107 research outputs found

    On a Connectivity Threshold for Colorings of Random Graphs and Hypergraphs

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    Let Omega_q=Omega_q(H) denote the set of proper [q]-colorings of the hypergraph H. Let Gamma_q be the graph with vertex set Omega_q where two vertices are adjacent iff the corresponding colorings differ in exactly one vertex. We show that if H=H_{n,m;k}, k >= 2, the random k-uniform hypergraph with V=[n] and m=dn/k hyperedges then w.h.p. Gamma_q is connected if d is sufficiently large and q >~ (d/log d)^{1/(k-1)}. This is optimal to the first order in d. Furthermore, with a few more colors, we find that the diameter of Gamma_q is O(n) w.h.p, where the hidden constant depends on d. So, with this choice of d,q, the natural Glauber Dynamics Markov Chain on Omega_q is ergodic w.h.p

    The condensation transition in random hypergraph 2-coloring

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    For many random constraint satisfaction problems such as random satisfiability or random graph or hypergraph coloring, the best current estimates of the threshold for the existence of solutions are based on the first and the second moment method. However, in most cases these techniques do not yield matching upper and lower bounds. Sophisticated but non-rigorous arguments from statistical mechanics have ascribed this discrepancy to the existence of a phase transition called condensation that occurs shortly before the actual threshold for the existence of solutions and that affects the combinatorial nature of the problem (Krzakala, Montanari, Ricci-Tersenghi, Semerjian, Zdeborova: PNAS 2007). In this paper we prove for the first time that a condensation transition exists in a natural random CSP, namely in random hypergraph 2-coloring. Perhaps surprisingly, we find that the second moment method breaks down strictly \emph{before} the condensation transition. Our proof also yields slightly improved bounds on the threshold for random hypergraph 2-colorability. We expect that our techniques can be extended to other, related problems such as random k-SAT or random graph k-coloring
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