87 research outputs found

    Fractal image compression and the self-affinity assumption : a stochastic signal modelling perspective

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    Bibliography: p. 208-225.Fractal image compression is a comparatively new technique which has gained considerable attention in the popular technical press, and more recently in the research literature. The most significant advantages claimed are high reconstruction quality at low coding rates, rapid decoding, and "resolution independence" in the sense that an encoded image may be decoded at a higher resolution than the original. While many of the claims published in the popular technical press are clearly extravagant, it appears from the rapidly growing body of published research that fractal image compression is capable of performance comparable with that of other techniques enjoying the benefit of a considerably more robust theoretical foundation. . So called because of the similarities between the form of image representation and a mechanism widely used in generating deterministic fractal images, fractal compression represents an image by the parameters of a set of affine transforms on image blocks under which the image is approximately invariant. Although the conditions imposed on these transforms may be shown to be sufficient to guarantee that an approximation of the original image can be reconstructed, there is no obvious theoretical reason to expect this to represent an efficient representation for image coding purposes. The usual analogy with vector quantisation, in which each image is considered to be represented in terms of code vectors extracted from the image itself is instructive, but transforms the fundamental problem into one of understanding why this construction results in an efficient codebook. The signal property required for such a codebook to be effective, termed "self-affinity", is poorly understood. A stochastic signal model based examination of this property is the primary contribution of this dissertation. The most significant findings (subject to some important restrictions} are that "self-affinity" is not a natural consequence of common statistical assumptions but requires particular conditions which are inadequately characterised by second order statistics, and that "natural" images are only marginally "self-affine", to the extent that fractal image compression is effective, but not more so than comparable standard vector quantisation techniques

    Fractal methods in image analysis and coding

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    In this thesis we present an overview of image processing techniques which use fractal methods in some way. We show how these fields relate to each other, and examine various aspects of fractal methods in each area. The three principal fields of image processing and analysis th a t we examine are texture classification, image segmentation and image coding. In the area of texture classification, we examine fractal dimension estimators, comparing these methods to other methods in use, and to each other. We attempt to explain why differences arise between various estimators of the same quantity. We also examine texture generation methods which use fractal dimension to generate textures of varying complexity. We examine how fractal dimension can contribute to image segmentation methods. We also present an in-depth analysis of a novel segmentation scheme based on fractal coding. Finally, we present an overview of fractal and wavelet image coding, and the links between the two. We examine a possible scheme involving both fractal and wavelet methods

    Understanding and advancing PDE-based image compression

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    This thesis is dedicated to image compression with partial differential equations (PDEs). PDE-based codecs store only a small amount of image points and propagate their information into the unknown image areas during the decompression step. For certain classes of images, PDE-based compression can already outperform the current quasi-standard, JPEG2000. However, the reasons for this success are not yet fully understood, and PDE-based compression is still in a proof-of-concept stage. With a probabilistic justification for anisotropic diffusion, we contribute to a deeper insight into design principles for PDE-based codecs. Moreover, by analysing the interaction between efficient storage methods and image reconstruction with diffusion, we can rank PDEs according to their practical value in compression. Based on these observations, we advance PDE-based compression towards practical viability: First, we present a new hybrid codec that combines PDE- and patch-based interpolation to deal with highly textured images. Furthermore, a new video player demonstrates the real-time capacities of PDE-based image interpolation and a new region of interest coding algorithm represents important image areas with high accuracy. Finally, we propose a new framework for diffusion-based image colourisation that we use to build an efficient codec for colour images. Experiments on real world image databases show that our new method is qualitatively competitive to current state-of-the-art codecs.Diese Dissertation ist der Bildkompression mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDEs, partial differential equations) gewidmet. PDE-Codecs speichern nur einen geringen Anteil aller Bildpunkte und transportieren deren Information in fehlende Bildregionen. In einigen Fällen kann PDE-basierte Kompression den aktuellen Quasi-Standard, JPEG2000, bereits schlagen. Allerdings sind die Gründe für diesen Erfolg noch nicht vollständig erforscht, und PDE-basierte Kompression befindet sich derzeit noch im Anfangsstadium. Wir tragen durch eine probabilistische Rechtfertigung anisotroper Diffusion zu einem tieferen Verständnis PDE-basierten Codec-Designs bei. Eine Analyse der Interaktion zwischen effizienten Speicherverfahren und Bildrekonstruktion erlaubt es uns, PDEs nach ihrem Nutzen für die Kompression zu beurteilen. Anhand dieser Einsichten entwickeln wir PDE-basierte Kompression hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Nutzbarkeit weiter: Wir stellen einen Hybrid-Codec für hochtexturierte Bilder vor, der umgebungsbasierte Interpolation mit PDEs kombiniert. Ein neuer Video-Dekodierer demonstriert die Echtzeitfähigkeit PDE-basierter Interpolation und eine Region-of-Interest-Methode erlaubt es, wichtige Bildbereiche mit hoher Genauigkeit zu speichern. Schlussendlich stellen wir ein neues diffusionsbasiertes Kolorierungsverfahren vor, welches uns effiziente Kompression von Farbbildern ermöglicht. Experimente auf Realwelt-Bilddatenbanken zeigen die Konkurrenzfähigkeit dieses Verfahrens auf

