28 research outputs found

    An Integrative -omics Approach to Identify Functional Sub-Networks in Human Colorectal Cancer

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    Emerging evidence indicates that gene products implicated in human cancers often cluster together in “hot spots” in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. Additionally, small sub-networks within PPI networks that demonstrate synergistic differential expression with respect to tumorigenic phenotypes were recently shown to be more accurate classifiers of disease progression when compared to single targets identified by traditional approaches. However, many of these studies rely exclusively on mRNA expression data, a useful but limited measure of cellular activity. Proteomic profiling experiments provide information at the post-translational level, yet they generally screen only a limited fraction of the proteome. Here, we demonstrate that integration of these complementary data sources with a “proteomics-first” approach can enhance the discovery of candidate sub-networks in cancer that are well-suited for mechanistic validation in disease. We propose that small changes in the mRNA expression of multiple genes in the neighborhood of a protein-hub can be synergistically associated with significant changes in the activity of that protein and its network neighbors. Further, we hypothesize that proteomic targets with significant fold change between phenotype and control may be used to “seed” a search for small PPI sub-networks that are functionally associated with these targets. To test this hypothesis, we select proteomic targets having significant expression changes in human colorectal cancer (CRC) from two independent 2-D gel-based screens. Then, we use random walk based models of network crosstalk and develop novel reference models to identify sub-networks that are statistically significant in terms of their functional association with these proteomic targets. Subsequently, using an information-theoretic measure, we evaluate synergistic changes in the activity of identified sub-networks based on genome-wide screens of mRNA expression in CRC. Cross-classification experiments to predict disease class show excellent performance using only a few sub-networks, underwriting the strength of the proposed approach in discovering relevant and reproducible sub-networks

    Computational solutions for omics data

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    High-throughput experimental technologies are generating increasingly massive and complex genomic data sets. The sheer enormity and heterogeneity of these data threaten to make the arising problems computationally infeasible. Fortunately, powerful algorithmic techniques lead to software that can answer important biomedical questions in practice. In this Review, we sample the algorithmic landscape, focusing on state-of-the-art techniques, the understanding of which will aid the bench biologist in analysing omics data. We spotlight specific examples that have facilitated and enriched analyses of sequence, transcriptomic and network data sets.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM081871

    SCNrank: spectral clustering for network-based ranking to reveal potential drug targets and its application in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the most common pancreatic malignancy. Due to its wide heterogeneity, PDAC acts aggressively and responds poorly to most chemotherapies, causing an urgent need for the development of new therapeutic strategies. Cell lines have been used as the foundation for drug development and disease modeling. CRISPR-Cas9 plays a key role in every step-in drug discovery: from target identification and validation to preclinical cancer cell testing. Using cell-line models and CRISPR-Cas9 technology together make drug target prediction feasible. However, there is still a large gap between predicted results and actionable targets in real tumors. Biological network models provide great modus to mimic genetic interactions in real biological systems, which can benefit gene perturbation studies and potential target identification for treating PDAC. Nevertheless, building a network model that takes cell-line data and CRISPR-Cas9 data as input to accurately predict potential targets that will respond well on real tissue remains unsolved. Methods: We developed a novel algorithm 'Spectral Clustering for Network-based target Ranking' (SCNrank) that systematically integrates three types of data: expression profiles from tumor tissue, normal tissue and cell-line PDAC; protein-protein interaction network (PPI); and CRISPR-Cas9 data to prioritize potential drug targets for PDAC. The whole algorithm can be classified into three steps: 1. using STRING PPI network skeleton, SCNrank constructs tissue-specific networks with PDAC tumor and normal pancreas tissues from expression profiles; 2. With the same network skeleton, SCNrank constructs cell-line-specific networks using the cell-line PDAC expression profiles and CRISPR-Cas 9 data from pancreatic cancer cell-lines; 3. SCNrank applies a novel spectral clustering approach to reduce data dimension and generate gene clusters that carry common features from both networks. Finally, SCNrank applies a scoring scheme called 'Target Influence score' (TI), which estimates a given target's influence towards the cluster it belongs to, for scoring and ranking each drug target. Results: We applied SCNrank to analyze 263 expression profiles, CRPSPR-Cas9 data from 22 different pancreatic cancer cell-lines and the STRING protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. With SCNrank, we successfully constructed an integrated tissue PDAC network and an integrated cell-line PDAC network, both of which contain 4414 selected genes that are overexpressed in tumor tissue samples. After clustering, 4414 genes are distributed into 198 clusters, which include 367 targets of FDA approved drugs. These drug targets are all scored and ranked by their TI scores, which we defined to measure their influence towards the network. We validated top-ranked targets in three aspects: Firstly, mapping them onto the existing clinical drug targets of PDAC to measure the concordance. Secondly, we performed enrichment analysis to these drug targets and the clusters there are within, to reveal functional associations between clusters and PDAC; Thirdly, we performed survival analysis for the top-ranked targets to connect targets with clinical outcomes. Survival analysis reveals that overexpression of three top-ranked genes, PGK1, HMMR and POLE2, significantly increases the risk of death in PDAC patients. SCNrank is an unbiased algorithm that systematically integrates multiple types of omics data to do potential drug target selection and ranking. SCNrank shows great capability in predicting drug targets for PDAC. Pancreatic cancer-associated gene candidates predicted by our SCNrank approach have the potential to guide genetics-based anti-pancreatic drug discovery

