3,344 research outputs found

    Discriminação baseada no peso: representações sociais de internautas sobre a gordofobia

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    The concept of fat phobia has been usually used to define ways of discrimination towards overweight bodies. The present work aimed to know the social representations of fat phobia elaborated by internet users. A documental research was conducted based on internet comments on an article about fat phobia published by the Superinteressante magazine. Selected opinions comprised a textual corpus which was submitted to a lexical analysis through IRAMUTEQ, revealing five thematic classes: (i) "Health as discourse to justify discrimination", (ii) "Fat versus Slim: instituting differences", (iii) "Weight loss: reinforcement versus deconstruction of the standard", (iv) "Fat phobia: invention or reality?" and (v) "Fat phobia and the (in)appropriateness of affirmative actions". Anchored on the technical and scientific argument which affirms that obesity is an epidemic disease, the representations of internet users legitimized discrimination and prejudice processes against overweight people. Moreover, ironic propositions against quota policy for overweight people showed a dissatisfaction about the existence of affirmative actions that promote equality among social groups, ratifying the idea that the privileges cannot be granted to “inferior groups” or depreciated groups, and these groups, in order to be respected by society, should try to fit their bodies into the refined standard. In this context, aiming to make fat phobia an irrelevant topic, disqualifying the magazine’s approach on this topic, representational strategies directed to deny its existence by comparing suffering between groups or setting differences (fats x thins) was observed. Considering the lack of researches about discrimination against overweight in Brazil, other studies on this topic are suggested

    Public understanding of science and common sense: Social representations of the human microbiome among the expert and non-expert public

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    The aim of this investigation is to examine the structure and the content of different social groups’ representations of the human microbiome. We employed a non-probabilistic sample comprising two groups of participants. The first group (n = 244) included university students. The second group included lay people (n = 355). We chose a mixed-method approach. The data obtained were processed using IRaMuTeQ software. The results allow us to identify the anchoring and objectification processes activated by the two different groups of interviewees. The results could be useful to those in charge of implementing campaigns aimed at promoting health literac

    Text mining methods: an answer to Chartier and Meunier

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    Almost 20 years ago, in a paper introducing the text mining (TM) technique to my fellow statisticians, I expressed the fear that: “it would be unfortunate that this technique, because it is apparently so easy to use, would be abused by incompetent analysts” (Lahlou, 1994, my translation). And therefore I urged expert statisticians to engage in this issue and circumscribe abuses


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever o uso do software IRAMUTEQ como ferramenta de apoio ao processamento de dados na pesquisa qualitativa (e/ou quali-quanti). Embora o IRAMUTEQ garanta resultados precisos, o uso do software não substitui o protagonismo do pesquisador. Ressalta-se, nesta perspectiva, que todas as etapas da pesquisa requerem seriedade e conhecimento do objeto em investigação, o que perpassa pela escolha da abordagem, pela discussão coerente e consistente com a literatura e pela qualidade do instrumento para efetuar a entrevista na coleta dos dados, para que a confecção do corpus possibilite um melhor processamento e apresentação dos resultados gerados pelo software. Neste sentido, o pesquisador continua sendo o condutor da pesquisa, e seu papel é valorizado pelo IRAMUTEQ, o qual possibilita a interpretação dos resultados já processados com rigor científico.This study aims to describe the use of the IRAMUTEQ software as a tool to support data processing in qualitative research (and/or quali-quanti). Although IRAMUTEQ guarantees accurate results, the use of the software does not replace the researcher's protagonism. It is highlighted, in this perspective, that all stages of the research require seriousness and knowledge of the object under investigation, which permeates the choice of approach, the coherent and consistent discussion with the literature and the quality of the instrument to conduct the interview in data collection, so that the preparation of the corpus allows a better processing and presentation of the results that are generated by the software. In this sense, the researcher continues to be the conductor of the research, and his role is valued by IRAMUTEQ, which allows the interpretation of results already processed with scientific rigor.Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir el uso del software IRAMUTEQ como herramienta de apoyo al procesamiento de datos en la investigación cualitativa (y/o cuali-cuanti). Si bien IRAMUTEQ garantiza resultados precisos, el uso del software no reemplaza el protagonismo del investigador. En esta perspectiva, todas las etapas de la investigación requieren seriedad y conocimiento del objeto investigado, lo que impregna la elección del enfoque, la discusión coherente y consistente con la literatura y la calidad del instrumento para realizar la entrevista en la recolección de datos, de manera que la elaboración del corpus permite un mejor procesamiento y presentación de los resultados generados por el software, en este sentido el investigador sigue siendo el conductor de la investigación, y su rol es valorado por IRAMUTEQ, lo que permite la interpretación de los resultados ya procesados con rigor científico

    Pontos a considerar quanto ao uso do software IRAMUTEQ na análise de dados qualitativos

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    O uso do software IRAMUTEQ na análise de dados em pesquisas qualitativas

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    Objective: To describe the use of IRAMUTEQ software in qualitative data analysis. Method: A description for using a software program as a tool to support data processing in qualitative research, carried out in 2015. Data collection was done through interviews using a semi-structured script. Results: Twenty-one (21) companions participated in the study. The five classes resulting from data processing by the software allowed for analysis and interpretation of the nursing performance with the parturient as an active participant in the process of labor and delivery, and in the role of companion in this period. Conclusion: The use of IRAMUTEQ software as a tool for processing qualitative data through the Descending Hierarchical Classification emerged classes and a connection between them, which further allowed for secure and credible data analysis. It is necessary to explore the other possibilities of using this tool in greater depth

    Utilização do software IRAMUTEQ em pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa: relato de experiência

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    Objective: to report the experience of using the software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) as a computerized tool to support the analysis of textual data in qualitative research in health. Method: this was an experience report that took place between March and June 2019, based on qualitative research developed through the Creative-Sensitive Method and using IRAMUTEQ. Newborns and family members of newborns from a public hospital located in the city of Rio das Ostras in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, participated in the study. Results: it was possible to verify that the different lexical analysis techniques available in IRAMUTEQ allowed to discriminate the semantic contents referring to the caregivers' claims about the care to be performed with the newborn at home. Conclusion: this computerized tool proved to be useful, adequate, and reliable, qualifying the textual analysis process.Objetivo: relatar a experiência de utilização do software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) como ferramenta informatizada de apoio à análise de dados textuais em uma pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. Método: tratou-se do relato de experiência acontecida entre março e junho de 2019, a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida por meio do Método Criativo-Sensível e com o uso do IRAMUTEQ. Participaram puérperas e familiares de recém-nascidos de uma instituição hospitalar pública localizada na cidade de Rio das Ostras no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Resultados: foi possível constatar que as diferentes técnicas de análise lexical disponíveis no IRAMUTEQ permitiram discriminar, claramente, os conteúdos semânticos referentes às pretensões dos cuidadores sobre os cuidados a serem desempenhados com o recém-nascido em casa. Conclusão: essa ferramenta informatizada mostrou-se útil, adequada e fidedigna, qualificando o processo de análise textual