308 research outputs found

    Enhanced TextRank using weighted word embedding for text summarization

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    The length of a news article may influence people’s interest to read the article. In this case, text summarization can help to create a shorter representative version of an article to reduce people’s read time. This paper proposes to use weighted word embedding based on Word2Vec, FastText, and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) models to enhance the TextRank summarization algorithm. The use of weighted word embedding is aimed to create better sentence representation, in order to produce more accurate summaries. The results show that using (unweighted) word embedding significantly improves the performance of the TextRank algorithm, with the best performance gained by the summarization system using BERT word embedding. When each word embedding is weighed using term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), the performance for all systems using unweighted word embedding further significantly improve, with the biggest improvement achieved by the systems using Word2Vec (with 6.80% to 12.92% increase) and FastText (with 7.04% to 12.78% increase). Overall, our systems using weighted word embedding can outperform the TextRank method by up to 17.33% in ROUGE-1 and 30.01% in ROUGE-2. This demonstrates the effectiveness of weighted word embedding in the TextRank algorithm for text summarization

    Semantic analysis for improved multi-document summarization of text

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    Excess amount of unstructured data is easily accessible in digital format. This information overload places too heavy a burden on society for its analysis and execution needs. Focused (i.e. topic, query, question, category, etc.) multi-document summarization is an information reduction solution which has reached a state-of-the-art that now demands the need to further explore other techniques to model human summarization activity. Such techniques have been mainly extractive and rely on distribution and complex machine learning on corpora in order to perform closely to human summaries. Overall, these techniques are still being used, and the field now needs to move toward more abstractive approaches to model human way of summarizing. A simple, inexpensive and domain-independent system architecture is created for adding semantic analysis to the summarization process. The proposed system is novel in its use of a new semantic analysis metric to better score sentences for selection into a summary. It also simplifies semantic processing of sentences to better capture more likely semantic-related information, reduce redundancy and reduce complexity. The system is evaluated against participants in the Document Understanding Conference and the later Text Analysis Conference using the performance ROUGE measures of n-gram recall between automated systems, human and baseline gold standard baseline summaries. The goal was to show that semantic analysis used for summarization can perform well, while remaining simple and inexpensive without significant loss of recall as compared to the foundational baseline system. Current results show improvement over the gold standard baseline when all factors of this work's semantic analysis technique are used in combination. These factors are the semantic cue words feature and semantic class weighting to determine sentences with important information. Also, the semantic triples clustering used to decompose natural language sentences to their most basic meaning and select the most important sentences added to this improvement. In competition against the gold standard baseline system on the standardized summarization evaluation metric ROUGE, this work outperforms the baseline system by more than ten position rankings. This work shows that semantic analysis and light-weight, open-domain techniques have potential.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    Case-based reasoning as a decision support system for cancer diagnosis: A case study

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    Microarray technology can measure the expression levels of thousands of genes in an experiment. This fact makes the use of computational methods in cancer research absolutely essential. One of the possible applications is in the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Several of these techniques have been used to analyze expression arrays, but there is a growing need for new and effective solutions. This paper presents a Case-based reasoning (CBR) system for automatic classification of leukemia patients from microarray data. The system incorporates novel algorithms for data mining that allow filtering, classification, and knowledge extraction. The system has been tested and the results obtained are presented in this paper

    Expression data dnalysis and regulatory network inference by means of correlation patterns

