184,790 research outputs found

    A literature survey of methods for analysis of subjective language

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    Subjective language is used to express attitudes and opinions towards things, ideas and people. While content and topic centred natural language processing is now part of everyday life, analysis of subjective aspects of natural language have until recently been largely neglected by the research community. The explosive growth of personal blogs, consumer opinion sites and social network applications in the last years, have however created increased interest in subjective language analysis. This paper provides an overview of recent research conducted in the area

    Explainable subgraphs with surprising densities : a subgroup discovery approach

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    The connectivity structure of graphs is typically related to the attributes of the nodes. In social networks for example, the probability of a friendship between any pair of people depends on a range of attributes, such as their age, residence location, workplace, and hobbies. The high-level structure of a graph can thus possibly be described well by means of patterns of the form `the subgroup of all individuals with a certain properties X are often (or rarely) friends with individuals in another subgroup defined by properties Y', in comparison to what is expected. Such rules present potentially actionable and generalizable insight into the graph. We present a method that finds node subgroup pairs between which the edge density is interestingly high or low, using an information-theoretic definition of interestingness. Additionally, the interestingness is quantified subjectively, to contrast with prior information an analyst may have about the connectivity. This view immediatly enables iterative mining of such patterns. This is the first method aimed at graph connectivity relations between different subgroups. Our method generalizes prior work on dense subgraphs induced by a subgroup description. Although this setting has been studied already, we demonstrate for this special case considerable practical advantages of our subjective interestingness measure with respect to a wide range of (objective) interestingness measures

    Elicitation of ambiguous beliefs with mixing bets

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    I consider the elicitation of ambiguous beliefs about an event and show how to identify the interval of relevant probabilities (representing ambiguity perception) for several classes of ambiguity averse preferences. The agent reveals her preference for mixing binarized bets on the uncertain event and its complement under varying betting odds. Under ambiguity aversion, mixing is informative about the interval of beliefs. In particular, the mechanism allows to distinguish ambiguous beliefs from point beliefs, and identifies the belief interval for maxmin preferences. For ambiguity averse smooth second order and variational preferences, the mechanism reveals inner bounds for the belief interval, which are sharp under additional assumptions. In an experimental study, participants perceive almost as much ambiguity for natural events (generated by the stock exchange and by a prisoners dilemma game) as for the Ellsberg Urn, indicating that ambiguity may play a role in real-world decision making

    Learning and Discovery

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    We formulate a dynamic framework for an individual decision-maker within which discovery of previously unconsidered propositions is possible. Using a standard game-theoretic representation of the state space as a tree structure generated by the actions of agents (including acts of nature), we show how unawareness of propositions can be represented by a coarsening of the state space. Furthermore we develop a semantics rich enough to describe the individual's awareness that currently undiscovered propositions may be discovered in the future. Introducing probability concepts, we derive a representation of ambiguity in terms of multiple priors, reflecting implicit beliefs about undiscovered proposition, and derive conditions for the special case in which standard Bayesian learning may be applied to a subset of unambiguous propositions. Finally, we consider exploration strategies appropriate to the context of discovery, comparing and contrasting them with learning strategies appropriate to the context of justification, and sketch applications to scientific research and entrepreneurship.

    Decision theory under uncertainty

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    We review recent advances in the field of decision making under uncertainty or ambiguity.Ambiguity ; ambiguity aversion ; uncertainty ; decision

    Consensus Emerging from the Bottom-up: the Role of Cognitive Variables in Opinion Dynamics

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    The study of opinions −- e.g., their formation and change, and their effects on our society −- by means of theoretical and numerical models has been one of the main goals of sociophysics until now, but it is one of the defining topics addressed by social psychology and complexity science. Despite the flourishing of different models and theories, several key questions still remain unanswered. The aim of this paper is to provide a cognitively grounded computational model of opinions in which they are described as mental representations and defined in terms of distinctive mental features. We also define how these representations change dynamically through different processes, describing the interplay between mental and social dynamics of opinions. We present two versions of the model, one with discrete opinions (voter model-like), and one with continuous ones (Deffuant-like). By means of numerical simulations, we compare the behaviour of our cognitive model with the classical sociophysical models, and we identify interesting differences in the dynamics of consensus for each of the models considered.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Inferring Beliefs as Subjectively Uncertain Probabilities

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    We propose a method for estimating subjective beliefs, viewed as a subjective probability distribution. The key insight is to characterize beliefs as a parameter to be estimated from observed choices in a well-defined experimental task, and to estimate that parameter as a random coefficient. The experimental task consists of a series of standard lottery choices in which the subject is assumed to use conventional risk attitudes to select one lottery or the other, and then a series of betting choices in which the subject is presented with a range of bookies offering odds on the outcome of some event that the subject has a belief over. Knowledge of the risk attitudes of subjects conditions the inferences about subjective beliefs. Maximum simulated likelihood methods are used to estimate a structural model in which subjects employ subjective beliefs to make bets. We present evidence that some subjective probabilities are indeed best characterized as probability distributions with non-zero variance.
