181 research outputs found

    Moving Target Defense for Securing SCADA Communications

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    In this paper, we introduce a framework for building a secure and private peer to peer communication used in supervisory control and data acquisition networks with a novel Mobile IPv6-based moving target defense strategy. Our approach aids in combating remote cyber-attacks against peer hosts by thwarting any potential attacks at their reconnaissance stage. The IP address of each host is randomly changed at a certain interval creating a moving target to make it difficult for an attacker to find the host. At the same time, the peer host is updated through the use of the binding update procedure (standard Mobile IPv6 protocol). Compared with existing results that can incur significant packet-loss during address rotations, the proposed solution is loss-less. Improving privacy and anonymity for communicating hosts by removing permanent IP addresses from all packets is also one of the major contributions of this paper. Another contribution is preventing black hole attacks and bandwidth depletion DDoS attacks through the use of extra paths between the peer hosts. Recovering the communication after rebooting a host is also a new contribution of this paper. Lab-based simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the method in action, including its overheads. The testbed experiments show zero packet-loss rate during handoff delay

    Securing Handover in Wireless IP Networks

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    In wireless and mobile networks, handover is a complex process that involves multiple layers of protocol and security executions. With the growing popularity of real time communication services such as Voice of IP, a great challenge faced by handover nowadays comes from the impact of security implementations that can cause performance degradation especially for mobile devices with limited resources. Given the existing networks with heterogeneous wireless access technologies, one essential research question that needs be addressed is how to achieve a balance between security and performance during the handover. The variations of security policy and agreement among different services and network vendors make the topic challenging even more, due to the involvement of commercial and social factors. In order to understand the problems and challenges in this field, we study the properties of handover as well as state of the art security schemes to assist handover in wireless IP networks. Based on our analysis, we define a two-phase model to identify the key procedures of handover security in wireless and mobile networks. Through the model we analyze the performance impact from existing security schemes in terms of handover completion time, throughput, and Quality of Services (QoS). As our endeavor of seeking a balance between handover security and performance, we propose the local administrative domain as a security enhanced localized domain to promote the handover performance. To evaluate the performance improvement in local administrative domain, we implement the security protocols adopted by our proposal in the ns-2 simulation environment and analyze the measurement results based on our simulation test

    Interworking Architectures in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: An Algorithmic Overview

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    The scarce availability of spectrum and the proliferation of smartphones, social networking applications, online gaming etc., mobile network operators (MNOs) are faced with an exponential growth in packet switched data requirements on their networks. Haven invested in legacy systems (such as HSPA, WCDMA, WiMAX, Cdma2000, LTE, etc.) that have hitherto withstood the current and imminent data usage demand, future and projected usage surpass the capabilities of the evolution of these individual technologies. Hence, a more critical, cost-effective and flexible approach to provide ubiquitous coverage for the user using available spectrum is of high demand. Heterogeneous Networks make use of these legacy systems by allowing users to connect to the best network available and most importantly seamlessly handover active sessions amidst them. This paper presents a survey of interworking architectures between IMT 2000 candidate networks that employ the use of IEFT protocols such as MIP, mSCTP, HIP, MOBIKE, IKEV2 and SIP etc. to bring about this much needed capacity

