49,322 research outputs found

    What drives the vacancy rate for information technology workers?

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    This paper provides empirical evidence on both the magnitude and determinants of unfilled positions for information technology workers using cross-sectional data on 4150 German firms. Vacancies are defined as unfilled positions excluding those created by replacement needs during the first half of the year 2000. The share of unfilled positions created by replacement needs is only about 20 percent, indicating that high turnover rates are not the main reason for high vacancy rates. The adjusted job vacancy rate for ICT workers varies between 5.7 percent in the ICT sector and 6.7 percent in the non-ICT sector. The results of a generalized tobit model show that the adjusted vacancy rate mainly depends on the firm size, the share of ICT workers and actions taken in the past to solve the ICT worker shortage but not on the diffusion of ICT. In the ICT sector, the decision made in the past to train apprentices in the new ICT occupations seems to have reduced the current vacancy rate. In the non-ICT sector, a successful strategy to solve the ICT worker shortage appears to be increased internal training. Finally, in the non-ICT sector, the common practice of completely outsourcing software programming significantly reduces the probability of unfilled positions. -- Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Anzahl und den Bestimmungsfaktoren unbesetzter Stellen für IKT-Fachkräfte in Deutschland. Datengrundlage ist eine repräsentative telefongestützte (CATI) Umfrage von 4150 Unternehmen für das Jahr 2000. Die Quote unbesetzter Stellen für IKT-Fachkräfte (ohne Stellen aufgrund Ersatzbedarfs) variiert zwischen 5,7 Prozent in der IKT-Branche und 6,7 Prozent in der Nicht-IKT-Branche. Der Anteil fluktuationsbedingt unbesetzter Stellen an allen unbesetzten Stellen beträgt 20 Prozent. Somit dürfte die Personalfluktuation der IKT-Fachkräfte nicht die Hauptursache für die hohe Quote unbesetzter Stellen sein. Regressionsergebnisse auf Basis verallgemeinerter tobit-Modelle zeigen, dass die Quote unbesetzter Stellen hauptsächlich von der Firmengröße, dem Anteil der IKT-Fachkräfte im Vorjahr sowie den Strategien zur Überwindung des IKTFachkräftemangels in der Vergangenheit abhängen, jedoch von der Diffusion der Informationstechnologie nicht beeinflusst werden. Hinsichtlich der Wahrscheinlichkeit unbesetzter Stellen zeigt sich, dass die Auslagerung der Software-programmierung an Fremdunternehmen zu einer geringeren Betroffenheit von unbesetzten Stellen für IKT-Fachkräfte führt.unbesetzte Stellen,IKT-Fachkräfte,Informationstechnologie,Unfilled positions,ICT workers,information technology

    Mogućnosti i pretpostavke za razvoj IKT industrije u Srbiji

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    Informaciono komunikacione tehnologije (IKT) imaju veliki potencijal za razvoj privrede Srbije. Prema osnovnim pokazateljima IKT u Srbiji nalazi se na početnom nivou razvoja, što ne treba posmatrati kao ograničenje, već postojanje prostora za dalja poboljšanja. Veliki je neiskorišćeni tržišni potencijal kada su u pitanju IKT proizvodi i usluge, a on postoji kako na domaćem, tako i na stranom tržištu. Da bismo iskoristili postojeći potencijal u ovom segmentu industrije neophodno je povećati ulaganja u ovaj izuzetno produktivan sektor, podstaći proizvodnju i prodaju domaćih IKT proizvoda bilo kroz poreske olakšice kompanijama iz IKT sektora, bilo kroz različite vidove subvencija prilikom kupovine domaćih IKT proizvoda ali i politikom obrazovanja, odnosno povećavanjem upisnih kvota studenata na fakultete elektrohenničke, mašinske, tehnološke i druge srodne orijentacije relevantne za razvoj IKT. Potrebno je i repozicioniranje kompanije iz ovog sektora, da bi Srbija dobila mesto regionalnog lidera u privlačenju stranih direktnih investicija, posebno u oblasti IKT, za šta je potrebna i veća pomoć države. Tome u prilog ide i razvoj naučno-tehnoloških parkova, kao i udruživanje IKT kompanija u klastere u cilju povećanja tržišne moći. U narednom periodu u Srbiji se očekuje intenzivnije prisustvo kompanije „Mubadala“ iz Saudijske Arabije, jedne od globalnih lidera u oblasti IKT, što će se pozitivno odraziti kako na razvoj IKT sektora Srbije, tako i na razvoj cele privrede i smanjenje nezaposlenosti