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    With the advance of high-throughput techniques, the amount of available data in the bio-molecular field is rapidly growing. It is now possible to measure genome-wide aspects of an entire biological system as a whole. Correlations that emerge due to internal dependency structures of these systems entail the formation of characteristic patterns in the corresponding data. The extraction of these patterns has become an integral part of computational biology. By triggering perturbations and interventions it is possible to induce an alteration of patterns, which may help to derive the dependency structures present in the system. In particular, differential expression experiments may yield alternate patterns that we can use to approximate the actual interplay of regulatory proteins and genetic elements, namely, the regulatory network of a cell. In this work, we examine the detection of correlation patterns from bio-molecular data and we evaluate their applicability in terms of protein contact prediction, experimental artifact removal, the discovery of unexpected expression patterns and genome-scale inference of regulatory networks. Correlation patterns are not limited to expression data. Their analysis in the context of conserved interfaces among proteins is useful to estimate whether these may have co-evolved. Patterns that hint on correlated mutations would then occur in the associated protein sequences as well. We employ a conceptually simple sampling strategy to decide whether or not two pathway elements share a conserved interface and are thus likely to be in physical contact. We successfully apply our method to a system of ABC-transporters and two-component systems from the phylum of Firmicute bacteria. For spatially resolved gene expression data like microarrays, the detection of artifacts, as opposed to noise, corresponds to the extraction of localized patterns that resemble outliers in a given region. We develop a method to detect and remove such artifacts using a sliding-window approach. Our method is very accurate and it is shown to adapt to other platforms like custom arrays as well. Further, we developed Padesco as a way to reveal unexpected expression patterns. We extract frequent and recurring patterns that are conserved across many experiments. For a specific experiment, we predict whether a gene deviates from its expected behaviour. We show that Padesco is an effective approach for selecting promising candidates from differential expression experiments. In Chapter 5, we then focus on the inference of genome-scale regulatory networks from expression data. Here, correlation patterns have proven useful for the data-driven estimation of regulatory interactions. We show that, for reliable eukaryotic network inference, the integration of prior networks is essential. We reveal that this integration leads to an over-estimate of network-wide quality estimates and suggest a corrective procedure, CoRe, to counterbalance this effect. CoRe drastically improves the false discovery rate of the originally predicted networks. We further suggest a consensus approach in combination with an extended set of topological features to obtain a more accurate estimate of the eukaryotic regulatory network for yeast. In the course of this work we show how correlation patterns can be detected and how they can be applied for various problem settings in computational molecular biology. We develop and discuss competitive approaches for the prediction of protein contacts, artifact repair, differential expression analysis, and network inference and show their applicability in practical setups.Mit der Weiterentwicklung von Hochdurchsatztechniken steigt die Anzahl verfĂŒgbarer Daten im Bereich der Molekularbiologie rapide an. Es ist heute möglich, genomweite Aspekte eines ganzen biologischen Systems komplett zu erfassen. Korrelationen, die aufgrund der internen AbhĂ€ngigkeits-Strukturen dieser Systeme enstehen, fĂŒhren zu charakteristischen Mustern in gemessenen Daten. Die Extraktion dieser Muster ist zum integralen Bestandteil der Bioinformatik geworden. Durch geplante Eingriffe in das System ist es möglich Muster-Änderungen auszulösen, die helfen, die AbhĂ€ngigkeits-Strukturen des Systems abzuleiten. Speziell differentielle Expressions-Experimente können Muster-Wechsel bedingen, die wir verwenden können, um uns dem tatsĂ€chlichen Wechselspiel von regulatorischen Proteinen und genetischen Elementen anzunĂ€hern, also dem regulatorischen Netzwerk einer Zelle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit der Erkennung von Korrelations-Mustern in molekularbiologischen Daten und schĂ€tzen ihre praktische Nutzbarkeit ab, speziell im Kontext der Kontakt-Vorhersage von Proteinen, der Entfernung von experimentellen Artefakten, der Aufdeckung unerwarteter Expressions-Muster und der genomweiten Vorhersage regulatorischer Netzwerke. Korrelations-Muster sind nicht auf Expressions-Daten beschrĂ€nkt. Ihre Analyse im Kontext konservierter Schnittstellen zwischen Proteinen liefert nĂŒtzliche Hinweise auf deren Ko-Evolution. Muster die auf korrelierte Mutationen hinweisen, wĂŒrden in diesem Fall auch in den entsprechenden Proteinsequenzen auftauchen. Wir nutzen eine einfache Sampling-Strategie, um zu entscheiden, ob zwei Elemente eines Pathways eine gemeinsame Schnittstelle teilen, berechnen also die Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr deren physikalischen Kontakt. Wir wenden unsere Methode mit Erfolg auf ein System von ABC-Transportern und Zwei-Komponenten-Systemen aus dem Firmicutes Bakterien-Stamm an. FĂŒr rĂ€umlich aufgelöste Expressions-Daten wie Microarrays enspricht die Detektion von Artefakten der Extraktion lokal begrenzter Muster. Im Gegensatz zur Erkennung von Rauschen stellen diese innerhalb einer definierten Region Ausreißer dar. Wir entwickeln eine Methodik, um mit Hilfe eines Sliding-Window-Verfahrens, solche Artefakte zu erkennen und zu entfernen. Das Verfahren erkennt diese sehr zuverlĂ€ssig. Zudem kann es auf Daten diverser Plattformen, wie Custom-Arrays, eingesetzt werden. Als weitere Möglichkeit unerwartete Korrelations-Muster aufzudecken, entwickeln wir Padesco. Wir extrahieren hĂ€ufige und wiederkehrende Muster, die ĂŒber Experimente hinweg konserviert sind. FĂŒr ein bestimmtes Experiment sagen wir vorher, ob ein Gen von seinem erwarteten Verhalten abweicht. Wir zeigen, dass Padesco ein effektives Vorgehen ist, um vielversprechende Kandidaten eines differentiellen Expressions-Experiments auszuwĂ€hlen. Wir konzentrieren uns in Kapitel 5 auf die Vorhersage genomweiter regulatorischer Netzwerke aus Expressions-Daten. Hierbei haben sich Korrelations-Muster als nĂŒtzlich fĂŒr die datenbasierte AbschĂ€tzung regulatorischer Interaktionen erwiesen. Wir zeigen, dass fĂŒr die Inferenz eukaryotischer Systeme eine Integration zuvor bekannter Regulationen essentiell ist. Unsere Ergebnisse ergeben, dass diese Integration zur ÜberschĂ€tzung netzwerkĂŒbergreifender QualitĂ€tsmaße fĂŒhrt und wir schlagen eine Prozedur - CoRe - zur Verbesserung vor, um diesen Effekt auszugleichen. CoRe verbessert die False Discovery Rate der ursprĂŒnglich vorhergesagten Netzwerke drastisch. Weiterhin schlagen wir einen Konsensus-Ansatz in Kombination mit einem erweiterten Satz topologischer Features vor, um eine prĂ€zisere Vorhersage fĂŒr das eukaryotische Hefe-Netzwerk zu erhalten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, wie Korrelations-Muster erkannt und wie sie auf verschiedene Problemstellungen der Bioinformatik angewandt werden können. Wir entwickeln und diskutieren AnsĂ€tze zur Vorhersage von Proteinkontakten, Behebung von Artefakten, differentiellen Analyse von Expressionsdaten und zur Vorhersage von Netzwerken und zeigen ihre Eignung im praktischen Einsatz

