1,844 research outputs found


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    From the beginning, the world of game-playing by machine has been fortunate in attracting contributions from the leading names of computer science. Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, John von Neumann, John McCarthy, Alan Newell, Herb Simon and Ken Thompson all come to mind, and each reader will wish to add to this list. Recently, the Journal has saluted both Claude Shannon and Herb Simon. Ken’s retirement from Lucent Technologies’ Bell Labs to the start-up Entrisphere is also a good moment for reflection

    The exclusion of exclusion in social capital

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    In this paper we argue that many scholars using the conceptual framework of social capital have largely ignored or minimised two important elements: closure and emergence. First we chart the rise of social capital (section two), then we outline some of the existing criticisms of social capital (section three). In section four, we offer a four-way classification system, based on the recognition of emergence and/or closure, of the most popular and widely utilised definitions of social capital. Such categorisation allows for the analysis of how social capital is understood across academic disciplines and how it has been taken up in the policy making arena. Finally we argue that it is only by conceptualising social capital as having emergent properties and as inherently exclusionary that it becomes theoretically and analytically useful to sociological enquiry.

    Organisational change and the computerisation of British and Spanish savings banks, 1965-1985

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    In this article we explore organisational changes associated with the automation of financial intermediaries in Spain and the UK. This international comparison looks at the evolution of the same organisational form in two distinct competitive environments. Changes in regulation and technological developments (particularly applications of information technology) are said to be responsible for enhancing competitiveness of retail finance. Archival research on the evolution of savings banks helps to ascertain how, prior to competitive changes taking place, participants in bank markets had to develop capabilities to compete

    The Spanish savings banks and the competitive cooperation model (1928-2002)

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    This paper explores the relationship between the nature of Spanish Savings banks and the extent of their market success during the twentieth century. It deals with the key factors that have made so good a performance possible, such as: their ability to promote private saving, to cooperate with government economic policy, to adapt to changing circumstances, to operate in particular geographical areas, and to cooperate with one another. Finally, the paper deals with this last factor in depth. The competitive cooperation model is used to explain the outstanding role of the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks in making the strategic alliance among the Spanish savings banks possible.

    Natural Resources and Public Lands

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    Organisational change and the computerisation of British and Spanish savings banks, 1965-1985

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    In this article we explore organisational changes associated with the automation of financial intermediaries in Spain and the UK. This international comparison looks at the evolution of the same organisational form in two distinct competitive environments. Changes in regulation and technological developments (particularly applications of information technology) are said to be responsible for enhancing competitiveness of retail finance. Archival research on the evolution of savings banks helps to ascertain how, prior to competitive changes taking place, participants in bank markets had to develop capabilities to compete.comparative financial markets; United Kingdom; Spain; market structure; technological change; regulatory change; savings banks; banks