    IP Mobility in Wireless Operator Networks

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    Wireless network access is gaining increased heterogeneity in terms of the types of IP capable access technologies. The access network heterogeneity is an outcome of incremental and evolutionary approach of building new infrastructure. The recent success of multi-radio terminals drives both building a new infrastructure and implicit deployment of heterogeneous access networks. Typically there is no economical reason to replace the existing infrastructure when building a new one. The gradual migration phase usually takes several years. IP-based mobility across different access networks may involve both horizontal and vertical handovers. Depending on the networking environment, the mobile terminal may be attached to the network through multiple access technologies. Consequently, the terminal may send and receive packets through multiple networks simultaneously. This dissertation addresses the introduction of IP Mobility paradigm into the existing mobile operator network infrastructure that have not originally been designed for multi-access and IP Mobility. We propose a model for the future wireless networking and roaming architecture that does not require revolutionary technology changes and can be deployed without unnecessary complexity. The model proposes a clear separation of operator roles: (i) access operator, (ii) service operator, and (iii) inter-connection and roaming provider. The separation allows each type of an operator to have their own development path and business models without artificial bindings with each other. We also propose minimum requirements for the new model. We present the state of the art of IP Mobility. We also present results of standardization efforts in IP-based wireless architectures. Finally, we present experimentation results of IP-level mobility in various wireless operator deployments.Erilaiset langattomat verkkoyhteydet lisÀÀntyvÀt Internet-kykyisten teknologioiden muodossa. Lukuisten eri teknologioiden pÀÀllekkÀinen kÀyttö johtuu vÀhitellen ja tarpeen mukaan rakennetusta verkkoinfrastruktuurista. Useita radioteknologioita (kuten WLAN, GSM ja UMTS) sisÀltÀvien pÀÀtelaitteiden (kuten Àlypuhelimet ja kannettavat tietokoneet) viimeaikainen kaupallinen menestys edesauttaa uuden verkkoinfrastruktuurin rakentamista, sekÀ mahdollisesti johtaa verkkoteknologioiden kirjon lisÀÀntymiseen. Olemassa olevaa verkkoinfrastruktuuria ei kaupallisista syistÀ kannata korvata uudella teknologialla yhdellÀ kertaa, vaan vaiheittainen siirtymÀvaihe kestÀÀ tyypillisesti useita vuosia. Internet-kykyiset pÀÀtelaitteet voivat liikkua joko saman verkkoteknologian sisÀllÀ tai eri verkkoteknologioiden vÀlillÀ. VerkkoympÀristöstÀ riippuen liikkuvat pÀÀtelaitteet voivat liittyÀ verkkoon useiden verkkoyhteyksien kautta. NÀin ollen pÀÀtelaite voi lÀhettÀÀ ja vastaanottaa tietoliikennepaketteja yhtÀaikaisesti lukuisia verkkoja pitkin. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja kÀsittelee Internet-teknologioiden liikkuvuutta ja nÀiden teknologioiden tuomista olemassa oleviin langattomien verkko-operaattorien verkkoinfrastruktuureihin. KÀsiteltÀviÀ verkkoinfrastruktuureita ei alun perin ole suunniteltu Internet-teknologian liikkuvuuden ja monien yhtÀaikaisten yhteyksien ehdoilla. TÀssÀ työssÀ ehdotetaan tulevaisuuden langattomien verkkojen arkkitehtuurimallia ja ratkaisuja verkkovierailujen toteuttamiseksi. Ehdotettu arkkitehtuuri voidaan toteuttaa ilman mittavia teknologisia mullistuksia. Mallin mukaisessa ehdotuksessa verkko-operaattorin roolit jaetaan selkeÀsti (i) verkko-operaattoriin, (ii) palveluoperaattoriin ja (iii) yhteys- sekÀ verkkovierailuoperaattoriin. Roolijako mahdollistaa sen, ettÀ kukin operaattorityyppi voi kehittyÀ itsenÀisesti, ja ettÀ teennÀiset verkkoteknologiasidonnaisuudet poistuvat palveluiden tuottamisessa. TyössÀ esitetÀÀn myös alustava vaatimuslista ehdotetulle mallille, esimerkiksi yhteysoperaattorien laatuvaatimukset. VÀitöskirja esittelee myös liikkuvien Internet-teknologioiden viimeisimmÀn kehityksen. TyössÀ nÀytetÀÀn lisÀksi standardointituloksia Internet-kykyisissÀ langattomissa arkkitehtuureissa

    Potential Applications of IPsec in Next Generation Networks

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    Wireless backhaul in future cellular communication