    Human-competitive automatic topic indexing

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    Topic indexing is the task of identifying the main topics covered by a document. These are useful for many purposes: as subject headings in libraries, as keywords in academic publications and as tags on the web. Knowing a document's topics helps people judge its relevance quickly. However, assigning topics manually is labor intensive. This thesis shows how to generate them automatically in a way that competes with human performance. Three kinds of indexing are investigated: term assignment, a task commonly performed by librarians, who select topics from a controlled vocabulary; tagging, a popular activity of web users, who choose topics freely; and a new method of keyphrase extraction, where topics are equated to Wikipedia article names. A general two-stage algorithm is introduced that first selects candidate topics and then ranks them by significance based on their properties. These properties draw on statistical, semantic, domain-specific and encyclopedic knowledge. They are combined using a machine learning algorithm that models human indexing behavior from examples. This approach is evaluated by comparing automatically generated topics to those assigned by professional indexers, and by amateurs. We claim that the algorithm is human-competitive because it chooses topics that are as consistent with those assigned by humans as their topics are with each other. The approach is generalizable, requires little training data and applies across different domains and languages

    Video Abstracting at a Semantical Level

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    One the most common form of a video abstract is the movie trailer. Contemporary movie trailers share a common structure across genres which allows for an automatic generation and also reflects the corresponding moviea s composition. In this thesis a system for the automatic generation of trailers is presented. In addition to action trailers, the system is able to deal with further genres such as Horror and comedy trailers, which were first manually analyzed in order to identify their basic structures. To simplify the modeling of trailers and the abstract generation itself a new video abstracting application was developed. This application is capable of performing all steps of the abstract generation automatically and allows for previews and manual optimizations. Based on this system, new abstracting models for horror and comedy trailers were created and the corresponding trailers have been automatically generated using the new abstracting models. In an evaluation the automatic trailers were compared to the original Trailers and showed a similar structure. However, the automatically generated trailers still do not exhibit the full perfection of the Hollywood originals as they lack intentional storylines across shots
