427 research outputs found

    Applications Of Microspectroscopy, Hyperspectral Chemical Imaging And Fluorescence Microscopy In Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular And Cell Biology

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    Chemical imaging is a technique for the simultaneous measurement of spectra (chemical information) and images or pictures (spatial information)^1,2^. The technique is most often applied to either solid or gel samples, and has applications in chemistry, biology^3-8^, medicine^9,10^, pharmacy^11^ (see also for example: Chemical Imaging Without Dyeing), food science, Food Physical Chemistry, Biotechnology^12,13^, Agriculture and industry. NIR, IR and Raman chemical imaging is also referred to as hyperspectral, spectroscopic, spectral or multi-spectral imaging (also see micro-spectroscopy). However, other ultra-sensitive and selective, chemical imaging techniques are also in use that involve either UV-visible or fluorescence microspectroscopy

    Non-destructive Detection of Food Adulteration to Guarantee Human Health and Safety

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    The primary objective of this review is to critique the basic concepts of non-destructive detection of food adulteration and fraud which collectively represent a tremendous annual financial loss worldwide and a major cause of human disease. The review covers the principles of the analytical instrumentation used for the non-destructive detection of food adulteration. Examples of practical applications of these methods for the control of food adulteration are provided and a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of instrumental methods in food technology are critiqued.Целью данного обзора является критическое рассмотрение основных понятий неразрушающего выявления фальсификации и подделки продуктов питания, которые в целом вызывают огромные ежегодные финансовые убытки во всем мире и являются одной из основных причин заболеваний человечества. Материалы и методы. Литература, указанная в данном обзоре, была получена в результате поиска библиографической информации в CAB abstracts, AGRICOLA, SciFinder Scholar, Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), OECD / EEA database по инструментам, которые используются для экологической политики и управления природными ресурсами, и Web of Science.Результаты и обсуждение. Фальсификация пищевых продуктов означает преднамеренное, обманное добавление посторонних, нестандартных или дешевых ингредиентов в продукты, или разбавление или удаление некоторых ценных ингредиентов с целью увеличения прибыли. В современных условиях производители стремятся увеличить выпуск своей продукции зачастую путем изготовления и продажи некачественных и фальсифицированных продуктов.“Неразрушающее выявление фальсификации пищевых продуктов” означает анализ образца и его существенных признаков без изменения физических и химических свойств образца. Повышение качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов путем разработки научных методов обнаружения фальсификации является главным условием для поддержания здоровья потребителей. Точная объективная оценка качества и выявление фальсификации пищевых продуктов представляется важнейшей целью пищевой промышленности. В связи с совершенствованием технологии фальсификации продуктов важно быть в курсе современных, самых точных методов контроля их фальсификации. С этой целью данный обзор рассматривает основные понятия выявления фальсификации продуктов питания, принципы устройств и возможные практические применения современных методов неразрушающего выявления фальсификации продуктов питания; сравнительный анализ преимуществ и недостатков инструментальных методов, используемых в пищевых технологиях. Каждый из рассмотренных методов обсуждается с точки зрения возможных различных консистенций продуктов – газов (свободного пространства вокруг продукта), свободно текущих жидкостей (соков), мутных и вязких жидкостей (меда как продукта растительного происхождения, растительных масел) и интактных продуктов (фруктов и овощей).Выводы. Результаты, освещенные в обзоре, рекомендуется использовать при контроле качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов.Метою даного огляду є критичний розгляд основних понять неруйнівного виявлення фальсифікації і підробки продуктів харчування, які в цілому викликають величезні щорічні фінансові збитки у всьому світі і є однією з основних причин захворювань людства. Матеріали і методи. Література, зазначена в даному огляді, була отримана в результаті пошуку бібліографічної інформації в in CAB abstracts, AGRICOLA, SciFinder Scholar, Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), OECD/EEA database щодо інструментів, які використовуються для екологічної політики та управління природними ресурсами, та Web of Science. Результати та обговорення. Фальсифікація харчових продуктів означає умисне, облудне додавання сторонніх, нестандартних або дешевих інгредієнтів в продукти, або розбавлення чи видалення деяких цінних інгредієнтів з метою збільшення прибутків. У сучасних умовах виробники прагнуть збільшити випуск своєї продукції найчастіше шляхом виготовлення та продажу неякісних та фальсифікованих продуктів. “Неруйнівне виявлення фальсифікації харчових продуктів” означає аналіз зразка і його істотних ознак без зміни фізичних і хімічних властивостей зразка. Підвищення якості та безпеки харчових продуктів шляхом розробки наукових методів виявлення фальсифікації є головною умовою для підтримки здоров’я споживачів. Точна об’єктивна оцінка якості і виявлення фальсифікації харчових продуктів представляється найважливішою метою харчової промисловості. У зв’язку з удосконаленням технології фальсифікації продуктів важливо бути в курсі сучасних, найбільш точних методів контролю їх фальсифікації. З цією метою даний огляд розглядає основні поняття виявлення фальсифікації продуктів харчування, принципи пристроїв і можливі практичні застосування сучасних методів неруйнівного виявлення фальсифікації продуктів харчування; порівняльний аналіз переваг і недоліків інструментальних методів, що застосовуються в харчових технологіях. Кожен з розглянутих методів обговорюється з точки зору можливих різних консистенцій продуктів - газів (вільного простору навколо продукту), вільно текучих рідин (соків), каламутних та в'язких рідин (меду як продукту рослинного походження, рослинних масел) і інтактних продуктів (фруктів і овочів). Висновки. Результати, висвітлені в огляді, рекомендується використовувати під час контролю якості та безпеки харчових продуктів

