaction. The research revealed that the Mobile User Experience of an Mlearning interaction is affected by the mobile user, mobile use, mobile device, mobile business practices, mobile networks, mobile interaction and mobile context. Within the Mlearning interaction the significant components are the learners as mobile users, the enhance interactions, removal of barriers to the interaction, goal-oriented nature of the interaction and the ducational context. Identifying these components and their associated Mobile User Experience factors and impacts, present the main contribution of this thesis. In conclusion, the limitations of the study are documented and topics for future research are outlined

    An exploration of the influence of mobile technologies on pre-registration physiotherapy student learning

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    BACKGROUND: Educational learning that is mediated by mobile i.e., tablets, mini-tablets and mobile phones, has gained popularity due to the ubiquitous nature of these types of technology and their ability to provide free and autonomous learning. Given that estimations of mobile user numbers by 2023, are projected at 7.26 billion, there is considerable interest in this area. Mobile has the potential to promote authentic learning but also, the ability to distract and therefore is eschewed by some learners and educators alike. Acceptance of mobile for learning has been explored through various acceptance models, however these usually apply to institutionally selected technology. This study proposes to explore acceptance and influence of personal mobile technologies using a group of pre-registration student studying physiotherapy. RESEARCH QUESTION: How does a pre-registration student physiotherapy population use mobile mediated learn-ing as a vehicle for learning in a specific professional context? STUDY AIM: To explore how mobile technology is used by pre-registration physiotherapy students and identify the influence that mobile mediated learning plays in their professional development. METHODOLOGY: A sequential explanatory mixed-methods paradigm around technology acceptance and learning theory utilised quantitative statistical analysis and a framework data handling and analysis approach. METHODS: A survey questionnaire was developed and was used to gather opinion statements using convenience sampling, (n=163), around the usefulness of mobile mediated learning. Factor analysis was used to identify three separate constructs within the questionnaire and a further hierarchical cluster analysis identified three independent groups within the sample. Kruskal-Wallis tests showed significant differences between the constructs in the three groups, showing different levels of acceptance. This data was used to identify participants for semi-structured interviews who were recruited using a maximum variance sample. Follow up semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 participants, who were purposively selected from each of the groups to investigate the acceptance and influence of mobile technology in greater depth. RESULTS: Analysis of questionnaires demonstrated significant differences across two of the questionnaire constructs between the groups. Semi-structured interviews identified four emergent themes, demonstrating that pre-registration physiotherapy participants use mobile mediated learning to develop clinical skills, primarily using self-created video. They favour an expeditious approach to learning and use mobile technologies as a support tool for learning, reflection, and collaboration. Differing levels of digital literacy mediated through mobile dictated the ability to overcome some barriers presented by mobile technology and may help to foster a connected approach to learning, alongside longer established methods, such as written resources. CONCLUSION: Mobile mediated learning is an important support tool that can help develop clinical skills and competencies through use of self-created and publicly available video. It engages learners due to its ease of use and helps facilitate collaborative and individual learning through social media communications and face to face discussion. These may help facilitate both skill development (via multimedia) and cognitive understanding. The implicit nature of this, suggests that mediated mobile learning is understated and that educators can utilise both social learning theory and connectivist models to facilitate these skills. Additionally, institutions may consider how learners can address and overcome barriers to mobile learning if a connected approach is desirable

    Investigating the potential for new media and new technologies in design and technology undergraduate education

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    Investigating Potential for New Media & New Technologies in Design & Technology Undergraduate Education This research explores potential for New Media and New Technology (NM & NT) in the Design School at Loughborough University. Using action research to investigate potential, this research develops a new way of managing inquiry based on Susman and Evered s five cycles of action research (Susman and Evered, 1978). In particular, it extends the double- helix metaphor (Dick, 2000) for action research. This new way of conducting action research looks at educational and IT- based aspects; in particular, developing strategies, guidelines and materials for implementing video podcasting (Vodcasting) and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) into Design School undergraduate modules. In looking at potential, the research involved 6 lecturer s interviews and thematic analysis. Findings suggest that limitations to the current uses of NM & NT related to lecturers lack of skills in NM & NT and scepticism about what the benefits might be. Some recognised potential for NM & NT to manage module administration. One lecturer wanted to stop students using dubious sources from the Internet for assessment on a Sustainable Design module. This led to using RSS to resolve this problem in a mobile learning scenario. In this research, 98 D and T students were surveyed to identify current uses of mobile technology. Results suggested that students would like module content streamed to their mobile device. Lecturers too could see benefits for NM & NT, if they stopped lecturers from having to repeat themselves to students. This led to using Vodcasting to resolve this problem in a mobile learning scenario. Video observational data was collected from 6 students using RSS to perform mobile learning tasks for a Sustainable Design module. The findings suggested that the technology at the time of study was not quite up to the task, although some NM & NT learning resources relating to Sustainable Design were found by students using RSS. Similarly, video observation data was collected from 4 students using Vodcasts to design electronic circuits. Findings showed more technological competence with this technology and students suggested future modules where this type of NM & NT would have further educational potential. Through exploring potential, this research develops new strategies, guidelines and materials for design and technology educators. This research reveals the educational benefits of Vodcasting and RSS in labs and workshops, and concludes that there is potential for NM & NT in D and T education