52,607 research outputs found

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Dose and Application Timing on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Irrigated Hybrid Rice under Semi-Arid Conditions

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    Nitrogen fertilizer is the major input in rice production and the optimum rate and application timing management assure profitability and sustainability of the production system. This study aims to investigate hybrid rice response to different nitrogen fertilizer levels and the timing of application and quantify hybrid rice nitrogen use efficiency. Field experiments were conducted during the dry and the wet seasons 2016 at the research station of Africa Rice at Ndiaye in Senegal. Six nitrogen rates (0, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 kg N/ha) and three hybrid rice varieties (AR031H, AR032H, AR033H) and one inbred variety (Sahel108) and two nitrogen fertilizer application timings (three split and four split) were combined within a split-split plot design. The results showed significant effect of nitrogen rate and timing on rice grain yield that varied from 4.10 to 11.58 tons/ha and most the yield components. Rice grain yield exhibited curvilinear relationship with the applied nitrogen rates during the dry season under both nitrogen application timings and a linear relationship during the wet season under three splits. Nitrogen rate of 150 kg/ha was revealed optimum with best performance achieved by the Hybrid rice AR033H. Hybrid rice genotypes achieved greater nitrogen use efficiency compared to the inbred rice Sahel108. Hence, hybrid rice genotypes, and nitrogen rate of 150 kg/ha applied in four splits could be recommended to improve rice production and food security for achieving self-sufficiency in rice as targeted by Senegal and the neighboring countries

    Multiple-factor adoption of GM Cotton in China: Influence of conventional technology development and rural change in Jiangsu Province

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    La grande diffusion du coton génétiquement modifié (CGM) en Chine, plus précisément du coton-Bt, est bien reconnue même si les craintes sur la durabilité de ce succès ont émergé récemment. Ce papier vise à indiquer que l'adoption du coton-Bt en Chine n'a pas dépendu seulement de ses avantages pour contrôler les ravageurs. Il évoque le cas spécifique de la Province du Jiangsu, dans la Vallée du Yangse, pour laquelle l'utilisation du CGM est peu rapportée dans les publications accessibles à la communauté internationale. Le papier synthétise les analyses récentes publiées en chinois par des auteurs relevant de la recherche ou du développement et il s'appuie sur les résultats d'une enquête réalisée en 2005 et sur ceux du réseau multi-local d'expérimentations variétales de la Vallée du Yangse. Il ressort que dans la Province du Jiangsu, la diffusion du CGM a beaucoup bénéficié d'une modernisation du secteur des semences qui a intégré le caractère Bt dans les variétés hybrides très adaptées à la technique de production par transplantation. En dépit d'une réduction plutôt limitée du coût de contrôle des ravageurs, les paysans ne devraient pas abandonner l'usage du coton-Bt car l'évolution de l'agriculture chinoise ne pousse plus les paysans à être aussi vigilants pour optimiser les coûts de production, à moins que les prix des semences continuent à croître de manière phénoménale. La poursuite d'une utilisation rentable du CGM requiert des initiatives pour mieux réguler le secteur des semences.coton-Bt; Chine, agriculture; industrie semencière; transplantation

    Sources of Productivity Growth in Wheat: A Review of Recent Performance and Medium- to Long-Term Prospects

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    Sources of yield growth in wheat are investigated based on a stylized framework of technical change. Evidence suggests that the relative contribution of input intensification to yield growth has diminished in recent years and is likely to continue to decline in the future. One potential source of yield growth in wheat during the medium to long term is improved efficiency of input use, rather than input intensification, through sustainable wheat production practices rather than pure input increases. Other large gains could be made with continuous adoption of newer and better modern varieties based on advances in wheat breeding. Wide crossing and biotechnology could improve the stability of wheat yields in the intermediate term; their long-term impact on yield under optimal conditions is less certain. World wheat demand is likely to grow more slowly over the next 30 years than it did in the past 30 years. At the same time, a wider variety of technological options will need to be tapped over the next three decades to achieve the necessary gains in wheat yields. Research costs per unit of increased wheat production are likely to be somewhat higher. Nonetheless, continued investment in wheat research is necessary to achieve production levels consistent with constant or slowly declining real world wheat prices.Crop Production/Industries,

    Technology integration and seed market organization: The case of GM Cotton diffusion in Jiangsu Province (China)

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    Plusieurs articles ont contribué à faire passer l'idée selon laquelle les avantages spécifiques du coton-Bt sont responsables du succès de la diffusion du coton génétiquement modifié en Chine. L'efficience du coton-Bt varie cependant entre les régions cotonnières du pays. Dans la Province du Jiangsu, le long de la Vallée du Fleuve Yangtze, il n'y a pas d'augementation de rendement, la réduction de l'utilisation des insecticides est faible et il n'y a pas de gain de rendement associé spécifiquement à l'utilisation du coton-Bt. L'utilisation du coton-Bt est néanmoins quasi générale. Une approche plus globale, en ne se focalisant pas seulement sur les effets spécifiques du coton-Bt, permet de comprendre ce paradoxe apparent. Dans la Province du Jiangsu, la diffusion du coton-Bt a bénéficié de son intégration dans les cultivars hybrides qui sont parfaitement adaptés à la technique de transplantation. Ce cas chinois indique que l'évaluation de l'utilisation du coton-Bt dans les autres pays devrait considérer le degré de compatibilité avec les techniques existantes de production.En Chine, la commercialisation du coton-Bt a induit la modernisation du marché des semences . Les paysans ont d'abord bénéficié de ce processus avant de pâtir des effets négatifs des stratégies de commercialisation des semences au prix élevé. Si le coton-Bt doit donner plus aux paysans qu'il ne leur retire, une certaine regulation du marché des semences est souhaitable.Agriculture, Biotechnologies, Industrie des semences, variétés, concurrence, marketing des semences

