5 research outputs found

    Enabling systemic transformations with polyscopy

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    It is shown how “the power to transcend paradigms” – which has been identified as “the most impactful way to intervene into systems” – can be radically augmented by a different approach to information. Instead of updating a conventional “reality picture”, available insights are combined to compose completely new highlevel views or gestalts, which coexist and coevolve through a dialog with one another and with the more detailed views. Polyscopy is described as a concrete instantiation of this approach. The Holoscope online platform is outlined as an application of polyscopy to enable (by illuminating the way) the global systemic transformation. This article is a strategy proposal and an invitation, extended to the interested members of the systemic design community, to take part in the transdiscipline we are developing around Holoscope, to evolve it continuously

    Finnes det sammenheng mellom brukerens oppførsel på nettet og design av visuelle representasjoner

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    I denne verden som styres stadig mer av data og hvor vi alle bruker mye tid hver eneste dag foran PC-en, ville det vært veldig tidsbesparende hvis vi kunne brukt PC for å finne ut ønskede informasjon på lettest mulig måte uten å bruke altfor lang tid. Til nylig overføringsmedier var bare fjernsyn og radioprogrammer, film, video, og grafisk kunst i form av magasiner og aviser, men samtidig med den store teknologiske utviklingen innenfor data bransjen, WWW også begynner å bli et populært medium for kommunikasjon. WWW er kommet frem som en ny informasjonsforsyner midt i 1990. og er blitt populært verdensrundt fordi det er en teknologi som muliggjør produksjon og distribusjon. Mye forskning finnes angående virkningene av overføringsmedier på seere, og hvordan offentligheten bruker massemedier for deres egne formål, men det fortsatt gjøres ikke nok forskning på effektivitet av budskap presentert på WWW med sine visuelle deler (farger, grafikk, tekstur, tekst formaterer, ikoner). Med denne oppgaven undersøkes det om utforming med visuelle elementer i en WWW presentasjon bidrar til større forståelse av budskapet presentert på WWW sammenliknet med bruk av andre elementer, for eksempel, ren tekst. Fordi WWW er brukt for å overføre informasjoner og presentere budskap til brukere, det er viktig å finne ut om denne prosessen kan kobles til utforming av visuelle elementer i forhold til de som brukes daglig ved bruk av tradisjonelle overføringsmedier. Spørsmålet her er hvordan og på hvilken måte kan den nyttige informasjonen overføres og presenteres til brukeren ved bruk av visuelle representasjoner og hvordan brukeren reagerer på dem? Et forsøk for å svare på dette spørsmålet er blitt gjort ved å prøve å se etter brukerens oppførsel på nettet ved bruk av DESK programvaren, samt prøve å finne ut om det er sammenheng mellom design av visuelle representasjoner; visuell immediacy, visuell impetus, visuell impedance og brukerens oppførsel på nettet

    Objektorientert dokumentdesign i XML - Obdok

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    The paper 'Objektorientert Dokumentdesign i XML - Obdok' approaches a need for more refined and e cient ways to manage information at the doorstep of the "Age of Information". It does so by suggesting an analogy from object-oriented programming to information design. The paradigm of object-orientation has for almost half a century, proven its favorable quality of giving structure to program code. Information and information processes lack this quality, and tends to be characterized by being old-fashioned, one dimensional and linear. These characteristics are traditional characters and reminders from Guthenbergs book print machine, oral narration style, etc. Information design is mainly in the same situation today as computer science was before objectorientation. Since structural qualities of information will gain more attention in the future, it is natural to try to change information in a way similar how object-orientation once changed system development. Also, when developments lately have been released in Dino Karabegs 'Polyscopic Modeling', and technologies based on 'Extensible Markup Language' (XML) of W3C the path is opened for making an analogy between object-orientation and document design. The fundamental thesis of this paper describes this path how to design the object-orientated document language Obdok. By studying the characteristic properties of object-oriented program languages and by finding a way of representing these properties in XML, Obdok has been designed as a language for composing object documents. This model frames the theory of Polyscopic Modeling, and a quantified understanding of information denoted as the 'infon', which dates back to 'Beyond Truth and Falsehood'**. In Obdok, the concept of infon is named by a information unit' that occurs in documents as di erent 'information types'. These information types are represented as XML elements and reflects in a way the 'data types' in object-orientated programming. Information types, like data types, are classified into two groups: primitive- and complex information types. Generally, primitive information types cannot contain subordinated element structures, as opposed to the complex ones. Central in the composing of object documents is the complex information type set. This is a heterogenious set that serves both as the physical and the contextual frame for other information types. Compared to program languages, the set has the role of the object. By applying the di erent information types, this enables the analogy to be followed closely, also to what superior structural qualities may concern. Heritage and abstract data types are hence transformed into heritage and abstract information types. The language also specifies a hybrid solution for resource linking. These pointer functionalities, vary in the treatments of internal resources and external resources. Thus, documents are kept more holistic, preventing spaghetti linking and unstructured information flows. The fundamental basis for the language is held in a 'Document Type Definition' (DTD). This defi- nes the di erent information- and pointer types and decides the legal contents. There is a syntax specially developed to declare Obdok documents related to this DTD. A separate declaration gives the user the possibility to compose the document structure within an object-oriented environment, as an alternative to the environment of the writing phase or in a markup context. Due to this syntax, it is also possible for the writer to name and structure his chosen information types composing the document. This structure is materialized by XML elements in a separate XML file. Declaration and instances are kept separate by initiating two di erent files. The Obdok declaration and instance files are processed through a Python script to convert and merge these structures into one unified, standardized XML format. This XML structure is made visible through XSLT transformation to HTML code. **Jan Egil Hagen, Geir Amdal and Andreas Nergaard, 200