    Video coding based on fractals and sparse representations

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Vídeos são sequências de imagens estáticas representando cenas em movimento. Transmitir e armazenar essas imagens sem nenhum tipo de pré-processamento necessitaria de enormes larguras de banda nos canais de comunicação e uma quantidade massiva de espaço de armazenamento. A fim de reduzir o número de bits necessários para tais dados, foram criados métodos de compressão com perda. Esses métodos geralmente consistem em um codificador e um decodificador, tal que o codificador gera uma sequência de bits que representa uma aproximação razoável do vídeo através de um formato pré-especificado e o decodificador lê essa sequência, convertendo-a novamente em uma série de imagens. A transmissão de vídeos sob restrições extremas de largura de banda tem aplicações importantes como videoconferências e circuitos fechados de televisão. Neste trabalho são abordados dois métodos destinados a essa aplicação, decomposição usando representações esparsas e compressão fractal. A ampla maioria dos codificadores tem como mecanismo principal o uso de transformações inversíveis capazes de representar imagens espacialmente suaves com poucos coeficientes não-nulos. Representações esparsas são uma generalização dessa ideia, em que a transformação tem como base um conjunto cujo número de elementos excede a dimensão do espaço vetorial onde ela opera. A projeção dos dados pode ser feita a partir de uma heurística rápida chamada Matching Pursuit. Uma abordagem combinando essa heurística com um algoritmo para gerar a base sobrecompleta por aprendizado de máquina é apresentada. Codificadores fractais representam uma aproximação da imagem como um sistema de funções iterativas. Para isso, criam e transmitem uma sequência de comandos, chamada colagem, capazes de obter uma representação da imagem na escala original dada a mesma imagem em uma escala reduzida. A colagem é criada de tal forma que, se aplicada a uma imagem inicial qualquer repetidas vezes, reduzindo sua escala antes de toda iteração, converge em uma aproximação da imagem codificada. Métodos simplificados e rápidos para a criação da colagem e uma generalização desses métodos para a compressão de vídeos são apresentados. Ao invés de construir a colagem tentando mapear qualquer bloco da escala reduzida na escala original, apenas um conjunto pequeno de blocos é considerado. O método de compressão proposto para vídeos agrupa um conjunto de quadros consecutivos do vídeo em um fractal volumétrico. A colagem mapeia blocos tridimensionais entre as escalas, considerando uma escala menor tanto no tempo quanto no espaço. Uma adaptação desse método para canais de comunicação cuja largura de banda é instável também é propostaAbstract: A video is a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion. A video is a sequence of extremely similar images separated by abrupt changes in their content. If these images were transmitted and stored without any kind of preprocessing, this would require a massive amount of storage space and communication channels with very high bandwidths. Lossy compression methods were created in order to reduce the number of bits used to represent this kind of data. These methods generally consist in an encoder and a decoder, where the encoder generates a sequence of bits that represents an acceptable approximation of the video using a certain predefined format and the decoder reads this sequence, converting it back into a series of images. Transmitting videos under extremely limited bandwidth has important applications in video conferences or closed-circuit television systems. Two different approaches are explored in this work, decomposition based on sparse representations and fractal coding. Most video coders are based on invertible transforms capable of representing spatially smooth images with few non-zero coeficients. Sparse representations are a generalization of this idea using a transform that has an overcomplete dictionary as a basis. Overcomplete dictionaries are sets with more elements in it than the dimension of the vector space in which the transform operates. The data can be projected into this basis using a fast heuristic called Matching Pursuits. A video encoder combining this fast heuristic with a machine learning algorithm capable of constructing the overcomplete dictionary is proposed. Fractal encoders represent an approximation of the image through an iterated function system. In order to do that, a sequence of instructions, called a collage, is created and transmitted. The collage can construct an approximation of the original image given a smaller scale version of it. It is created in such a way that, when applied to any initial image several times, contracting it before each iteration, it converges into an approximation of the encoded image. Simplier and faster methods for creating a collage and a generalization of these methods to video compression are presented. Instead of constructing a collage by matching any block from the smaller scale to the original one, a small subset of possible matches is considered. The proposed video encoding method creates groups of consecutive frames which are used to construct a volumetric fractal. The collage maps tridimensional blocks between the different scales, using a smaller scale in both space and time. An improved version of this algorithm designed for communication channels with variable bandwidth is presentedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Understanding and advancing PDE-based image compression