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    Abstract. In 5G technology, huge number of connected devices are needed to be considered where the expected throughput is also very ambitious. Capacity is needed and thus used frequencies are expected to get higher (above 6 GHz even up to 80 GHz), the Cell size getting smaller and number of cells arising significantly. Therefore, it is expected that wireless backhaul will be one option for Network operators to deliver capacity and coverage for high subscriber density areas with reduced cost. Wireless backhaul optimization, performance and scalability will be on the critical path on such cellular system. This master’s thesis work includes connecting a base station by using the wireless backhaul by introducing a VPN in the proposed network. We find the bottleneck and its solution. The network is using 3.5 GHz wireless link instead of LAN wire for backhaul link between the EnodeB and the core network (OpenEPC). LTE TDD band 42 acting as a Wireless Backhaul (Link between EnodeB and Band 42 CPE Router). The status and attachment procedure are observed from different nodes of the openEPC and from the VPN machine. Step by step we have established a tunnel between the CPE device and the VPN server using PPTP and L2TP with IPSec tunneling protocol. The progression towards the final implementation brings in step by step all difficulties and bottlenecks are documented in the study

    Firewall Traversal in Mobile IPv6 Networks

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    Middleboxes, wie zum Beispiel Firewalls, sind ein wichtiger Aspekt fĂŒr eine Großzahl moderner IP-Netzwerke. Heute IP-Netzwerke basieren ĂŒberwiegend auf IPv4 Technologien, daher sind viele Firewalls und Network Address Translators (NATs) ursprĂŒnglich fĂŒr diese Netzwerke entwickelt worden. Die Entwicklung von IPv6 Netzwerken findet zur Zeit statt. Da Mobile IPv6 ein relativ neuer Standard ist, unterstĂŒtzen die meisten Firewalls die fĂŒr IPv6 Netzwerke verfĂŒgbar sind, noch kein Mobile IPv6. Sofern Firewalls sich nicht der Details des Mobile IPv6 Protokolls bewusst sind, werden sie entweder Mobile IPv6 Kommunikation blockieren oder diesen sorgfĂ€ltig handhaben. Dieses stellt einen der HaupthinderunggrĂŒnde zum erfolgreichen Einsatz von Mobile IPv6 da.Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Probleme und Auswirkungen des Vorhandenseins von Middleboxes in Mobile IPv6 Umgebungen. Dazu wird zuerst erklĂ€rt welche Arten von Middleboxes es gibt, was genau eine Middlebox ist und wie eine solche Middlebox arbeiten und zweitens die Probleme identifiziert und die Auswirkungen des Vorhandenseins von Firewalls in Mobile IPv6 Umgebungen erklĂ€rt. Anschließend werden einige State-of-the-Art Middlebox Traversal AnsĂ€tze untersucht, die als mögliche Lösungen um die Mobile IPv6 Firewall Traversal Probleme zu bewĂ€ltigen betrachtet werden können. Es wird detailiert erklĂ€rt wie diese Lösungen arbeiten und ihre Anwendbarkeit fĂŒr Mobile IPv6 Firewall Traversal evaluiert.Als Hauptbeitrag bringt diese Arbeit zwei detailierte LösungsansĂ€tze ein, welche das Mobile IPv6 Firewall Traversal Problem bewĂ€ltigen können. Der erste Lösungsansatz, der NSIS basierte Mobile IPv6 Firewall Traversal, basiert auf dem Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS) Rahmenwerk und dem NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NAT/FW NSLP). Anschließend wird der zweite Lösungsansatz vorgestellt, der Mobile IPv6 Application Layer Gateway. Diese Arbeit erklĂ€rt detailiert, wie diese LösungsansĂ€tze die Probleme und Auswirkungen des Vorhandenseins von Middleboxes in Mobile IPv6 Umgebungen bewĂ€ltigen. Desweitern stellt diese Arbeit vor, wie die NSIS basierte Mobile IPv6 Firewall Traversal und die Mobile IPv6 Application Layer Gateway Proof-of-Concept Implementierungen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwicklet wurden, implementiert wurden. Abschließend werden die Proof-of-Concept Implementierungen sowie die beiden LösungsansĂ€tze allgemein evaluiert und analysiert

    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA
