42 research outputs found

    Towards making functional size measurement easily usable in practice

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    Functional Size Measurement methods \u2013like the IFPUG Function Point Analysis and COSMIC methods\u2013 are widely used to quantify the size of applications. However, the measurement process is often too long or too expensive, or it requires more knowledge than available when development effort estimates are due. To overcome these problems, simplified measurement methods have been proposed. This research explores easily usable functional size measurement method, aiming to improve efficiency, reduce difficulty and cost, and make functional size measurement widely adopted in practice. The first stage of the research involved the study of functional size measurement methods (in particular Function Point Analysis and COSMIC), simplified methods, and measurement based on measurement-oriented models. Then, we modeled a set of applications in a measurement-oriented way, and obtained UML models suitable for functional size measurement. From these UML models we derived both functional size measures and object-oriented measures. Using these measures it was possible to: 1) Evaluate existing simplified functional size measurement methods and derive our own simplified model. 2) Explore whether simplified method can be used in various stages of modeling and evaluate their accuracy. 3) Analyze the relationship between functional size measures and object oriented measures. In addition, the conversion between FPA and COSMIC was studied as an alternative simplified functional size measurement process. Our research revealed that: 1) In general it is possible to size software via simplified measurement processes with acceptable accuracy. In particular, the simplification of the measurement process allows the measurer to skip the function weighting phases, which are usually expensive, since they require a thorough analysis of the details of both data and operations. The models obtained from out dataset yielded results that are similar to those reported in the literature. All simplified measurement methods that use predefined weights for all the transaction and data types identified in Function Point Analysis provided similar results, characterized by acceptable accuracy. On the contrary, methods that rely on just one of the elements that contribute to functional size tend to be quite inaccurate. In general, different methods showed different accuracy for Real-Time and non Real-Time applications. 2) It is possible to write progressively more detailed and complete UML models of user requirements that provide the data required by the simplified COSMIC methods. These models yield progressively more accurate measures of the modeled software. Initial measures are based on simple models and are obtained quickly and with little effort. As V models grow in completeness and detail, the measures increase their accuracy. Developers that use UML for requirements modeling can obtain early estimates of the applications\u2018 sizes at the beginning of the development process, when only very simple UML models have been built for the applications, and can obtain increasingly more accurate size estimates while the knowledge of the products increases and UML models are refined accordingly. 3) Both Function Point Analysis and COSMIC functional size measures appear correlated to object-oriented measures. In particular, associations with basic object- oriented measures were found: Function Points appear associated with the number of classes, the number of attributes and the number of methods; CFP appear associated with the number of attributes. This result suggests that even a very basic UML model, like a class diagram, can support size measures that appear equivalent to functional size measures (which are much harder to obtain). Actually, object-oriented measures can be obtained automatically from models, thus dramatically decreasing the measurement effort, in comparison with functional size measurement. In addition, we proposed conversion method between Function Points and COSMIC based on analytical criteria. Our research has expanded the knowledge on how to simplify the methods for measuring the functional size of the software, i.e., the measure of functional user requirements. Basides providing information immediately usable by developers, the researchalso presents examples of analysis that can be replicated by other researchers, to increase the reliability and generality of the results

    Towards making functional size measurement easily usable in practice

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    Functional Size Measurement methods –like the IFPUG Function Point Analysis and COSMIC methods– are widely used to quantify the size of applications. However, the measurement process is often too long or too expensive, or it requires more knowledge than available when development effort estimates are due. To overcome these problems, simplified measurement methods have been proposed. This research explores easily usable functional size measurement method, aiming to improve efficiency, reduce difficulty and cost, and make functional size measurement widely adopted in practice. The first stage of the research involved the study of functional size measurement methods (in particular Function Point Analysis and COSMIC), simplified methods, and measurement based on measurement-oriented models. Then, we modeled a set of applications in a measurement-oriented way, and obtained UML models suitable for functional size measurement. From these UML models we derived both functional size measures and object-oriented measures. Using these measures it was possible to: 1) Evaluate existing simplified functional size measurement methods and derive our own simplified model. 2) Explore whether simplified method can be used in various stages of modeling and evaluate their accuracy. 3) Analyze the relationship between functional size measures and object oriented measures. In addition, the conversion between FPA and COSMIC was studied as an alternative simplified functional size measurement process. Our research revealed that: 1) In general it is possible to size software via simplified measurement processes with acceptable accuracy. In particular, the simplification of the measurement process allows the measurer to skip the function weighting phases, which are usually expensive, since they require a thorough analysis of the details of both data and operations. The models obtained from out dataset yielded results that are similar to those reported in the literature. All simplified measurement methods that use predefined weights for all the transaction and data types identified in Function Point Analysis provided similar results, characterized by acceptable accuracy. On the contrary, methods that rely on just one of the elements that contribute to functional size tend to be quite inaccurate. In general, different methods showed different accuracy for Real-Time and non Real-Time applications. 2) It is possible to write progressively more detailed and complete UML models of user requirements that provide the data required by the simplified COSMIC methods. These models yield progressively more accurate measures of the modeled software. Initial measures are based on simple models and are obtained quickly and with little effort. As V models grow in completeness and detail, the measures increase their accuracy. Developers that use UML for requirements modeling can obtain early estimates of the applications‘ sizes at the beginning of the development process, when only very simple UML models have been built for the applications, and can obtain increasingly more accurate size estimates while the knowledge of the products increases and UML models are refined accordingly. 3) Both Function Point Analysis and COSMIC functional size measures appear correlated to object-oriented measures. In particular, associations with basic object- oriented measures were found: Function Points appear associated with the number of classes, the number of attributes and the number of methods; CFP appear associated with the number of attributes. This result suggests that even a very basic UML model, like a class diagram, can support size measures that appear equivalent to functional size measures (which are much harder to obtain). Actually, object-oriented measures can be obtained automatically from models, thus dramatically decreasing the measurement effort, in comparison with functional size measurement. In addition, we proposed conversion method between Function Points and COSMIC based on analytical criteria. Our research has expanded the knowledge on how to simplify the methods for measuring the functional size of the software, i.e., the measure of functional user requirements. Basides providing information immediately usable by developers, the researchalso presents examples of analysis that can be replicated by other researchers, to increase the reliability and generality of the results

