16 research outputs found

    A topological space for design, participation and production. Tracking spaces of transformation

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    'Space of transformation' is a concept borrowed from Serres' communication theory and here redefined after the evolution of the post-digital milieu and the materialistic critique of the same. Hackerspaces, fablabs, medialabs and other shared machines shops are defined here as spaces of transformation, places for the encounter between humans and non-humans, where disciplines are bridged together, hitherto severed, giving place to collective practices related to education, production and society. Shared machine shops are sited locally but also connected globally. Online, they share innovative forms of production, education and collective organization, giving place to a complex ecosystem. This article presents analysis of the topology of this ecosystem conducted by means of tracking and visualizing the online interactions between the hackerspaces listed at the platform Hackerspaces.org. The application of network analysis is aimed to answer the research questions: First, how shared machine shops are locally and globally connected? Second, what links hackerspaces among them and these with new social issues? The concept of shared machine shops as spaces of transformation and the study of their mutual relations allows for an understanding of the transformative capacity of these spaces and how they are producing a new space for social innovation through its mutual interchange of information

    ミナミサンリク ノ フッコウ ニ カンスル ハイパーリンク エスノグラフィ

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    テクストマイニングとデジタルヒューマニティーズ 202

    Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation

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    This article is based on digital methods research using the tools Hyphe, Gephi and CorText to map the relations between public Danish actors – from informal civil society groups and NGO’s to business and state actors - and their “matters of concern” (cf. Latour 2004) in the heated political situation around the development of green transition policies following the enactment of the Climate Act in 2019. The Act was, according to the newly elected social democratic government, the “most ambitious Climate Act in the world”. It included such political innovations as the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, a group of 99 randomly selected citizens mandated to give recommendations to parliament, and a series of Climate Partnerships, business and industry collaborations tasked with developing recommendations and frameworks for the business community’s engagement in the green transition. The Climate Act was passed after massive popular pressure from the civic climate movement leading up to the election. Despite these efforts and the apparent political will to engage with multiple voices and interests, our network mapping shows that the business community, with an emphasis on “innovative and technological solutions”, were soon to become dominant in the network and align themselves more closely with the political system than the civil society actors were able to with their repeated calls for more radical and political action on climate change

    Beyond issue publics? Curating a corpus of generic Danish debate in the dying days of the Facebook API

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    This article recounts and reflects on our experience of interacting with Facebook’s data infrastructure during some pivotal months of change in early 2018. We show how the technical affordances of the Application Programming Interface (API) have critical consequences for the practice of digital controversy mapping and hence argue for the necessity of engaging with changes to these affordances: a consequential data moment for digital STS. The tools that controversy mappers have developed over the past 20 years have focused predominantly on the construction and curation of issue-specific datasets. This is partly justified in the theoretical positions underpinning actor-network theoretical controversy analysis, but it is also technically more convenient than demo- or geographical delimitations. Through the example of mapping the Danish HPV debate, we demonstrate the necessity of being able to challenge the issue-specific approach, and we show how this involves direct engagement with the API. We thus provide an inside perspective from a research practice that relies heavily on data from digital platforms and discuss how the closure of public access to API endpoints severely limits this kind of critical engagement.&nbsp

    Nosotros y los Otros : la alteridad en los sitios web de las extremas derechas en Francia

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    El presente artículo estudia las interacciones políticas en Internet. Es problemático trazar una línea entre la realidad online y offline, pero Internet sigue siendo una fuente privilegiada para estudiar el discurso de las derechas extremas y la política de identidad. El texto aborda este enfoque: en primer lugar porque, éste representa un terreno para crear solidaridad a través de la difusión y el intercambio de información que es más amplio que las arenas tradicionales (Dijk y Hacker, 2003). De hecho, a diferencia de otros medios tales como la televisión, la radio y/o la prensa, Internet representa una parte del espacio público al que el acceso es más sencillo (Dahlgren, 2000). Y en segundo lugar, porque cualquier internauta puede tomar la palabra, sean cuales sean sus competencias en política o sus opiniones, de la misma forma que puede difundir opiniones que no tienen legitimidad en la esfera pública institucional.This article studies political interactions on the Internet. It is problematic to draw a line between online and offline reality, but the Internet is still a privileged source to study the discourse of extreme rights and identity policy. The text addresses this approach: firstly, because it represents a terrain to create solidarity through the dissemination and exchange of information that is broader than traditional arenas (Dijk and Hacker, 2003). In fact, unlike other media such as television, radio and / or the press, the Internet represents a part of the public space to which access is easier (Dahlgren, 2000). And secondly, because any Internet user can take the floor, whatever their powers in politics or their opinions, in the same way that they can disseminate opinions that have no legitimacy in the institutional public sphere

    Nosotros y los otros: la alteridad en los sitios web de la extrema derecha en Francia

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    El presente artículo estudia las interacciones políticas en Internet. Es problemático trazar una línea entre la realidad online y offline, pero Internet sigue siendo una fuente privilegiada para estudiar el discurso de las derechas extremas y la política de identidad. El texto aborda este enfoque: en primer lugar porque, éste representa un terreno para crear solidaridad a través de la difusión y el intercambio de información que es más amplio que las arenas tradicionales (Dijk y Hacker, 2003). De hecho, a diferencia de otros medios tales como la televisión, la radio y/o la prensa, Internet representa una parte del espacio público al que el acceso es más sencillo (Dahlgren, 2000). Y en segundo lugar, porque cualquier internauta puede tomar la palabra, sean cuales sean sus competencias en política o sus opiniones, de la misma forma que puede difundir opiniones que no tienen legitimidad en la esfera pública institucional. This article studies political interactions on the Internet. It is problematic to draw a line between online and offline reality, but the Internet is still a privileged source to study the discourse of extreme rights and identity policy. The text addresses this approach: firstly, because it represents a terrain to create solidarity through the dissemination and exchange of information that is broader than traditional arenas (Dijk and Hacker, 2003). In fact, unlike other media such as television, radio and / or the press, the Internet represents a part of the public space to which access is easier (Dahlgren, 2000). And secondly, because any Internet user can take the floor, whatever their powers in politics or their opinions, in the same way that they can disseminate opinions that have no legitimacy in the institutional public sphere

    テクストマイニングとデジタルヒューマニティーズ 2022(冊子)

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    テクストマイニングとデジタルヒューマニティーズ 202