115 research outputs found

    Implications of an IPR Chapter in a hypothetical Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the European Union

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    Informe elaborado en el marco del Proyecto MUTRAP III (Multilateral Trade Assistance Project), 201

    Public consultations on net neutrality 2010

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    International audienceThe evolution of the Internet has come to a point where almost at the same time, governments all around the world feel the need for legislation to regulate the use of the Internet. In preparing the legislation, consultations were called by various governments or by the corresponding regulation bodies. We describe in this paper the various consultations as well as the background related to the Net Neutrality question in each case. Rather than describing the answers to each consultation, which are available and which have already been analyzed, we focus on comparing the consultations and the statistical figures related to the participation in them

    Vietnam and the Piracy Problem - The implications of Vietnam's WTO membership and the enactment of TRIPs

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    On January 11, 2007, Vietnam joined the WTO. A requirement for joining the WTO is the adoption of TRIPs, a multilateral agreement whose purpose is to provide effective and adequate protection for intellectual property rights, in order to minimize obstacles to international trade and promote global competition. After joining the WTO, hopes were high that Vietnam’s copyright piracy would rapidly decrease. However, these expectations were not met and today, ten years later, copyright piracy is still a big problem in the country. The question is thus what could be done in order to reduce the piracy rates – and what are the reasons behind the vast percentage of piracy? Intellectual property rights are a relatively new concept in Vietnam, and the first comprehensive intellectual property law was not adopted until 2005. After amendments in 2009, the Law on Intellectual Property can be said to comply with the TRIPs standard in theory. In practice however, opinions differ on whether the law could really be said to live up to the TRIPs requirements. In particular, the enforcement system was deemed insufficient. As the Vietnamese court system is deemed incapable, most copyright infringement cases are referred to the administrative route. Nevertheless, the administrative action route is also criticized for being slow and not sufficiently up-to-date with current technology. The conclusion of this thesis is that the underlying reason behind the problem of copyright piracy in Vietnam is complex. The thesis concludes that the main reasons behind the problem are the country’s situation as a developing country and the fact that intellectual property rights are initially a Western concept. To change a rehearsed behaviour takes time, and this could be one explanatory factor to why copyright piracy decreases so slowly. To deal with the problem of copyright piracy, this thesis suggests several changes. First, the work on raising public awareness as regards the existence of copyright must continue. Secondly, the country’s judges needs to be educated on questions relating to copyright infringement. Thirdly, an overview of the existing administrative enforcement agencies should be performed, preferably resulting in a decrease of the number of agencies. Fourthly, an overview of the current Law on Intellectual Property should be performed. As of today, this thesis argues that the existing law does not live up to the standards of TRIPs. Lastly, it would be benefitting for both practitioners, judges themselves and law students if Vietnam decided to start publish its court cases. Lastly, this thesis also put forward some alterations that the right owners themselves could