    Cocomo II as productivity measurement: a case study at KBC.

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    Software productivity is generally measured as the ratio of size over effort, whereby several techniques exist to measure the size. In this paper, we propose the innovative approach to use an estimation model as productivity measurement. This approach is applied in a case-study at the ICT-department of a bank and insurance company. The estimation model, in this case Cocomo II, is used as the norm to judge about productivity of application development projects. This research report describes on the one hand the set-up process of the measurement environment and on the other hand the measurement results. To gain insight in the measurement data, we developed a report which makes it possible to identify productivity improvement areas in the development process of the case-study company.

    Data analysis in software engineering: an approach to incremental data-driven effort estimation.

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    Cost and effort estimation in software projects have been investigated for several years. Nonetheless, compared to other engineering fields, there is still a large number of projects that fail into different phases due to prediction errors. On average, large IT projects run 45 percent over budget and seven percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less value than predicted. Several effort estimation models have been defined in the past, mainly based on user experience or on data collected in previous projects, but no studies support an incremental effort estimation and tracking. Iterative development techniques, and in particular Agile techniques, partially support the incremental effort estimation, but due to the complexity of the estimation, the total effort always tend to be higher than expected. Therefore, this work focuses on defining an adequate incremental and data driven estimation model so as to support developers and project managers to keep track of the remaining effort incrementally. The result of this work is a set of estimation models for effort estimation, based on a set of context factors, such as the domain of application developed, size of the project team and other characteristics. Moreover, in this work we do not aim at defining a model with generic parameters to be applied in similar context, but we define a mathematical approach so as to customize the model for each development team. The first step of this work focused on analysis of the existing estimation models and collection of evidence on the accuracy of each model. We then defined our approach based on Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis (OLS)so as to investigate the existence of a correlation between the actual effort and other characteristics. While building the OLS models we analyzed the data set and removed the outliers to prevent them from unduly influencing the OLS regression lines obtained. In order to validate the result we apply a 10-fold cross-validation assessing the accuracy of the results in terms of R2, MRE and MdMRE. The model has been applied to two different case studies. First, we analyzed a large number of projects developed by means of the waterfall process. Then, we analyzed an Agile process, so as to understand if the developed model is also applicable to agile methodologies. In the first case study we want to understand if we can define an effort estimation model to predict the effort of the next development phase based on the effort already spent. For this reason, we investigated if it is possible to use: \u2022 the effort of one phase for estimating the effort of the next development phase \u2022 the effort of one phase for estimating the remaining project effort \u2022 the effort spent up to a development phase to estimate its effort \u2022 the effort spent up to a development phase to estimate the remaining project effort Then, we investigated if the prediction accuracy can be improved considering other common context factors such as project domain, development language, development platform, development process, programming language and number of Function Points. We analyzed projects collected in the ISBSG dataset and, considering the different context factors available, we run a total of 4500 analysis, to understand which are the more suitable factors to be applied in a specific context. The results of this first case study show a set of statistically significant correlations between: (1) the effort spent in one phase and the effort spent in the following one; (2) the effort spent in a phase and the remaining effort; (3) the cumulative effort up to the current phase and the remaining effort. However, the results also show that these estimation models come with different degrees of goodness of fit. Finally, including further information, such as the functional size, does not significantly improve estimation quality. In the second case study, a project developed with an agile methodology (SCRUM) has been analyzed. In this case, we want to understand if is possible to use our estimation approach, so as to help developers to increase the accuracy of the expert based estimation. SCRUM, effort estimations are carried out at the beginning of each sprint, usually based on story points. The usage of functional size measures, specifically selected for the type of application and development conditions, is expected to allow for more accurate effort estimates. The goal of the work presented here is to verify this hypothesis, based on experimental data. The association of story measures to actual effort and the accuracy of the resulting effort model is evaluated. The study shows that developers\u2019 estimation is more accurate than those based on functional measurement. In conclusion, our study shows that, easy to collect functional measures do not help developers in improving the accuracy of the effort estimation in Moonlight SCRUM. These models derived in our work can be used by project managers and developers that need to estimate or control the project effort in a development process. These models can also be used by the developers to track their performances and understand the reasons of effort estimation errors. Finally the model help project managers to react as soon as possible and reduce project failures due to estimation errors. The detailed results are reported in the next sections as follows: \u2022 Chapter 1 reports the introduction to this work \u2022 Chapter 2 reports the related literature review on effort estimation techniques \u2022 Chapter 3 reports the proposed effort estimation approach \u2022 Chapter 4 describe the application of our approach to Waterfall process \u2022 Chapter 5 describe the application of our approach to SCRUM \u2022 Chapter 6 reports the conclusion and the future work