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    This thesis is dedicated to image compression with partial differential equations (PDEs). PDE-based codecs store only a small amount of image points and propagate their information into the unknown image areas during the decompression step. For certain classes of images, PDE-based compression can already outperform the current quasi-standard, JPEG2000. However, the reasons for this success are not yet fully understood, and PDE-based compression is still in a proof-of-concept stage. With a probabilistic justification for anisotropic diffusion, we contribute to a deeper insight into design principles for PDE-based codecs. Moreover, by analysing the interaction between efficient storage methods and image reconstruction with diffusion, we can rank PDEs according to their practical value in compression. Based on these observations, we advance PDE-based compression towards practical viability: First, we present a new hybrid codec that combines PDE- and patch-based interpolation to deal with highly textured images. Furthermore, a new video player demonstrates the real-time capacities of PDE-based image interpolation and a new region of interest coding algorithm represents important image areas with high accuracy. Finally, we propose a new framework for diffusion-based image colourisation that we use to build an efficient codec for colour images. Experiments on real world image databases show that our new method is qualitatively competitive to current state-of-the-art codecs.Diese Dissertation ist der Bildkompression mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDEs, partial differential equations) gewidmet. PDE-Codecs speichern nur einen geringen Anteil aller Bildpunkte und transportieren deren Information in fehlende Bildregionen. In einigen Fällen kann PDE-basierte Kompression den aktuellen Quasi-Standard, JPEG2000, bereits schlagen. Allerdings sind die Gründe für diesen Erfolg noch nicht vollständig erforscht, und PDE-basierte Kompression befindet sich derzeit noch im Anfangsstadium. Wir tragen durch eine probabilistische Rechtfertigung anisotroper Diffusion zu einem tieferen Verständnis PDE-basierten Codec-Designs bei. Eine Analyse der Interaktion zwischen effizienten Speicherverfahren und Bildrekonstruktion erlaubt es uns, PDEs nach ihrem Nutzen für die Kompression zu beurteilen. Anhand dieser Einsichten entwickeln wir PDE-basierte Kompression hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Nutzbarkeit weiter: Wir stellen einen Hybrid-Codec für hochtexturierte Bilder vor, der umgebungsbasierte Interpolation mit PDEs kombiniert. Ein neuer Video-Dekodierer demonstriert die Echtzeitfähigkeit PDE-basierter Interpolation und eine Region-of-Interest-Methode erlaubt es, wichtige Bildbereiche mit hoher Genauigkeit zu speichern. Schlussendlich stellen wir ein neues diffusionsbasiertes Kolorierungsverfahren vor, welches uns effiziente Kompression von Farbbildern ermöglicht. Experimente auf Realwelt-Bilddatenbanken zeigen die Konkurrenzfähigkeit dieses Verfahrens auf

