225 research outputs found

    A Practical Blended Analysis for Dynamic Features in JavaScript

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    The JavaScript Blended Analysis Framework is designed to perform a general-purpose, practical combined static/dynamic analysis of JavaScript programs, while handling dynamic features such as run-time generated code and variadic func- tions. The idea of blended analysis is to focus static anal- ysis on a dynamic calling structure collected at runtime in a lightweight manner, and to rene the static analysis us- ing additional dynamic information. We perform blended points-to analysis of JavaScript with our framework and compare results with those computed by a pure static points- to analysis. Using JavaScript codes from actual webpages as benchmarks, we show that optimized blended analysis for JavaScript obtains good coverage (86.6% on average per website) of the pure static analysis solution and nds ad- ditional points-to pairs (7.0% on average per website) con- tributed by dynamically generated/loaded code

    Security analyses for detecting deserialisation vulnerabilities : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    An important task in software security is to identify potential vulnerabilities. Attackers exploit security vulnerabilities in systems to obtain confidential information, to breach system integrity, and to make systems unavailable to legitimate users. In recent years, particularly 2012, there has been a rise in reported Java vulnerabilities. One type of vulnerability involves (de)serialisation, a commonly used feature to store objects or data structures to an external format and restore them. In 2015, a deserialisation vulnerability was reported involving Apache Commons Collections, a popular Java library, which affected numerous Java applications. Another major deserialisation-related vulnerability that affected 55\% of Android devices was reported in 2015. Both of these vulnerabilities allowed arbitrary code execution on vulnerable systems by malicious users, a serious risk, and this came as a call for the Java community to issue patches to fix serialisation related vulnerabilities in both the Java Development Kit and libraries. Despite attention to coding guidelines and defensive strategies, deserialisation remains a risky feature and a potential weakness in object-oriented applications. In fact, deserialisation related vulnerabilities (both denial-of-service and remote code execution) continue to be reported for Java applications. Further, deserialisation is a case of parsing where external data is parsed from their external representation to a program's internal data structures and hence, potentially similar vulnerabilities can be present in parsers for file formats and serialisation languages. The problem is, given a software package, to detect either injection or denial-of-service vulnerabilities and propose strategies to prevent attacks that exploit them. The research reported in this thesis casts detecting deserialisation related vulnerabilities as a program analysis task. The goal is to automatically discover this class of vulnerabilities using program analysis techniques, and to experimentally evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods on real-world software. We use multiple techniques to detect reachability to sensitive methods and taint analysis to detect if untrusted user-input can result in security violations. Challenges in using program analysis for detecting deserialisation vulnerabilities include addressing soundness issues in analysing dynamic features in Java (e.g., native code). Another hurdle is that available techniques mostly target the analysis of applications rather than library code. In this thesis, we develop techniques to address soundness issues related to analysing Java code that uses serialisation, and we adapt dynamic techniques such as fuzzing to address precision issues in the results of our analysis. We also use the results from our analysis to study libraries in other languages, and check if they are vulnerable to deserialisation-type attacks. We then provide a discussion on mitigation measures for engineers to protect their software against such vulnerabilities. In our experiments, we show that we can find unreported vulnerabilities in Java code; and how these vulnerabilities are also present in widely-used serialisers for popular languages such as JavaScript, PHP and Rust. In our study, we discovered previously unknown denial-of-service security bugs in applications/libraries that parse external data formats such as YAML, PDF and SVG

    Automating Mobile Device File Format Analysis

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    Forensic tools assist examiners in extracting evidence from application files from mobile devices. If the file format for the file of interest is known, this process is straightforward, otherwise it requires the examiner to manually reverse engineer the data structures resident in the file. This research presents the Automated Data Structure Slayer (ADSS), which automates the process to reverse engineer unknown file for- mats of Android applications. After statically parsing and preparing an application, ADSS dynamically runs it, injecting hooks at selected methods to uncover the data structures used to store and process data before writing to media. The resultant association between application semantics and bytes in a file reveal the structure and file format. ADSS has been successfully evaluated against Uber and Discord, both popular Android applications, and reveals the format used by the respective proprietary application files stored on the filesystem