    Revisión sistemática de estudios realizados sobre comparaciones de los métodos de estimación de tamaño funcional IFPUG FPA y COSMIC sobre proyectos SOA

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    En la Ingeniería de Software, la estimación de proyectos es considerado un tema importante pues ayuda a la mejora del desarrollo del proyecto. Dentro de las diversas variables a estimar, tres son las más relevantes: el tamaño del software, el esfuerzo y el cronograma. Como la estimación de costos radica básicamente en estimar el tamaño de software así como la cantidad de personas necesarias para desarrollar el producto, se ha decidido centrar el estudio en la estimación del tamaño del software. Ahora, el tamaño de software puede ser cuantificado usando diferentes técnicas, como las líneas de código y los métodos de medición de tamaño funcional, etc. Nosotros nos centraremos en analizar los métodos IFPUG FPA y COSMIC. Por esta razón, la presente tesis presentará una revisión sistemática de estudios realizados sobre comparaciones de los métodos de estimación de tamaño funcional IFPUG FPA y COSMIC sobre proyectos SOA. El objetivo será el poder encontrar y analizar los diferentes trabajos que se han realizado para adaptar los métodos de estimación de tamaño funcional IFPUG FPA y COSMIC sobre proyectos SOA. Para lograr ello, se ha desarrollado esta tesis en seis capítulos. En el primero, se plantean las definiciones de los métodos de estimación IFPUG FPA y COSMIC, y el concepto SOA. En el segundo, se incluye la definición de una revisión sistemática así como los trabajos realizados de revisiones sistemáticas aplicadas a proyectos SOA. En el tercero, se presenta la planificación de la aplicación de la revisión sistemática donde se incluyen el desarrollo del protocolo, la formulación de las preguntas de investigación y la estrategia para la búsqueda. En el cuarto, se presenta la aplicación de la revisión sistemática. En el quinto, se presentan los resultados de la revisión, y en el último capítulo se incluyen las conclusiones y los trabajos futuros.Tesi

    Estimation model for software testing

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    Testing of software applications and assurance of compliance have become an essential part of Information Technology (IT) governance of organizations. Over the years, software testing has evolved into a specialization with its own practices and body of knowledge. Test estimation consists of the estimation of effort and working out the cost for a particular level of testing, using various methods, tools, and techniques. An incorrect estimation often leads to inadequate amount of testing which, in turn, can lead to failures of software systems when they are deployed in organizations. This research work has first established the state of the art of software test estimation, followed by the proposal of a Unified Framework for Software Test Estimation. Using this framework, a number of detailed estimation models have been designed next for functional testing. The ISBSG database has been used to investigate the estimation of software testing. The analysis of the ISBSG data has revealed three test productivity patterns representing economies and diseconomies of scale, based on which the characteristics of the corresponding projects were investigated. The three project groups related to the three productivity patterns were found to be statistically significant, and characterised by application domain, team size, elapsed time, and rigour of verification and validation throughout development. Within each project group, the variations in test efforts could be explained by the activities carried out during the development and processes adopted for testing, in addition to functional size. Two new independent variables, the quality of the development processes (DevQ) and the quality of testing processes (TestQ), were identified as influential in the estimation models. Portfolios of estimation models were built for different data sets using combinations of the three independent variables. At estimation time, an estimator could choose the project group by mapping the characteristics of the project to be estimated to the attributes of the project group, in order to choose the model closest to it. The quality of each model has been evaluated using established criteria such as R2, Adj R2, MRE, MedMRE and Maslow’s Cp. Models have been compared using their predictive performance, adopting new criteria proposed in this research work. Test estimation models using functional size measured in COSMIC Function Points have exhibited better quality and resulted in more accurate estimation, compared to functional size measured in IFPUG Function Points. A prototype software is now developed using statistical “R” programming language, incorporating portfolios of estimation models. This test estimation tool can be used by industry and academia for estimating test efforts

