63 research outputs found

    Conformational dissection of a viral intrinsically disordered domain involved in cellular transformation

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    Intrinsic disorder is abundant in viral genomes and provides conformational plasticity to its protein products. In order to gain insight into its structure-function relationships, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of structural propensities within the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain from the human papillomavirus type-16 E7 oncoprotein (E7N). Two E7N segments located within the conserved CR1 and CR2 regions present transient α-helix structure. The helix in the CR1 region spans residues L8 to L13 and overlaps with the E2F mimic linear motif. The second helix, located within the highly acidic CR2 region, presents a pH-dependent structural transition. At neutral pH the helix spans residues P17 to N29, which include the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor LxCxE binding motif (residues 21-29), while the acidic CKII-PEST region spanning residues E33 to I38 populates polyproline type II (PII) structure. At pH 5.0, the CR2 helix propagates up to residue I38 at the expense of loss of PII due to charge neutralization of acidic residues. Using truncated forms of HPV-16 E7, we confirmed that pH-induced changes in α-helix content are governed by the intrinsically disordered E7N domain. Interestingly, while at both pH the region encompassing the LxCxE motif adopts α-helical structure, the isolated 21-29 fragment including this stretch is unable to populate an α-helix even at high TFE concentrations. Thus, the E7N domain can populate dynamic but discrete structural ensembles by sampling α-helix-coil-PII-ß-sheet structures. This high plasticity may modulate the exposure of linear binding motifs responsible for its multi-target binding properties, leading to interference with key cell signaling pathways and eventually to cellular transformation by the virus.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Conformational dissection of a viral intrinsically disordered domain involved in cellular transformation

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    Intrinsic disorder is abundant in viral genomes and provides conformational plasticity to its protein products. In order to gain insight into its structure-function relationships, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of structural propensities within the intrinsically disordered N-terminal domain from the human papillomavirus type-16 E7 oncoprotein (E7N). Two E7N segments located within the conserved CR1 and CR2 regions present transient α-helix structure. The helix in the CR1 region spans residues L8 to L13 and overlaps with the E2F mimic linear motif. The second helix, located within the highly acidic CR2 region, presents a pH-dependent structural transition. At neutral pH the helix spans residues P17 to N29, which include the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor LxCxE binding motif (residues 21-29), while the acidic CKII-PEST region spanning residues E33 to I38 populates polyproline type II (PII) structure. At pH 5.0, the CR2 helix propagates up to residue I38 at the expense of loss of PII due to charge neutralization of acidic residues. Using truncated forms of HPV-16 E7, we confirmed that pH-induced changes in α-helix content are governed by the intrinsically disordered E7N domain. Interestingly, while at both pH the region encompassing the LxCxE motif adopts α-helical structure, the isolated 21-29 fragment including this stretch is unable to populate an α-helix even at high TFE concentrations. Thus, the E7N domain can populate dynamic but discrete structural ensembles by sampling α-helix-coil-PII-ß-sheet structures. This high plasticity may modulate the exposure of linear binding motifs responsible for its multi-target binding properties, leading to interference with key cell signaling pathways and eventually to cellular transformation by the virus.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Structural characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins by NMR spectroscopy.

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    Recent advances in NMR methodology and techniques allow the structural investigation of biomolecules of increasing size with atomic resolution. NMR spectroscopy is especially well-suited for the study of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) which are in general highly flexible and do not have a well-defined secondary or tertiary structure under functional conditions. In the last decade, the important role of IDPs in many essential cellular processes has become more evident as the lack of a stable tertiary structure of many protagonists in signal transduction, transcription regulation and cell-cycle regulation has been discovered. The growing demand for structural data of IDPs required the development and adaption of methods such as 13C-direct detected experiments, paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) or residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) for the study of 'unstructured' molecules in vitro and in-cell. The information obtained by NMR can be processed with novel computational tools to generate conformational ensembles that visualize the conformations IDPs sample under functional conditions. Here, we address NMR experiments and strategies that enable the generation of detailed structural models of IDPs

