738 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Visual scene recognition with biologically relevant generative models

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    This research focuses on developing visual object categorization methodologies that are based on machine learning techniques and biologically inspired generative models of visual scene recognition. Modelling the statistical variability in visual patterns, in the space of features extracted from them by an appropriate low level signal processing technique, is an important matter of investigation for both humans and machines. To study this problem, we have examined in detail two recent probabilistic models of vision: a simple multivariate Gaussian model as suggested by (Karklin & Lewicki, 2009) and a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) proposed by (Hinton, 2002). Both the models have been widely used for visual object classification and scene analysis tasks before. This research highlights that these models on their own are not plausible enough to perform the classification task, and suggests Fisher kernel as a means of inducing discrimination into these models for classification power. Our empirical results on standard benchmark data sets reveal that the classification performance of these generative models could be significantly boosted near to the state of the art performance, by drawing a Fisher kernel from compact generative models that computes the data labels in a fraction of total computation time. We compare the proposed technique with other distance based and kernel based classifiers to show how computationally efficient the Fisher kernels are. To the best of our knowledge, Fisher kernel has not been drawn from the RBM before, so the work presented in the thesis is novel in terms of its idea and application to vision problem

    Learning visual representations with neural networks for video captioning and image generation

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    La recherche sur les reĢseaux de neurones a permis de reĢaliser de larges progreĢ€s durant la dernieĢ€re deĢcennie. Non seulement les reĢseaux de neurones ont eĢteĢ appliqueĢs avec succeĢ€s pour reĢsoudre des probleĢ€mes de plus en plus complexes; mais ils sont aussi devenus lā€™approche dominante dans les domaines ouĢ€ ils ont eĢteĢ testeĢs tels que la compreĢhension du langage, les agents jouant aĢ€ des jeux de manieĢ€re automatique ou encore la vision par ordinateur, graĢ‚ce aĢ€ leurs capaciteĢs calculatoires et leurs efficaciteĢs statistiques. La preĢsente theĢ€se eĢtudie les reĢseaux de neurones appliqueĢs aĢ€ des probleĢ€mes en vision par ordinateur, ouĢ€ les repreĢsentations seĢmantiques abstraites jouent un roĢ‚le fondamental. Nous deĢmontrerons, aĢ€ la fois par la theĢorie et par lā€™expeĢrimentation, la capaciteĢ des reĢseaux de neurones aĢ€ apprendre de telles repreĢsentations aĢ€ partir de donneĢes, avec ou sans supervision. Le contenu de la theĢ€se est diviseĢ en deux parties. La premieĢ€re partie eĢtudie les reĢseaux de neurones appliqueĢs aĢ€ la description de videĢo en langage naturel, neĢcessitant lā€™apprentissage de repreĢsentation visuelle. Le premier modeĢ€le proposeĢ permet dā€™avoir une attention dynamique sur les diffeĢrentes trames de la videĢo lors de la geĢneĢration de la description textuelle pour de courtes videĢos. Ce modeĢ€le est ensuite ameĢlioreĢ par lā€™introduction dā€™une opeĢration de convolution reĢcurrente. Par la suite, la dernieĢ€re section de cette partie identifie un probleĢ€me fondamental dans la description de videĢo en langage naturel et propose un nouveau type de meĢtrique dā€™eĢvaluation qui peut eĢ‚tre utiliseĢ empiriquement comme un oracle afin dā€™analyser les performances de modeĢ€les concernant cette taĢ‚che. La deuxieĢ€me partie se concentre sur lā€™apprentissage non-superviseĢ et eĢtudie une famille de modeĢ€les capables de geĢneĢrer des images. En particulier, lā€™accent est mis sur les ā€œNeural Autoregressive Density Estimators (NADEs), une famille de modeĢ€les probabilistes pour les images naturelles. Ce travail met tout dā€™abord en eĢvidence une connection entre les modeĢ€les NADEs et les reĢseaux stochastiques geĢneĢratifs (GSN). De plus, une ameĢlioration des modeĢ€les NADEs standards est proposeĢe. DeĢnommeĢs NADEs iteĢratifs, cette ameĢlioration introduit plusieurs iteĢrations lors de lā€™infeĢrence du modeĢ€le NADEs tout en preĢservant son nombre de parameĢ€tres. DeĢbutant par une revue chronologique, ce travail se termine par un reĢsumeĢ des reĢcents deĢveloppements en lien avec les contributions preĢsenteĢes dans les deux parties principales, concernant les probleĢ€mes dā€™apprentissage de repreĢsentation seĢmantiques pour les images et les videĢos. De prometteuses directions de recherche sont envisageĢes.The past decade has been marked as a golden era of neural network research. Not only have neural networks been successfully applied to solve more and more challenging real- world problems, but also they have become the dominant approach in many of the places where they have been tested. These places include, for instance, language understanding, game playing, and computer vision, thanks to neural networksā€™ superiority in computational efficiency and statistical capacity. This thesis applies neural networks to problems in computer vision where high-level and semantically meaningful representations play a fundamental role. It demonstrates both in theory and in experiment the ability to learn such representations from data with and without supervision. The main content of the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part studies neural networks in the context of learning visual representations for the task of video captioning. Models are developed to dynamically focus on different frames while generating a natural language description of a short video. Such a model is further improved by recurrent convolutional operations. The end of this part identifies fundamental challenges in video captioning and proposes a new type of evaluation metric that may be used experimentally as an oracle to benchmark performance. The second part studies the family of models that generate images. While the first part is supervised, this part is unsupervised. The focus of it is the popular family of Neural Autoregressive Density Estimators (NADEs), a tractable probabilistic model for natural images. This work first makes a connection between NADEs and Generative Stochastic Networks (GSNs). The standard NADE is improved by introducing multiple iterations in its inference without increasing the number of parameters, which is dubbed iterative NADE. With a historical view at the beginning, this work ends with a summary of recent development for work discussed in the first two parts around the central topic of learning visual representations for images and videos. A bright future is envisioned at the end

