1,680 research outputs found

    A terapia de integração sensorial como facilitadora do desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional em crianças com perturbação do espectro autista e o papel das TIC

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    Sensory Integration Therapy (SIT) is a widely known and used intervention by a lot of professionals and practitioners in the field of special education as being an enabler of functionality of the child. Through intervention, the sensory processing components that have been affected are targeted. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is highly affected by sensory modulation disorder (SMD), a special subcategory of sensory processing disorder (SPD) that is expressed in various ways causing activation of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) leading to biological and physiological stress. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a complex set of skills that drive us to higher mental states. According to theorists the basis of these skills is the ability to manage and regulate stimulus. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the connections between SIT and EI in children with ASD. In the introduction basic definitions and concepts of ASD and SIT are analyzed and in the main part correlations between EI and SMD are made, discussing the effectiveness of SIT in ASD children.La Terapia de Integración Sensorial (SIT, por sus siglas en inglés) es una intervención ampliamente conocida utilizada por muchos profesionales y practicantes en el campo de la educación especial como facilitadora del funcionamiento infantil. A través de la intervención, los componentes del procesamiento sensorial que se han visto afectados son objeto de intervención. El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se ve muy afectado por el Trastorno de Modulación Sensorial (SMD), una subcategoría especial del Trastorno del Procesamiento Sensorial (SPD) que se expresa de varias maneras, desencadenando la activación del Sistema Nervioso Autonómico (SNA) , lo que conduce a estrés biológico y fisiológico. La Inteligencia Emocional (IE) es un conjunto complejo de habilidades que nos llevan a estados mentales superiores. Según los teóricos, la base de estas habilidades es la capacidad de gestionar y regular los estímulos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es investigar los vínculos entre SIT y EI en niños con TEA. En la introducción se analizan las definiciones y conceptos básicos de TEA y SIT y, en su mayor parte, se realizan correlaciones entre IE y SMD, discutiendo la efectividad de SIT en niños con TEA.A Terapia de Integração Sensorial (SIT) é uma intervenção amplamente conhecida e utilizada por muitos profissionais e praticantes no domínio da educação especial como facilitadora da funcionalidade da criança. Através da intervenção, os componentes do processamento sensorial que foram afetados são alvo de intervenção. A Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo (PEA) é uma perturbação do neurodesenvolvimento muito afetada pela perturbação da modulação sensorial (SMD), uma subcategoria especial da perturbação do processamento sensorial (SPD) que se exprime de várias formas, provocando a ativação do Sistema Nervoso Autónomo (SNA), o que leva a um stress biológico e fisiológico. A Inteligência Emocional (IE) é um conjunto complexo de competências que nos conduzem a estados mentais mais elevados. De acordo com os teóricos, a base destas competências é a capacidade de gerir e regular os estímulos. O objetivo desta revisão da literatura é investigar as ligações entre os SIT e a IE em crianças com PEA. Na introdução, são analisadas as definições e os conceitos básicos de PEA e de SIT e, na parte principal, são feitas correlações entre a IE e o SMD, discutindo-se a eficácia do SIT em crianças com PEA

    Risikofaktoren und Prävention aggressiven Verhaltens von Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    Contrary to often very simplified explanatory approaches published in the media, the ongoing research takes into account a multi-causal framework and different developmental processes with respect to the causes of aggressive behavior. Meanwhile, a bio-psycho-social model has been established which broadly describes the conditions correlating with the development of aggressive behavior. In addition to the developmental risk and the protective factors listed in this model, situative factors such as provocation, special incentives, ownership of weapons and other provoking factors are also decisive. In accordance with the broad range of developmental and triggering factors, numerous interventions and most of all preventive programs are suggested to reduce aggressive behavior. One of the most intensively evaluated and internationally known prevention programs is “Faustlos” (“without fists”). This article outlines evaluation outcomes, content and structure of the Faustlos-curriculum. The text also summarizes the risk and protective factors for aggressive behavior in children and adolescents. (DIPF/Orig.)Im Gegensatz zu den teilweise sehr vereinfachenden Erklärungsansätzen in den Medien, ist bezüglich der Ursachen für aggressives Verhalten von einem multikausalen Bedingungsgefüge und unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsverläufen aggressiven Verhaltens auszugehen. Für eine umfassende Beschreibung der Bedingungen, die mit der Entstehung aggressiven Verhaltens korrelieren, hat sich inzwischen ein bio-psycho-soziales Modell etabliert. Neben den hier aufgeführten ursächlichen Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren sind für das Auftreten aggressiver Verhaltensweisen auch situative Faktoren wie Provokationen, spezielle Anreize, Waffenbesitz und andere auslösende Momente entscheidend. Entsprechend der breiten Palette ursächlicher und auslösender Faktoren werden zur Eindämmung aggressiven Verhalten vielfältige Interventions- und v.a. Präventionsmaßnahmen vorgeschlagen. Eines der am intensivsten evaluierten und international sehr verbreiteten Präventionsprogramme ist „Faustlos“. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Evaluationsergebnisse, Inhalte und Struktur des Faustlos-Programms beschrieben, und es werden die Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren aggressiven Verhaltens von Kindern und Jugendlichen zusammenfassend dargestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Aprendizagem Digital: Modelos diferenciados de ensino utilizando TICs para alunos com problemas de visão – Boas práticas: Jogando entre 1 a 10

