260 research outputs found

    Identification of research communities in cited and uncited publications using a co-authorship network

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    Patterns of co-authorship provide an effective means of probing the structures of research communities. In this paper, we use the CiteSpace social network tool and co-authorship data from the Web of Science to analyse two such types of community. The first type is based on the cited publications of a group of highly productive authors in a particular discipline, and the second on the uncited publications of those highly productive authors. These pairs of communities were generated for three different countries—the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA)—and for four different disciplines (as denoted by Web of Science subject categories)—Chemistry Organic, Engineering Environmental, Economics, and Management. In the case of the UK and USA, the structures of the cited and uncited communities in each of the four disciplines were markedly different from each other; in the case of the PRC, conversely, the cited and uncited PRC communities had broadly similar structures that were characterised by large groups of connected authors. We suggest that this may arise from a greater degree of guest or honorary authorship in the PRC than in the UK or the USA

    Evolving cohesion metrics of a research network on rare diseases: a longitudinal study over 14 years

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    [EN] Research collaboration is necessary, rewarding, and beneficial. Cohesion between team members is related to their collective efficiency. To assess collaboration processes and their eventual outcomes, agencies need innovative methods-and social network approaches are emerging as a useful analytical tool. We identified the research output and citation data of a network of 61 research groups formally engaged in publishing rare disease research between 2000 and 2013. We drew the collaboration networks for each year and computed the global and local measures throughout the period. Although global network measures remained steady over the whole period, the local and subgroup metrics revealed a growing cohesion between the teams. Transitivity and density showed little or no variation throughout the period. In contrast the following points indicated an evolution towards greater network cohesion: the emergence of a giant component (which grew from just 30 % to reach 85 % of groups); the decreasing number of communities (following a tripling in the average number of members); the growing number of fully connected subgroups; and increasing average strength. Moreover, assortativity measures reveal that, after an initial period where subject affinity and a common geographical location played some role in favouring the connection between groups, the collaboration was driven in the final stages by other factors and complementarities. The Spanish research network on rare diseases has evolved towards a growing cohesion-as revealed by local and subgroup metrics following social network analysis.The Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness partially supported this research (Grant Number ECO2014-59381-R).Benito Amat, C.; Perruchas, F. (2016). 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    Research Trend Analysis of Information Science in France based on Total, Cited and Uncited Publications: A Scientometric and Altmetric Analysis

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to measure the number of contributions and highlight quantitatively the contributions made by French researchers in the field of Information Science indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) during 1990-2021 from altmetric and bibliometric perspectives. Materials and Methods: The bibliometric data were collected from WoS and three indexes of SCI-Expanded, SSCI, and A&HCI in the period 1990-2021. Scientometric data analysis was done using the HistCite, VOSviewer, CiteSpace softwares, and altmetric data analysis was performed using the Altmetrics.com and social sites such as ResearchGate, Academia, and Mendeley. Results: The analysis showed that 1959 documents were published by French researchers in the field of Information Science. The highest number of publications was 114 documents contributed in 2020. The number of cited publications of French researchers in this field was more than the number of uncited publications, and this trend in cited publications was an upward trend. Michel Zitt and the Center National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) were the most prolific researcher and institute in the field of Information Science in France. The two journals, Social Science Information (Information sur les sciences sociales) and Scientometrics, published the most publications in this field. Moreover, the findings showed that topics such as information retrieval, and information systems were hotspots for research, as well as issues such as social media and big data, emerging topics in the field of Information Science in France. Conclusion: The publishing trend in the field of Information Science in France is an upward trend, and the United States and the UK were the main French collaborators in this field. The results of this study can serve as a roadmap for French researchers and research institutes to understand the current and future research trends in the field of Information Science in France

    The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable

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    The multiple online research impact metrics we are developing will allow the rich new database , the Research Web, to be navigated, analyzed, mined and evaluated in powerful new ways that were not even conceivable in the paper era – nor even in the online era, until the database and the tools became openly accessible for online use by all: by researchers, research institutions, research funders, teachers, students, and even by the general public that funds the research and for whose benefit it is being conducted: Which research is being used most? By whom? Which research is growing most quickly? In what direction? under whose influence? Which research is showing immediate short-term usefulness, which shows delayed, longer term usefulness, and which has sustained long-lasting impact? Which research and researchers are the most authoritative? Whose research is most using this authoritative research, and whose research is the authoritative research using? Which are the best pointers (“hubs”) to the authoritative research? Is there any way to predict what research will have later citation impact (based on its earlier download impact), so junior researchers can be given resources before their work has had a chance to make itself felt through citations? Can research trends and directions be predicted from the online database? Can text content be used to find and compare related research, for influence, overlap, direction? Can a layman, unfamiliar with the specialized content of a field, be guided to the most relevant and important work? These are just a sample of the new online-age questions that the Open Research Web will begin to answer