    Making sense of light: the use of optical spectroscopy techniques in plant sciences and agriculture

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    As a result of the development of non-invasive optical spectroscopy, the number of prospective technologies of plant monitoring is growing. Being implemented in devices with different functions and hardware, these technologies are increasingly using the most advanced data processing algorithms, including machine learning and more available computing power each time. Optical spectroscopy is widely used to evaluate plant tissues, diagnose crops, and study the response of plants to biotic and abiotic stress. Spectral methods can also assist in remote and non-invasive assessment of the physiology of photosynthetic biofilms and the impact of plant species on biodiversity and ecosystem stability. The emergence of high-throughput technologies for plant phenotyping and the accompanying need for methods for rapid and non-contact assessment of plant productivity has generated renewed interest in the application of optical spectroscopy in fundamental plant sciences and agriculture. In this perspective paper, starting with a brief overview of the scientific and technological backgrounds of optical spectroscopy and current mainstream techniques and applications, we foresee the future development of this family of optical spectroscopic methodologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hyperspectral microscopy of two-dimensional semiconductors

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    Here we present an interferometric wide field hyperspectral microscope based on a common-path birefringent interferometer with translating wedges, to measure photoluminescence emission from two-dimensional semiconductors. We show diffraction-limited hyperspectral photoluminescence microscopy from two-dimensional materials across millimeter areas, proving that our hyperspectral microscope is a compact, stable and fast tool to characterize the optical properties and the morphology of 2D materials across ultralarge areas

    Towards recycling of challenging waste fractions: Identifying flame retardants in plastics with optical spectroscopic techniques

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    The use of plastics is rapidly rising around the world causing a major challenge for recycling. Lately, a lot of emphasis has been put on recycling of packaging plastics, but, in addition, there are high volume domains with low recycling rate such as automotive, building and construction, and electric and electronic equipment. Waste plastics from these domains often contain additives that restrict their recycling due to the hazardousness and challenges they bring to chemical and mechanical recycling. As such, the first step for enabling the reuse of these fractions is the identification of these additives in the waste plastics. This study compares the ability of different optical spectroscopy technologies to detect two different plastic additives, fire retardants ammonium polyphosphate and aluminium trihydrate, inside polypropylene plastic matrix. The detection techniques near-infrared (NIR), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy as well as hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) and mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) range were evaluated. The results indicate that Raman, NIR and SWIR HSI have the potential to detect these additives inside the plastic matrix even at relatively low concentrations. As such, utilising these methods has the possibility to facilitate sorting and recycling of as of yet unused plastic waste streams, although more research is needed in applying them in actual waste sorting facilities

    Advanced Optical Imaging of Endocytosis

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    Development of experimental and instrumental systems to study biological systems

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    Chapters 1-4 of this thesis describes the development of an experimental system to measure diffusion-limited reaction kinetics in a biological environment. About 100 years ago, the relationship between reaction rate and diffusion in homogenous solution, ie water or buffer, was described as a linear relationship by Smoluchowski. Applying this theory naively would suggest that since the diffusion coefficients drop by factors of 4-100 then the rates of reaction would drop by the same amount. However, recent theory and simulations suggest that this does not hold. Even though biological diffusion coefficients drop to 0.1-20% of that in buffer, these recent studies show that the reaction kinetics are much more weakly affected by the biological environment. Due to the lack of experimental evidence for biological diffusion, there is a great need for information in this area. Here, I describe a protein system, exogenous to E. coli¸ that will form a dimer in the presence of a small molecule. ^ I also describe the development of a new type of multivariate hyperspectral Raman instrument (MHI); the instrument is developed for use to study biological tissues and for high speed cell sorting applications. The new instrument design has a large speed advantage over traditional Raman instrumentation for rapid chemical imaging. While the MHI can reproduce the functionality of a traditional Raman spectrometer, its true speed advantage is realized after pre-training on known sample components. The MHI makes use of a spatial light modulator as a programmable optical filter that can be programmed with filters based on multivariate signal processing algorithms, such as PLS, in order to rapidly detect chemical components and create chemical maps. Chapters 5-8 of this thesis describe the development and construction of the MHI, as well as provide proof-of-concept experimental results demonstrating its functionality

