59 research outputs found

    Does free-floating carsharing reduce private vehicle ownership? The case of SHARE NOW in European cities

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    During the last decade, the use of free-floating carsharing systems has grown rapidly in urban areas. However, little is known on the effects free-floating carsharing offerings have on car ownership in general. Also the main drivers why free-floating users sell their cars are still rarely analysed. To shed some light on these issues, we carried out an online survey among free-floating carsharing users in 11 European cities and based our analysis on a sample of more than 10,000 survey participants. Our results show that one carsharing car replaces several private cars – in optimistic scenarios up to 20 cars. In Copenhagen (followed by Rome, Hamburg, and London) one carsharing car replaces about two times more private cars than in Madrid, the city with the lowest number. The main non-city specific influencing factor of shedding a private car due to the availability of the free-floating carsharing services seems to be the usage frequency of the service. The more kilometres users drive with these cars, the more likely it becomes that they sell a private car (or they sell their car and, therefore, use this service more often). Further memberships of bikesharing and other carsharing services, users that live in larger buildings as well as users that own several cars are more likely to reduce their number of cars, too. Finally, our findings are highly valuable for carsharing operators and (transport) policy makers when introducing free-floating carsharing systems in further cities. According to our results, all 11 cities show a reduced private car fleet due to members’ access to free-floating carsharing

    A sustainable car sharing concept for greater Lisbon

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Design, com a especialização em Produto apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.Mobilidade individual – não só é uma manifestação da necessidade humana, como também é um pré-requisito para a capacidade funcional e económica da sociedade atual. A mobilidade espacial, e posteriormente, a escolha de um meio de transporte, é de importância fundamental no que se diz a este respeito. O transporte de passageiros nas cidades europeias, como Lisboa, é atualmente ainda caracterizada pela predominância de automóveis, por motivos de disponibilidade constante e alta flexibilidade. Deste modo, estreitamente relacionados estão os inúmeros impactos ecológicos, econômicos e sociais, como poluição sonora, uso da terra, emissão de poluentes atmosféricos e, não menos importante, as emissões de gases de efeito estufa nocivos. Para neutralizar essas consequências negativas do aumento de tráfego, conceitos de mobilidade sustentável, estreitamente ligados ao desenvolvimento sustentável, precisam mudar mais ainda para o foco de interesse público. Carros de autosserviço, ou car sharing, podem oferecer uma abordagem altamente promissora, e ainda assim preservar a mobilidade individual. Para retratar uma contribuição positiva para um ambiente cada vez mais sustentável e inovador em Lisboa, um conceito de car sharing sustentável foi criado no âmbito da dissertação de mestrado. Um sistema de produto/serviço foi criado de acordo com um processo de desenvolvimento de produto ecológico holístico, com o objetivo de reduzir a poluição atmosférica, barulho e tráfego, causados pelo transporte na cidade. Para resolver a questão se um conceito de car sharing pode ser uma solução sustentável para o aumento de problemas do tráfego na Grande Lisboa, uma metodologia qualitativa mista foi usada. Com base em uma análise da literatura atual e pesquisas por entrevistas, a contextualização teórica foi discutida para uma compreensão mais profunda sobre a importância de um conceito sustentável de car sharing. Análise de estudo de caso de sistemas de produtos/serviços existentes também foi constituído como uma fonte de informação complementar. Além disso, baseado no conceito desenvolvido, uma metodologia qualitativa interventiva, a investigação ativa, contribui para a resolução da pergunta de pesquisa.ABSTRACT: Individual mobility – not only expression of human need, but also a prerequisite for the functional and economic capability of today’s society. The spatial mobility and, subsequently, the choice of a transport mode is of central significance in this respect. The passenger transport in European cities, such as Lisbon, is nowadays still characterized by a predominance of automobiles, for reasons of constant availability and high flexibility. Closely connected thereby are numerous negative ecological, economic and social side effects, such as noise pollution, land use, traffic accidents, air pollutant emissions and not least the emissions of harmful greenhouse gases. To counteract these negative consequences of increasing traffic, sustainable mobility concepts, closely linked to sustainable development, have to shift more and more into the focus of public interest. The property-less car use, the so-called car sharing could offer a highly promising approach while preserving the individual mobility. To depict a positive contribution for an increasingly sustainable and innovative environment in Lisbon, a sustainable car sharing concept has been designed within the scope of this master dissertation. A product-service system was designed according to a holistic environmentally friendly product development process with the aim to reduce air pollution, noise and traffic caused by transportation in the city. To solve the question, whether a car sharing concept can be a sustainable solution for the increasing traffic problems in Greater Lisbon, a mixed qualitative methodology was used. On the basis of the evaluation of current literature and surveys by interviews, the theoretical contextualization has been discussed for a deeper understanding of the importance of a sustainable car sharing concept. Case study analysis of existing product-service systems also constituted as a complementary source of information. Based on the developed concept, a qualitative interventional methodology, the active research, furthermore contributed in replying to the research question.N/

    Entwicklung und Nutzungsstruktur von Carsharing-Systemen in Deutschland

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    Carsharing-Systeme erfuhren vor allem in den letzten fünf bis zehn Jahren starken Kundenzuwachs. Dies liegt vor allem an den neuen Free-Floating-Systemen ohne Stationsbindung. In diesem Artikel wird zunächst ein Einblick in die Entwicklung des Carsharing gegeben. Unterschiede in der zeitlichen und räumlichen Nutzungsstruktur werden für die verschiedenen Systeme identifiziert. Stationsbasierte Systeme werden überwiegend für längere Zeiträume und größere Distanzen genutzt, während Free-Floating-Systeme vor allem für kurze spontane Ein-Weg-Fahrten genutzt werden. Eine weitergehende Analyse eines Free-Floating-Systems in Berlin und München zeigt eine Abhängigkeit der räumlichen Buchungsstruktur von der Stadtstruktur. Im Bereich der soziodemografischen Einflüsse wird die Anzahl an Dienstleistungen mittlerer Größe als wichtigste Größe für die Anzahl an Buchungen im Free-Floating-Carsharing in Berlin identifiziert. Weitergehende Analysen zeigen einen positiven Einfluss von Schlechtwetterlagen auf Buchungsstunden bei Free-Floating-Systemen zwischen 18 und 20 Uhr. Abschließend wird ausgeführt, inwieweit Elektrofahrzeuge bereits in Carsharing-Systeme integriert sind und welche zusätzlichen logistischen Prozesse dadurch entstehen.The utilisation of carsharing systems has increased remarkably during the last five to ten years. This is due to the new Free-Floating systems without fixed stations. This article first offers an overview of the development of carsharing. Differences in the temporal and spatial usage structure of the different systems are identified. Station-based systems are primarily used for longer time periods and distances whereas Free-Floating systems are mostly used for short, spontaneous, one-way trips. A further analysis of a Free-Floating carsharing system in Berlin and Munich shows that spatial booking patterns depend on the spatial structure of the specific city. Concerning socio-demographic factors, the number of medium-sized services is the most important factor for the number of bookings made with the Free-Floating system in Berlin. Further analysis shows the positive influence of bad weather on the hours booked with Free-Floating systems between 6 pm and 8 pm. Finally, the article highlights the degree to which electric vehicles are already integrated into carsharing systems and which additional logistic processes thereby emerge
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