    Evaluating an automated procedure of machine learning parameter tuning for software effort estimation

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    Software effort estimation requires accurate prediction models. Machine learning algorithms have been used to create more accurate estimation models. However, these algorithms are sensitive to factors such as the choice of hyper-parameters. To reduce this sensitivity, automated approaches for hyper-parameter tuning have been recently investigated. There is a need for further research on the effectiveness of such approaches in the context of software effort estimation. These evaluations could help understand which hyper-parameter settings can be adjusted to improve model accuracy, and in which specific contexts tuning can benefit model performance. The goal of this work is to develop an automated procedure for machine learning hyper-parameter tuning in the context of software effort estimation. The automated procedure builds and evaluates software effort estimation models to determine the most accurate evaluation schemes. The methodology followed in this work consists of first performing a systematic mapping study to characterize existing hyper-parameter tuning approaches in software effort estimation, developing the procedure to automate the evaluation of hyper-parameter tuning, and conducting controlled quasi experiments to evaluate the automated procedure. From the systematic literature mapping we discovered that effort estimation literature has favored the use of grid search. The results we obtained in our quasi experiments demonstrated that fast, less exhaustive tuners were viable in place of grid search. These results indicate that randomly evaluating 60 hyper-parameters can be as good as grid search, and that multiple state-of-the-art tuners were only more effective than this random search in 6% of the evaluated dataset-model combinations. We endorse random search, genetic algorithms, flash, differential evolution, and tabu and harmony search as effective tuners.Los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático han sido utilizados para crear modelos con mayor precisión para la estimación del esfuerzo del desarrollo de software. Sin embargo, estos algoritmos son sensibles a factores, incluyendo la selección de hiper parámetros. Para reducir esto, se han investigado recientemente algoritmos de ajuste automático de hiper parámetros. Es necesario evaluar la efectividad de estos algoritmos en el contexto de estimación de esfuerzo. Estas evaluaciones podrían ayudar a entender qué hiper parámetros se pueden ajustar para mejorar los modelos, y en qué contextos esto ayuda el rendimiento de los modelos. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un procedimiento automatizado para el ajuste de hiper parámetros para algoritmos de aprendizaje automático aplicados a la estimación de esfuerzo del desarrollo de software. La metodología seguida en este trabajo consta de realizar un estudio de mapeo sistemático para caracterizar los algoritmos de ajuste existentes, desarrollar el procedimiento automatizado, y conducir cuasi experimentos controlados para evaluar este procedimiento. Mediante el mapeo sistemático descubrimos que la literatura en estimación de esfuerzo ha favorecido el uso de la búsqueda en cuadrícula. Los resultados obtenidos en nuestros cuasi experimentos demostraron que algoritmos de estimación no-exhaustivos son viables para la estimación de esfuerzo. Estos resultados indican que evaluar aleatoriamente 60 hiper parámetros puede ser tan efectivo como la búsqueda en cuadrícula, y que muchos de los métodos usados en el estado del arte son solo más efectivos que esta búsqueda aleatoria en 6% de los escenarios. Recomendamos el uso de la búsqueda aleatoria, algoritmos genéticos y similares, y la búsqueda tabú y harmónica.Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e InformáticaCentro de Investigaciones en Tecnologías de la Información y ComunicaciónUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Ingeniería::Maestría Académica en Computación e Informátic

    Implementation of COSMIC Function Points (CFP) as primary input to COCOMO II: Study of conversion to line of code using regression and support vector regression models

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    In COCOMO II, the primary input for estimating development effort in person month (PM), duration, and cost is the size of the software. Until now, there are two ways to get the size, namely (1) size is estimated using a line of code of software, and (2) size is estimated using unadjusted function points (UFP), which is one of the functional size measurements (FSM). In this study, we added a new way to obtain the size as the primary input in COCOMO II, namely with COSMIC function points (CFP). CFP has several advantages compared to other FSMs, including UFP. Therefore, like UFP, CFP is converted first to LOC, so the conversion equation must be obtained first. We applied four models to get the conversion functions: Ordinary least squares regression (OLSR), support vector regression (SVR) with linear, polynomial, and Gaussian kernel functions. The four models were applied using a dataset from small-scale business application software in Java. The results showed that PM estimation using the CFP model as the primary input produced better accuracy based on MMRE and Pred (0.25), namely 17%-19% and 67%-80%, than the UFP model on the COCOMO II of 135% and 10