    Synoptic study of the SMC SNRs using XMM-Newton

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    We present a detailed X-ray spectral analysis of 13 supernova remnants (SNR) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We apply both single-temperature non-equilibrium ionisation models and models based on the Sedov similarity solution, where applicable. We also present detailed X-ray images of individual SNRs, which reveal a range of different morphological features. Eight remnants, viz DEM S 32, IKT 2, HFPK 419, IKT 6, IKT 16, IKT 18 and IKT 23, are consistent with being in their Sedov evolutionary phase. IKT 6 and IKT 23 both have a clear shell like morphology with oxygen-rich X-ray emitting material in the centre. We draw attention to similarities between these two remnants and the well studied, oxygen-rich remnant IKT 22 (SNR 0102-72.3) and propose that they are more evolved versions of IKT 22. IKT 4, IKT 5, DEM S 128 and IKT 5 are evolved remnants which are in, or in the process of entering, the radiative cooling stage. We argue that the X-ray emission from these four remnants is most likely from the ejecta remains of type Ia SNe. Our modeling allow us to derive estimates for physical parameters, such as densities, ages, masses and initial explosion energies. Our results indicate that the average SMC hydrogen density is a factor of ~6 lower as compared to the Large Magellanic Cloud. This has obvious implications for the evolution and luminosities of the SMC SNRs. We also estimate the average SMC gas phase abundances for the elements O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe.Comment: submitted to A&

    IKT approach for quantum hydrodynamic equations

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    A striking feature of standard quantum mechanics is its analogy with classical fluid dynamics. In particular it is well known the Schr\"{o}dinger equation can be viewed as describing a classical compressible and non-viscous fluid, described by two (quantum) fluid fields {\rho ,% \mathbf{V}} , to be identified with the quantum probability density and velocity field. This feature has suggested the construction of a phase-space hidden-variable description based on a suitable inverse kinetic theory (IKT; Tessarotto et al., 2007). The discovery of this approach has potentially important consequences since it permits to identify the classical dynamical system which advances in time the quantum fluid fields. This type of approach, however requires the identification of additional fluid fields. These can be generally identified with suitable directional fluid temperatures TQM,iT_{QM,i} (for i=1,2,3i=1,2,3), to be related to the expectation values of momentum fluctuations appearing in the Heisenberg inequalities. Nevertheless the definition given previously for them (Tessarotto et al., 2007) is non-unique. In this paper we intend to propose a criterion, based on the validity of a constant H-theorem, which provides an unique definition for the quantum temperatures.Comment: Contributed paper at RGD26 (Kyoto, Japan, July 2008

    Incorporating environmental impacts into value added from organic and conventional farming

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    We aim to improve the policy relevance of the aggregate welfare indicators regarding the economic and environmental features of farming practices. First, an analytical framework for measurement of environmentally adjusted net national product for agricultural sector is provided. Second, shadow pricing of direct disutility of environmental deterioration is illustrated with implications of the Finnish water protection policy measures restricting the use of manure on conventional and organic livestock farms during the period 1994-2002. Our simulated shadow prices per cubic meter manure are quite considerable reflecting the potentially high opportunity costs in terms of value added forgone if the only option to comply with regulation is to cut output. In practice, the organic farms seem to comply well with current regulation, and the environmentally harmful contibution of conventional farms to welfare is relatively small

    Internasjonal IKT-utdanning − Formål, organisering og innhold

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    I forbindelse med handlingsplanen for IKT i norsk utdanning (2000-2003) fremkom det et behov for en større utredning om IKT som fag. Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet har bedt Norgesnettrådet iverksette en slik utredning i løpet av 2002. Som et ledd i denne utredningen har Norgesnettrådets sekretariat bedt NIFU om å kartlegge og vurdere hvordan IKT utdanningene er organisert i en del utvalgte land, slik at en nærmere sammenligning med norsk IKT utdanning kan gjøres. Dette notatet er resultatet av dette arbeidet