595 research outputs found

    Constrained multi-target tracking for team sports activities

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    Abstract In sports analysis, player tracking is essential to the extraction of statistics such as speed, distance and direction of motion. Simultaneous tracking of multiple people is still a very challenging computer vision problem to which there is no satisfactory solution. This is especially true for sports activities, for which people often wear similar uniforms, move quickly and erratically, and have close interactions with each other. In this paper, we introduce a multi-target tracking algorithm suitable for team sports activities. We extend an existing algorithm by including an automatic estimation of the occupancy of the observed field and the duration of stable periods without people entering or leaving the field. This information is included as a constraint to the existing offline tracking algorithm in order to construct more reliable trajectories. On data from two challenging sports scenarios—an indoor soccer game captured with thermal cameras and an outdoor soccer training session captured with RGB camera—we show that the tracking performance is improved on all sequences. Compared to the original offline tracking algorithm, we obtain improvements of 3–7% in accuracy. Furthermore, the method outperforms two state-of-the-art trackers

    Efficient video collection association using geometry-aware Bag-of-Iconics representations

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    Abstract Recent years have witnessed the dramatic evolution in visual data volume and processing capabilities. For example, technical advances have enabled 3D modeling from large-scale crowdsourced photo collections. Compared to static image datasets, exploration and exploitation of Internet video collections are still largely unsolved. To address this challenge, we first propose to represent video contents using a histogram representation of iconic imagery attained from relevant visual datasets. We then develop a data-driven framework for a fully unsupervised extraction of such representations. Our novel Bag-of-Iconics (BoI) representation efficiently analyzes individual videos within a large-scale video collection. We demonstrate our proposed BoI representation with two novel applications: (1) finding video sequences connecting adjacent landmarks and aligning reconstructed 3D models and (2) retrieving geometrically relevant clips from video collections. Results on crowdsourced datasets illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed Bag-of-Iconics representation

    PsyMo: A Dataset for Estimating Self-Reported Psychological Traits from Gait

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    Psychological trait estimation from external factors such as movement and appearance is a challenging and long-standing problem in psychology, and is principally based on the psychological theory of embodiment. To date, attempts to tackle this problem have utilized private small-scale datasets with intrusive body-attached sensors. Potential applications of an automated system for psychological trait estimation include estimation of occupational fatigue and psychology, and marketing and advertisement. In this work, we propose PsyMo (Psychological traits from Motion), a novel, multi-purpose and multi-modal dataset for exploring psychological cues manifested in walking patterns. We gathered walking sequences from 312 subjects in 7 different walking variations and 6 camera angles. In conjunction with walking sequences, participants filled in 6 psychological questionnaires, totalling 17 psychometric attributes related to personality, self-esteem, fatigue, aggressiveness and mental health. We propose two evaluation protocols for psychological trait estimation. Alongside the estimation of self-reported psychological traits from gait, the dataset can be used as a drop-in replacement to benchmark methods for gait recognition. We anonymize all cues related to the identity of the subjects and publicly release only silhouettes, 2D / 3D human skeletons and 3D SMPL human meshes

    Anonymization of Sensitive Quasi-Identifiers for l-diversity and t-closeness

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    A number of studies on privacy-preserving data mining have been proposed. Most of them assume that they can separate quasi-identifiers (QIDs) from sensitive attributes. For instance, they assume that address, job, and age are QIDs but are not sensitive attributes and that a disease name is a sensitive attribute but is not a QID. However, all of these attributes can have features that are both sensitive attributes and QIDs in practice. In this paper, we refer to these attributes as sensitive QIDs and we propose novel privacy models, namely, (l1, ..., lq)-diversity and (t1, ..., tq)-closeness, and a method that can treat sensitive QIDs. Our method is composed of two algorithms: an anonymization algorithm and a reconstruction algorithm. The anonymization algorithm, which is conducted by data holders, is simple but effective, whereas the reconstruction algorithm, which is conducted by data analyzers, can be conducted according to each data analyzer’s objective. Our proposed method was experimentally evaluated using real data sets
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