    OCM 2023 - Optical Characterization of Materials : Conference Proceedings

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    The state of the art in the optical characterization of materials is advancing rapidly. New insights have been gained into the theoretical foundations of this research and exciting developments have been made in practice, driven by new applications and innovative sensor technologies that are constantly evolving. The great success of past conferences proves the necessity of a platform for presentation, discussion and evaluation of the latest research results in this interdisciplinary field

    The Need for Accurate Pre-processing and Data Integration for the Application of Hyperspectral Imaging in Mineral Exploration

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    Die hyperspektrale Bildgebung stellt eine Schlüsseltechnologie in der nicht-invasiven Mineralanalyse dar, sei es im Labormaßstab oder als fernerkundliche Methode. Rasante Entwicklungen im Sensordesign und in der Computertechnik hinsichtlich Miniaturisierung, Bildauflösung und Datenqualität ermöglichen neue Einsatzgebiete in der Erkundung mineralischer Rohstoffe, wie die drohnen-gestützte Datenaufnahme oder digitale Aufschluss- und Bohrkernkartierung. Allgemeingültige Datenverarbeitungsroutinen fehlen jedoch meist und erschweren die Etablierung dieser vielversprechenden Ansätze. Besondere Herausforderungen bestehen hinsichtlich notwendiger radiometrischer und geometrischer Datenkorrekturen, der räumlichen Georeferenzierung sowie der Integration mit anderen Datenquellen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt innovative Arbeitsabläufe zur Lösung dieser Problemstellungen und demonstriert die Wichtigkeit der einzelnen Schritte. Sie zeigt das Potenzial entsprechend prozessierter spektraler Bilddaten für komplexe Aufgaben in Mineralexploration und Geowissenschaften.Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is one of the key technologies in current non-invasive material analysis. Recent developments in sensor design and computer technology allow the acquisition and processing of high spectral and spatial resolution datasets. In contrast to active spectroscopic approaches such as X-ray fluorescence or laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, passive hyperspectral reflectance measurements in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are considered rapid, non-destructive, and safe. Compared to true color or multi-spectral imagery, a much larger range and even small compositional changes of substances can be differentiated and analyzed. Applications of hyperspectral reflectance imaging can be found in a wide range of scientific and industrial fields, especially when physically inaccessible or sensitive samples and processes need to be analyzed. In geosciences, this method offers a possibility to obtain spatially continuous compositional information of samples, outcrops, or regions that might be otherwise inaccessible or too large, dangerous, or environmentally valuable for a traditional exploration at reasonable expenditure. Depending on the spectral range and resolution of the deployed sensor, HSI can provide information about the distribution of rock-forming and alteration minerals, specific chemical compounds and ions. Traditional operational applications comprise space-, airborne, and lab-scale measurements with a usually (near-)nadir viewing angle. The diversity of available sensors, in particular the ongoing miniaturization, enables their usage from a wide range of distances and viewing angles on a large variety of platforms. Many recent approaches focus on the application of hyperspectral sensors in an intermediate to close sensor-target distance (one to several hundred meters) between airborne and lab-scale, usually implying exceptional acquisition parameters. These comprise unusual viewing angles as for the imaging of vertical targets, specific geometric and radiometric distortions associated with the deployment of small moving platforms such as unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or extreme size and complexity of data created by large imaging campaigns. Accurate geometric and radiometric data corrections using established methods is often not possible. Another important challenge results from the overall variety of spatial scales, sensors, and viewing angles, which often impedes a combined interpretation of datasets, such as in a 2D geographic information system (GIS). Recent studies mostly referred to work with at least partly uncorrected data that is not able to set the results in a meaningful spatial context. These major unsolved challenges of hyperspectral imaging in mineral exploration initiated the motivation for this work. The core aim is the development of tools that bridge data acquisition and interpretation, by providing full image processing workflows from the acquisition of raw data in the field or lab, to fully corrected, validated and spatially registered at-target reflectance datasets, which are valuable for subsequent spectral analysis, image classification, or fusion in different operational environments at multiple scales. I focus on promising emerging HSI approaches, i.e.: (1) the use of lightweight UAS platforms, (2) mapping of inaccessible vertical outcrops, sometimes at up to several kilometers distance, (3) multi-sensor integration for versatile sample analysis in the near-field or lab-scale, and (4) the combination of reflectance HSI with other spectroscopic methods such as photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy for the characterization of valuable elements in low-grade ores. In each topic, the state of the art is analyzed, tailored workflows are developed to meet key challenges and the potential of the resulting dataset is showcased on prominent mineral exploration related examples. Combined in a Python toolbox, the developed workflows aim to be versatile in regard to utilized sensors and desired applications