    Focused on Global Agreements and Declarations

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 국제농업기술대학원 국제농업기술학과, 2021.8. 이하은.Most of the commodity crops are produced by low-income countries in the Global South and consumed in the Global North. Due to their vulnerability to price fluctuation, their prices have been regulated by commodity agreements between producing and consuming countries. However, after these prices were decided through the market, price regulation was no longer included in the negotiation agenda of commodity agreements. The cocoa sector has continued its collective global efforts to address various environmental and social issues even after the issue of price regulation was addressed. This study investigated global cocoa governance through analyzing global cocoa actors, rules, and agendas through a content analysis of global agreements such as International Cocoa Agreements, World Cocoa Declarations, and Global Cocoa Farmers Declaration. The results indicated a transition in the three aforementioned aspects over time. First, the actors and agendas in the sector diversified. Starting from the 2000s, private actors emerged and actively participated in forming global cocoa agendas and suggesting solutions to cocoa-related problems. Accordingly, more varied issues other than price fluctuation are included in the agendas. Second, global cocoa rules were softened. Treaties among countries have controlled the global cocoa industry. Recently-introduced soft laws enabled diverse issues to be addressed and facilitated the participation of various actors. Third, coordination was emphasized at the international and state level. The inclusion of varied actors and agendas necessitated the alignment of efforts for improving global cocoa governance. Aiming to tackle issues through interaction among actors, rules, and agendas, global cocoa governance has been evolving in three distinct ways: diversification, flexibilization, and coordination대부분의 상품 작물은 남반구의 저소득 국가에서 생산되고 북반구에서 소비된다. 가격 변동에 취약한 상품 작물은 수급 불균형 예방과 수출국 농가의 생계유지 등에 대한 이유로 수출 수입국 사이의 상품작물 조약을 통해 가격을 조정해왔다. 그러나 시장을 통한 가격 결정이 이루어지면서 가격 조정은 주요 협상 의제에서 사라졌다. 다른 상품작물과 달리 코코아 산업은 가격 조정 이슈가 사라진 후에도 산림 벌채, 아동 노동, 농가 저소득 등과 같은 다양한 환경, 사회, 경제 문제를 해결하기 위해 조약을 통한 협상을 꾸준히 추진하는 독특한 특성을 보여준다. 본 연구는 거버넌스 프레임워크를 사용하여, 코코아 산업 내 문제를 해결하기 위해 등장한 글로벌 코코아 거버넌스 시스템을 분석하였다. 국제 코코아 협정 (International Cocoa Agreements), 세계 코코아 선언 (World Cocoa Declaration), 국제 코코아 농부 선언 (Global Cocoa Farmers Declaration) 등 국제 협약과 선언을 분석대상으로 글로벌 코코아 산업과 관련된 행위자, 규칙, 의제를 규명하고 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 글로벌 코코아 거버넌스의 세 가지 특징이 증명되었다. 첫째, 행위자와 의제가 다양화되었다. 2000년대부터 민간 부문 행위자들이 등장하여 글로벌 코코아 의제를 구성하고 코코아 관련 문제에 대한 해결책을 제시하는 데 적극적으로 참여하였다. 이에 따라 가격 변동 외에 더 다양한 이슈들이 의제에 포함되었다. 둘째, 글로벌 코코아 규칙이 유연해졌다. 법적 구속력이 강한 국가 간 조약이 글로벌 코코아 산업의 주요 규칙으로 기능함과 동시에, 최근 법적 구속력이 약한 선언을 통해 다양한 의제가 강조되기 시작했다. 이와 같은 변화는 다양한 행위자들의 참여를 독려함으로써 글로벌 코코아 거버넌스를 형성과 추진에 기여하였다. 셋째, 국제 정책과 국가 단위 정책 간 조정을 위한 노력이 시도되었다. 의제와 행위자가 다양해짐에 따라 글로벌 코코아 거버넌스의 효과성 향상을 위해 서로 다른 수준의 정책 간 조정과 조화가 더 중요해졌다. 본 연구는 글로벌 코코아 산업에서 드러나는 거버넌스 현상을 집중적으로 분석하였다는 데 의의가 있다. 글로벌 코코아 거버넌스는 세 가지 특징-다양화, 유연화, 정책 조정을 나타내며 변화해왔다. 코코아 산업은 행위자, 규칙, 의제가 상호작용하면서 글로벌 거버넌스의 전환 과정을 거치고 있다.1. Introduction 1 1.1. World Cocoa Production 2 1.2. Global commodity market 6 1.3. Research Objective 12 2. Literature Review 13 3. Theoretical Background 15 3.1. Global Governance 15 3.2. Modes of Governance 20 3.3. Treaty and Declaration 23 4. Research Design and Methodology 26 5. Results 31 5.1. Global Actors in the Cocoa Sector 31 5.2. Global rules in the Cocoa Sector 37 5.3. Global Agendas in the Cocoa Sector 39 5.3.1. Consistent Agendas in ICCA 39 5.3.2. Emerging and Withdrawn Agendas in ICCA 40 5.3.3. Agendas in International Cocoa Declarations 46 6. Discussion 51 6.1. Diversification 51 6.2. Flexibilization 62 6.3. Coordination 63 7. Conclusion 65 Reference 67 국 문 초 록 76석

    Responsible Research and Innovation between \u201cnew governance\u201d and fundamental rights

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    This chapter frames RRI as an emerging governance approach in the EU regulatory context. We argue that reference to fundamental rights makes RRI a distinctive approach to responsibility compared to other existing paradigms and that human rights, in particular those laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, are not necessarily a constraint but can instead be a catalyst of innovation. Eventually we maintain that a governance framework based on the complementarity between legal norms and voluntary commitments might successfully combine the respect of fundamental rights with the openness and flexibility of the innovation process

    Indian Law

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