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    The idea of inclusion encourages an inclusive, open-door school. By adapting formal instruction to standard instruction that is acceptable for everyone while taking into account the requirements, quirks, skills, interests, and experiences of each student, the use of ICTs aids in this direction. One such group is the visually challenged, whose inclusion in general education classes is made possible with the use of ICTs. In the current study, a method of individualized education in the field of mathematics is developed and put into practice, allowing all students-visually impaired or not-to master the mathematical operation of adding to the first ten at their own speed and time. Results show that differentiated instruction improves students' ability to understand mathematical operations: ADDITION from 1 to 10.La idea de inclusión fomenta una escuela inclusiva y de puertas abiertas. Al adaptar la instrucción formal a la instrucción estándar aceptable para todos, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, intereses y experiencias de cada estudiante, el uso de las TIC ayuda en esta dirección. Uno de estos grupos es el de los discapacitados visuales, cuya inclusión en las clases de educación general es posible con el uso de las TIC. En el presente estudio se desarrolla y pone en práctica un método de enseñanza individualizado en el área de matemáticas, que permite a todos los alumnos -con discapacidad visual o no- dominar la operación matemática de sumar al top ten a su propio ritmo y tiempo. Los resultados muestran que la enseñanza diferenciada mejora la capacidad de los estudiantes para comprender las operaciones matemáticas: SUMA del 1 al 10.A ideia de inclusão incentiva uma escola inclusiva e de portas abertas. Ao adaptar a instrução formal à instrução padrão aceitável para todos, levando em conta os requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, interesses e experiências de cada aluno, o uso das TICs auxilia nessa direção. Um desses grupos é o dos deficientes visuais, cuja inclusão nas classes de educação geral é possível com o uso das TICs. No presente estudo, é desenvolvido e colocado em prática um método de ensino individualizado na área da matemática, permitindo que todos os alunos-deficientes visuais ou não-dominem a operação matemática de somar aos dez primeiros no seu próprio ritmo e tempo. Os resultados mostram que o ensino diferenciado melhora a capacidade dos alunos de entender as operações matemáticas: ADIÇÃO de 1 a 10

    Developing the scales on evaluation beliefs of student teachers

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    The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to investigate the validity and the reliability of a newly developed questionnaire named ‘Teacher Evaluation Beliefs’ (TEB). The framework for developing items was provided by the two models. The first model focuses on Student-Centered and Teacher-Centered beliefs about evaluation while the other centers on five dimensions (what/ who/ when/ why/ how). The validity and reliability of the new instrument was investigated using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study (n=446). Overall results indicate that the two-factor structure is more reasonable than the five-factor one. Further research needs additional items about the latent dimensions “what” ”who” ”when” ”why” “how” for each existing factor based on Student-centered and Teacher-centered approaches

    Estratégias & tecnologias digitais para a integração do Autismo

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    The number of people with Autism spectrum disorders is increasing significantly. The purpose of this literature review is to contribute to the integration of autistic people in the educational context with the help of technological means. Educators' views on the education they should provide to students so that autistic people feel accepted by their peers and have equal and inclusive opportunities are listed. People on the Autism spectrum have difficulties in important pillars such as communication, memory, and attention. Strategies are presented for teachers to achieve the inclusion of students and the role of assistive technology, and its benefits are identified for people with Autism with the main benefit being the improvement of communication skills, the improvement of organization activities, memory, and attention.El número de personas con trastornos del espectro autista está aumentando significativamente. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue contribuir a la integración de las personas autistas en el contexto educativo con la ayuda de medios tecnológicos. Se enumeran las opiniones de los educadores sobre la educación que deben ofrecer a los alumnos para que las personas autistas se sientan aceptadas por sus compañeros y tengan oportunidades equitativas e inclusivas. Las personas en el espectro del autismo tienen dificultades con pilares importantes como la comunicación, la memoria y la atención. Se presentan estrategias para que los docentes logren la inclusión de los estudiantes y el rol de la tecnología asistiva, y se identifican sus beneficios para las personas con autismo, siendo el principal beneficio la mejora de las habilidades comunicativas, la mejora de las actividades de organización, memoria y atención.O número de pessoas com transtornos do espectro do Autismo está aumentando significativamente. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi contribuir para a integração de pessoas autistas no contexto educacional com o auxílio de meios tecnológicos. São listadas as opiniões dos educadores sobre a educação que devem oferecer aos alunos para que os autistas se sintam aceitos por seus pares e tenham oportunidades iguais e inclusivas. As pessoas no espectro do Autismo apresentam dificuldades em pilares importantes como comunicação, memória e atenção. São apresentadas estratégias para os professores conseguirem a inclusão dos alunos e o papel da tecnologia assistiva, e são identificados seus benefícios para pessoas com autismo sendo o principal benefício, a melhora das habilidades de comunicação, a melhora das atividades de organização, memória e atenção