    Machine learning and the physical sciences

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    Machine learning encompasses a broad range of algorithms and modeling tools used for a vast array of data processing tasks, which has entered most scientific disciplines in recent years. We review in a selective way the recent research on the interface between machine learning and physical sciences. This includes conceptual developments in machine learning (ML) motivated by physical insights, applications of machine learning techniques to several domains in physics, and cross-fertilization between the two fields. After giving basic notion of machine learning methods and principles, we describe examples of how statistical physics is used to understand methods in ML. We then move to describe applications of ML methods in particle physics and cosmology, quantum many body physics, quantum computing, and chemical and material physics. We also highlight research and development into novel computing architectures aimed at accelerating ML. In each of the sections we describe recent successes as well as domain-specific methodology and challenges

    Scalable Population Synthesis with Deep Generative Modeling

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    Population synthesis is concerned with the generation of synthetic yet realistic representations of populations. It is a fundamental problem in the modeling of transport where the synthetic populations of micro-agents represent a key input to most agent-based models. In this paper, a new methodological framework for how to 'grow' pools of micro-agents is presented. The model framework adopts a deep generative modeling approach from machine learning based on a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Compared to the previous population synthesis approaches, including Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF), Gibbs sampling and traditional generative models such as Bayesian Networks or Hidden Markov Models, the proposed method allows fitting the full joint distribution for high dimensions. The proposed methodology is compared with a conventional Gibbs sampler and a Bayesian Network by using a large-scale Danish trip diary. It is shown that, while these two methods outperform the VAE in the low-dimensional case, they both suffer from scalability issues when the number of modeled attributes increases. It is also shown that the Gibbs sampler essentially replicates the agents from the original sample when the required conditional distributions are estimated as frequency tables. In contrast, the VAE allows addressing the problem of sampling zeros by generating agents that are virtually different from those in the original data but have similar statistical properties. The presented approach can support agent-based modeling at all levels by enabling richer synthetic populations with smaller zones and more detailed individual characteristics.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, 4 table

    Probabilistic models for melodic sequences

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    Structure is one of the fundamentals of music, yet the complexity arising from the vast number of possible variations of musical elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony, key, texture and form, along with their combinations, makes music modelling a particularly challenging task for machine learning. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the problem of learning a generative model for melody directly from musical sequences belonging to the same genre. Our goal is to develop probabilistic models that can automatically capture the complex statistical dependencies evident in music without the need to incorporate significant domain-specifc knowledge. At all stages we avoid making assumptions explicit to music and consider models that can can be readily applied in different music genres and can easily be adapted for other sequential data domains. We develop the Dirichlet Variable-Length Markov Model (Dirichlet-VMM), a Bayesian formulation of the Variable-Length Markov Model (VMM), where smoothing is performed in a systematic probabilistic manner. The model is a general-purpose, dictionary-based predictor with a formal smoothing technique and is shown to perform significantly better than the standard VMM in melody modelling. Motivated by the ability of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) to extract high quality latent features in an unsupervised manner, we next develop the Time-Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (TC-RBM), a novel adaptation of the Convolutional RBM for modelling sequential data. We show that the TC-RBM learns descriptive musical features such as chords, octaves and typical melody movement patterns. To deal with the non-stationarity of music, we develop the Variable-gram Topic model, which employs the Dirichlet-VMM for the parametrisation of the topic distributions. The Dirichlet-VMM models the local temporal structure, while the latent topics represent di erent music regimes. The model does not make any assumptions explicit to music, but it is particularly suitable in this context, as it couples the latent topic formalism with an expressive model of contextual information

    Video anomaly detection using deep generative models

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    Video anomaly detection faces three challenges: a) no explicit definition of abnormality; b) scarce labelled data and c) dependence on hand-crafted features. This thesis introduces novel detection systems using unsupervised generative models, which can address the first two challenges. By working directly on raw pixels, they also bypass the last
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