133 research outputs found

    Visualizing hyperbolic Voronoi diagrams

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    We present an interactive software, HVD, that represents in-ternally the k-order hyperbolic Voronoi diagram of a finite set of sites as an equivalent clipped power diagram. HVD allows users to interactively browse the hyperbolic Voronoi diagrams and renders simultaneously the diagram in the five standard models of hyperbolic geometry: Namely, the Poincare ́ disk, the Poincare ́ upper plane, the Klein disk, the Beltrami hemisphere and the Weierstrass hyperboloid. 1

    Algebraic Topology

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    The chapter provides an introduction to the basic concepts of Algebraic Topology with an emphasis on motivation from applications in the physical sciences. It finishes with a brief review of computational work in algebraic topology, including persistent homology.Comment: This manuscript will be published as Chapter 5 in Wiley's textbook \emph{Mathematical Tools for Physicists}, 2nd edition, edited by Michael Grinfeld from the University of Strathclyd

    IST Austria Thesis

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    In this thesis we study persistence of multi-covers of Euclidean balls and the geometric structures underlying their computation, in particular Delaunay mosaics and Voronoi tessellations. The k-fold cover for some discrete input point set consists of the space where at least k balls of radius r around the input points overlap. Persistence is a notion that captures, in some sense, the topology of the shape underlying the input. While persistence is usually computed for the union of balls, the k-fold cover is of interest as it captures local density, and thus might approximate the shape of the input better if the input data is noisy. To compute persistence of these k-fold covers, we need a discretization that is provided by higher-order Delaunay mosaics. We present and implement a simple and efficient algorithm for the computation of higher-order Delaunay mosaics, and use it to give experimental results for their combinatorial properties. The algorithm makes use of a new geometric structure, the rhomboid tiling. It contains the higher-order Delaunay mosaics as slices, and by introducing a filtration function on the tiling, we also obtain higher-order α-shapes as slices. These allow us to compute persistence of the multi-covers for varying radius r; the computation for varying k is less straight-foward and involves the rhomboid tiling directly. We apply our algorithms to experimental sphere packings to shed light on their structural properties. Finally, inspired by periodic structures in packings and materials, we propose and implement an algorithm for periodic Delaunay triangulations to be integrated into the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), and discuss the implications on persistence for periodic data sets