    Exploring the Learning Gains of Implementing Teacher Humanoid Robots in STEM Education: A Systematic Review

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    Εducational (or pedagogical) robotics has received increased attention over the last few years based on its effectiveness on the learning process. Humanoid robots have been recently introduced in school settings to mainly support teaching of curriculum-based subjects. However, humanoid robots’ benefits on STEM education in typical classroom settings are less examined by the research literature. Instead, most research studies take place in non-typical school or classroom settings (such as laboratories). The main goal of the current review is to sum up results of relevant research studies about the positive impact of teacher humanoid robots on STEM education. The learning benefits in STEM subjects, programming and reasoning skills are examined too. Sample subject of this review are mainstream students aged 4 to 18 years old and research studies are grouped based on their commonalities such as common learning areas and results

    Intergenerational Education for Social Inclusion and Solidarity: The Case Study of the EU Funded Project "Connecting Generations"

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    This paper reflects on lessons learned from a validated model of international collaboration based on research and practice. During the European Year for Active Ageing, a partnership of seven organizations from the European Union plus Turkey implemented the Lifelong Learning Programme partnership “Connecting Generations‘ which involved universities, non-governmental organizations, third age Universities and municipalities in collaboration with local communities. Reckoning that Europe has dramatically changed in its demographic composition and is facing brand new challenges regarding intergenerational and intercultural solidarity, each partner formulated and tested innovative and creative practices that could enhance better collaboration and mutual understanding between youth and senior citizens, toward a more inclusive Europe for all. Several innovative local practices have experimented, attentively systematized and peer-valuated among the partners. On the basis of a shared theoretical framework coherent with EU and Europe and Training 2020 Strategy, an action-research approach was adopted throughout the project in order to understand common features that have been replicated and scaled up since today


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    Este artigo investiga as tendências atuais na transformação de laboratórios STEM na era da digitalização devido à integração de tecnologias digitais e ao reconhecimento da importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades metacognitivas. O artigo examina o papel da metacognição e seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem, bem como o uso de tecnologias digitais, como laboratórios remotos, laboratórios virtuais, realidade aumentada, realidade virtual e dispositivos móveis na educação STEM. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o uso dessas tecnologias digitais pode ser benéfico para a aprendizagem de ciências no ensino superior e secundário. Além disso, essas tecnologias podem ser usadas para promover o engajamento, a colaboração e o acesso dos alunos ao conhecimento científico. Além disso, a metacognição é uma habilidade importante para professores e alunos, e pode ser desenvolvida através do uso da pirâmide do conhecimento, pirâmide de inteligência emocional, pirâmide metacognitiva e modelos de pirâmide de superdotação.This paper investigates the current trends in the transformation of STEM laboratories in the age of digitization due to the integration of digital technologies and the recognition of the importance of developing metacognitive skills. The paper examines the role of metacognition and its impact on the learning process, as well as the use of digital technologies such as remote labs, virtual labs, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mobile devices in STEM education. Results from this research suggest that the use of these digital technologies can be beneficial for science learning in both higher and secondary education. Additionally, these technologies can be used to promote student engagement, collaboration, and access to scientific knowledge. Furthermore, metacognition is an important skill for both teachers and students, and can be developed through the use of the knowledge pyramid, emotional intelligence pyramid, metacognitive pyramid, and giftedness pyramid models.Este artículo investiga las tendencias actuales en la transformación de los laboratorios STEM en la era de la digitalización debido a la integración de tecnologías digitales y al reconocimiento de la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas. El documento examina el papel de la metacognición y su impacto en el proceso de aprendizaje, así como el uso de tecnologías digitales como laboratorios remotos, laboratorios virtuales, realidad aumentada, realidad virtual y dispositivos móviles en la educación STEM. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren que el uso de estas tecnologías digitales puede ser beneficioso para el aprendizaje de las ciencias tanto en la educación superior como en la secundaria. Además, estas tecnologías pueden utilizarse para promover la participación, colaboración y acceso al conocimiento científico por parte de los estudiantes. Además, la metacognición es una habilidad importante tanto para profesores como para estudiantes y puede desarrollarse mediante el uso de los modelos de pirámide del conocimiento, pirámide de inteligencia emocional, pirámide metacognitiva y pirámide de talento.Este artigo investiga as tendências atuais na transformação de laboratórios STEM na era da digitalização devido à integração de tecnologias digitais e ao reconhecimento da importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades metacognitivas. O artigo examina o papel da metacognição e seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem, bem como o uso de tecnologias digitais, como laboratórios remotos, laboratórios virtuais, realidade aumentada, realidade virtual e dispositivos móveis na educação STEM. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o uso dessas tecnologias digitais pode ser benéfico para a aprendizagem de ciências no ensino superior e secundário. Além disso, essas tecnologias podem ser usadas para promover o engajamento, a colaboração e o acesso dos alunos ao conhecimento científico. Além disso, a metacognição é uma habilidade importante para professores e alunos, e pode ser desenvolvida através do uso da pirâmide do conhecimento, pirâmide de inteligência emocional, pirâmide metacognitiva e modelos de pirâmide de superdotação