    3D Medical Image Lossless Compressor Using Deep Learning Approaches

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    The ever-increasing importance of accelerated information processing, communica-tion, and storing are major requirements within the big-data era revolution. With the extensive rise in data availability, handy information acquisition, and growing data rate, a critical challenge emerges in efficient handling. Even with advanced technical hardware developments and multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) availability, this demand is still highly promoted to utilise these technologies effectively. Health-care systems are one of the domains yielding explosive data growth. Especially when considering their modern scanners abilities, which annually produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled medical images, with increasing requirements for massive storage capacity. The bottleneck in data transmission and storage would essentially be handled with an effective compression method. Since medical information is critical and imposes an influential role in diagnosis accuracy, it is strongly encouraged to guarantee exact reconstruction with no loss in quality, which is the main objective of any lossless compression algorithm. Given the revolutionary impact of Deep Learning (DL) methods in solving many tasks while achieving the state of the art results, includ-ing data compression, this opens tremendous opportunities for contributions. While considerable efforts have been made to address lossy performance using learning-based approaches, less attention was paid to address lossless compression. This PhD thesis investigates and proposes novel learning-based approaches for compressing 3D medical images losslessly.Firstly, we formulate the lossless compression task as a supervised sequential prediction problem, whereby a model learns a projection function to predict a target voxel given sequence of samples from its spatially surrounding voxels. Using such 3D local sampling information efficiently exploits spatial similarities and redundancies in a volumetric medical context by utilising such a prediction paradigm. The proposed NN-based data predictor is trained to minimise the differences with the original data values while the residual errors are encoded using arithmetic coding to allow lossless reconstruction.Following this, we explore the effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as a 3D predictor for learning the mapping function from the spatial medical domain (16 bit-depths). We analyse Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models’ generalisabil-ity and robustness in capturing the 3D spatial dependencies of a voxel’s neighbourhood while utilising samples taken from various scanning settings. We evaluate our proposed MedZip models in compressing unseen Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modalities losslessly, compared to other state-of-the-art lossless compression standards.This work investigates input configurations and sampling schemes for a many-to-one sequence prediction model, specifically for compressing 3D medical images (16 bit-depths) losslessly. The main objective is to determine the optimal practice for enabling the proposed LSTM model to achieve a high compression ratio and fast encoding-decoding performance. A solution for a non-deterministic environments problem was also proposed, allowing models to run in parallel form without much compression performance drop. Compared to well-known lossless codecs, experimental evaluations were carried out on datasets acquired by different hospitals, representing different body segments, and have distinct scanning modalities (i.e. CT and MRI).To conclude, we present a novel data-driven sampling scheme utilising weighted gradient scores for training LSTM prediction-based models. The objective is to determine whether some training samples are significantly more informative than others, specifically in medical domains where samples are available on a scale of billions. The effectiveness of models trained on the presented importance sampling scheme was evaluated compared to alternative strategies such as uniform, Gaussian, and sliced-based sampling

    Self-similarity and wavelet forms for the compression of still image and video data

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    This thesis is concerned with the methods used to reduce the data volume required to represent still images and video sequences. The number of disparate still image and video coding methods increases almost daily. Recently, two new strategies have emerged and have stimulated widespread research. These are the fractal method and the wavelet transform. In this thesis, it will be argued that the two methods share a common principle: that of self-similarity. The two will be related concretely via an image coding algorithm which combines the two, normally disparate, strategies. The wavelet transform is an orientation selective transform. It will be shown that the selectivity of the conventional transform is not sufficient to allow exploitation of self-similarity while keeping computational cost low. To address this, a new wavelet transform is presented which allows for greater orientation selectivity, while maintaining the orthogonality and data volume of the conventional wavelet transform. Many designs for vector quantizers have been published recently and another is added to the gamut by this work. The tree structured vector quantizer presented here is on-line and self structuring, requiring no distinct training phase. Combining these into a still image data compression system produces results which are among the best that have been published to date. An extension of the two dimensional wavelet transform to encompass the time dimension is straightforward and this work attempts to extrapolate some of its properties into three dimensions. The vector quantizer is then applied to three dimensional image data to produce a video coding system which, while not optimal, produces very encouraging results