2,955 research outputs found

    When EU Law meets Arab Law: Assessment of Anti-Corruption Law in Morocco and Some Proposed Amendments

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    This article reviews the present state of the adoption of anti-corruption legal provisions usually adopted in EU (or candidate) countries in Morocco. Morocco lags behind many countries in its adoption of anti-corruption legislation and the recently established Central Agency of the Prevention of Corruption is unlikely to succeed in speeding up the adoption of these measures. English language translations of a number of Moroccan anti-corruption legal instruments are presented and amendments to these legal instruments are recommended (based on international best practice) in order to increase the likely effectiveness of Moroccan law enforcement institutions in fighting corruption.

    ISSP data report: attitudes towards the role of government

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    Das 'International Social Survey Programme' (ISSP) fĂŒhrt in internationaler Kooperation jĂ€hrlich eine gemeinsame Umfrage zu allgemeinen gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen durch. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht ist ein Datenreport zu einem Thema, dem eine besondere gesellschaftliche Bedeutung zukommt: Einstellungen der BĂŒrger zu Staat und Regierung. Mit Ausnahme eines Themas wurden die analysierten Fragekomplexe mindestens zweimal erhoben und dokumentieren somit den Wandel und die Trends in den jeweiligen Themengebieten. In den einzelnen Kapiteln werden Einstellungen zu BĂŒrgerrechten und Staatsintervention, Staat und soziale Wohlfahrt, Einflussnahme des Staates auf die Wirtschaft, PrioritĂ€ten bei staatlichen Ausgaben und die Interaktion zwischen Steuererhebung und Einkommensverteilung analysiert. Weitere Themen sind die EinschĂ€tzung des individuellen politischen Einflusses und die Motivation zum politischen Engagement sowie das Thema Korruption. (ICI

    Steel's molten muddle. European Community No. 204, November-December 1977.

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    Taxes and Trust

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    Taxes and Trust is the first book on taxes to focus on trust and the first work of social science to concentrate on how tax policy actually gets implemented on the ground in Poland, Russia and Ukraine. It highlights the nuances of the transitional Ukraine case and explains precisely how and why that ‘borderland’ country differs from the more ideal types of coercive Russia and compliance-oriented Poland. Through eight bespoke taxpayer surveys, an unprecedented survey of bureaucrats and more than fifteen years of qualitative research, it emphasizes the building and accumulation of trust in the transition from a coercive tax state to a compliant one. The content of the book will appeal to students and scholars of taxation worldwide and to those who study Russia and Eastern Europe

    Politics of Quality in Education

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    The question of quality has become one of the most important framing factors in education and has been of growing interest to international organisations and national policymakers for decades. Politics of Quality in Education focuses on Brazil, China, and Russia, part of the so-called emerging nations’ BRICS block, and draws on a four-year project to develop a new theoretical and methodological approach. The book builds a comparative, sociohistorical, and transnational understanding of political relations in education, with a particular focus on the policies and practices of quality assurance and evaluation (QAE). Tracking QAE processes from international organisations to individual schools, contributors analyse how QAE changes the dynamics in the roles of state, expertise, and governance. The book demonstrates how national and sub-national actors play a central role in the adaptation, modification, or rejection of transnational policies. Politics of Quality in Education will be of great interest to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students engaged in the study of comparative and international education, as well as educational policy and politics. It should also be essential reading for practitioners and policymakers

    ISSP data report: attitudes towards the role of government

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    "Das International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) erhebt jĂ€hrlich Umfragedaten zu sozialwissenschaftlich relevanten Themen. Der vorliegende Report beruht auf ISSP-Daten, die zu vier verschiedenen Zeitpunkten innerhalb von 21 Jahren in bis zu 36 MitgliedslĂ€ndern zum VerhĂ€ltnis der BĂŒrger zu 'Staat und Regierung' gesammelt wurden. Jedes Kapitel beleuchtet anhand spezieller Aspekte dieses Themas Inhalte und Besonderheiten der ISSP-Daten. In der Gesamtschau ergeben sich viele Einblicke in die jeweiligen nationalen VerhĂ€ltnisse, insbesondere aber in die Unterschiede zwischen den Nationen und ĂŒber zentrale Entwicklungen politischer Einstellungen innerhalb der letzten zwei Dekaden." (Autorenreferat)"The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) provides annual data on various topics relevant for social research. The current report deals with data collected at four different points of time over a 21 year span, from up to 36 ISSP member countries. The topics are broadly consolidated under the term 'Role of Government'. Each chapter focuses on an individual topic area under this heading, shedding light on the ISSP data with their specific content and particularities. Overall, this report offers some insights into specific national situations. It also specifically takes a cross-national comparative perspective while simultaneously displaying selected core trends in political attitudes over the past two decades." (author's abstract