perform in order to protect themselves from copyright piracy. It is recommended that the right owners stay pro-active and that they cooperate and put pressure on the Vietnamese Government. Moreover, it is suggested that the right owners try to provide legal alternatives, in an attempt to try to curb for example online piracy. Lastly, it is proposed that differentiated prices on software might have a positive effect on reducing software piracy.Den 11 januari 2007 blev Vietnam medlem i WTO. Ett krav för medlemskap i vĂ€rldshandelsorganisationen Ă€r antagande av TRIPS, ett multilateralt avtal vars syfte Ă€r att erbjuda effektivt och adekvat skydd för immateriella rĂ€ttigheter, för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt minimera hindren för global handel och frĂ€mja internationell konkurrens. Efter Vietnams intrĂ€de i WTO var förhoppningen att andelen piratkopierade varor skulle sjunka drastiskt. SĂ„ blev emellertid inte fallet och idag, tio Ă„r senare, Ă€r piratkopiering fortfarande ett stort problem i landet. FrĂ„gan Ă€r sĂ„ledes, vad kan göras Ă„t den stora andelen piratkopierade varor – och vad Ă€r orsaken bakom denna höga mĂ€ngd av falska produkter? Immateriella rĂ€ttigheter Ă€r ett relativt nytt begrepp i Vietnam och den första heltĂ€ckande lagen rörande immaterialrĂ€tt antogs inte förrĂ€n Ă„r 2005. Efter substantiella Ă€ndringar Ă„r 2009 kan Lagen om ImmaterialrĂ€tt sĂ€gas uppfylla TRIPs krav i teorin. Emellertid gĂ„r Ă„sikterna isĂ€r om huruvida lagen verkligen lever upp till TRIPs krav i praktiken. I synnerhet Ă€r det möjligheten till verkstĂ€llighet som brister. DĂ„ det vietnamesiska domstolsvĂ€sendet bedöms vara otillrĂ€ckligt vĂ€ljer mĂ„nga rĂ€ttighetsinnehavare att gĂ„ den administrativa vĂ€gen. Emellertid Ă€r inte heller den administrativa verkstĂ€llighetsvĂ€gen helt perfekt, och de administrativa verkstĂ€llande myndigheterna har anklagats för att vara lĂ„ngsamma i sin Ă€rendehantering samt för att inte vara helt uppdaterade pĂ„ dagens teknik. Slutsatsen i denna uppsats Ă€r att den underliggande orsaken bakom problemet med piratkopiering i Vietnam inte Ă€r en utan flera. Slutsatsen som kan dras Ă€r att de frĂ€msta anledningarna bakom problemet med piratkopiering Ă€r landets situation som ett utvecklingsland samt det faktum att immateriella rĂ€ttigheter ursprungligen Ă€r en vĂ€sterlĂ€ndsk företeelse. Att Ă€ndra ett inövat beteende tar tid, detta kan vara en förklarande faktor till varför piratkopiering som företeelse minskar sĂ„ lĂ„ngsamt. Denna uppsats föreslĂ„r ett flertal Ă€ndringar för att hantera problemet med piratkopiering. Först och frĂ€mst sĂ„ föreslĂ„s fortsatt arbete med att öka allmĂ€nhetens kĂ€nnedom om vad upphovsrĂ€tt Ă€r och vad det innebĂ€r. För det andra sĂ„ behöver Vietnams domare fortsatt utbildning i frĂ„gor som rör upphovsrĂ€ttsintrĂ„ng. För det tredje sĂ„ mĂ„ste det göras en översikt av de befintliga administrativa verkstĂ€llande myndigheterna. Förslagsvis bör denna översikt utmynna i att antalet administrativa verkstĂ€llande myndigheter minskar. För det fjĂ€rde bör en genomgĂ„ng av Lag om ImmaterialrĂ€tt ske. SĂ„ som lagen ser ut idag, anser denna uppsats att lagen inte nĂ„r upp till kraven som stĂ€lls i TRIPs. Slutligen skulle det gynna bĂ„de praktiker, domare och juridikstudenter ifall Vietnam började publicera sina rĂ€ttsfall offentligt. Avslutningsvis ger denna uppsats Ă€ven ett par förslag pĂ„ förĂ€ndringar som rĂ€ttighetsinnehavarna sjĂ€lva kan genomföra för att skydda sig mot piratkopiering. Uppsatsen rekommenderar rĂ€ttighetsinnehavarna att vara proaktiva och att de samarbetar och sĂ€tter press pĂ„ den vietnamesiska regeringen. Vidare föreslĂ„s det att rĂ€ttighetsinnehavarna försöker att erbjuda lagliga alternativt, vilket skulle kunna gynna förekomsten av piratkopiering online. Avslutningsvis föreslĂ„s differentierade priser pĂ„ mjukvara, vilket skulle kunna ha en positiv effekt avseende piratkopiering av mjukvaror