    Structural Polymorphism of 441-Residue Tau at Single Residue Resolution

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    Alzheimer disease is characterized by abnormal protein deposits in the brain, such as extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. The tangles are made of a protein called tau comprising 441 residues in its longest isoform. Tau belongs to the class of natively unfolded proteins, binds to and stabilizes microtubules, and partially folds into an ordered β-structure during aggregation to Alzheimer paired helical filaments (PHFs). Here we show that it is possible to overcome the size limitations that have traditionally hampered detailed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy studies of such large nonglobular proteins. This is achieved using optimal NMR pulse sequences and matching of chemical shifts from smaller segments in a divide and conquer strategy. The methodology reveals that 441-residue tau is highly dynamic in solution with a distinct domain character and an intricate network of transient long-range contacts important for pathogenic aggregation. Moreover, the single-residue view provided by the NMR analysis reveals unique insights into the interaction of tau with microtubules. Our results establish that NMR spectroscopy can provide detailed insight into the structural polymorphism of very large nonglobular proteins

    Investigating the disorder and compaction of designed Minielastin using nuclear magnetic resonance.

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    Minielastins are elastin-based proteins with alternating hydrophobic and cross-link modules similar to tropoelastin. Tropoelastin is the ~70 kDa soluble monomeric precursor of elastin. The extracellular matrix protein, elastin provides elasticity to tissues and organs such as lungs, arteries and ligaments. The elastic properties of natural elastin are believed to be entropic in origin. In vivo, the elastin matrix is approximately 50% water by weight. Without water, elastin is brittle and hard. Minielastins, like tropoelastin, undergo a liquid-liquid phase transition upon an increase in temperature. Factors such as hydrophobicity, chain length and concentration affect the coacervation temperature, Tc. The coacervation temperature were modulated by changing the number of hydrophobic repeats and the length of cross-link modules. Each hydrophobic repeat, VPGVGG and APGVGV, decreases Tc by 1.7 and 1.5 °C, respectively. Also, increasing the temperature and pressure causes the hydrodynamic radii of minielastins to shrink, similar to other disordered proteins. Elastin-like biomaterials exhibit a great potential in tissue engineering and drug delivery. Therefore, it is important, for a wide array of applications, to understand the relationship between protein sequence, structure and mechanical properties of elastin biomaterials. To obtain residue specific information using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, simplified hydrophobic and cross-link modules were designed based on the predominant 6-residue repeats found in tropoelastin exon 20 (VPGVGG) and 24 (APGVGV) hydrophobic modules and the consensus cross-link motif, A4/5KA2/3K, found in the natural elastin. In this study, the hydrophobic modules, responsible for the self-assembly of elastin-like proteins, were found to be highly disordered. Also, the cross-link modules are disordered, but when flanked by hydrophobic modules they are weakly a-helical. These conclusions are supported by analysis of complete assignment of backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts and 15N spin relaxation measurements (R1, R2 and NOE) with spectral density modeling. These results show that the amplitude of dynamics in the hydrophobic modules approach that of a flexible polymer chain with chain dynamics on two timescales, ~1­ – 2 ns and ~30 – 80 ps. Well-ordered regions were not found. Finally, the ability of minielastins to form insoluble cross-linked products have proved its potential as an elastic biomaterial

    The Conformational Universe of Proteins and Peptides: Tales of Order and Disorder

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    Proteins represent one of the most abundant classes of biological macromolecules and play crucial roles in a vast array of physiological and pathological processes. The knowledge of the 3D structure of a protein, as well as the possible conformational transitions occurring upon interaction with diverse ligands, are essential to fully comprehend its biological function.In addition to globular, well-folded proteins, over the past few years, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) have received a lot of attention. IDPs are usually aggregation-prone and may form toxic amyloid fibers and oligomers associated with several human pathologies. Peptides are smaller in size than proteins but similarly represent key elements of cells. A few peptides are able to work as tumor markers and find applications in the diagnostic and therapeutic fields. The conformational analysis of bioactive peptides is important to design novel potential drugs acting as selective modulators of specific receptors or enzymes. Nevertheless, synthetic peptides reproducing different protein fragments have frequently been implemented as model systems in folding studies relying on structural investigations in water and/or other environments.This book contains contributions (seven original research articles and five reviews published in the journal Molecules) on the above-described topics and, in detail, it includes structural studies on globular folded proteins, IDPs and bioactive peptides. These works were conducted usingdifferent experimental methods

    Výpočetní studie krátkých peptidů a miniproteinů a vliv prostředí na jejich konformaci.