    Systems action design research : delineation of an application to develop hybrid local climate services

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    In this thesis, a Systems Action Design Research (SADR) model was developed, which allows the Action Design Research Paradigm to be extended to process hybrid systems of stationary or changing interacting systems; including both quantitative and qualitative aspects. The crucial challenge is to get the experts and grass-root end-users to work together actively in a participatory and cocreative way instead of the foremost current expert dominated practices. Hence the basic model is engaged with an epistemic Delphi entry process, which considers the particular application. This study delineates a unique application to develop hybrid local climate services, which take into account also humanitarian values and presents three case studies done in Mozambique, Kenya, and Tanzania conducted by design thinking.Tutkimuksessa on kehitetty vuorovaikutteisten järjestelmien toiminnan suunnittelun tutkimusmalli, joka laajentaa aikaisempia toiminnan suunnittelun tutkimusmalleja stationaarisiin tai muuttuviin vuorovaikutteisiin mahdollisimman kokonaisvaltaisiin eli hybrideihin järjestelmiin. Malli ottaa huomioon sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia tekijöitä. Vielä nykyisin vallalla olevien asiantuntijapainotteisten käytäntöjen välttämättömänä haasteena on saattaa asiantuntijat ja ruohonjuuritason loppukäyttäjät työskentelemään yhteisen luovuuden merkeissä osallistavalla tavalla. Tästä syystä kehitetyn mallin olennaisena osana on episteeminen, sovelluskohtainen Delphi-prosessi. Sovelluksena toteutettavien hybridien paikallisten loppukäyttäjien tietotarpeita palvelevien mobiili-ilmastomallien osalta viitoitetaan tämän sovelluksen pääpiirteet tutkimuksessa esitetyn mallin näkökulmasta sekä esitetään kolmen Itä-Afrikassa (Mosambik, Kenia ja Tansania) suunnitteluajattelun mukaisesti toteutetun ideointiprojektin ehdotukset. Kehitettävissä mobiiliilmastopalveluissa otetaan soveltuvin osin huomioon myös humanitaariset arvot. Tulokset osoittavat, että kehitetty malli voi avata uusia näköaloja hybridien paikallisten mobiili-ilmastopalvelujen kehittämiseen ruohonjuuritason viljelijöille

    Digitizing Sociology: Continuity and Change in the Internet Era

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    This article outlines and contextualizes the development of digital sociology as an introduction to this e-special issue, charting the development of the field through the pages of the journal, Sociology. In doing so, the article sketches key contours of this rich and varied terrain, accenting how technological innovation has permeated the domains of politics, culture and society. Of central concern has been the intellectual origins of ‘digital sociology’. While first coined in 2009, the article highlights a longer history, noting the continued resonance of modernity’s currents of categorization, ordering and rationality while recognizing the crucial shifts brought by digitally mediated life. The article then discusses landmark articles contributing to the development of digital sociology, beginning with interventions seeking to theorize digital society. We then turn to articles focusing on methodological questions before addressing the digital turn in selected areas of enduring sociological concern including: work and organizations; inequality; migration; activism; communities; emotions; and everyday life. The article concludes with a series of observations regarding potential futures of digital sociological analyses