7,590 research outputs found

    The 1980 stratospheric-tropospheric exchange experiment

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    Data are presented from the Stratospheric-Tropospheric Water Vapor Exchange Experiment. Measurements were made during 11 flights of the NASA U-2 aircraft which provided data from horizontal traverser and samplings in and about the tops of extensive cirrus-anvil clouds produced by overshooting cumulus turrets. Aircraft measurements were made of water vapor, ozone, ambient and cloud top temperature, fluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, nitric acid, aerosols, and ice crystal populations. Balloonsondes were flown about twice daily providing data on ozone, wind fields, pressure and temperature to altitudes near 30 km. Satellite photography provided detailed cloud and cloud top temperature information. Descriptions of individual experiments and detailed compilations of all results are provided

    Atmospheric Backscatter Model Development for CO Sub 2 Wavelengths

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    The results of investigations into the problems of modeling atmospheric backscatter from aerosols, in the lowest 20 km of the atmosphere, at CO2 wavelengths are presented, along with a summary of the relevant aerosol characteristics and their variability, and a discussion of the measurement techniques and errors involved. The different methods of calculating the aerosol backscattering function, both from measured aerosol characteristics and from optical measurements made at other wavelengths, are discussed in detail, and limits are placed on the accuracy of these methods. The effects of changing atmospheric humidity and temperature on the backscatter are analyzed and related to the actual atmosphere. Finally, the results of modeling CO2 backscatter in the atmosphere are presented and the variation with height and geographic location discussed, and limits placed on the magnitude of the backscattering function. Conclusions regarding modeling techniques and modeled atmospheric backscatter values are presented in tabular form

    Vibrational-Rotational Spectroscopy For Planetary Atmospheres, volume 1

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    Comprehensive information on the composition and dynamics of the varied planetary atmospheres is summarized. New observations resulted in new demands for supporting laboratory studies. Spectra observed from spacecraft used to interpret planetary atmospheric structure measurements, to aid in greenhouse and cloud physics calculations, and to plan future experiments are discussed. Current findings and new ideas of physicists, chemists, and planetry astronomers relating to the knowledge of the structure of things large and small, of planets and of molecules are summarized

    Meeting Review: Airborne Aerosol Inlet Workshop

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    Proceedings from the Airborne Aerosol Inlet Workshop are presented. The two central topics of discussion were the role of aerosols in atmospheric processes and the difficulties in characterizing aerosols. The following topics were discussed during the working sessions: airborne observations to date; identification of inlet design issues; inlet modeling needs and directions; objectives for aircraft experiments; and future laboratory and wind tunnel studies

    Ekstraksi Fitur Produk Menggunakan Metode Pasangan Kata Sifat-Benda Pada Ulasan Pengguna