    Search-driven string constraint solving for vulnerability detection

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    Constraint solving is an essential technique for detecting vulnerabilities in programs, since it can reason about input sanitization and validation operations performed on user inputs. However, real-world programs typically contain complex string operations that challenge vulnerability detection. State-of-the-art string constraint solvers support only a limited set of string operations and fail when they encounter an unsupported one; this leads to limited effectiveness in finding vulnerabilities. In this paper we propose a search-driven constraint solving technique that complements the support for complex string operations provided by any existing string constraint solver. Our technique uses a hybrid constraint solving procedure based on the Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristic. The idea is to execute it as a fallback mechanism, only when a solver encounters a constraint containing an operation that it does not support. We have implemented the proposed search-driven constraint solving technique in the ACO-Solver tool, which we have evaluated in the context of injection and XSS vulnerability detection for Java Web applications. We have assessed the benefits and costs of combining the proposed technique with two state-of-the-art constraint solvers (Z3-str2 and CVC4). The experimental results, based on a benchmark with 104 constraints derived from nine realistic Web applications, show that our approach, when combined in a state-of-the-art solver, significantly improves the number of detected vulnerabilities (from 4.7% to 71.9% for Z3-str2, from 85.9% to 100.0% for CVC4), and solves several cases on which the solver fails when used stand-alone (46 more solved cases for Z3-str2, and 11 more for CVC4), while still keeping the execution time affordable in practice

    An Empirical Study on Android-related Vulnerabilities

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    Mobile devices are used more and more in everyday life. They are our cameras, wallets, and keys. Basically, they embed most of our private information in our pocket. For this and other reasons, mobile devices, and in particular the software that runs on them, are considered first-class citizens in the software-vulnerabilities landscape. Several studies investigated the software-vulnerabilities phenomenon in the context of mobile apps and, more in general, mobile devices. Most of these studies focused on vulnerabilities that could affect mobile apps, while just few investigated vulnerabilities affecting the underlying platform on which mobile apps run: the Operating System (OS). Also, these studies have been run on a very limited set of vulnerabilities. In this paper we present the largest study at date investigating Android-related vulnerabilities, with a specific focus on the ones affecting the Android OS. In particular, we (i) define a detailed taxonomy of the types of Android-related vulnerability; (ii) investigate the layers and subsystems from the Android OS affected by vulnerabilities; and (iii) study the survivability of vulnerabilities (i.e., the number of days between the vulnerability introduction and its fixing). Our findings could help OS and apps developers in focusing their verification & validation activities, and researchers in building vulnerability detection tools tailored for the mobile world

    07091 Abstracts Collection -- Mobility, Ubiquity and Security

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    From 25.02.2007 to 02.03.2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07091 ``Mobility, Ubiquity and Security\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available


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    Software vulnerabilities originating from insecure code are one of the leading causes of security problems people face today. Unfortunately, many software developers have not been adequately trained in writing secure programs that are resistant from attacks violating program confidentiality, integrity, and availability, a style of programming which I refer to as secure programming. Worse, even well-trained developers can still make programming errors, including security ones. This may be either because of their lack of understanding of secure programming practices, and/or their lapses of attention on security. Much work on software security has focused on detecting software vulnerabilities through automated analysis techniques. While they are effective, they are neither sufficient nor optimal. For instance, current tool support for secure programming, both from tool vendors as well as within the research community, focuses on catching security errors after the program is written. Static and dynamic analyzers work in a similar way as early compilers: developers must first run the tool, obtain and analyze results, diagnose programs, and finally fix the code if necessary. Thus, these tools tend to be used to find vulnerabilities at the end of the development lifecycle. However, their popularity does not guarantee utilization; other business priorities may take precedence. Moreover, using such tools often requires some security expertise and can be costly. What is worse, these approaches exclude programmers from the security loop, and therefore, do not discourage them from continuing to write insecure code. In this dissertation, I investigate an approach to increase developer awareness and promoting good practices of secure programming by interactively reminding program- mers of secure programming practices in situ, helping them to either close the secure programming knowledge gap or overcome attention/memory lapses. More specifi- cally, I designed two techniques to help programmers prevent common secure coding errors: interactive code refactoring and interactive code annotation. My thesis is that by providing reminder support in a programming environment, e.g. modern IDE, one can effectively reduce common security vulnerabilities in software systems. I have implemented interactive code refactoring as a proof-of-concept plugin for Eclipse (32) and Java (57). Extensive evaluation results show that this approach can detect and address common web application vulnerabilities and can serve as an effective aid for programmers in writing secure code. My approach can also effectively complement existing software security best practices and significantly increase developer productivity. I have also implemented interactive code annotation, and conducted user studies to investigate its effectiveness and impact on developers’ programming behaviors and awareness towards writing secure code
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