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    Apart from biological functions, peptides are of uttermost importance as models for un- folded, denatured or disordered state of the proteins. Similarly, miniproteins such as Trp-cage have proven their role as simple models of both experimental and theoretical studies of protein folding. Molecular dynamics and computer simulations can provide an unique insight on processes at atomic level. However, simulations of peptides and minipro- teins face two cardinal problems-inaccuracy of force fields and inadequate conformation sampling. Both principal issues were tackled in this theses. Firstly, the differences in several force field for peptides and proteins were questioned. We demonstrated the inability of the used force fields to predict consistently intrinsic conformational preferences of individual amino acids in the form of dipeptides and the source of the discrepancies was traced. In order to shed light on the nature of conformational ensembles under various denatur- ing conditions, we studied host-guest AAXAA peptides. The simulations revealed that thermal and chemical denaturation by urea produces qualitatively different ensembles and shift propensities of individual amino acids to particular conformers. The problem of insufficient conformation sampling was dealt by introducing gyration- and...Peptidy, kromě své biologické funkce, představují take důležité modely nesbalených, de- naturovaných nebo nestrukturovaných proteinů. Pobobně důležitými modely pro exper- imentální i teoretické studium sbalování proteinů jsou miniproteiny, jako např. Trp- cage. Chování peptidů i proteinů lze studovat v počítačových simulacích pomocí metod molekulární dynamiky, které umožnují sledovat děje v atomistickém rozlišení. Tyto metody však čelí však dvěma zásadním problémům - přesnosti používaných energetick- ých funkcí a nedostatečnému vzorkování konformačních stavů. V této disertaci jsem se zabýval oběma okruhy problémů. Vliv rozdílných, běžně používných energetických funkcí ("force fields") byl testován na modelu aminokyselinových dipeptidů. Žádná sada parametrů však nedokázala konzis- tentně reprodukovat konformační preference jednotlivých aminokyselin. Výsledky simu- lací byly mezi sebou srovnány a byly hledány příčiny jejich vzájemných odlišností. Abychom odhalili, jakým způsobem různé podmínky ovlivňují konformační stavy peptidů, zkoumali jsme vlastnosti aminokyselin v AAXAA peptidech. Simulace odhalily zásadní rozdíl ve vlivu tepelné a chemické denaturace (močovinou) na charakter a zastoupení konformací peptidů, stejně jako konformačních preferencí jednotlivých aminokyselin. K problematice vzorkování...Department of Physical and Macromolecular ChemistryKatedra fyzikální a makromol. chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Atomic-level structure characterization of an ultrafast folding mini-protein denatured state

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    Atomic-level analyses of non-native protein ensembles constitute an important aspect of protein folding studies to reach a more complete understanding of how proteins attain their native form exhibiting biological activity. Previously, formation of hydrophobic clusters in the 6 M urea-denatured state of an ultrafast folding mini-protein known as TC5b from both photo-CIDNP NOE transfer studies and FCS measurements was observed. Here, we elucidate the structural properties of this mini-protein denatured in 6 M urea performing 15N NMR relaxation studies together with a thorough NOE analysis. Even though our results demonstrate that no elements of secondary structure persist in the denatured state, the heterogeneous distribution of R2 rate constants together with observing pronounced heteronuclear NOEs along the peptide backbone reveals specific regions of urea-denatured TC5b exhibiting a high degree of structural rigidity more frequently observed for native proteins. The data are complemented with studies on two TC5b point mutants to verify the importance of hydrophobic interactions for fast folding. Our results corroborate earlier findings of a hydrophobic cluster present in urea-denatured TC5b comprising both native and non-native contacts underscoring their importance for ultra rapid folding. The data assist in finding ways of interpreting the effects of pre-existing native and/or non-native interactions on the ultrafast folding of proteins; a fact, which might have to be considered when defining the starting conditions for molecular dynamics simulation studies of protein folding