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    Berdasarkan perkembangan perusahaan e-commerce yang memberikan berbagai fasilitas kepada pelanggan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan pembelian produk. Perusahaan memberikan fasilitas berupa ulasan produk dan rating. Ulasan produk dan rating merupakan sebuah alat popular yang digunakan oleh pelanggan dalam menentukan sebuah produk yang akan dibeli. Rekomendasi berupa ulasan juga meningkatan kepercayaan bagi pelanggan terhadap produk. Sehingga beberapa produk popular mendapatkan ratusan ulasan dari pelanggan. Namun, banyaknya ulasan yang ada pada sebuah produk membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk dibaca oleh pelanggan. Pada umumnya pelanggan akan mengambil poin-poin tertentu pada setiap ulasan mengenai produk yang akan dibelinya. Poin tersebut dapat berupa kondisi dan kualitas suatu produk. Semakin banyak hal tersebut disebutkan oleh beberapa pengulas, dapat menambah kepercayaan dan mempermudah pelanggan dalam mengambil keputusan pembelian. Luaran dari tugas akhir ini berupa rancang bangun prototipe sistem ekstraksi fitur produk berdasarkan ulasan produk yang diberikan oleh pelanggan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pasangan kata sifat-kata benda. Metode pasangan kata sifat-benda merupakan sebuah metode dimana memasangkan kata sifat dengan kata benda yang berhubungan pada ulasan. Data ulasan diperoleh dengan menggali ulasan pada sepuluh produk yang memiliki 2000 hingga 3000 ulasan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari data tersebut berupa wordcloud mengenai kondisi produk yang sering disebutkan oleh pelanggan, grafik yang mendukung hasil dari wordcloud dan sistem yang dapat membantu pelanggan dalam menentukan produk yang tepat. Pada wordcloud menampilkan pasangan kata sifat-benda dalam bentuk awan, pasangan kata yang paling sering disebutkan memiliki ukuran font lebih besar daripada yang lainnya serta, pengguna dapat melihat dengan mudah pasangan kata manasaja yang sering disebutkan. Grafik yang berada disamping wordcloud mempermudah pengguna untuk melihat lima kata yang paling sering disebutkan dengan jumlah berapa kali kata tersebut disebutkan dalam ulasan. Dari hasil tersebut maka sistem ini dapat menjadi alat bantu bagi pengguna situs belanja online dalam membuat keputusan dalam membeli secara efisien dan memberikan gambaran tentang produk yang dicari oleh pengguna melalui ulasan produk. ======================================================================================================================== Based on the development of e-commerce companies that provide various facilities to customers to increase the confidence of purchasing products. The company provides facilities in the form of product reviews and ratings. Product reviews and ratings are a popular tool used by customers in making decisions to buy a product. Recommendations in the form of reviews also increase customer confidence in the product. So some popular products get hundreds of reviews from customers. However, the number of reviews that exist in a product takes a long time to read by the customer. In general, customers will take certain points on each review of the product to be purchased. Points can be the condition and quality of a product. The more these mentioned by some reviewers, can increase trust and make it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions. The output of this final project is a prototype design of product feature extraction system based on product reviews provided by customers. The method used is the word-noun pairs method. The method of an adjective pair is a method by which an adjective is associated with a noun relating to the review. The review data was obtained by digging reviews on ten products that have 2000 to 3000 reviews. The results obtained from the data in the form of wordcloud about the condition of products often mentioned by customers, the graphics that support the results of wordcloud and systems that can help customers in facilitating decision making purchases. In wordcloud displays pairs of adjectives in the form of clouds, the most frequently mentioned word pairs have larger font sizes than others and, the user can easily see the commonly mentioned word pairs. The graph next to wordcloud makes it easy for users to see the five most frequently mentioned words by the number of times the words are mentioned in the review. From these results then this system can be a tool for users of online shopping sites in making decisions in buying efficiently and provide an overview of the products sought by users through product reviews

    A Corpus Analysis of the Syntactic Distributions of the Verb \u27GET\u27 : Meanings and Usages

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    This paper is a corpus analysis of the syntactic distributions of . We examine the 198 most common usages of based on Corpus of American Soap Operas (CASO) databanks, a subset of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). We also provide 12 subcategorization frames to account for all the syntactic environments in which occurs in the database. This comprehensive investigation confirms that is unique among all English verbs by the sheer number of complements that it selects. Its varied uses and its frequency of occurrence in everyday English make a hard verb to master for native and non-native speakers alike. Non-native speakers may not understand many of the idiomatic expressions and collocations involving . Native speakers, on the other hand, may not be aware that a fair amount of its usages and collocations are too informal. Consequently, care should be used when appears in academic writing. We first analyzed the numerous uses of , only then did we categorize usages from CASO/ COCA. Some of the usages that we did not find in either CASO or COCA

    Reporter\u27s Verbatim Report of Proceedings, October 13, 2009, Volume XXI - Sessions 1 and 2 [Pages 4551-4674]

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    Includes testimony by Dr. Robert Michael Costrell

    Assessment of the effects of cloud inhomogeneity on ice cloud radiative properties, An

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    January, 1996.Bibliography: pages [217]-221.Sponsored by the Dept. of Energy DE-FG03-94ER61748.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation ATM-9100795

    Spartan Daily, September 20, 1993

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    Volume 101, Issue 15https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8443/thumbnail.jp