    Cereal Crop Productivity in Developing Countries: Past Trends and Future Prospects

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    This paper synthesizes the evidence on cereal crop productivity in developing countries over the past 30 years and looks at future prospects for productivity growth. For more than three decades we have witnessed the phenomenal growth of cereal crop productivity in the developing world. Termed the Green Revolution, the initial phase of this growth resulted from an increase in land productivity and occurred in areas of growing land scarcity and/or areas with high land values. Significant investments in research and infrastructure development, especially irrigation, were the strategic components of this increased productivity. In the post-Green Revolution period, particularly in Asia, productivity growth has been sustained through increased input use and, more recently, through more efficient use of inputs. Lately, however, indicators show a decrease in the growth rate of productivity of two of the three primary cereals, rice and wheat. The first two sections of this paper present trends on cereal crop productivity in developing countries over the last three decades. Supporting evidence includes yield and other partial factor productivity trends and a summary of studies on total factor productivity. The third section speculates on the prospects for future growth.Crop Production/Industries,

    Hybrid rice technology development: Ensuring China's food security

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    millions fed, food security, Hybrid rice,

    Estimating the costs of atmospheric carbon reductions in Mexico

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    Trading in carbon emissions is a means of ensuring that supplies with the lowest marginal costs of emissions reduction are commissioned first. To analyse the potential for Mexican suppliers to participate in an emissions trading market, the relative cost-effectiveness of a carbon sequestration project and carbon abatement project is assessed. The marginal costs of emission reductions for each project are estimated and compared using standardised data. The results show that the carbon sequestration project has lower marginal costs for carbon emissions reductions than the technology-based abatement. Factors such as timescale, discounting implementation costs, transaction costs, and technical assumptions are considered in this comparison. The high transaction costs to set up carbon sequestration projects and weak institutional capacity to monitor and enforce agreements are relevant factors. Even though the carbon sequestration project is more cost-effective than the renewable energy power plant, both projects may allow Mexican suppliers to enter a potential international carbon emissions trading market depending on demand and supply conditions and the rules of the market


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    Trade policy liberalisation requires institutional change, in the sense of a change in the rules of the game. The question is whether these changes produce "superior institutions" judged in terms of a reduction of transactions costs; improved coordination; stronger strategic commitment to investing in needed specific assets; and allocative efficiency. In conventional approaches to the analysis of liberalisation, changed institutional arrangements are studied, but they tend to be considered in the category of "practical details": important but not especially intellectually interesting. In contrast, this paper argues for a parallel approach to the study of the effects of liberalisation on the rural poor, in which institutional matters are central. A broad range of institutional issues is considered, informed by a theoretical framework provided by the various strands within institutional economics. The framework set out and discussed leads to the contention that smallholder agriculture in poor countries needs coordinated market economy (CME) type institutions if it is to develop, at least at the earlier stages. Ideally, these would be based on deliberative institutions, working horizontally inside a sector, and also vertically along the supply chain. It is argued that the way forward is likely to involve a rethinking of the role of the state (at sub-national, national and international - aid donor - levels) and of the roles of producer organisations and other stakeholder (including trader) associations. The aim must be to find a way in which the state and other powerful actors can initiate deliberative processes and take a lead in encouraging appropriate asset specific investments, while at the same time planning to fade into the background as initial success is achieved. These conclusions challenge conventional analysis of trade policy liberalisation in poor countries and also challenge institutional specialists to provide insights, ideally quantifiable, into the consequences of those liberalisation policies which drive changes in such features as "non-standard institutional arrangements"; non-market coordination; and the roles of government.Food Security and Poverty, International Relations/Trade,

    Hybrid Rice: Economic Assessment of a Promising Technology for Sustainable Food Grain Production in Bangladesh

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    Hybrid rice, one of the viable and proven technologies has been considered as a new frontier to increase rice production for meeting growing demand for staple food in Bangladesh. Using farm survey data this paper examines comparative profitability of hybrid and inbred rice cultivation and estimates a Stochastic Frontier Function to determine the effect of key variables on farm efficiency. Results show that hybrid rice gives substantially higher yield as well as net return compared to inbred rice which leads to increase and sustainable growth of food grain production. Analysis of Stochastic Frontier model shows hybrid rice farms are technically more efficient than inbred.Hybrid Rice, Technology, Economics, Food Self-sufficiency, Crop Production/Industries, International Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,
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