376 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali konsepsi, troublesome knowledge, dan threshold concept pada materi kesetimbangan kimia dengan menggunakan tes diagnostik model mental interview-about-event (TDM-IAE). Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 12 orang mahasiswa calon guru kimia tingkat I sampai IV di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada mahasiswa yang memiliki konsepsi dengan kategori Paham (P) pada materi kesetimbangan kimia. Konsepsi yang paling mendekati utuh, ditemukan pada kategori Paham Sebagian (PS). Hampir seluruh konsepsi yang ditemukan termasuk kategori Paham Sebagian dengan Miskonsepsi (PSM). Beberapa miskonsepsi yang ditemukan pada materi kesetimbangan kimia, yaitu pereaksi adalah zat yang ada dari keadaan awal, reaksi sebelum setimbang berjalan satu arah, komposisi setimbang ditentukan berdasarkan warna gas, kesetimbangan dicapai dari sisi pereaksi saja, laju reaksi maju sama dengan reaksi balik dari sebelum setimbang, nilai Kc dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi awal. Berdasarkan analisis, ditemukan sepuluh konsep pada materi kesetimbangan kimia yang menunjukkan karakteristik troublesome knowledge, yaitu komposisi pereaksi dan hasil reaksi pada reaksi kesetimbangan; makna tetapan kesetimbangan; spesi pereaksi dan hasil reaksi pada reaksi kesetimbangan; sifat dinamis dari reaksi kesetimbangan; persamaan reaksi kesetimbangan; laju reaksi pada kesetimbangan; kesetimbangan dapat dicapai dari sisi pereaksi, hasil reaksi, dan campuran keduanya; perhitungan konsentrasi spesi saat setimbang; hubungan Qc dengan Kc; dan perubahan konsentrasi spesi sebelum kesetimbangan. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat dinamis dari reaksi kesetimbangan dan tetapan kesetimbangan merupakan threshold concept pada materi kesetimbangan kimia. Kata kunci: konsepsi, troublesome knowledge, threshold concept, TDM-IAE, kesetimbangan kimia ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to investigate the conception, troublesome knowledge and threshold concepts in chemical equilibrium by using the interview-about-event mental model diagnostic test (IAE-MMDT). The research design used is descriptive-qualitative. This subjects of this study consisted of twelve prospective chemistry teachers from first-year until fourth-year undergraduate program at a state university in Bandung. The results showed that there were no students who had a Sound Understanding (SU) category in the topic of chemical equilibrium. The almost complete understanding was found in the Partial Understanding (PU) category. Almost all of them found belong to the category of Partial Understanding with Misconceptions (PUM). Some of the misconceptions found in chemical equilibrium, i.e reactants are substances that exist from the initial state, the reaction before equilibrium is not reversible, the equilibrium composition is determined based on the color of the gas, equilibrium is achieved from reactants only, the forward reaction rate and the reaction are the same from before equilibrium, the equilibrium constant is affected by the initial concentration. Based on the analysis, ten concepts in chemistry that show the characteristics of troublesome knowledge, there are the composition of reactants and reaction products in reactions; equilibrium constant signification; reactants and products in the equilibrium reaction; the dynamic nature of the equilibrium; equilibrium reaction equation; the rate of reaction in equilibrium; state of equilibrium can be achieved from any side; calculation of the concentration of the reactants and products at equilibrium; the relationship between Q and K; and the change in concentration before the equilibrium. In addition, the results showed that the dynamic nature of the equilibrium and equilibrium constant is a threshold concept in chemical equilibrium. Keywords: conception, troublesome knowledge, threshold concept, IAE mental model diagnostic test, chemical equilibriu

    A Foundation for Spatial Thinking: Towards a Threshold Concept Framework in GIScience and its Implications for STEM Education

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    Geographic Information Science (GIScience) is a fairly modern, rapidly emerging multidisciplinary field, addressing the theories and concepts behind the spatial technology called Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With the proliferation of this technology, the demand for GIS professionals has also increased, as has pressure to support their competency in the community of practice. This study investigates a framework of threshold concepts to provide insight into the learning process for distinctive ways of thinking and practising within GIScience. Despite some theoretical investigations of this framework, no empirical studies have explored learner insights on this topic and its implications. The main goal of the study is to investigate empirical evidence of a threshold concept framework in GIScience and its potential implications for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The investigation relied on data collected through survey questionnaires and personal interviews, administered in an introductory GIS course at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. The qualitative assessment of the study was based on a phenomenographic approach to examine different ways in which students experience GIS learning. First, threshold concepts were explored and examined based on their transformative, irreversible, integrative, bounded, and troublesome characteristics. In addition, statistical analyses were employed to identify important factors promoting student proficiency in GIScience. These factors were further examined with respect to variations in students’ discipline-specific ways of thinking and practising. The implications for STEM education were also discussed, in terms of shared misconceptions, spatial thinking abilities, and academic and career competencies. Findings from this study suggest that the most prominent threshold concepts perceived by GIScience students are map projections and advantages and disadvantages of raster and vector data models, which are likely to open up new and previously inaccessible ways of thinking (i.e., ways of looking at a map). Important factors for students to acquire an understanding of such concepts were also identified, including academic preparedness, educational status, major field of study, type of academic background, ArcGIS software experience, GIS learning resource, and prior subject learning experience in mathematics, GIS, programming, or computer science. The implications include enhanced spatial thinking ability, as well as creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, all of which can help to promote interest and self-confidence in pursuing STEM fields. Overall, results from this study offer valuable insights for enhancing the efficacy of teaching and learning in GIScience

    Evaluating progress for the implementation of European Union nanotechnology strategies for safe design and responsible innovation of nanomaterials

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    This study examines the twin themes of risk governance and anticipatory governance to establish whether European Union (EU) risk governance instruments and others such as Responsible Research and Innovation( RRI ) are delivering on their promises for the safe and responsible development of nanomaterials(NM). This is an empirical study that conducts semi-structured interviews with cross-sectoral experts working within nanotechnologies to examine these issues. The main findings identify critical flaws in the principal chemical safety regulations(REACH) due to the lack of specificity for NM safety testing, and the scientifically contested EU definition for NM. Both of which undermine legal authority for enforcing regulatory compliance. Secondly, critical scientific gaps are evident that prevent comprehensive nano-risk analysis of the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) implications of NM production. Thirdly, there are indications that the nano industry is seeking to avoid engaging with either product regulation (REACH) or the social-ethical appraisal of NM production. Finally, compounding these deficiencies, the EU does not provide a bespoke overarching EU risk governance framework to scrutinise either the EHS effects or the wider social implications of current and future nano-innovation pathways. In this study, I proposes a novel solution for such a framework centred on a ‘Safety by Social Design’ approach. Its purpose is to facilitate responsible innovation by the societal alignment of nano innovation within an adaptive and integrative risk governance framework. This will serve the purpose of progressing the EU towards a more anticipatory governance approach for nano innovation

    EBook proceedings of the ESERA 2011 conference : science learning and citizenship

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    This ebook contains fourteen parts according to the strands of the ESERA 2011 conference. Each part is co-edited by one or two persons, most of them were strand chairs. All papers in this ebook correspond to accepted communications during the ESERA conference that were reviewed by two referees. Moreover the co-editors carried out a global reviewing of the papers.ESERA - European Science Education Research Associatio

    Identifying threshold concepts in design

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    Measuring the Scale Outcomes of Curriculum Materials

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