    Identification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathways by Integrating DNA Methylation, Copy Number Variation, and Gene-Expression Data

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    A subpathway is defined as the local region of a biological pathway with specific biological functions. With the generation of large-scale sequencing data, there are more opportunities to study the molecular mechanisms of cancer development. It is necessary to investigate the potential impact of DNA methylation, copy number variation (CNV), and gene-expression changes in the molecular states of oncogenic dysfunctional subpathways. We propose a novel method, Identification of Cancer Dysfunctional Subpathways (ICDS), by integrating multi-omics data and pathway topological information to identify dysfunctional subpathways. We first calculated gene-risk scores by integrating the three following types of data: DNA methylation, CNV, and gene expression. Second, we performed a greedy search algorithm to identify the key dysfunctional subpathways within pathways for which the discriminative scores were locally maximal. Finally, a permutation test was used to calculate the statistical significance level for these key dysfunctional subpathways. We validated the effectiveness of ICDS in identifying dysregulated subpathways using datasets from liver hepatocellular carcinoma (LIHC), head-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC), cervical squamous cell carcinoma, and endocervical adenocarcinoma. We further compared ICDS with methods that performed the same subpathway identification algorithm but only considered DNA methylation, CNV, or gene expression (defined as ICDS_M, ICDS_CNV, or ICDS_G, respectively). With these analyses, we confirmed that ICDS better identified cancer-associated subpathways than the three other methods, which only considered one type of data. Our ICDS method has been implemented as a freely available R-based tool (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ICDS)

    Het Europees anti-foltercomitĂŠ andermaal kritisch over de detentiecondities in BelgiĂŤ

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    Eind maart 2016 werd het rapport van het Europees anti-foltercomitĂŠ vrijgegeven. In het verslag worden de detentiecondities in de gevangenissen van Antwerpen, Doornik, Merksplas en Vorst beschreven en doet het comitĂŠ verschillende aanbevelingen. De voornaamste kritiek heeft betrekking op de overbevolking, het ontbreken van een minimumdienstverlening, de opsluiting van geĂŻnterneerden in gevangenissen zonder aangepaste zorg, de verouderde infrastructuur en het gebrek aan activiteiten. In deze rubriektekst worden desbetreffende aspecten kort besproken

    Identification of clinically relevant genetic variation in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases using genome-wide approaches

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    Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are six of the most prevalent immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) and are associated with a high socio-economic impact. There is compelling evidence that IMIDs are genetically complex diseases. To date, however, the genetic component of IMIDs has been only partially explained. Identifying new clinically relevant variation is therefore of major clinical interest. The objective of the present thesis was to identify new genetic variation underlying IMIDs. The research activity here presented is the result of analyzing high-throughput genomic data from a large cohort of IMID patients collected by the IMID Consortium. Using genome-wide approaches and functional analyses, we have identified new genetic variants associated to IMID susceptibility, IMID clinical phenotypes and specific treatment outcomes. Taken together, these findings contribute to better understanding the genetic basis of IMIDs and suggest more specific and preventive therapeutic strategies.L’artritis reumatoide, la psoriasis, l’artritis psoriàsica, el lupus eritematós sistèmic, la malaltia de Crohn i la colitis ulcerosa són sis malalties inflamatòries mediades per immunitat (IMIDs) d’elevada prevalença i amb un fort impacte socioeconòmic. Totes elles comparteixen un component genètic important. No obstant, a dia d’avui, només s’ha caracteritzat una part dels factors genètics de les IMIDs. La identificació de factors genètics clínicament rellevants presenta doncs un gran interès clínic per tal d’incorporar la informació genètica a la pràctica mèdica. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és identificar noves variants genètiques associades a les IMIDs. La recerca que es presenta és el resultat d’analitzar dades genòmiques d’una gran cohort de pacients amb IMIDs, els quals es van obtenir a través del consorci IMID Consortium. Mitjançant estratègies d’anàlisi de genoma complet i estudis funcionals, en aquesta tesi s’han identificat noves variants genètiques associades al risc de desenvolupar IMIDs així com als seus fenotips clínics i tractament. Aquesta tesi contribueix significativament a la caracterització del component genètic de les IMIDs i, des d’un punt de vista clínic, suggereix noves estratègies terapèutiques

    Epigenetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis

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