    Incentive-driven QoS in peer-to-peer overlays

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    A well known problem in peer-to-peer overlays is that no single entity has control over the software, hardware and configuration of peers. Thus, each peer can selfishly adapt its behaviour to maximise its benefit from the overlay. This thesis is concerned with the modelling and design of incentive mechanisms for QoS-overlays: resource allocation protocols that provide strategic peers with participation incentives, while at the same time optimising the performance of the peer-to-peer distribution overlay. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, we present PledgeRoute, a novel contribution accounting system that can be used, along with a set of reciprocity policies, as an incentive mechanism to encourage peers to contribute resources even when users are not actively consuming overlay services. This mechanism uses a decentralised credit network, is resilient to sybil attacks, and allows peers to achieve time and space deferred contribution reciprocity. Then, we present a novel, QoS-aware resource allocation model based on Vickrey auctions that uses PledgeRoute as a substrate. It acts as an incentive mechanism by providing efficient overlay construction, while at the same time allocating increasing service quality to those peers that contribute more to the network. The model is then applied to lagsensitive chunk swarming, and some of its properties are explored for different peer delay distributions. When considering QoS overlays deployed over the best-effort Internet, the quality received by a client cannot be adjudicated completely to either its serving peer or the intervening network between them. By drawing parallels between this situation and well-known hidden action situations in microeconomics, we propose a novel scheme to ensure adherence to advertised QoS levels. We then apply it to delay-sensitive chunk distribution overlays and present the optimal contract payments required, along with a method for QoS contract enforcement through reciprocative strategies. We also present a probabilistic model for application-layer delay as a function of the prevailing network conditions. Finally, we address the incentives of managed overlays, and the prediction of their behaviour. We propose two novel models of multihoming managed overlay incentives in which overlays can freely allocate their traffic flows between different ISPs. One is obtained by optimising an overlay utility function with desired properties, while the other is designed for data-driven least-squares fitting of the cross elasticity of demand. This last model is then used to solve for ISP profit maximisation

    Sprachkontakt im Internet

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage, wie der Einfluss der im Computer- und Internetbereich so dominanten englischen Sprache sich in ĂŒber das Internet gefĂŒhrter informeller Swahili-Kommunikation manifestiert. Im Speziellen werden dabei lexikalische AuffĂ€lligkeiten in GesprĂ€chen mit Schwerpunktsetzung im ICT-Bereich und die Motivation der Verfasser dahinter beleuchtet. Am Beginn stehen eine ausfĂŒhrlichere ErklĂ€rung von Zielsetzung und Methodik des Autors und eine Betrachtung der HintergrĂŒnde. Hierbei werden sowohl die sprachlichen HintergrĂŒnde des Swahili als auch die speziellen Vorzeichen, die das Internet fĂŒr kommunikative Prozesse bietet, erlĂ€utert. Im Zuge der Betrachtung der sprachlichen HintergrĂŒnde behandelt diese Arbeit auch die wichtigsten Projekte zur Standardisierung eines ICT-Swahili: das Kilinux- und das Ngamizi-Projekt. Eine Analyse der Eigenheiten dieser beiden Projekte und möglicher Probleme bei der Umsetzung folgt auf die Vorstellung derselben. Die besonderen Rahmenbedingungen, die das sprachliche Biotop Internet vor allem durch AnonymitĂ€t und Schriftlichkeit der dort stattfindenden Kommunikation vorgibt, werden auch im Bezug auf ihren Einfluss auf die Wahl des Korpus aus den ICT-Bereichen zweier Swahili-Foren betrachtet. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit wird der Korpus im Detail zunĂ€chst auf Code-Switching untersucht, vor allem auch im Hinblick auf die Motivation hinter diesem PhĂ€nomen. Hierbei stellt der Autor auch seine eigene Interpretation von Code-Switching als nicht punktuell abgrenzbarer Vorgang in den Raum. In weiterer Folge werden auch die im Korpus aufgefundenen, aus dem Englischen ins Swahili ĂŒbernommenen Entlehnungen genauer betrachtet, dabei wird jedoch bewusst keine klare Abgrenzung zwischen Code-Switching und Entlehnung vollzogen. Die auf die Liste der Entlehnungen folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen gehen unter anderem auch der Frage nach, wie klar die Grenzen zwischen den mentalen Lexika verschiedener Sprachen zu zeichnen sind, zu diesem Zweck werden vor allem Formen analysiert, die WidersprĂŒchlichkeiten aufwerfen. Den Abschluss der Arbeit bilden Vergleiche mit Internet-Kommunikation in anderen Sprachen und eine Conclusio, die noch einmal die individuelle, kreative oder zweckorientierte PrĂ€gung von Code-Switching und Entlehnung und die damit verbundene scheinbare Beliebigkeit des Auftretens selbiger PhĂ€nomene unterstreicht
