2,697 research outputs found

    Anchor: Locating Android Framework-specific Crashing Faults

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    Android framework-specific app crashes are hard to debug. Indeed, the callback-based event-driven mechanism of Android challenges crash localization techniques that are developed for traditional Java programs. The key challenge stems from the fact that the buggy code location may not even be listed within the stack trace. For example, our empirical study on 500 framework-specific crashes from an open benchmark has revealed that 37 percent of the crash types are related to bugs that are outside the stack traces. Moreover, Android programs are a mixture of code and extra-code artifacts such as the Manifest file. The fact that any artifact can lead to failures in the app execution creates the need to position the localization target beyond the code realm. In this paper, we propose Anchor, a two-phase suspicious bug location suggestion tool. Anchor specializes in finding crash-inducing bugs outside the stack trace. Anchor is lightweight and source code independent since it only requires the crash message and the apk file to locate the fault. Experimental results, collected via cross-validation and in-the-wild dataset evaluation, show that Anchor is effective in locating Android framework-specific crashing faults.Comment: 12 page

    Factors influencing learner driver experiences [Road Safety Grant Report 2009-003]

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    When compared with more experienced drivers, new drivers have a higher crash risk. This study examined the experiences of learner drivers in Queensland and New South Wales in order to develop an understanding of the factors that influenced them while learning to drive. This will enable the development of more effective licensing systems. The research was informed by a number of heoretical perspectives, particularly social learning theory. Participants were recruited from driver licensing centres as soon as they passed their practical driving test to attain a provisional licence. Of those approached, 392 new drivers from capital cities and regional locations in Queensland and New South Wales completed a 35 minute telephone interview that collected information on a range of personal, social, environmental and socio-demographic factors. Participants were obtaining their licence before several changes to the licensing systems in both Queensland and New South Wales were made in 2007. Several implications for countermeasure development resulted from this research. These included ensuring licensing authorities carefully consider mandating a minimum number of hour of practice as it may inadvertently suppress the amount of practice that some learners obtain. Licensing authorities should consider the use of logbooks for learner drivers, even if there is no minimum amount of supervised practice required as it may assist learners and their supervisors structure their practice more effectively. This research also found that the confidence of learner drivers increases between when they first obtain their learner licence and when they obtain their provisional licence. This is an important issue requiring further attention by licensing authorities

    Settlement process of Afghan immigrant women based on cultural perspective in Finland

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    The study examined the settlement issues of Afghan immigrant women from a cultural perspective in Finland. The study explores the process of Afghan women settlement and focus on the cultural causes, aspects and the issues which make the settlement challenging and difficult for them. It also considers how these women face with these challenges during their settlement. The theoretical frameworks of this study are Frames for understanding settlement process and immigrant settlement experiences. The immigrant’s settlement experiences explain immigrant’s cultural challenges and the coping strategies which they use to deal with the cultural challenges. It also studies the services which immigrants receive during the process of their settlement such as social work services and migrations services during their settlement process which can make the process easier for immigrant women. This study is qualitative research where data was analyzed using content and thematic analysis. The data was collected from interview with six respondents. Participants in the study included six adult Afghans immigrant women who have resided in Finland more than 3 years .They were interviewed separately with open –ended in-depth interviews. The thesis explains the main cultural aspects which bring issues for Afghan women settlement (religion, language, discrimination, family
) and the cultural aspects which immigrants use in order to overcome their challenges (Religion, individual attributes, social support). The analysis of the interviews resulted in three core themes (1) cultural challenges (2) Personal coping strategies (3) Satisfaction level from receiving social services. The central argument of this study is about immigrants who face different challenges as soon as they left their countries. Beside self-awareness and having positive attitudes, immigrants need different kind of support in order to overcome these challenges and reach to a balance in their new lives. There is lack of knowledge about immigrants in between the people of countries which immigrants migrate and even between the service providers. There is a need for more comprehensive and multicultural knowledge about immigrants. People and service providers need to be more educated about immigrants in order to ease the process of their settlement after migration

    Machine Learning And Deep Learning Based Approaches For Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports With Stack Traces

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    Many large software systems rely on bug tracking systems to record the submitted bug reports and to track and manage bugs. Handling bug reports is known to be a challenging task, especially in software organizations with a large client base, which tend to receive a considerable large number of bug reports a day. Fortunately, not all reported bugs are new; many are similar or identical to previously reported bugs, also called duplicate bug reports. Automatic detection of duplicate bug reports is an important research topic to help reduce the time and effort spent by triaging and development teams on sorting and fixing bugs. This explains the recent increase in attention to this topic as evidenced by the number of tools and algorithms that have been proposed in academia and industry. The objective is to automatically detect duplicate bug reports as soon as they arrive into the system. To do so, existing techniques rely heavily on the nature of bug report data they operate on. This includes both structural information such as OS, product version, time and date of the crash, and stack traces, as well as unstructured information such as bug report summaries and descriptions written in natural language by end users and developers

    Crown of the Continent Magazine - Winter 2011

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    Table of Contents: This is Bob Marshall Country -- Bob Marshall the Man -- A Creation Story: How the wilderness came to be -- Science and Public Policy -- Views of the Crown: Colored photos by Chuck Haney -- How Did the Bear Cross the Road? -- Hardy Survivors of the Pine -- A Town of the Crownhttps://scholarworks.umt.edu/crown-yellowstone-magazine/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Teaching Wonder: Essays and Reflections from the National Parks System