    An Examination of Research Data Sharing and Re-Use: Implications for Data Citation Practice

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    This study examines characteristics of data sharing and data re-use in Genetics and Heredity, where data citation is most common. This study applies an exploratory method because data citation is a relatively new area. The Data Citation Index (DCI) on the Web of Science was selected because DCI provides a single access point to over 500 data repositories worldwide and to over two million data studies and datasets across multiple disciplines and monitors quality research data through a peer review process. We explore data citations for Genetics and Heredity, as a case study by examining formal citations recorded in the DCI and informally by sampling a selection of papers for implicit data citations within publications. Citer-based analysis is conducted in order to remedy self- citation in the data citation phenomena. We explore 148 sampled citing articles in order to identify factors that influence data sharing and data re-use, including references, main text, supplementary data/information, acknowledgments, funding information, author information, and web/author resources. This study is unique in that it relies on a citer-based analysis approach and by analyzing peer-reviewed and published data, data repositories, and citing articles of highly productive authors where data sharing is most prevalent. This research is intended to provide a methodological and practical contribution to the study of data citation

    Impact of academic authorship characteristics on article citations

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    Scientific self-evaluation practices are increasingly built on citation counts. Citation practices for the top journals in economics, psychology, and statistics illustrate article characteristics that influence citation frequencies. Citation counts differ between the investigated disciplines, with economics attracting the most citations and statistics the least. Although articles in statistics are cited less frequently, its proportion of uncited articles is the smallest of all three disciplines. Academic authorship characteristics clearly influence the number of citations. Having authors alphabetically ordered, a practice differently present in the investigated disciplines, increases citations. Further, the more authors there are, the more the article is cited, and a first author with a common surname has positive effects on citation counts, whereas two or more authors sharing a surname attracts fewer citations. In addition, the shorter the article’s title, the higher the number of citations

    Evaluating Research and Impact: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research by the NIH/NIAID HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks

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    Evaluative bibliometrics uses advanced techniques to assess the impact of scholarly work in the context of other scientific work and usually compares the relative scientific contributions of research groups or institutions. Using publications from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) HIV/AIDS extramural clinical trials networks, we assessed the presence, performance, and impact of papers published in 2006–2008. Through this approach, we sought to expand traditional bibliometric analyses beyond citation counts to include normative comparisons across journals and fields, visualization of co-authorship across the networks, and assess the inclusion of publications in reviews and syntheses. Specifically, we examined the research output of the networks in terms of the a) presence of papers in the scientific journal hierarchy ranked on the basis of journal influence measures, b) performance of publications on traditional bibliometric measures, and c) impact of publications in comparisons with similar publications worldwide, adjusted for journals and fields. We also examined collaboration and interdisciplinarity across the initiative, through network analysis and modeling of co-authorship patterns. Finally, we explored the uptake of network produced publications in research reviews and syntheses. Overall, the results suggest the networks are producing highly recognized work, engaging in extensive interdisciplinary collaborations, and having an impact across several areas of HIV-related science. The strengths and limitations of the approach for evaluation and monitoring research initiatives are discussed

    A bibliometric view on the internationalization of European educational research

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    Is there a trend towards internationalization of educational research in Europe? Educational research is said to follow a tradition of nationally oriented studies and interventions supported by a national publication culture. Publications are a suitable source of empirical analysis of research output, as they reflect results, emergence and impact of research. This study focuses on publication based bibliometric indicators, which represent measurable characteristics of international orientation of research publications and which can be surveyed in time course. Being aware that the Web of Science (WoS) databases cover a crucial but rather limited proportion of the worldwide educational research output, this study provides bibliometric insights into the development of national publication outputs in educational research in the WoS and what idiosyncrasies are revealed for European countries, into the role of English as a publication language, into the trend towards transnational co-authorship as an indicator of international cooperation, and into citation frequencies as a measurement of research communication or research impact. (DIPF/Orig.