7,916 research outputs found

    Exploring figurative language recognition: a comprehensive study of human and machine approaches

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Llengües i Literatures Modernes. Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Elisabet Comelles Pujadas[eng] Figurative language (FL) plays a significant role in human communication. Understanding and interpreting FL is essential for humans to fully grasp the intended message, appreciate cultural nuances, and engage in effective interaction. For machines, comprehending FL presents a challenge due to its complexity and ambiguity. Enabling machines to understand FL has become increasingly important in sentiment analysis, text classification, and social media monitoring, for instance, benefits from accurately recognizing figurative expressions to capture subtle emotions and extract meaningful insights. Machine translation also requires the ability to accurately convey FL to ensure translations reflect the intended meaning and cultural nuances. Therefore, developing computational methods to enable machines to understand and interpret FL is crucial. By bridging the gap between human and machine understanding of FL, we can enhance communication, improve language-based applications, and unlock new possibilities in human-machine interactions. Keywords: figurative language, NLP, human-machine communication.[cat] El Llenguatge Figuratiu (LF) té un paper important en la comunicació humana. Per entendre completament els missatges, apreciar els matisos culturals i la interacció efectiva, és necessària la capacitat d'interpretar el LF. No obstant això, els ordinadors tenen dificultats per entendre la LF a causa de la seva complexitat i ambigüitat. És crític que els ordinadors siguin capaços de reconèixer el LF, especialment en àrees com l'anàlisi de sentiments, la classificació de textos i la supervisió de les xarxes socials. El reconeixement precís del LF permet capturar emocions i extreure idees semàntiques. La traducció automàtica també requereix una representació precisa del LF per reflectir el significat previst i els matisos culturals. Per tant, és rellevant desenvolupar mètodes computacionals que ajudin els ordinadors a comprendre i interpretar el LF. Fer un pont entre la comprensió humana i màquina del LF pot millorar la comunicació, desenvolupar aplicacions de llenguatge i obrir noves possibilitats per a la interacció home-màquina. Paraules clau: llenguatge figuratiu, processament del llenguatge natural, interacció home-màquina

    The Metaphors They Carry: Exploring How Veterans Use Metaphor to Describe Experiences of PTSD and the Implications for Social Work Practice

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    Working with military veterans poses significant challenges for social work practitioners. Among the most notable are learning to appreciate military culture, understanding military jargon, and engaging veterans who have experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The purpose of this project was to explore veterans’ use of metaphor in describing experiences of PTSD and to consider the therapeutic value of metaphor for social work practitioners. Using a secondary data analysis design, 359 online video interview segments of 56 veterans were reviewed with respect to the way that metaphor was used to describe experiences of PTSD. The metaphors identified in the secondary data were analyzed inductively and deductively by deriving themes from the metaphors that veterans used and associating them to conceptual themes identified in the literature on military culture. The findings indicate that veterans make use of metaphor to describe how PTSD once dominated their life, how they came to manage their PTSD symptoms, and how they used their experience of PTSD to promote a survivor’s mission. The findings also suggest that the metaphors that veterans use can also be associated with the conceptual themes identified by the research. These findings underscore the value of using metaphor in therapy with veterans who have PTSD as metaphor has been shown to facilitate cultural accommodation, symptom mitigation, and narrative integration


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    The article explores the problem of understanding the essence of aesthetic emotions and their connection with artistic and expressive means in musical art by junior pupils. The main objectives of the process of modeling aesthetic emotions by junior pupils in music class are determined. The paper cites parts of junior school music classes in which the pupils got acquainted with a matrix that allows identifying the moods and feelings expressed by different kinds of music, analyzes the means of musical expressiveness, and creates a model of the aesthetic emotions of the sublime and the comic. The rationale for using the methods of plastic and color modeling of music in the process of comprehending the content is explained.El artículo explora el problema de comprender la esencia de las emociones estéticas y su conexión con los medios artísticos y expresivos en el arte musical de los alumnos menores. Se determinan los objetivos principales del proceso de modelado de emociones estéticas por parte de los alumnos menores en la clase de música. El documento cita partes de las clases de música de la escuela secundaria en las que los alumnos se familiarizaron con una matriz que permite identificar los estados de ánimo y los sentimientos expresados por diferentes tipos de música, analiza los medios de expresividad musical y crea un modelo de las emociones estéticas de lo sublime. y el cómic Se explica la justificación del uso de los métodos de modelado plástico y de color de la música en el proceso de comprensión del contenido.O artigo explora o problema de compreender a essência das emoções estéticas e sua conexão com os meios artísticos e expressivos na arte musical pelos alunos juniores. Os principais objetivos do processo de modelar emoções estéticas por alunos juniores na aula de música são determinados. O artigo cita partes das aulas de música nas escolas primárias, nas quais os alunos se familiarizam com uma matriz que permite identificar os humores e sentimentos expressos por diferentes tipos de música, analisa os meios de expressividade musical e cria um modelo das emoções estéticas do sublime e os quadrinhos. A justificativa para o uso dos métodos de modelagem plástica e de cores da música no processo de compreensão do conteúdo é explicada