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    In The Sense of Wonder (1965), acclaimed environmentalist Rachel Carson offers guidance for adults helping children explore nature and cultivate an enduring interest in the outdoors. Fondly drawing upon excursions in coastal Maine with her grandnephew Roger Christie, Carson illustrates the powerful impact of simply accompanying children in nature and letting their curiosity and questioning guide the adventure. Despite her immense knowledge in earth sciences, she made a concerted effort not to share technical vocabulary with Roger, believing that doing so might belittle his joy in their surroundings. Her work has inspired me throughout my career as a fourth grade teacher, and especially while designing an original social studies curriculum about the American national parks system. This memoir consists of essays and reflections about my travels to the Grand Tetons, Acadia, and the Boston Harbor Islands. It is written from the perspective of a traveler enjoying unfamiliar landscapes, but also of a teacher grappling with how to relate their experiences to young students. It depicts moments where my own sense of wonder emerged in these natural spaces, leading me towards deeper understandings of the natural and the human histories in each place. It includes accounts of my teaching, my travels, historical research, and connections with my school curriculum. I also reflect on how my teaching philosophy has shifted since immersing myself in the subject of national parks, and how I continue striving to provide opportunities for childlike wonder to emerge in my classroom. In a time where extreme weather patterns and the detrimental effects of climate change persist in the world, I believe it is more important than ever for young people to develop a relationship with nature. It is my hope that fellow teachers will read this project one day, and that it can inform the outdoor experiences they share with their students

    Autonomous vehicles, Competence and Liability in the EU : Answering the Call of the European Parliament

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    Technology is taking immense steps in a short period of time and legislators are trying to keep up. Fully autonomous vehicles where human drivers are obsolete are not far away from becoming a reality. The EU aims at facilitating robotic advancements into legislation with the Proposition on Civil Law Rules on Robotics (205/2013(INL)). Consumer protection, market access and liability issues are of main importance concerning driverless vehicles. The main goal of this master’s thesis is to examine autonomous vehicles, competence and liability issues in the European Union context. In other words this thesis examines whether it is possible to regulate on autonomous vehicles on an EU level and if so, what the legislator must take into consideration when doing so or whether current legislation sufficient enough to grant protection for victims of traffic accidents involving autonomous vehicles. The scope of the study is set on future insurance policies, product liability and current national legislation with reference to international policies and regulation. Different legislations on civil liability create a mixed and uncertain background for autonomous vehicles. A uniform and clear EU policy on autonomous vehicles would benefit consumers and market access of said products. The problems can be dissolved with creating an EU wide legal background for autonomous vehicles with product liability, insurance policies and a legal liability theorem. The private sector – the manufacturers and insurance industry – must have an active part in creating legislation and soft law policies. The thesis has achieved its goal if it creates discussion on the importance of harnessing new technology, especially autonomous vehicles. Itseohjautuvat Autot, Kompetenssi ja Vastuuoppi Euroopan Unionissa : Vastaus Euroopan Parlamentille Teknologia kehittyy hurjaa vauhtia ja lainsÀÀtĂ€jillĂ€ riittÀÀ työsarkaa pysyĂ€kseen sen mukana. Itseohjautuvat autot, jotka ajavat ilman ihmiskuskeja tai -kontrollia, eivĂ€t ole kaukana todellisuudesta. Euroopan Unionin tavoitteena on fasilitoida robottiteknologia lainsÀÀdĂ€ntöön: Euroopan Parlamentti on pÀÀtöslauselmaehdotuksessaan esittĂ€nyt suosituksista komissiolle robotiikkaa koskevista yksityisoikeudellisista sÀÀnnöistĂ€ (2015/2103(INL)). Kuluttajansuoja, tavaroiden esteetön pÀÀsy markkinoille ja vastuu kysymykset ovat tĂ€rkeitĂ€ koskien itseohjautuvia autoja. TĂ€mĂ€n pro gradu –tutkielman pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nĂ€ on tutkia itseohjautuvia autoja, kompetenssia sekĂ€ vastuu kysymyksiĂ€ Euroopan Unionin kontekstissa. Toisin sanoen, tĂ€mĂ€ tutkielma tutkii mikĂ€li on mahdollista sÀÀtÀÀ itseohjautuvista autoista EU tasolla, mitĂ€ lainsÀÀtĂ€jĂ€n tulee ottaa niitĂ€ sÀÀtĂ€essÀÀn huomioon sekĂ€ onko nykyinen EU tasoinen lainsÀÀdĂ€ntö riittĂ€vĂ€ suojaamaan uhrien oikeuksia rajat ylittĂ€vissĂ€ auto-onnettomuuksissa. Tutkielma keskittyy vakuutuksiin, tuotevastuuseen sekĂ€ nykyisiin kansallisiin ja kansainvĂ€lisiin sÀÀdöksiin. JĂ€senvaltioiden erilaiset oikeusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€t koskien siviilioikeutta muodostavat sekavan ja epĂ€varman taustan nykyisellÀÀn itseohjautuville autoille, varsinkin rajat ylittĂ€vissĂ€ onnettomuuksissa. YhtenĂ€inen ja selkeĂ€ EU poliittinen ratkaisu helpottaisi itseohjautuvien autojen kĂ€yttöönottoa sekĂ€ hyödyttĂ€isi kuluttajia. Ongelmat voidaan ratkaista EU oikeudellisella vastuuopilla ja lainsÀÀdĂ€nnöllĂ€, joka kohdistettaisiin itseohjautuviin autoihin. YksityinellĂ€ sektorila – nimenomaan autojen valmistajilla ja vakuutusteollisuudella – on oltava rooli lainsÀÀdĂ€nnön kehittĂ€misessĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkielma on saavuttanut pÀÀmÀÀrĂ€nsĂ€, mikĂ€li se saa aikaan keskustelua uuden teknologian ja lainsÀÀdĂ€nnön vĂ€lillĂ€, erityisesti koskien itseohjautuvia autoja
